Finding Incest Island

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Mom and I where stranded on an island. What could happen?
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Out in the Atlantic Ocean, some fifty miles off the coast of Florida, there stands an island. It is about three miles long and two miles wide. From the outside, if someone were to take a boat and drive around it -- it looks very formidable. Only the bravest of explorers would challenge the terrain which makes it great cover to hide the island's secrets.

However, if one flew a light plane over it, one would see something quite different. Inside the formidable mangroves that seem to be blocking the secrets to the island, stands a clearing that no-one could ever see from a boat. It is a vast expanse filled with grass, and if someone were to look close enough, they would notice that it is very well maintained.

On one side of the clearing stands a structure with three wings. Two of the wings go deep into the mangroves and the other one extends into the clearing for about thirty meters. Some other smaller structures are nestled against the mangroves as well.

Officially, the name of the island is, 'The Island of Oedipus.' However, most that know of its existence call it 'Incest Island'.

This is a story about how Linda and her son Bill found this island.



Bill's family were wealthy. This was perhaps the most important detail about them. His mother, Linda, was shrewd and cunning in business. She made a lot of money and invested it wisely, following the example of her own parents.

His father Hank, on the other hand, came into his money by a large inheritance when his own parents died.

The difference between Bill's mom and dad was simple: his mother invested and lived a conservative lifestyle, and his father liked to show off his money with fancy clothes and $60.000 watches.

Bill's dad owned a car collection that people drooled over, he loved the recognition he got when people looked on at him. Slowly, he squandered his fortune away to where he was starting to be more and more reliant on his wife.

A rift started to form between them, which slowly became a cancer that was destroying the entire family.

In what Bill could see was his father's last-ditch effort to save his marriage, his father rented a large sailing boat. He took Bill and his wife on a trip to explore the ocean and the many nearby islands.

Both Bill and his mom liked the idea of finding an island, they imagined themselves trapezing through the underbrush to find buried treasure, and if not, some souvenirs would suffice.

They sailed through mostly calm waters, with the occasional big splash. Hank had brought a cooler and fishing rods along with them, so he and his son could catch some fish on the way to the island. Linda watched as Bill pulled in a mighty catch with his strong toned arms, like father like son she thought. As their sailboat drew closer to the island, they got off it and into a dinghy for the final part of the journey. Once their dinghy reached shallow waters, they stared in awe at the land ahead of them.

They spent the first few hours walking around several tiny islands in search of sea-shells and anything else that might have washed ashore. Bill and his mom smiled at each other, both pleased to see how well everyone was getting along for a change. Hank seemed more patient than ever before with the family. It was almost as if some fresh air and a new environment was enough to drag them out of the rut they had been in for so long.

They pulled the dinghy along with them, to later use as a tool to explore more islands. They knew they wouldn't stay at this location very long, it wasn't good enough to set up camp.

At some point during the evening, Hank discovered some berries they could pick and snack on at the small island. He was aware that these berries contained sedative qualities, and when they got back into the sailboat for a small sail through the evening, all but Hank had all fallen asleep at sea.

The next morning time when they woke from their slumber, cold and confused. Hank quickly navigated the large sailboat using its inboard engine rather than the sails.

Linda felt refreshed after her deep sleep, as did Bill. Soon enough, they could see a large island ahead of them. It looked intimidating, and Hank wasn't quite sure if they should explore. That was until they saw a friendly area of beach not too far from them.

They anchored the sailboat and loaded the dinghy with a tint and more supplies than they would normally need.

The three of them dragged the boat to shore against the pressure of the water, and Hank started to set up camp. He told Bill and his wife that he was quite happy to spend the night here on the mysterious island.

Linda objected "what about snakes, lizards and other varmints?"

Hank remained undeterred, continuing setting up the camp.

A short time later, Linda started to feel more comfortable with spending the night on a strange uninhabited island, after Bill reassured her that she would be protected.

As soon as the camp was all set up, they had a lunch consisting of the fresh fish they had caught earlier, which they lightly roasted on the campfire. Hank asked Bill to go back to the ship with him, telling Bill that he had forgotten the sleeping bags.

Not only did Hank load sleeping bags, but he also loaded two extra suitcases containing clothes and essentials as if they would be spending the week there, not just the night.

Bill unloaded all the supplies and headed back to the ship, just in time to notice that the sail boat they had arrived in was not where it was before. It was out to sea. Way out, a good mile, maybe three. He watched in awe as the sailboat slowly went out of sight and disappeared into the distance.

Confused, Bill stood for a long time, but soon realized that the tide would come in at some point during the night. He tied the dinghy tightly to a tree. Then he brought the supplies up and stacked them in a small clearing that looked more like a trail. After all was properly stored away, Bill thought that he should wake his mother and explain their dilemma.

He could not wake his sleeping mother. She was too groggy and it didn't take much to know that she had been drugged. Bill's cynicism told him that his father had obviously drugged her and abandoned them both on the island to either die or to never be found.



Bill slept in the same tent as his mother the first night, his mom woke with a headache, dry mouth, and a dizziness that contrasted greatly to how she felt in the morning.

Bill tried to explain what happened, but she seemed unable to understand at first. Bill soon came to the conclusion that they had been set up, and that Hank was off somewhere siphoning away her fortune.

After a surprisingly short cry, Linda slowly came to her senses and began to explore the island with her son, looking for a way out.

One of their first discoveries was a large sign that had been folded down. As they found a way to open up the sign, it read The Island of Oedipus.

Linda laughed at the name, asking Bill if he knew who King Oedipus was.

Bill replied "no mom, I sure don't, I have never heard the name before."

"He is mostly known as the god who married his own mother." Linda informed him.

"Holy cow. I never knew stuff like that actually happened... did it?" He answered.

"Some of Greek mythology is a bit far-fetched, but some people really believe it is true. Who am I to say, I wasn't there?".

"Wow mom." Bill said, while laughing.

Underneath the façade of his laughter, he thought about how hot his mom really was to him and the fact that she had always been that way. Since his young teen years, he would often fantasize about her. Now, at 18 years old, he wondered why she ever settled for someone like his father. This Oedipus guy is one lucky son-of-a-bitch, he thought to himself -- though he kept all these thoughts very much to himself.

They continued to explore around the beach area, and Bill had found that what he initially dismissed as a clearing inside the mangroves was in fact a trail. It was shockingly well-maintained, Linda pointed out, and as they continued to walk along the thick foliage of flora, Bill started staring at his mother's tight ass. He couldn't help himself, the past few days of primitive living had awoken his primitive nature. Linda was 35 years old, she looked after herself by strength-training three days a week, and her ass was lifted and round like a bubble. This wasn't the first time he'd noticed it either, he often stared at it as she walked ahead of him. Linda was wearing shorts that showed off her round ass and awesome legs. She was also wearing a halter top that let the sun kiss a good portion of her collar bone and cleavage.

Bill probably wouldn't have been enjoying his mother's ass as much as he was, if not for Linda telling him about the Oedipus guy, but now it was consuming his every thought.

As they continued on the trail for about 100 meters, they found a clearing that had been sheltered from view by all the mangroves. It was somewhat captivating as the darkening thickets opened up to a meadow of long wispy grass.

But what surprised them the most was the sight of buildings. There was a very large one that from what they could see had three wings, with two of them shooting into the mangroves. The other wing stuck out about 20 meters and had a sign that read Office.

As Linda and Bill approached the building, they looked at the other small buildings about the clearing, each wondering who was living here and who owned the place. Linda could see that there were restrooms and showers for campers. There were also several permanent outdoor grills set about to suggest that this was some sort of a private resort.

It was good news for Linda and Bill, as it meant they could be on their way home soon.

Bill knew that his father wasn't expecting this when he abandoned them. He knew that his mom's money was still accessible and figured he could get to it if he had her declared dead by boating accident.

This didn't really make since to Bill. But his mom said that Hank had started to become desperate and begged her for funds to cover some of his debt.

Linda was very shrewd financially and had moved much of her assets around to where he would have no idea of how to get to them.

Surprisingly though, Linda was quite upbeat about being stranded here with her son Bill, even with all the obscurity of the island.

They walked over to the building that read office. As the two of them approached, two people came out, a young man not much older than Bill and an older woman just a little older than Linda.

Bill smiled with relief as he knew that whatever his father had planned for them had just blown up in his face, or behind his back for now at least.

The two people smiled at them as they watched Bill and Linda walking towards them. Both Linda and Bill where smiling ear to ear.

"I can't tell you how glad I am seeing someone here." Linda spoke. Then she introduced herself to the two people. "I am Linda Bolton and this is my son Bill."

The woman looked suspiciously guilty and stared into Bill's mother's eyes before she finally smiled and then said "you two are here early." While holding the young man's hand, she said "we are just starting to set up for the week ahead. My name is Kathy and this is my son Todd." As Kathy introduced herself, Bill noted some eye contact, a wink and then a suspicious smile.

He brushed off the feelings at first. But it wasn't long before Linda looked as confused as Bill felt.

Noting Bill's and his mom's appeared confusion, she asked. "You are here for the get together, aren't you?"

"Oh, no I don't think so." Linda answered with another wink.

"We were stranded here by my soon to be ex-husband."

The woman then gave her a knowing grin before she forced a look of shock and worry on her face. Then she looked at her son then back at Bill. "You, aren't here for the event?"

"Oh no. we need to find a way back to the mainland." Linda said.

"Oh, uh, you won't find a way off this island until after the week is over... you see, everyone is coming here for the week. It is the second week of June, which is when our festival happens every year. And everyone comes here to stay for the week. There is no one going to go home until after."

"Well, do you have a phone, or some way to call the authorities so that I can make some arrangements?" Linda asked.

Todd and his mother shook their heads in unison.

"We don't allow the authorities to come here. This is a private island and has its own sanction, we are our own authority. It is privately owned and in international waters. We don't even allow the coast guard here."

"How many people are going to be here?" Bill's mom asked.

"There will be several hundred couples." Kathy told Linda. "The island will be packed solid."

Linda and Bill looked at each other and then back to them. "This hotel doesn't look big enough for that many people. Where are they all going to stay for the week?" Linda asked with an exasperated expression.

"Some will stay on their boats, some in tents out on the courtyard... trust me the whole clearing will be filled with people's tents and activities, all week long."

"Are there any rooms left for the week?" Bill asked stupidly.

"Actually, there had been a cancellation just a few moments ago. I can put you and your mom up in a room. Providing you are willing to abide by the rules."

"No problem." Linda burst out.

Bill thought his mom would be willing to abide by any rules needed to sleep in a bed rather than a sleeping bag again.

It was only a few moments later that Bill and Linda were shown to their room. The woman had both of them sign a charter that said they would 'strictly' abide by and conform to all the guidelines of Oedipus island, or else risk being kicked out. She then gave them a rule book.

Bill was shocked at the price. $5,500.00 for the week, each. But his mom didn't mind paying at all.

They walked into the room and Bill sat at the table to begin to study the guidelines they were to adhere to.

Linda was the first to point out the first problem, "there is only one bed in this room." She said.

Bill looked up from the table and saw the same problem, "it is better than the tent, isn't it?" He tried to assured her.

She gave her son a dirty look. So, he started looking at the floor. There wasn't enough room to lay on the floor and sleep.

"Check the bathroom. See if the tub is big enough for me to sleep in, mom" he asked.

She did, but it was only a stand-up shower.

"Mom we will make do. Maybe we can sleep at different times. Kathy and Todd said there are activities all the time.

"Bill, we'll make do." She looked at Bill. "But I sure wish it was a bigger bed. This is only a double." Linda then smiled for the first time, and pointed to the copy of the rules.

"Let me see them." she requested.

Both Bill and his mother read the rules. Linda started blushing red, while at the same time, Bill would smile vividly. He especially smiled when he came to the rule that read "if asked to, by any of the other guests, the couple must kiss each other passionately to confirm that they belong here."

Bill thought how lucky he would be to French kiss his own mother. At the same time, Linda thought of his tongue going into her mouth. She partly believed the rulebook was a joke in bad taste, but deep down she knew she would have to accept them and just hope that they wouldn't be asked to confirm their belonging.

There were more and more rules about how they must stay together and be intimate. Some small print stated: "Though voyeuristic acts are not required, they must be tolerated and freely accepted. If this bothers you, then you are free to leave."

As Linda and Bill didn't have a boat, they knew that, that wasn't going to happen.

Most of the rules were marked with "NON DISCLOSURE" and it seemed the consequences were fierce and forbidding.

After they both read and understood the rules, they walked back to Kathy and her son Todd.

"We had been reading the rules." Linda informed them.

They had caught Kathy and her son kissing. After breaking their kiss and blushing a little both smiled then Kathy said "Great. Let's see if you are willing to adhere to them." She pulled Todd to her and kissed him again lustfully for a long moment. When they broke the kiss, she looked at Bill and Linda and uttered two words that made Linda's stomach turn: "your turn".

Linda's face blushed fast, the blood rushed to her cheeks and lips, while Bill gulped. He turned to his mother and was very much looking forward to what was about to happen, he stepped to her.

Bill surprised Linda more as he put his arms around her and brought her ear to his lips. Then in a soft tone said, "we have to adhere to the rules, don't we?".

Then he pressed his lips against hers and begin to kiss his mother the way he had only dreamed of kissing her. Linda responded to the kiss; Bill was sure that it was only because of the rules though. He wanted to see how much he could get before she broke it. So, he placed his tongue on her mouth, tasting her soft moist lips and felt his whole world shift when she opened her mouth and his own mother stuck her tongue into his mouth.

Bill's cock instantly wanted to rip out of his pants. His mother pulled him closer and their tongues danced in rhythm.

They both broke the kiss only when they heard both Kathy and Todd say "WHOA"

They both laughed a little as they broke the kiss and turned to the other couple.

"That was hot, you two." Kathy said. "I sure wish my son would kiss me like that."

"No problem, mom." Todd said as he pulled Kathy around for another kiss.

Bill was shocked and spun to look at his mom. "What..." he began but his mom put her fingers over his lips.

Then she bent and told him in his ear. "You didn't read the brochure they left in the room, did you Bill?"

"No, Mom I didn't." He confessed.

Linda went to the counter just a few feet away and pulled another brochure and then handed it to her son.

All the blood escaped Bill's face and he fell into a chair as he read the brochure. In large bold letters it read :

"Welcome one and all to INCEST ISLAND.

The brochure continued to say "Mothers with sons. Fathers with daughters, sisters with brothers -- or even nieces with uncles. We welcome you to where you may love each other in peace. Without judgment or ridicule.

Exhibitionism is encouraged, but sharing is NOT.

Here everyone is free to watch others living and enjoying the lifestyle you all have chosen. You can look all you want but NO TOUCHING.

I hope you all enjoy the week ahead."

Bill looked at his mom. Her smile said volumes, but in a language Bill just didn't understand at the time.

Chapter THREE

Setting up:

Both Bill and Linda were amazed how many people started showing up.

A barge was brought right in front of the beach area. Several workers were working to make it into a temporary dock, so they moved the dinghy to more easily offload all the food and supplies for the week ahead. Feeding nearly a thousand people three meals a day wasn't going to be easy.

They had hired crews to unload and carry everything to where it would be placed. Both Bill and Linda watched as large sailboats, house boats, cabin cruisers and even a few yachts rolled up. The small beach looked nothing as it did when they had arrived. The barge was made into a temporary dock to accommodate vessels as they made their deliveries.

There was a passenger boat that went from ship to ship to pick people up and bring them to shore to eliminate a cluster of smaller boats being tied to shore. Bill was offered a job to help pick up couples as he had the dinghy, he accepted as it gave him something to do. He thought this would take his mind off his mother. Yet, as he met so many of the other couples, hearing many of their stories of how they had become to find incestuous love -- Bill found himself thinking more and more about his mom. And also, the fact that she came with him on the dingy a little later.