Finding her Fire

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Lilith and Lorelei have sex while Moxxi watches.
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It's another bright evening in the town of Sanctuary, not that you could tell through the dirty glass windows of Moxxi's bar. The Crimson Raiders and the Atlas mercs are busy celebrating a successful raid on a bandit nest earlier that day. Drinks were being thrown; People are chucking knives at the dartboard! Brawling or arm-wrestling on the tables. Barflies pass out drunk against the walls or bankrupt themselves on the slot machines. Patrons keep slipping on spilled blood, vomit, and other fluids, while ClapTrap races around getting in the way, trying, and failing to clean-up as much as possible. Couples are busy getting off in not so private booths. Loud electronic music pounding competing with the scream's, laughter, moans, banter, and gossip. So, it was business as usual. And the only island of calm was the area surrounding Mad Moxxi herself, polishing the rims of glasses and taking orders.

As Moxxi performs the Sisyphean task of cleaning the bar, she hears the familiar roaring whoosh before the window rattling boom that signals the arrival of the Commander of the Crimson Raiders, Lilith the FireHawk. A few seconds later Lilith casually walks into the bar with the somewhat magical Siren Tattoos covering half her body glowing bright like molten steel. She is wearing her usual outfit of a cropped brown leather jacket over a tight green tank top that clung to her lithe figure and showed off her impressive cleavage stopping short just above her belly button. She had brown combat pants that were almost skin-tight around her firm rear. As well as kneepads and Maliwan guns in her holsters. Patrons' heads turn to stare as she walks in. Silence spreads as the aptly named FireHawk begins stalking towards the bar like the lone gunslinger she is.

They turn swiftly back when those golden eyes hit them like crosshairs. Lilith gets Moxxi's attention by putting in a tip in her jar slot. Moxxi greeting her with

"Hey there hot stuff"

"Sup," grunts a frowning Lilith slamming herself down on a stool at the far end of the bar. As she got comfy the bar returned to its usual din. Lilith orders something far stronger than her usual Moxxi notices. But she still delivers it with a smile.

Lilith quickly drains her glass before slamming it down on a coaster. Her smouldering tattoos cooling off

"Can you pour me another? - no wait leave the bottle please Moxxi"

"Something on your mind today sugar?" enquires Moxxi noticing Lilith's usual sense of fun was sadly missing. And she was drinking harder than usual. Asking You know you can talk to me anytime? softly adding "Day or night."

Lilith swallows the dregs of her second glass gulping and launches into it. "I kinda miss Maya" she dodges. Finding it easy to let her guard down with Moxxi even in the crowded bar.

"Oh?" Asking casually as she thinks fondly of Lilith's fellow Siren, a blue haired and leggy beauty who had recently travelled to planet Athenas alone to learn more about their kind.

"Yeah, she was a good friend"

"You two were close weren't you sugar?"

"Yeah," replies Lilith "We were close friends, Sirens bond easily." Indeed, after Rolands's murder she and Maya had comforted each other for their joint loss. Then they ended up talking about their shared experiences as Sirens. The complex upbringings that being such a powerful rarity in the universe resulted in. The stress and responsibility of the expectations it brought. Laughing together about the endless, endless head-hunters futilely attempting to claim their legendary bounties. Then they mentioned the loneliness of being two of only six Sirens in the entire Universe and then they fell into silence. It could have been more than the all too brief time she spent with Roland but then Maya flew off to Athenas leaving Lilith with sole command of the Crimson Raiders.

"Yeah, very close friends,'' she summarised. I just wish she hadn't gone off to Athenas so suddenly is all we could use her and... "

"You're doing more than fine by yourself but then you were always more than fine. Athenas sounds boring and stuffy all the fun is right here." she gestures.

Lilith took that heart to heart she wasn't going to mope around waiting for Maya anymore. She aims to get some action in tonight with her mystery date. My first and only true love so far is dead, killed by one of Moxxi's own exes. Moxxi invades her thoughts again but Lilith squashes those down means nothing; she has that effect on everyone Lilith has too much on her plate to question her own sexuality. Lilith is straight; Moxxi just had a habit of making people reconsider sexualities relationships and marriages. she's the one-woman Lilith can be intimidated by. She's so endlessly cool and confident she carries herself with the grace of royalty though she was far more fun than any princess. Lilith was still mulling over probably having no-strings attached sex with some stranger when the real Moxxi interrupts her thoughts consoling her with

"Maya will be back in her own time. Don't worry yourself about her, she's in no danger if she's as badass as you and besides, you always tell me that Sirens are always drawn back to Pandora?"

"Yeah, I guess I did thanks for that Moxxi." The sight of Moxxi always cheers her up and so does that breathy, heavily accented voice that makes the hairs on the back of her neck tingle.

Next Moxxi astutely asks "But there's something else isn't there, sugar? As always, she could read people as well as easily as a deck of cards. And Lilith was holding a bad hand.

Lilith responded Draining her glass and asking" You hear about today's raid?"

"No, why don't you tell me all about it? I'm all yours sugar."

"OK well, it's that damn Lorelei!" Lilith nods subtly towards where the dark-haired babe is reclining in a booth her boisterous mercs lounging around her. She's found her easy in today's happy hour crowd.

"That babe in the pink jacket?" Asks Moxxi casually, as if she didn't know.

"Yeah, that one. I mean look at her outfit." Lilith unintentionally agreeing she's a babe.

Oh, so she's been looking at her outfit too! Moxxi admires Lorelei who's looking hot in her bright pink leather jacket and black crop top that leaves a slice of her brown belly exposed and her cute navel on show. She has a great curvy figure and yet a tiny waist. Admires Moxxi.

"A bright pink leather jacket!" Lilith throws her hands up.

"I do like a woman in leather." admires Moxxi "You know, you do wear leather too sugar? Moxxi points out the hypocrisy running her fingers over the hem of her brown jacket.

"I don't need armour, I'm a Siren!, is she?"

"Once I get her clothes off, I'll let you know." Moxxi promises

"With that Blue dye and bright pink, she looks-"

"Fun." finishes Moxxi with certainty.

"Like a clown!" Snorts Lilith as firmly as she can. "She spoiled this latest bandit raid! She's running around trying to rack up more kills than me!" She points a thumb at herself. "I have my raiders so that hotshot rookie just has to have her own crew! When I phasewalk, she hops on her monocycle and runs riot round and round the whole camp! What a show off!"

"Oh, I've seen it all Lil before, what's your real problem with her?" she gently probes goading the honest answer.

Lilith cranes her neck to look at Lorelei in her far-off booth for the tenth time. Spying on her and Moze laughing together with Lorelei's crew.

"And there she goes flirting again" sighs Lilith

"Something wrong with that?" asked Moxxi, a subtle hint of menace in her voice.

No, it's just when you do it it's always skilfully done and clever for a businesswoman such as yourself whereas She's just always crude and always on," Lilith apologises profusely backtracking. Not exactly afraid of Moxxi, but she respects her. Legends said she had been quite the fighter herself before she opened up her bar and UnderDome, Lilith craves her approval. Feeling a pang of jealousy Lilith begins scanning the greasy menu for the strongest Drink Moxxi has. Before spinning back in her barstool to stare some more. Lorelei's men continued to drink and banter amongst themselves, clearly this was not a rare occurrence. Lilith clenches tight on the menu pretending to read it. A commander who could be so natural and indulge herself in front of her men like that and not lose their respect was maddening to her!

Muttering to herself "Doesn't she know anything?" While thinking I want what she's got and for a split second not sure if she means Moze or Lorelei.

Eventually Moze tells Lorelei "You're a riot but sadly I'm not your date to be honest I've got my eyes on Amara"

"So do I mate! But good on ya!" Laughs Lorelei

Swigging some Triple roasted Arcturian black with quad caramel from her thermos and washing away the taste of Moze. Lorelei isn't too bothered.

Plenty more fish in the sea. No rest for the wicked that's what they say here, and it wasn't like there's a shortage of women here. there's that stunning bartender for one. But I wonder who my bloody date really is? There's that Zer0 too though I'm not sure if he's even human? There's Amara, somewhere of course if I can beat Moze to her. Lilith looks bloody hot too but she's so sour and uptight. A right wanker for sure. I need a drink while I wait. Lorelei is looking for some fun and a laugh to forget her responsibilities for a night now she was safe in Sanctuary till she was back on the job tomorrow. Hoping to shack up with someone.

Back at the bar Lilith orders another drink and blurts out "She's unprofessional! With a cocky streak a mile wide but worst she doesn't respect me!" Dragging Lorelei back into the conversation Moxxi has other customers, but she always has time for Lilith.

Lilith recalls her old school bullies even though Lorelei wasn't actually one of them aside from the odd quip about her red hair.

She maddens her. With her cocky grin and effortless good looks and quick mouth, she reminded Lilith of people who had bullied her, for her red hair, blue tattoos and being a geek back when she was just a powerless skinny kid from Dionysus.

Under the hate there was something else too she refused to acknowledge that fuelled her burning aggression towards her. And her desire to one up her. Pushing my buttons without fear that's the worst part/ No respect just smirking and flashing those perfect white teeth! Lilith had spent her childhood being bullied for her red hair and having been born with blue tattoos over half her body. her powers properly developing only as she hit puberty. Ginge! Loner! Weirdo! Freak! insulting memories she'd suppressed resurfacing every time Lorelei was near! She didn't feel like such a hot shot in her presence she felt nervous and sweaty like a kid again. She had Flashbacks to playing with Bunkers and Badasses all by herself as a teen. Fuck! I was such a geek! And she still plays with Tina whenever she found the time. She hadn't really made any friends till Pandora,

Every snide jab about her hair brought back the painful memories she had planet hopped a lot in her youth and not really coming into and controlling her powers till she was an adult so she knew she would never find those childhood bullies again and show them what she made of herself and what her tattoos made her. Leaving her unfulfilled need for vengeance against those people, a need to prove herself. Lorelei cut her to the quick without even knowing about it. But even the gorgeous Moxxi couldn't get Lilith to spill all that. Without a half a dozen more drinks at least.

Lilith feels precarious as a commander without Roland at her side she prefers just being a combatant. A free vault hunter like before.

"Well Roland wouldn't have put up with this!" She fumbles.

"Mmm he was quite the guy so I reckon he would have." Moxxi murmurs disagreeing.

"Well then I won't." she declares clenching a fist.

"Speaking of the handsome captain, did you download one of those dating apps I showed you?"

"Yes, in fact I got a date tonight" Lilith shares with pride.

"Ohh sugar who with?" Moxxi leans in.

"Don't know yet, but we're meeting here, and they've booked your spare room. They sound like a real killer!" Lilith eagerly shows off the graphic messages to Moxxi somehow, she isn't fazed by sharing this private stuff with her close ally. Why does Moxxi always make me babble?


FireHawkfan1: Sup?

CoffeenCreamCommander: Hey you up for some fun tonight then?

FireHawkfan1: Sure, but tell me about you first?

CoffeenCreamCommander: I'm Tall dark and handsome. I'm a merc. So, I know all how to handle myself and dominate in and out of bed.

FireHawkfan1: How do you plan to dominate me?

CoffeenCreamCommander: I'd bend you over and screw your brains out till you call my name. then I'd gobble you up till you beg me to stop! You won't be able to bloody walk!

FireHawkfan1: LOL that's kinda hot but I have not done this before. I am always up for trying new things!

CoffeenCreamCommander: That's ok mate I can be gentle too. I used to be a barista, so I know all about servicing needy people. And oh yeah you will be trying new things! I wanna see you cum at least three times! You a virgin then?

FireHawkfan1: No but I recently lost my boyfriend.

CoffeenCreamCommander: Steady on mate! I don't need to know all that yet. But what do you look like then?

FireHawkfan1: Pale, lean, petite. Red hair. I think I'm submissive in bed even though I'm a merc too. How are you with tattoos?

CoffeenCreamCommander: Love em! I'm already up for all of it if you are!

FireHawkfan1: Sure, I lead a busy lifestyle so I'm ready for some action tomorrow and we'll see what's up then.

CoffeenCreamCommander: sounds great! Where shall we meet then mate?

FireHawkfan1: Moxxi's bar duh

CoffeenCreamCommander: I'll see you there mate, I'll rent a room for us! We'll need it!

FireHawkfan1: yeah sure. see you then.

"Well then, he's in for a real treat, isn't he sugar?! That is, if it is a he?" Moxxi whispers, raising her eyebrows and leaning in her breath brushing Lilith's lips.

"Of course, it's a He!" Lilith fumes rearing back.

"You should never be afraid of trying new things sugar." Moxxi reminds sternly with a hard look.

"Sorry I'm just a little on edge. She whispers it's my first date since Roland."

"Oh, I forgive you. Surprised you didn't get a little flooded sugar, you being the Firehawk and all?"

"I'm on the most efficient private one. All my profile says is I'm a female in my early twenties. Seeking an experienced partner and open to almost anything."

"Well why didn't you say?" Moxxi snickers. Lilith smirks. Moxxi is her rock no matter what crazy shit happens on Pandora Moxxi stays her flirtatious fun-loving self.

Just then Lorelei gets up to order drinks. Both watch her get up, turning briefly to get out of the booth and through the crowds.

Lilith's head rotates to watch Lorelei stride through the crowd oblivious, to Lilith's, eyes drawn as if by gravity to her ass. Before her gaze begins climbing to leer at the eye-catching highlights of turquoise in her hair and the thick stripe of purple war paint across her flirty golden-brown eyes. Moxxi stops eying up the generous cleavage that Lorelei's low cut black tank top allows for, an ample juicy rack bursting out her crop top. Moxxi then notices Lilith following Lorelei with her eyes. Who's totally transfixed, unable to look away. Oblivious to how hard she was staring almost boring a hole in the across the bar. Moxxi couldn't blame Lilith for looking her over, Lorelei's flawless creamy brown skin is beautiful. Pouty lips glossy pink with lipstick she constantly pulls into an easy smirk. Her long, blue-tinted spikes of hair combed to one side and shaved to a dark stubble on the other. and to top it all off her tight ripped white pants were barely containing her shapely ass. Hot damn! Admires Moxxi.

Strutting over to the bar Lorelei orders for all her men. Moxxi didn't even fluster her! Lorelei respectfully looks her straight in the eyes as she licks traces of coffee off her lips. Looking effortlessly cool, Lilith watches her implacable nature, finding she's almost as badass as she claims to be. Though Lorelei does inevitably end up eyeing Moxxi's irresistible cleavage like everybody does. Moxxi notices that too. Lorelei does some basic stretches while waiting for Moxxi to fill up all the glasses while turning to face Lilith, leaning backwards and forwards working the kinks out her back from riding in her cramped monocycle.

Lorelei dresses with style like Lilith does, but she wears it better. Lilith hopes she looks that cool too. Since when was I insecure about my looks? She asks herself suddenly uncertain. If there was one thing every asshole she encountered on the way to Pandora as well as her friends and her one lover had told her it's that Lilith is hot. Ugh Lorelei's got me all twisted up inside Its like I knew her before that must be it! Lorelei made her a loser again or at least feel like one. She even dresses like me! A cleavage baring top, and a nice crop top showing off that toned waist, she even wears a jacket open too like she's too cool for this place and could leave at any moment! Badass gloves too and-

"You staring at something mate?" Lorelei asks, noticing Lilith's wandering gaze half glare and half gawp.

blushing Lilith scowls at her and says nothing, ignoring her, she has nothing to say to her. There was nothing clever she could manage to say anyway.

The Promethean in pink shrugs it off and went sauntering back to her booth with a huge tray of drinks like It's nothing. An intrusive thought in Lilith's head declares She's strong!

"Anyway Lilith" Moxxi distracts, "maybe you should drink some more and get relaxed and freshen up for your date. Leave it to me dear I'll speak to Lorelei to see if I can't clear the air for you. I'd hate to see your night spoiled." Lilith smiles gently, Moxxi is her rock. A caring, capable friend.

"Yeah, one of these days I'm gonna show Lorelei!" I'm not the freaky little geek I once was anymore. I've grown up and more powerful and I lost all those stupid freckles I used to have.

"I bet you will. You'll owe me for this one though sugar."

"Uhh thanks Moxxi. "Lilith leaves with her spirits lifted. Striding back into Raiders HQ she goes to the bathroom to spruce up and check herself, anxious which is unlike her but then this is no mere firefight with those she has real experience. In the mirror she reapplies her lipstick. While adjusting her breasts in her tank top, Moxxi impressive cleavage pops into her mind. She shakes her head, clearing the intrusive thought away. Moxxi is a hard woman to forget.

She tries to ignore Moxxi's lingering aura although she still tugs her collar down further than normal. She checks that the hem shows off a modest slice of pale flesh and her cute navel.

She attempts to style her messy ginger spikes into a cooler look, so she doesn't appear to have walked off the battlefield, flights as s Siren did give her hair a constant windblown appearance. She assures her pants ride low on her hips at a jaunty angle.

What do men like? her and Roland had sort of fallen together, raised on the run Lilith has no idea how to attract another person really. She knows she's attractive and capable, but she has no relevant knowledge in this field. Who could my date be? Ugh I don't want some lame brain bandit or psycho. I hope they are as witty as Moxxi, and as sensual too. I deserve it.

Meanwhile Moxxi has a good eye for when sparks are brewing. which gives her an idea One way or the other I'll settle things. Hmmm I suppose I could set up a wild catfight if it's a bare-knuckle fight, then my moneys on Lorelei, unless Lilith doesn't hold back and goes full Siren. Gracefully Stepping over a sprawled-out body that could have easily been dead rather than unconscious looking as beautiful and colourful and fun as a carnival. Moxxi begins mincing over to Lorelei who immediately turns to eye her up anyway. Moxxi's very demeanour and dress sense say look but don't touch A cloud of sex appeal following in her wake along with her perfume.