Finding Time 04


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'I would advise that this discovery be immediately be categorised Top Secret. All work on its practical applications should be brought under government control without delay. This device is a danger to society, enabling neighbour to spy on neighbour. It is imperative that it be brought under immediate control before the knowledge spreads too far to contain the imminent chaos it will bring.' Was as far as I got before he leaned over and pressed the intercom button.

"Get me C's secretary," he said with a faint sigh.

After a few moments, the phone on his desk rang and a button glowed red on the base. He lifted the handset and put it to his ear, saying nothing as a frown creased his brow.

"Thank you."

We waited some more.

"Smythe Brown C12," he replied. "Yes," he continued as he pressed the lighted button and turned it green.


"Yes, I need to speak to the Director about the new Operation Purple Haze report."


"No. We have a critical event situation, he needs to be brought up to speed immediately."


"Yes I'll hold."

I hit pause and turned to Sally. "We can skip this bit for the moment; I want to see what orders he gives to whom at the end."

I jumped five minutes forward then another five when I found him still on the phone. We found his secretary entering the room with him writing something on a sheet of paper.

"Anne, we've got a bit of a flap on our hands. This Purple Haze op is now our number one priority," he said, barely glancing up for a second from his writing. "I want you to get this typed up and over to GS17 pronto."

"Yes sir," she replied, waiting at the corner of his desk.

"Then get me Rebecca, Harold... and Christopher. Meeting in my office ASAP." He ordered, handing her the finished paper.

I froze it and moved the camera around to focus on the page.

'GS17. Re. Operation Purple Haze

Apprehend and detain a Professor Steven Lutner, Physics Department, ZZZ University. Or, 12A High St, Anytown.

Question him on the extent of the spread of knowledge of his discovery, how many copies have been made and distributed, and to whom. Forward all information back to Room C12.

By Order.

Director of Operations MI2.

At the bottom, readable by the initials alone, was his signature. W Smythe Brown.

I sat back. "So going home means getting arrested," I said, looking over at her.

"That's not going to happen," she stated.

"No, but I'm a marked man. I can't take my car off campus; I can't use my plastic without them knowing where and when."

"I've got some money," Sally cut in.

"When I don't go home they'll soon find out about you if they don't already know, they've probable got both our names flagged. We'd better both take two hundred out over at the Uni."

"My limit's a hundred, I've got a saver package," she said apologetically.

"That's okay; money's not our immediate worry. We're going to need a roof over our heads. I think I need to talk to Andy or Reg."

"They'll be long gone by now," she remarked.

"I've got the head of departments emergency number, if this isn't the time to use it I don't know when will be," I replied. "I've also got Carol's and she's probably got Andy's."

I reached into my inside pocket and pulled out my phone and battery. Along with it was my memory stick. I put the still disassembled phone on the bench and plugged the memory stick in to the computer.

"Let's take a copy to show them, a picture is worth a thousand words," I said, minimizing the tunnel program.

While I copied and pasted the file over, Sally put my phone together, handing it to me as I sat back in the chair.

"Write these numbers down," I asked, nodding at the pad as I switched the phone on.

"Yes," she replied, leaning over to retrieve it.

I thumbed through to the directory and read the numbers out to her. When she nodded affirmation, I turned it off again and removed the battery again. She put the pad down and leaned her head against my shoulder as her arm slipped around my neck.

"Well, we knew this might happen," she remarked.

"Yes, it's something we should have planned for," I answered.

The progress bar inched over as we waited, as it neared completion Sally asked. "What now?"

"We shut this down and pack it away then go up to the Staff lounge and make our phone call," I said reassuringly.

"I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," she replied.

"All is not lost yet. I'm not that important now things have started," I said as she straightened up from my shoulder. "My discovery is out there in the annuls of science now and I think I've convinced Andy of the need to take it public."

I leaned in and unplugged the memory stick. "I think he's more than capable of carrying on without me."

"You've still got a big say in what happens," she protested.

"Maybe. They're much better connected than I am," I replied as I brought the Tunnel program back up.

She was silent while I saved the coordinates and shut the computer down.

"Steve, if we asked Emily we could drag the mattress through and sleep on her floor."

"That's a good last resort, let's see what Andy and Reg think before we make any decisions," I answered, holding my hand out to her as we started for the door.

We walked up the stairs to the lounge and found it unexpectedly occupied. I gave Sally's hand a comforting squeeze. He looked up from his reading and nodded back as I acknowledged him.

I led her over to the corner where the computers and telephone were.

"Who shall we try first?" I asked, pulling a chair out for her to sit on.

"Your professor of course," she answered, pulling the notebook out of her bag as I sat down.

I turned to the phone and picked it up, my finger ready to dial. I tapped the numbers as she read them out, my heart beating a little faster when it rang.


"Hello, it's Steve Lutner here," I said hurriedly. "There's a warrant out for me. I've got a couple of agents sitting outside my flat with orders to detain me for questioning."

"Lutner, the time tunnel?"

"Yes, I've just used it to spy on them. Two agents came to reception while I was out, because they said it was urgent the receptionist phoned me, I put them off then set up the tunnel to track them. They went and parked outside my flat," I continued.

"I'm surprised but not shocked. Do you know why they want you?"

"Yes, they're going to try to shut it all down. They want to know who I've told and who has copies," I replied.

"Where are you now?"

"In the juniors lounge. They've got an APB out on my car and phone."

"Alright I'll get someone to collect you."

"Me and Sally. She's in this as deep as I am," I replied.

"That's okay. I'll have someone there shortly."

"Thanks," I replied as the line disconnected.

"That's odd," I said, letting my paranoia loose.

"What?" asked Sally.

"We'd finished but the line went dead," I explained.

The door opened. "Ready for that game of squash?" a voice enquired.

Sally gave a little giggle as I relaxed.

"You took your time," Came the reply.

I looked back at Sally. "I think we should wait in the study room opposite."

"You don't trust your professor?" she queried.

"Not him, it's the line going dead I don't trust. If someone was listening in, they could get here before whomever he sends. Just humour my paranoia a little longer," I replied.

"Alright," she said sounding amused.

I adjusted the laptop strap as I stood. "We've time enough to grab another coffee."

"No, I'm fine. You can if you want," she replied, standing as she put the notebook back into her bag.

The other two were gone as we exited and I unlocked the study room opposite. I left the lights out and leant back against the door once we were safely inside.

"Do you want to go over to the window? Keep a watch out for any cars pulling up," I asked as she moved closer to me.

"Oh, okay," she answered, turning to cross the barely illuminated room.

I kept watch down the corridor, settling in the shadow to the side of the tiny window. We waited nearly half an hour before Carol turned up. Sally spotted her pulling up outside and we went to meet her at the lift.

"There you are," she exclaimed as the lift doors opened.

"Hi," I greeted her back.

"So they really came after you," she stated.

"Yes and I've got it all on camera," I replied as we entered the lift.

Where are we going?" Sally asked.

"Andy's first then home with me to my spare bedroom," Carol replied. "YYY will be there as well."

With Sally sat in the cramped back seat of her car because of my height we set off to Andy's. As we drove off campus, I slipped my hand back between the seats, touching Sally's knee before she grabbed it and gave it a squeeze.

The drive was uneventful as I sat and pondered what the next best move might be. One thing on my mind was collecting the bits and pieces I'd ordered. YYY should be able sort all that out and get the parts printed.

The tunnels could be assembled anywhere, the only bulky item was the robot arm; we wouldn't get many of them in a car. Andy's house was out in the countryside, a farmhouse with a converted milking parlour at the end of a gravelled track.

He came out to greet us as we pulled up. "YYY won't be long," he said as I climbed out of the car.

"That's okay," I replied, helping Sally out. "I'm just glad to be somewhere safe."

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"No thanks," Sally replied, as she emerged.

"Not at the moment, but a cuppa would go down well," I added as I straightened up and turned to him.

"One pot of house tea coming up," he said with a smile.

The three of us followed him in as he led us through to the kitchen. It looked very modern with glass doors on the cupboards and black marble worktops paired with a stainless steel island in the centre.

While we sat around the island, Andy went over and put the kettle on.

"Do you want a hand?" Carol asked.

"No you're alright." Andy replied.

"Have you got a laptop or computer?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied, pausing a second to turn and look at me.

"I've got a video you might find interesting," I continued. "I'm not sure it helps us much but it gives us a few names and faces."

"Let's wait till Reginald comes for that," he replied.

"Fine," I answered as he turned back to busy himself with the tea things.

"Milk, sugar?" he asked a few moments later.

"Milk no sugar, thanks."

He brought the mug over to me, handing it to me as he stopped a pace away. "Let's go through to the lounge and I'll get my laptop," he said with an inviting wave of his arm.

"Make yourself at home," he said, indicating the angled four seated couches. "My laptop's in my study."

I put my tea on the coffee table and sat down with Carol and Sally on either side of me.

"Nice place," said Carol.

I looked around. With black leather couches and the earth brown carpet setting the mood it was too dark for me. The cream walls lightened it a little but the old oak beams in the ceiling with the recessed lights between them made it feel claustrophobic.

I was sitting up sipping my tea when he returned with the laptop. "What exactly have you got?" he asked.

"It's all a bit of a jumble," I started. "First off I've got the two agents who called; I traced them back to their office. Then I followed the paper trail back to Wilfred. He got the tip off from someone in the MOD which I didn't follow up on."

I paused to get the memory stick out of my pocket as he sat next to Carol and opened it up.

"Anyway, they had one of their tame scientists build one and write a report on it. When this Wilfred chap got it things took off, he ordered me picked up for questioning. That was when I stopped and phoned Professor King."

"So you don't know what else he's doing. Where did you get the impression they were trying to bottle the whole thing up?"

I took a second to think about it. "I'm not sure. See what you think when you watch it."

"It was the order he signed. They want answers to who knows, how far this knowledge has spread and how many working Tunnels he made," Sally put in, leaning around me.

"A few too many top flight physicists scattered around the world. They're more interested in the why than the what, but they can be counted on if the government tries to put a lid on this."

"We need to get that hundred on order built and out there. I would like to see some out for the public to use. Also we should create hundreds of copies of the plans and assembly instructions on discs and memory sticks, hand them out to the viewers," I came back as I leaned forward to take the laptop he was sliding down to me.

"I was thinking along the lines of handing them out to the reporters at the press conference. The government would find it hard to prise it from their hands," he said settling back on the couch.

"They might, I bet they're planning on building more of their own, makes tracking and sending in SWAT teams feasible," I replied, slotting the memory stick in and sliding the laptop back up to him.

"Yes, there is that," he replied laconically. "That makes the case for building more and getting that many out there that it's impossible to find them all."

"It would be a nice idea, but it would take weeks if not months for suppliers to gear up and companies to set up the manufacturing facilities," I countered.

"And that would be have to done in secret," Sally added.

"There won't be any more secrets," I reminded her. "There's no way to stop them looking, we've probably got dozens watching and listening right now."

"Dozens?" exclaimed Andy.

"Yep, I hope so," I confirmed. "With most of them focused on me."

"Hmm?" Carol queried.

"If the government wins, this period of time will be forbidden history and no-one will be watching," I added.

"Ah," she nodded.

"We're all going to be famous in history," Sally proclaimed. "They won't need to make a film about us; they can edit the real time footage."

"But only if we win," Carol said rhetorically.

A crunching sound grew louder then lights flashed across the curtains. "Ah that must be Reg arriving," Andy proclaimed, rising and striding over to the door.

I drank down the last of the tea and stood to greet him. We waited a short while until the car stopped and we heard him chatting to Andy as they strolled in.

"Steve," he greeted me from the door. "Andy tells me you're painting a gloomy picture."

"No, just reminding him of the new reality. We must assume nothing we do is secret for very long. They have a crude one running now and it won't be long till they've built enough to track anyone they want," I replied as he walked over.

"So whatever we do, whatever we decide here they'll know about it?" he asked as he sat down on the other couch.

I sat back between Carol and Sally while Andy collected the laptop before he sat next to Reg.

"Basically yes. They may not get around to it for a couple of days but eventually yes. It's taken me this long to fully grasp it, anything we can do they can do."

"So what do we do?" asked Carol.

"I'm open to suggestions," I replied.

I sat back while Reg mulled it over.

"Difficult," he said finally. "We have to find a way to hide things in plain sight."

"Yes," I agreed. "Or lay that many false trails they spend time on nonsense. If you were to ask ten friends to ask ten friends -."

He chuckled. "So even if one of us had an idea it wouldn't be wise to speak it out."

"Misdirection," I answered.

He chuckled again. "How long till you get the hundred assembled?"

"Where am I building them? Someone needs to start printing the plastic parts unless you want to ship the printer out as well." I asked.

"I'll get all that sorted out," he assured me. "I can get you some help as well."

"Fine by me, I was going to ask about that," I replied.

"I'd also like a list of your suppliers," he carried on. "How common are the parts you used?"

"Most everything is off the shelf, the only specialist part is the magnets. They're used in high-end medical equipment, I got them from a Chinese supplier but there are others out there. If Andy will switch off his internet for a moment I'll look it all up on the laptop."

Andy looked at me bewildered for a second. "Oh yes. The router is in the office," he said rising.

As he left, I lifted my bag onto the table and got the laptop out. I waited until Andy came back before booting it up and clicking through to the documents folder. I pulled up my last order and read the specifications out for Reg to copy down.

"Right, I think that's about it," Reg said as he recapped his pen.

"Anyone like a drink?" Andy asked as he stood.

"Not for me, I've already had one and I'm driving," Reg said.

"I'm driving as well," Carol added.

"Thanks no," I replied, powering down the laptop.

"No," Sally answered.

"Oh well," Andy said with a smile and a little shake of his head. "I need one. A stiff whisky."

"Are you ready?" Carol asked as she turned to me.

"Yes," I answered, turning to check with Sally.

"Ah ha," she affirmed with a little nod.

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hakdrakkenhakdrakkenalmost 10 years ago

I'm quite enjoying the story but there's a little bit too much of the "he said, she said." I don't need to know every time someone respond in the affirmative with a grunt or an "ah" or an "uh huh".

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