Finding, the Truth at the End...

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There is a woman out there for every man.
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Finding, the Truth at the End of the Day



Chris & Amanda.

Editor: Many thanks to Tess for fixed my spelling, grammar, and verb tense mistakes, also offering advice.

History: My version of an ending to "The Truth At The End Of The Day", by leapyearguy published in 2006. I endeavoured to contact the author back in August 2020 and to date receive no reply. So have submitted this possible story ending. I strongly suggest the reader fully review leapyearguy original story, to understand this ending.

Summary to leapyearsguy story:

Rob is the sole heir to a business kingdom. Rich, handsome man about town in his twenties. Upon reaching thirty, his social life slows down. He meets Chris aged twenty-five at the local Deli. They appear to have little in common at first but enjoy each other's company, more like brother and sister. At the peak of their relationship, they take a weekend away to Lake Tahoe where they make love. Rob finds himself falling in love with her. However, she disappears when they return to the city. "They had agreed that their time together would mean no strings, she owed him nothing." So, he lets her go, but always wondered why? By sheer accident, he meets Anne and they soon married. Anne proved to be a good wife. She's tall, beautiful, always on his arm at company functions. She cooks, keeps house, and they are sexually compatible. He learned of Anne's betrayal by chance while viewing the house surveillance system. She had a meeting with Rob's, personal lawyer, Bill Larsen.

Bullards Detective agency quickly uncovered the plot. Anne had signed a prenuptial agreement. So, the only way for her to obtain any real money is to kill Rob. Getting a conviction for both of them on conspiracy to commit murder puts Larsen in jail. As for Anne, just before the trial, Rob takes her on an ocean cruise. While in Iceland Rob tells Anne, he knows of her and Larsen's plot. Rob removes all of Anne's identification papers and leaves her there. He warns; if she returns to the USA, she will be arrested. In Iceland, she would at least be free. Now aged forty, Rob's divorce from Anne is final. He asks Bullards to trace Chris's whereabouts. He figures she would now be about thirty-five years of age.

We pick up Leapyearguy's final paragraph of Rob's reunion with Chris. Rob walks two steps to the door, turning to look at Chris for the last time. "I read somewhere that there is a woman out there for every man. It may be true, but I feel like I had found and then lost that special woman. I will continue to search for a woman to spend my life with, but my heart tells me that I may search in vain."


Finding, the Truth at the End of the Day

As I close the door, Chris starts crying. I knew then she did love me, she just needed to admit it to herself. After all, my wife of seven years had conspired to murder me, how could Chris top that!

A small girl came skipping down the hallway. She stopped at the door and looked up at me with a curious smile on her face. I immediately saw a childlike version of her mother in her facial features. But her eye colouring looks surprisingly like mine. Without a word, she entered, closing the door.

I leaned against the thin door, deep in thought. I could still faintly hear Chris crying. The child said, "mummy, why are you crying? Who was that man? Did he make you cry?"

"Just an old friend," came her reply, "with some sad news. Come here and cuddle me."

I returned fifteen minutes later, with a bag of sandwiches, pastries, soda, and coffees from the local delicatessen.

Knocking on Chris's door, the child opens it, saying, "oh, it's you again, mummy is in the shower."

"Can I come in, I brought lunch." Holding up the large paper bag.

Opening the door wider, I took that as a yes.

"So, what's your name," I asked as we sat at the table.


"Well, hello, Amanda, I'm Rob."

I place the coffees on the table, remove the contents of the bag, spreading them around the table in groups of three. We began eating.

Amanda is telling me, she is in third class, making her about eight years of age. Sandra is the name of her best friend, and mummy won't let her have a puppy. Chris enters the room wrapped in a towel. She abruptly halts with a surprised look on her face, seeing us at the table eating.

I reply to her look, "I've been to the deli, again!"

Amanda said, "mummy, these sandwiches are yummy and Rob got one for you."

Slipping into her bedroom, she returned in a floral summer dress and sat at the table watching us eat.

"You just don't give up, do you!"

"No, not when I love someone as much as I love you."

Amanda nearly chokes on her sandwich and Chris has to slap her back. After a coughing fit, Amanda looks into her mother's face for a time...and blurts out, "wow mummies in love."

Chris's cheeks turn a light shade of red at her daughter's announcement. She tries to protest, but Amanda remains firm, saying, "mummy, I can see it in your eyes."

Chris bursts into tears, Amanda jumps up and hugs her. Looking at me as if to say, "you too!" I leaned over and wrapped my arms around both of them until Chris brings her crying under control.

We continue our meal, listening to Amanda chattering away, with news of her morning's adventure at her friend's apartment.

After our small meal, Amanda insists on showing me her bedroom. Posters on the wall of the latest rock stars, her favourite books, and music. I noticed a hairbrush beside her bed. Surreptitiously I pick up a few hair strands from the brush, wrapping them in my hanky.

At the front door, I pulled Chris into my arms, kissing her lips. After a second, I feel her response.

Leaning back, I say, "Chris, it's not going to end here. If you run, I will find you. I will return, that's a promise.

Dropping to one knee, I give Amanda a quick hug and peck on the cheek. Saying, "See you soon, sweetheart."

I return to the city and ask Bullards to obtain a DNA test on Amanda's hair. Hopefully to prove if she is or isn't Chris's and my child. Within a few days, the results return positive. I decided to start afresh, purchasing an established homestead on fifty acres of wooded forest in the hills outside the city. Here I plan my next move.


One month later, I return to the small West Coast town in northern California. I Climb the worn wooden stairs to Chris's apartment. She opens the door at my first knock.

"Hi, it's me again!"

A grimace spreads across Chris's face. Reluctantly she allows me to enter. Amanda has just arrived home from school and is sitting at the kitchen table, eating cookies with milk.

"Hi there Amanda," I wave. She comes running over, I crouch, and we and hug for a moment. Then holding my hand, she pulls me over to the table.

Chris also sits at the table.

"What do you want now?"; "Can't you just leave us alone?"; Chris cries in anguish.

Removing a document from my inside coat pocket, I pass it over to Chris.

Without looking, she knows what the document hides, confirming the truth.

"Well, what do you want to do about it?" asks Chris.

"How about we celibate Amanda getting a new daddy, over a big dinner, at a fancy restaurant, with all you can eat," I respond.

"No," cries Chris, "you can't tell her like that!"

"What?" expounds Amanda.

"I can and I will because you haven't, and it's time she knows."

Looking at Amanda, I hold her hands explaining.

"Amanda, I have just found out you are my daughter. Your mummy and I knew each other nine years ago we slept together. That night you were created in your mother's womb." "Do you understand?"

"So, you are my real Daddy?" murmurers Amanda.

"Yes, Amanda." We wait with bated breath, for Amanda's reply.

Jumping off her chair, she runs around the table and gives me a big hug with lots of kisses on my cheek. Saying, "I had a feeling the last time we met, I just felt it!"

Now hugging her smiling mother, she asks, "Why didn't you tell me, mummy?"

"It's complicated darling I promise to tell you when I know why myself, is that ok for the moment?"

"Yes, mummy."

The dinner celebration carries on late into the night. I dance with both Chris and Amanda. I tell them I have purchased a new home in the hills outside the city for all of us. And Amanda can now have that puppy she always wanted.

Arriving back at the small apartment after dinner, Chris folds out the sofa bed for Amanda to sleep. But she is so excited to begin her new adventure she cannot sleep. So, I tell her a bedtime story I remembered from my childhood days told, to me by my nanny. Chris stands, leaning against the bedroom doorway watches and listing to the story. Halfway through Amanda, is asleep.

Chris asks, "So how does it end?"

"The knight saves the princess, of course," I reply.

We retire to the bedroom with a double bed. I quickly remove my shirt, untie my belt, and drop my pants on the floor then remove my underwear. Proudly, standing before Chris with my erection strong and bold.

Chris unbuttons her dress, dropping it onto the floor, standing in front of me in bra and panties, unclipping her bra, her breasts still quite firm, fuller than I remember. She bends to slip off her lace panties, causing her breasts to hang down. Her nipples are erect. I'm tempted to fondle them. She stands straight with legs slightly apart to give me a clear view. My eyes grow wide; she can see the lust in them.

We embrace. The kissing starts soft and light, getting more urgent by the second. We fall onto the bed. Our lovemaking is fast hot and steamy, as we rediscover each other's body.

Chris lays awake, staring at the flaking ceiling. Rob's head is resting in the crook of my right shoulder. His arm lay across my lower abdomen. My arm around his neck, lightly caressing his face. His gentle breathing, blowing a stream of warm air across my left nipple, giving it a small tingle!

My mind wanders...any couple can have sex. There are probably a thousand couples in this city doing it right now. In their homes, hotel rooms, cars, even an alleyway. But to have sex with love makes all the difference. Rob showed me tonight he truly loves me. It was as if he could see into my soul, teasing out my goodness.

As I begin to drift off to sleep, I realise I genuinely love him. Was it because I was hiding my love for him from the guilty memory pretending to be some innocent girl. When in-fact, I was not, all in the hope of marrying for a rich and secure lifestyle. But then again maybe it had something to do with my sexual insecurity dating back to my childhood?

I remember back to when I was a child of Amanda age. Screams in the night from my mother they were screams of pain, not joy. I never really understood what was happening, some adult thing between mummy and daddy. But the sounds my mother made never sounded like grandma's moans of joy, which emanated from her bedroom when I had sleepovers. Then one day I came home from school, not long after my grandparent's death. To find the car packed. We left quickly travelling for days and days until reaching the ocean. There we moved into a new home just the two of us. Still tonight the memory of my mother's screams run a chill down my spine and I huddle closer to Rob. Now, this second time with Rob has shown me gentle love making. Showing, his tenderness and consideration for my wants and needs. How could I not love him with all of my heart!


Amanda peeks into the bedroom. All is quiet, so she runs and jumps onto the bed, waking the loving couple. They all cuddle and smooch, for a short time until Amanda demands breakfast at the Diner.

I sit on the bench seat, facing Chris and Amanda over the table, having just finished our meal, of soda, coffee, and pancakes. I cannot contain myself any longer. Slipping off the seat, dropping to one knee, I take hold of Chris's left hand.

Removing a diamond gold ring from my coat pocket, holding it up. Looking at Chris, I am about to speak...when I realise the hustle and bustle of the Diner had diminished. Looking around, all the customers are watching me, waiting for my question, and her reply.

Looking deeply into Chris's eyes, I ask, "will you marry--"

"YES" comes her reply before I can finish the sentence.

The Diner erupts into cheers, clapping, a few wolf whistles can be heard. I hear phone-camera clicks around us. The impromptu proposal will be over social media in a matter of minutes.

We share a family embrace and quickly leave the Diner.


After gathering the last of Chris and Amanda's, personal items, we pack them into large suitcases. I load them into the boot of the hire car. Then we head for the airport, where a private jet is waiting to take us to our new home.

An hour into the flight, the excitement is finally too much for Amanda. She has fallen asleep, looking so cute in the big seat. I turn to Chris; she is holding up her hand admiring the engagement ring.

I ask, "How about a little brother or sister for Amanda?"


Author: The original author (leapyearguy) left several hints that he may have been going to write a final chapter. The fact that Chris was now a widow and had a daughter. Also, he portrayed Rob with a strong character. I felt Rob would not have just walked away from Chris after their reunion. I expounded on those possibilities.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19693 months ago

not sure that's how I would tell the girl who her father is and there should have been more time between reuniting and them getting together... possibly more of a reason for her running in the first place. All of that said, I did like this addon to the story.

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 3 years ago
What a waste of time

I did track down the original story which was lousy and poorly written. I thought almost anything you could do would improve it, but I was wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right. 2*

Storyteller0112Storyteller0112over 3 years ago

I need to read leapyearguy's story, but this seemed to try to tie it all up, however brief it was. Thanks!

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