Finding Time 03


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"I can, don't forget there'll be oversight of any plans the government make; a few Tunnels in the hands of real reporters and any dirty trick would go viral on the net in minutes. With the truths of the back room deals beyond dispute and the people baying for their blood they'll resign because they'll have no other option."

"I wish I had your confidence, I can see it working perhaps in Western democracies but how about places like North Korea? There's no internet there."

"Those will come in time; once the West is people powered the world will follow. With businesses tamed, we can stop polluting the earth and trade ethically. More important than that, is the elimination of wars and verifiable total disarmament. No more nuclear weapons or missiles."

"Utopia finally realised, now that is optimistic," she said with a chuckle.

"Hey, if we crack AI and get full automation, then it could really set us free, the big one would be fusion power. If we solve that as well, then we could create paradise," I replied, puffing up my chest in mock outrage.

She kept laughing, nearly spilling the wine.

"Seriously though," I added. "That brings up the next problem, manufacture and distribution. I've no doubt the University is already exploring licencing it, but I'd like to see if we can start a little factory, sell them to libraries as public access points."

"You could probably get funding for that, you could probably get advice at the enterprise/science park," she replied.

"Mm, I was wondering if the University would fund it, sort of a joint project."

"Mm," she replied as she leaned forward to take the bottle again.

She topped up the cups with the last of the wine then passed me the bottle, holding the cup carefully I leaned sideways to drop the bottle to the floor. She cuddled into me as I lay back, slipping under my arm as I draped it over her shoulder.

As we sipped at our drinks, my thoughts returned to the factory. It would've been nice if we'd had a couple of hundred demo models when we launched the news. Selling them off to the journalists would be a smart move.

I wondered again, what my invisible watchers were making of my efforts. There were probably other steps I'd missed as well, as I muddled through. The other thing that I wished they could tell me was what the security services were doing.

"Let's get that laptop and look for flats," she said, passing me her cup.

"Ah ha," I acknowledged as she scrambled over me.

She balanced the laptop on my thighs as she stopped at the side of the bed. "Let's get more comfortable," she said, as she reached around her back and unzipped her skirt. She picked it up and folded it over the headboard while giving me a grin.

She scrambled back over me, snuggling in close again as she took the drinks from me. I opened the laptop up. "We should try a search for accommodation agencies," she suggested as I booted it up.

"Ah ha," I acknowledged, as I took my wine back.

We spent around half an hour checking out the listings and selected two possibilities, emailing them and asking for a viewing. By the time we were finished, it was getting dark outside and I felt I'd done enough for the day.

"Shall I put some music on?" I asked, giving her a little squeeze.

"No," she replied, reaching and closing the lid. "Let's get ready for bed."

My ears pricked and my cock twitched at the mention of bed. I swung my feet over the edge and used my elbow to sit up. She rolled after me sitting where I had sat as I carried the laptop back to the desk.

She was stripping her top off when I turned back, her breasts wobbling as she tugged it over her head. I unbuttoned my shirt as I walked over, my cock thickening rapidly as she turned my libido to high.

She waited and reached out to my bulging zipper when I was close enough. Her fingers slipped under my shorts and she tugged them down, letting my rampant cock spring out.

She held my hip with one hand and my shaft with the other, looking up at me as I put my hands to her shoulders and trod my trousers from my feet. When I was free she pulled on my cock and leaned in to start licking and kissing my helmet.

I shuddered as the pleasure sent a tingle through me, my hands starting to stroke her back.

"Oh," I complained, looking down as she stopped and raised her head to look up at me.

"My tights," she explained, giving my shaft a squeeze before releasing it.

She lay back, drawing her knees up then stretching her feet up to rest them on my shoulders. I grasped her calves and she lifted her hips to slip her tights and panties down then relaxed back on the bed.

I bent, her calves sliding over my shoulders as my hands slipped down over smooth slick nylon to her thighs. She gave a little giggle as I started to roll the tights off, her legs tightening momentarily on my neck.

I looked up at her face as I straightened, my hands caressing her soft skin as I rolled them down to her knees. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine, her lips pouting as she blew me an air kiss.

As she bent her knees back, I tugged them down and over her feet. She grinned up at me as she looped her legs around my waist and pulled me in. My helmet grazed her thatch and was pinned between us. I leaned forward, my hands landing outside her arms as she stretched up and slipped them around me.

"Mm, this is the best time of day, alone in bed with you and the rest of the night ahead," she said, slipping her hands up to my shoulders.

I dipped further, rubbing noses before pressing my lips on hers. She responded passionately, her fingers digging into my shoulders as her tongue snaked in to wrestle with mine.

"Ah," she sighed, as she broke the kiss.

I pushed my hands under her sides and raised her up. Bringing a knee up onto the edge of the bed, I rolled us over to the centre to lie facing each other. With my free hand, I unsnapped her bra then pulled the strap down over her shoulder.

She slid her arm back, letting the strap slide down as she rolled to her back. I bent my head as I rolled to her, my lips finding hers as my hand traced up to cup her breast. She gave a little moan through her nose as our tongues met halfway.

The kiss was soft and sensual, our tongues lazily circling. Her nipple stiffened quickly as I rolled and tugged at it while her hands rubbed and stroked my back. She broke the kiss with a longer moan, her arms tightening to give me a squeeze.

I pulled my arm from beneath her and, looking at her face, brought my knees up to hover over her. I cupped both breasts as I bent in to steal another kiss, feeling both nipples hard under my fingers.

She brought her hands around to my head, her fingers ploughing through my hair as she pressed her lips against mine. The thrill of our intimacy, the pleasure I was giving her, all adding to boost my excitement.

I ended the kiss, sliding my lips off hers to lick and nibble my way down her neck. I trailed kisses to the rise of her breast then used my tongue to trace a route to her nipple. She let out a soft moan as I slid my tongue tip across it.

I swapped nipples a few times taking her to the state where she was breathing hard and starting to writhe a little under me before I made my next move. My hand snaked down to her navel as I teased her by pausing there a few seconds.

Her hips arched up as my fingers brushed through her pubes and my middle one dipped into her wet slit. "Oh-," she sighed as I started to stroke my fingertip through the silky folds of her valley.

Her fingers dug into my scalp, pressing my lips against her breast as I focused back on them, rolling the nipple of one in my teeth while my thumb and forefinger tweaked the other.

I was enjoying myself as much as she was. The touch and feel of her soft body under me, her soft moans and sighs, they all served to feed the flames of desire. At this moment in time, she was all I'd ever need or want.

I shifted my attention back to her cunt, my finger slipping down to tease the ridges and folds at the entrance to her tunnel. Her hips thrust against me and I pushed my finger down, bringing a gasp from her as it slid deep inside her.

As I started to finger fuck her, I stopped suckling at her nipple and began to lay a trail of sloppy kisses down over her ribs and flat tummy to the fringes of her pubes. Her hand snaked between my legs as I shuffled around on my knees, grasping my engorged shaft and giving it a squeeze.

She spread her legs wide as my tongue dragged over her bush and into her slit. I traced my tongue along the slight rise to find her hard springy nub. She shivered as the tip of my tongue brushed over it, a cry of delight escaping her lips.

I revelled in her taste and aroma, the texture of the soft folds surrounding the hard pearl and the scratchy hair under my chin. I remembered the finger inserted into her and began to stroke in search of her G spot.

I felt the first, slight, shiver run through her, her body tensing momentarily as she shrieked, "Ah." Her hips rolled up as she shuddered again, her free hand crossing to clasp my hip as the other throttled my shaft.

Her groan turned into a shriek as her body convulsed, her back arching up as I pushed myself aside. I could hear her rasping breath as I twisted around to lie beside her. She turned to me, her arm looping over my back as she murmured. "That was nice."

"Payback for your blowjob last night," I replied, grinning at her.

She chuckled. "I'll swap a blowjob for that any day. That was one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had."

I leaned in and sealed her lips with mine, letting her tongue slip in as she rolled her lips on mine. As we kissed, I snaked my arm between us to cup her breast with my thumb crowning her hard nipple.

Her arm slid down me, her hand skimming over my hip to seize my shaft.

"Condom," she gasped as she broke the kiss.

I rolled back slightly, my hand slipping under the pillow to search for one.

"Here," I said, flourishing it as I pulled it out.

She took it from me, using her teeth to rip it open as she sat up. I rolled onto my back as she leaned over to position it on my helmet. The thrill of her hands rolling it down sent a shiver through me and brought a giggle from her.

She held my shaft by the root as she swivelled around and cast a leg over me to kneel athwart me. She spent a few seconds rubbing my head over her clit before positioning it at the entrance and pushing down.

Her sigh matched my moan as her firm tunnel stretched to accommodate me. As I filled her, she leaned forward, her hands slipping up my chest to clasp my shoulders. As she dipped her head to kiss my chest, I automatically folded my arms around her.

She straightened, my hands slipping around to take her breasts as she slowly began to rock. My eyes closed as the pleasure surged though me, my hands tightening on her breasts momentarily, as I let out a soft moan.

My thumbs found her nipples as she sped up, her natural motion rolling them against the pads. She moved her hands to grasp my biceps and I peeked up to see her grinning face as she happily pounded her arse against me.

It took only a few minutes for her to climax again, her body jerking as her knees gripped tightly and her nails dug into my arms. I could feel the waves of pleasure as her spasms rippled through my buried shaft.

She was still trembling as she sagged onto my hands, her eyes opening blearily as she grinned at me. 'I love you,' she mouthed through her panting breath. I grinned back at her and she blew me a pouty kiss then started to rock her hips again.

Minutes later, it was my turn to moan and buck my hips as she brought me to my climax, my hot seed caught in the swelling bubble as I spurted time and again. She gave a short laugh as she lowered herself on top of me, her hands slipping down to encircle my neck as she lay her head on my chest.

I automatically folded my arms around her as the glow faded, hugging her tight as my love and need for her bloomed to take its place. The world around intruded when my now flaccid cock slipped out.

She groaned, her head turning to look up at me. "I wish that didn't happen," she sighed.

"Mm," I agreed as I tilted my head down to see more than the top of her head.

She pushed herself up onto her elbows, grinning at me as I craned my head.

"You're all that a girl could wish for," she said, pulling herself up level with me.

"And you're all the woman I could want," I replied.

"Mm," she sighed, leaning in to kiss me.

The kiss was sensual; she nipped at my lower lip and ran her tongue over it to start. I responded by licking at her nose and making her giggle before responding by lightly tracing kisses around my mouth then sealing my lips with hers.

My fingers drew lazy circles on her back as she lifted her hips and straightened her legs to lie fully on me. "Cuddle to my back," she whispered, as she broke the kiss and slipped down to my side.

As she twisted over, I reached down to pull the condom off. As I rolled away from her to drop it over the edge of the bed she rolled back to face me.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Clearing up so we can sleep," I replied, turning back to her.

"Mm, hurry up."

"Turn back then," I said, as I faced her.

She reached and brushed her fingers over my cheek before she turned to back me. I snuggled in, letting her intertwine her legs with mine as I slid a hand over to hold her breast.

It wasn't long before we both drifted off to sleep.

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