Finding Time 02


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"Aye, but that would make time travel possible as well. Nature won't let that happen I'm afraid," I replied. "Mark brought up an interesting thought, could we speed up the tracking? I was thinking of increasing the frequency drift and lengthening the steps to a second or so."

"It wouldn't gain you much, you'd still have to hold the picture for a few seconds to see what was happening unless it was an over view," she replied, turning to me.

"I know, I was hoping I was wrong."

"What was it for?" she asked before turning her attention back to her chips.

"Something else Mark said. Tracking the scientist that took my notes. It doesn't matter, just a thought," I answered. "Are your colleagues coming back?"

"I said I'd phone when I knew what was happening. Oh, and can they get one of the professors from Geology to take a look at some of this morning's video?" She asked, turning the power off and picking up the wire mesh scoop.

"Yes to the sharing, but I'd like to get back and get the cores tested first, then they can have it."

"Okay, I'll let them know," she answered as she served herself.

I sat back and watched as she ate, trying to make it look casual. She smiled as she caught my eye the second time. I gave her a sheepish smile and shrugged my shoulders.

"You're prettier than the walls and ceiling," I offered as an excuse.

"It's alright; I like to look at you, too." She replied after she swallowed.

"I'm still a little amazed that someone as pretty and intelligent as you are finds me special," I answered, raising my eyebrows as I looked in her eyes.

"You're special in dozens of ways," she replied with a chuckle.

"As long as I'm top of your list the others don't matter."

"Mm," she chuckled. "You're the only one on my list."

She stabbed up a forkful and carried on eating while I lay back, tipping the chair on its back legs. It took us only a few minutes to wash and tidy up before we took our coffee back to her room.

There was an overnight bag and a suitcase just inside the door.

"That reminds me. Do you have a launderette near you?"

"No, I use the one in the student's union," I replied, walking with her to the bed.

We sat together and lifted our drinks together as we each took a sip.

"We still need to look up the Red Cross contact," she reminded me.

"Mm, I know, that's next after I've checked the cores."

"I was thinking, what if we went through their PR department?"

"That's the second recommendation to use a PR route," I mused. "Mark wanted to bring our PR department into the loop. I told him it was a bit premature just yet."

"Well, I thought an approach through them would be the best way to find a sympathetic ear. They'll be easier to convince than some bureaucrat, especially if we can give them a live demonstration, pack it all up and take it to the London office."

"Just ring them up and make an appointment," I said, half joking.

"Who would you pick then?" she asked, taking another sip of her drink.

"One of their chief investigators or their head of department, they would understand an access all areas device like the tunnel. I think they would be an easy sell."

"And the hardest to get to see, it'll probably take you days to get an appointment. This way they will come to you. The PR guy will sell it to them for you."

"Sounds like it might work. Let's give it a try. Thanks."

"Just an idea," she replied.

"Hm," I acknowledged.

When we finished, she took the cups back while I lugged the case and bag down to the car. I had them loaded in the boot before she joined me and was standing with the lid up.

"Sal, do you think that robot arm will fit?" I asked as she came to join me.

"Oh, don't ask me-," she said peering in. "How big is it, how heavy?"

"A hundred pounds, and probably another fifty for the trolley. I think I'll have to split them."

"You're probably better off putting one in the back seat, distributing the weight a little," she remarked.

"Hm, we'll have to see."

I had the radio on as we drove over to my place. We had a quick kiss and cuddle when we dropped her luggage off before setting out, back to the lab. I carried the remaining box of cores up and set about swapping one over to start the testing process.

It took us an hour to check them all. She phoned over to invite her colleagues across as I was testing the last one. When they arrived, we left them to it and got a cup of coffee on the way to my office.

Sally Googled the number of the press office on her phone, writing it down as she sat behind my desk. She pushed the scrap of paper over as I sat down opposite her.

"Now all I have to do is decide how to word my spiel," I said leaning forward to pick it up.

"I've got no advice there, you'll probably have to play it by ear," she replied, resting her elbows on the desk.

"Pass me your phone then," I asked.

She passed it over and I dialled the number.

"Good afternoon, Red Cross press office. How may I help?"

"Good afternoon, my name is Professor Steven Lutner. I'm a member of the Physics Department at the Home Counties University," I started. "You won't have heard about it yet, but we've made a breakthrough that enables us to look through time and space."

"Yes," he replied cautiously.

"Well I'd like to offer you one of the prototypes. With it, you'd be able to look into any prison cell or jail in the world and record what you see. You'd be able to view all written records, listen to all that's being said; all from the comfort of your office."

"That sounds intriguing, but I'm not the person you should be speaking to," he replied.

I hurriedly continued. "No I realise that, but it would take too long to go through official channels. I want to get a working model out and into independent hands before it gets a secret classification slapped on it by the security services. I don't want the government getting control of it."

"So what do you want me to do?" he questioned.

"Well, I can set up a demo for you, and then perhaps you could refer me on to someone who I could deal with."

"I'm not being rude, but have you got anybody to vouch for you?" he asked.

"Oh yes, I've got the email addresses of most of the eminent physicists in the world, they'll confirm the breakthrough. I guarantee my Time Tunnel works. We've already started the patent process and we'll be going public as soon as we've built a mark two."

"This sounds surreal. You're telling me that you've got a device that see through walls-."

"Yes," I cut in. "It's like a worm-hole that you can focus anywhere, the person you're looking at won't know your there. It is the ultimate spy tool. If you let me give you a demo you'll see."

I smiled reassuringly at Sally as I waited for his reply.

"Look, here's my email address; gstaniforth at zyx dot org, send me the contact details and I'll get back to you,"

"Yes, I'll do that but I'd like you to presume you'll get positive answers back. Would you consider making a provisional appointment for some time tomorrow? Time might be running short so I'd like to move on soon as possible."

"Well I'll give you ten out of ten for persistence. I'll tell you what, you email me those contacts and I'll chase them up, if their genuine I'll see you in my office at ten tomorrow." he replied before hanging up.

"Well?" Sally asked as I lowered the phone.

"Tomorrow at ten," I replied with a grin. "I've got to email him my list of contacts first so he can check my bona fides."

"So let's get started," she exclaimed.

Excitedly I pulled out my laptop. Besides emailing him the contacts, I emailed them to tell them I was using them to verify my good standing. After a while, looking over my shoulder Sally had a wander around looking at the books and object d'art on the shelves.

"Okay, that's the last winging its way over the wires," I said, turning to her. "I've got a pile more to answer but they can wait till later."

"You might as well answer them now; we've got nothing else to do until Emily tells us the electronics are ready."

"If you don't mind the boredom."

"Well I can think of better things to do," she said grinning at me.

"Ah so could I, if we weren't tied down here," I replied standing.

She moved to me, her arms opening to hug me, tucking her head into my shoulder as my arms closed around her. My thoughts strayed to the anonymous viewers here to witness the decision point, were they, I wondered, clapping or booing right now.

"Mm," she sighed, brushing her silky soft hair across my jaw as she rubbed her head against me.

I could feel my cock thicken with the thrill of her pressed against me, her soft body moulding to mine. "I'd better get those emails answered," I whispered in her ear. "We can save this time to spend later."

"Mm," she complained as I opened my arms.

"Well, it was your idea," I reproached her as she reluctantly loosened her arms.

"I know, but you're hard to resist sometimes."

"Come on then," I said gently. "If you're quiet you can sit on my lap and cuddle while I run through them."

I tried to type one handed but Sally's closeness was too big of a distraction. Within a few minutes, I had both arms around her as she cuddled into me with a rumbling throaty sigh. I closed my eyes, my head tilting to rest my cheek on hers as I enjoyed the press of her body on mine

If I hadn't been in a shared office, my thickening cock would have probably led to sex. As it was, I suggested that we move to the reading room in the library. She agreed and we strolled over with her linking her arm through mine.

It was getting on toward four 'o' clock when Emily rang. She was on her way to the café and we agreed to meet her there. This time we held hands as we strolled across to the student union building.

Emily waved from where she was seated when we walked in and Sally went over to join her while I headed for the counter to get us a drink. Their excited chatter stopped and Emily treated me to a knowing smile as I put the cups on the table.

"That was quick," Emily said as I sat.

"Ah-," I responded, stalling for time to think.

"Shush, I don't want everyone to know," Sally interjected.

"Well, you're not going to keep your empty room a secret," Emily retorted in a more subdued voice.

"Oh I'll be around for lunch times often enough," Sally replied.

"Ah ha," Emily answered before turning back to me. "I've got your circuit boards here," she carried on, lifting her bag to her knees.

She pulled out a crackly anti-static bag and passed it over. "And here are the masks labelled A and B and the spare boards sans components," she carried on before I could thank her.

I took the proffered envelope and laid it on the table then peeked into the bag. "Thanks," I said warmly as I looked back up at her.

"I've got more yet," she said with a smile.

She dipped her hand into the bag again and brought out a memory stick. "Here are all the specs on it as well. You can get them manufactured from that; I suggest you make a backup of it on your hard drive as well."

"Yes I will," I replied as I took it.

"I took the liberty of putting Alan's program on there as well," she added as she put the bag down.

"I can't thank you enough for this," I said excitedly as I pocketed the stick. "Can you thank Alan as well when you see him?"

"Yes of course," she replied.

"As soon as I get it installed and calibrated you can both take another dip into history," I continued.

"Oh, can I bring friends this time?" she asked, leaning forward.

"Yes, of course. But not too many," I cautioned.

"S'alright, just two of my closest from the group," she replied gleefully.

"That sounds fine," I said nodding.

Sally leaned forward and picked up the envelope. "Em, do you mind if we run off and try this out?"

"No, of course not. Go ahead and have fun if you want," she answered, grinning as she glanced from Sally to me.

I took a gulp of my coffee before standing, excited by the prospect of trying out an integrated unit at last. Sally stood to join me. "Thanks Em, I'll talk to you later okay."

"Yes, I'll expect your call," Emily replied.

Sally dropped the envelope into her bag as we strolled off, and then took my hand. She turned and waved to Emily as we got the door and I raised my hand in a last thank you as well.

We walked briskly back to the lab, my anticipation growing into excitement as we drew near. The astronomy people were still working hard, tracking down the side of a crater to the obvious delight of the on-looking geologists.

Frustrating though it was I waited the twenty minutes till they finished their scan. While they were downloading their data onto a stick, I disconnected the signal generator and rerouted the wiring to the back of the computer.

Sally shut the computer down when they finished and I broke the rules by opening it up and slotting the card in. I sat nervously looking at the screen as she rebooted it and let out a little sigh as the desktop came up.

I watched over her shoulder as she loaded Alan's program in and brought up the help file. It took us ten minutes to figure it all out, then a couple of minutes each to master it.

"Right, let's give it a proper trial. Load up the Earth program," I asked as I vacated the chair for her.

"Okay, where are we going?" she asked, sliding into the seat.

"To do a bit of sleuthing," I answered. "See if we can track the scientist back to his lab."

It took a few minutes to tune in to the 'when' and pick him up, then we were off tracking him. I had expected him to head for London but he surprised me by heading around the M25 and taking the M40 and then the A40.

It was getting late by the time I followed him down into his underground lab. I did a series of hour jumps, spending a few minutes watching before leaping to the next, until he went home. I jumped up-'when' to this morning and saw that he had what looked like a working model.

Another hour jump and we came upon him demonstrating it to a uniformed colonel and a civilian. I couldn't tell exactly where they were focused on but it was an opulent office and some of the occupants were dressed in Arab robes speaking Arabic.

The scene was a reassuring one; they were busy with their own business and were still using an experimental setup. Unfortunately, it told me nothing about any surveillance of my activities.

"Shall we call it a night?" I asked looking over my shoulder at her. "I'm getting hungry and we've got to dismantle it yet and get it ready for tomorrow's demonstration."

"It's up to you," she replied, leaning in to rest her head against mine.

"Alright, do you want to pick up something to eat or order in?"

"Let's get something from that Chinese place," she proposed.

"Fine by me," I replied, turning back to the keyboard.

It was a struggle getting everything into the car, though the robot only weighed only as much as Sally it took the two of us to carry it. We stopped at the restaurant on the way, and then had the same struggle moving it up into my room.

We ate sitting on the floor with our backs to the bed, talking about the next morning's drive.

"I'm wondering what to show him, something historical or recent. We could show him some of the horrors of Nazi Germany or the Imperial Japanese," I mused. "Or somewhere like Sabra and Shatila or even Srebrenica?"

"Or you could offer him the choice," she said chuckling. "You're over thinking it; leave it till we get there."

"Yes, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

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Beatnic_jazzmanBeatnic_jazzmanalmost 10 years agoAuthor

I have to plead guilty to a formatting error with the italics, I'll correct later, after the whole six chapters are published.

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