Fins Ch. 01

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Love in the water.
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"Hello beautiful, what are you reading?" He I opened, trying to engage her.

"Oh, hello Carl. I'm just reading mindless fiction. A story about a crime."

"Is it good? Is it worth reading?" He was lost in her eyes, how green they were like a garden at the bottom of the ocean.

"It is an all right read but nothing to waste your time with. You probably would not enjoy it. What do you doing, anyway?"

"I was just running errands and saw you sitting here, all alone. So I thoug a down ht I would come in and make small talk."

"I am glad you did. Small talk." She smiled her timeless smile.

He thought for a moment about that smile and how it inspired him. Carl was a writer and when she smiled he thought about words that could describe how he felt.

"So, what are you doing after coffee?" He asked.

"I thought about going to the office and work for a while." She was a reception this at a medical supply company nearby.

"Oh boy, you mean you couldn't find anything more enjoyable to do on Saturday than to go to work for another day this week? That seems hard to accept."

"Maybe, but true." She laughed and it made him smile.

"Well I tell you what, since today is Valentine's Day, why don't you go out to dinner with me at the beach?" Carl I asked her, not knowing how she would react.

"Carl, you know I am separated and heading for a divorce. "I need to watch what I'm doing and who I do it with."

"I understand but I also know that you like me, probably not as much as I like you. But, still. I will make sure none thing untoward happens. You don't have to watch, I will." I smiled to make it easier for her to say yes.

"I really don't know." She began to gather up her things and moved toward the

like say And to his surprise, she did. The news combination me. Thank you. But still may be good to the you will love why the truth. So when I Menem writing. So voices very and why you say is for mouse right mouse right mouse right so a mouse right

Carl wasn't ready for her to say yes. So he sat there thinking of where they would go, what he would wear, what he would say, and what he would do. Carl was nervous. He had been thinking of this moment for the last couple of months. It is funny, though, how the brain works. How love affects the brain. How it grabs ahold and will not let go. Carl had thought of this moment for months and now it was here. He had worked it over in his head countless times but now that it was here, could not think of what to do.

"Tonight it is. Goodbye Carl." With that, she turned and left.

Carl needed to go home and think about tonight before it happened. He left the Starbucks to drive h legs say ome, thinking about Terry and all that came with her. She had little boy. He knew that and he was okay with that. They both like the same kind of pizza. They both were very uninhibited. He knew that from there emails together. She was happy with her life and what she had accomplished thus far. Not many people could say that and mean it. That is one of the things he liked so much about her. She was true to herself. The Crab Shack. An idea popped into his brain and interrupted his thought. That's where he would take her for dinner. Decision made. Next.

He had already decided he would where his black dress pants with a white shirt and a microfiber, light brown coat with no tie. Stacy Adams shoes. He would be casually comfortable while still looking nice. So that decision was made, too. Next.

With those decisions made, Carl leaned back in his chair sipping a beer. The rest of the night would be mitigated by how dinner went. He imagined it would go very well. He had no idea.

Just before he left to pick up Terry for dinner, Carl checked himself in the mirror and to make sure everything was as it should be. It was. "You're a damn charming fellow, Carl." He laughed aloud to himself as he left out the door with a swagger.

He followed the directions from Google to the address Terry had sent him in his email. As he pulled into the driveway her front door opened and she stood there radiant, waiting for him to come in. She was wearing a white, summer dress with heels. She looked breathtaking. He thought for a moment of his hand stroking her legs. How smooth they were, he saw and he wondered briefly if she wore underwear. "Mmmph." He would find out soon enough, he hoped.

"It is indeed, ma'am. Maybe you will need to go for one."

"Only if you join me, sir."

"Yes ma'am, I certainly will." They both laughed at their characters they played to each other -- him, the very polite and debonair carriage driver and her, the affluent widow.

He opened the door to the car for her.

"Why thank you, Sir." She said to him as she sat in the seat.

"Ma'am." He nodded his head.

He then walked around to his side of the car and a moving van and s he sat down in the driver's seat, he turned to her and said "Off to dinner!" He said it really excited with an exaggerated flourish, for effect. With an end to the role playing, for now, they headed off to the restaurant.

It was a nice drive, with the top down, riding across the Folly Bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway. It was a beautiful night, the stars out and the moon and no clouds. It was a perfect night for a swim.

At the restaurant, a few minutes later, they were seated by the window.

They were seated by the window and Carl noticed she was staring at the ocean.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked her.

"Oh yeah excuse me, I was just thinking of the life under the water and how interrupted it is. Thing about man, mostly Americans, white businessmen, thing is that they think that they can build where they are standing. That doesn't always bode well for the natural inhabitants."

"Whoa, that's heavy. Can we have our drinks, first?" He was interested in everything she had this say, he was only ready for a drink. When the waitress came, Carl waved to Terry to order first.

"I'll I have a white wine, thank you."

"Yes ma'am," the waitress said "and you, sir?"

"How about an Irish whiskey over ice?"

"Very good, sir." With that, the waitress walked away.

"So tell me again, Terry, how self-righteous Americans are." The waitress brought back their drinks. He asked as he took a drink.

"It's not that, so much as we leave footprints wherever we go, even if it stains the Habitat where we are."

"I can't argue that." Carl responded but Terry seemed very disturbed.

"I mean, what are they thinking?" Terry seemed forlorn.

"Well, I don't think they are." Carl laughed it off.

But Terry was not laughing. Carl quickly dropped the smile.

Carl continued "this world will consume us or we will consume it."

"Whatever happens, first? Is that right?"

"Something like that. All I know is that it won't happen in this life time." Carl sort of snickered.

Terry looked at Carl and said "Are you really that apathetic?"

"Well, I only do what I can do." He seemed very pragmatic."

"That may not be enough. That's all I'm saying." And that was that. Their waitress came to take their orders. They gave her their orders and she left.

"Well baby, what you think we can do?" Carl asked she genuinely interested in her response.

"I don't think there is anything we can do. But I don't think we will consume the land. I believe," she paused, thinking "that instead way say the land will be consumed by the water, like the 40 day flood in the Bible. All cities, the majority of people, all countries will be gone and those in power would be those who controlled the water and all that live there."

Carl was shocked. "Terry, I can honestly say, that is the most unique opinion I have ever heard. You truly are a special person." He wanted to say more but he stopped there. They ate the rest of the dinner in silence, both thinking about their conversation, heavily. After the waitress came to take their plates away, they both ordered coffee.

"I'm sorry, Carl, for being such a boring date."

"On the contrary, Terry. That conversation was great. And I think you are

"Well, Carl, thank you." She somewhat blushed. He smiled as if in consolation.

"Hey, let's take a walk on the beach." Carl was anxious to move the conversation along. And he was right.

Terry smiled. "That sounds like a fabulous idea if there ever was one. I would love to."

Both of them stood, ready to go. They left immediately and walked outside and out to the dock behind the restaurant then down through the gate and to the waterside.

Once there, they walked hand in hand about a mile from the restaurant. It was dark without lights from the dock.

Then Carl stopped. Terry did not know what to think. She turned to Carl and asked him what was wrong?

"Nothing, I just wanted to do this" Carl grabbed her face with both hands and pulled her towards his own face. His lips found her lips and for a moment. Their tongues were dancing. She turned toward the water, then dove down into the first wave that broke. "What the" Carl began to say, surprised.

"Terry, come back." He waited but she did not even raise her head above the water. He did not feel like she was gone but he knew she was not there with him. "Terry, Terry, Terry" he screamed louder each time. "Where did you go, girl?" He sort of whispered to himself. He scanned the water for her head, or anything. Not a thing. Then 10 minutes later, there she was, about 100 yards up the beach. She bobbed her head out of the water and began to walk toward the shore. Oddly, she wore nothing." What the fuck?" He muttered He was absolutely flabbergasted.

Who is this girl? He wondered as he ran to her. She was beginning to step out of the water and onto the shore. Her breasts were hard and pink and between her legs right above her pussy was a thin, black hair line. "Terry, what", "then he began to ramble.

"Sshhh," she put her finger up to his lips. "I will tell you everything. Only, you just have to trust me." He did, implicitly, though he could not tell you where that came from.

"Carl, I love you. Do you love me?"

"Yes." And for the first time in years, he meant it.

With that she turned and ran back into the surf. He followed and when she dove, he dove. Within minutes, they were heading back up to the top of the water. With his head above the water, he was able to see they had gone 200 yards and just minutes.

"Now," she said gently face "just breathe easy. Going to transfer my power and form to you. Do you trust me?"

"Yes ma'am." She put her right hand on his chest and closed her eyes. He began to feel like he did in college, when he was tripping on acid. There was a weird, body buzz and everything seemed to buzz in his head and everything seemed in slow-motion in his brain. His eyes were closed, too. But he felt change around his body, as if it his aura was changing colors. Though he saw only his closed eyelids.

"Good. Here we go." She said reassuringly. With that he began to feel a tingling sensation all over his body. Eventually came a burning. Not so much a burning as a fusion of his two legs, into one. There was no amount of resistance on his part. He didn't really know what to expect but he the trusted Terry implicitly. He loved her and did not think for one minute that she would do anything to hurt him. His eyes were tightly closed, his head above water and he heard her speak. "It is complete, Carl."

Carl opened his eyes and looked straight into those of Terry with an uncertainty. Terry saw that he was nervous and said, "Your safe, Carl. It's okay."

They were in the Atlantic Ocean. The water was too dark to see below a foot or two. So Carl took a deep breath and lowered his head below the surface and followed Terry's body closely as he sank down slowly. Her body was naked so he was able to see her breasts. But below that, where her waist should be, right below her belly, she did not have skin but scales. They went further down to be a tail. And the bottom of the tail was a set of flippers, like a dolphin's tail.

But if that was not surprising enough, he saw and felt his own body was the same way. He was a mermaid!

"Now baby, you are just like me and for the next few days I will show you all that I know. "First, your flipper will propel you through the water. Remember, they will move you faster than you can imagine. It will take some getting used to, but trust me you will get the hang of it. Second, use your mind. It is a powerful tool. You can think of something and that will happen, to an extent. I will tell you more about that as we go along. Do not hurt any life. They have as much of a right to be here as you do. That. And it's all about love. Always remember that. Let it drive your mind, your thinking. Oh yeah, and baby, now you can breathe under water. That's where we will do most of our swimming. We will talk using our mind's. Telepathy. Can you hear me?" She thought. He heard it and his head and nodded. "See, just think what you want to say." She smiled that timeless smile. "Now let's go with what you know."

With that, they dove below the surface and began to swim. He moved his flippers by what he thought of as kicking. Occasionally you would also move his arms like a breast stroke. Within minutes they were a couple of hundred yards away from where they started. There was all sorts of sea life. There were schools of fish, jellyfish, even dolphins. They were all swimming around like they were cars on a highway heading to wherever they were going. Some might have been going to work, some to their home. Some still to see their families. It was all surrealistic to Carl.

Let us go back, she thought and he heard. Okay. She turned around and swam heading home.

He knew a lot from school but would learn a great deal more. With an enhanced. vision that allowed him to see further underwater, like a clear day. It was truly an underwater world with their own delicate lifestyle and, he would learn more soon, life cycle. He felt like he was, for lack of a better metaphor, in a busy mall as one of its busy customers. The fish darted, the bigger animals swished their tails. Every one seemed in a rush.

It only felt like a couple of minutes. She turned right to go toward the shore and when they got to the shallow water, she stood. So he did the same thing. He felt the burning, like before. He realized as he stood that he had legs again. And so did she. But, like her, he was naked.

They were back at the beach below the restaurant.

"That was incredible. You are an incredible woman. Thank you thank you thank you. That was the best Valentines Day ever!"

"Actually that was not your gift. This is."

Her lips found his and below the restaurant, below the dock, her right hand reached down and pressed against his cock. It responded immediately began to swell and grow. Harder, he kissed back and their tongues circled around each other. She knelt down and took him in her mouth, completely. She began to slide up and down his shaft. She brought her hands up and wrapped around him and began to stroke while she sucked. Like the whole day, she took his breath away. The feel of her mouth, the feel of her hands, knowing who was blowing him made it all seem unimaginable. She was moving faster, with her hands holding tight to his ass. He looked down for just a second to watch her head move while giving him a blow job. It was all too much, the entire day. It all came rushing back at once. The fish, the mermaid, her naked breasts, and now her sucking on his dick. Too much. He was going to cum. Not just cum, but explode. He grabbed her hair and held on tight while the feeling washed all over him.

"Ohhhh baby, I'm going to cum." He wasn't even sure if that was okay with her. She made a loud noise while she sucked him and he took it as a yes. He shot his load deep down her throat. She continued sucking even after he came, while his cock was still throbbing. He began to weaken in the knees. His stomach turned over and over and she stood to kiss him and lick his closed eyes. The ground was not moving but he was sure he was going around in circles. The earth definitely moved.

"Now," as he wrapped his arms around her, "if I might have this dance?" He began to lay her down on the sand. "Of course, Carl." He reached down between his legs and grabbed his dick, and be began to rub his dick around her pussy while he p.ushed himself all the way inside her. He could feel her tightening her muscles. In her abs, in her butt, and her legs as she put them around his waist. "Oh God," she was not quiet, "Carl" she was screaming, "Fuck me!" And he was happy to. "Yes Ababy, I am all inside you. And now I am going to fuck you like I never have anyone." And he did. She continued to scream. He continued her ram. "Oh yes, yes, Carl yeees!" She was turning him on so much. "Yes, pleeeease. It feels so goooood! Cum with me."

So they did. They came together. All at once. They were the only two in the world, for a moment. A flash occurred in both of their heads. It was a spiritual moment for them both. He came, shooting his sperm deep inside of her. She took it all, gladly. Inside of her, his sperm was like mortars hitting the beach. They would be in the wall of her cervix, bounce off, and keep on going. His cock was pulsating. So was her pussy. And dripping wet. "God, Terry, you are amazing."

"So are you, Carl. Remember it is all about love."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Did you accidentally upload your first draft?

Dude, you are in SERIOUS need of a good proofreader...

Great story line, but the disjointed paragraphs and sentences ruined it, almost unreadable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Keep your day job. I appreciate the attempt but you are not an author.

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