Fiora Fury

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He finds fury in a raging snowstorm.
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///The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning for the area for the next 48 hours. Heavy snow, high winds and drifting are predicted. Visibility will be limited with near to full white out conditions possible. Please seek adequate shelter until the storm has passed. Under NO circumstances should travel be attempted. Remain indoors, as disorientation is likely.///

The bulletin droned on for another minute or so, then repeated.

Not the best start to the day, but when you live in the foothills of the Rockies, it's the price you pay for solitude. I had everything I needed to weather the storm, Hell, if I'm being honest, I could probably hole up for months before having to leave. I liked being alone, venturing to the nearest town, about a 40 minute drive, only when I absolutely had to.

I did move a substantial amount of firewood closer to the cabin. They aren't kidding when they say you can get lost easily. When the world is solid white and swirling, you can freeze to death in a matter of minutes if you can't find your way back.

By early afternoon, the wind had picked up, the temp was dropping and snow had started to fall. It wasn't serious yet, but it was coming, you could feel it. I made one last check around the property, stowed my truck in the barn and shut myself in the cabin awaiting the inevitable.

By dinnertime, the wind was howling and snow was falling at a rate of several inches an hour. Updated reports called for 2-3 feet by the time the storm passed. Nothing I hadn't seen before. After I ate, I settled into my favorite chair next to the fireplace and read a book. Something I did frequently since I had no TV or internet, not that I wanted either. Television, on a good day, was idiotic and other than porn, the internet was just as useless.

Later, after finishing the book I was working on, I went to bed. The storm continued its assault, my cabin groaning and popping against the added stress.

**Wade, wake up.**

**Why Brain?**

**Don't you hear that?**

At some point, I became aware of an unusual sound, something not attributable to the storm, a...horn, a car horn. It was barely audible, sometimes completely washed away by the howling wind, but it was there. As the fog in my head cleared, it hit me. There's someone out there! I sat up in bed and listened, making sure I hadn't imagined it. Nope, there it was again. Somebody's really out there. They must be relatively close, no more than a few hundred yards, or I'd never have heard them, but in this mess, they might as well be on the moon.

I threw on some clothes and grabbed my coat, stepping outside onto my porch. It was sheltered from the worst of the wind, I was somewhat protected. Switching on my flashlight was met with a white wall of blowing snow. That won't work. Visibility was literally zero. If I stepped off the porch, I'd be lost in a few steps. I ducked back in the cabin and quickly dressed in my survival suit, grabbed my night vision gear and a compass. The only road for miles was about a hundred yards south of my cabin, more of a fire trail than a road, but it was the only place a vehicle could be, I hoped.

Again the horn sounded. It seemed to be coming from the direction of the road, but in the belly of the storm, I couldn't be completely certain.

**Wade, this is Brain. I know what you're thinking. I would like to register a strong complaint about this decision. Remember, if you die, so do I.**

**Shut up Brain. I may not like people much, but I'm no ogre either. I am terrified to venture out into that, but I can't stand by and allow someone, no matter how stupid I feel they are, to die a slow painful death, besides, aren't you the one that woke me up.**

**Just so you know, if you die, I'm never speaking to you again... Brain out.**

Compass in hand, I stepped off the porch into knee deep snow. The night vision didn't provide any discernible distance, just a mass of swirling snow, but I could at least see my heading. Proceeding due south, I waded through the drifts, counting my strides trying to estimate where the road was. I stopped at what seemed to be a reasonable guess and pulled an emergency whistle from my pocket and blew into it.

"Shit that things loud." I groaned, ears ringing. I waited a few seconds and whistled again. Off to my left I heard the horn, they'd heard me! From the volume, they were close, a couple hundred feet at most, almost due east. I again counted steps as I proceeded east, then stopped. I whistled again and was relieved when I not only heard the horn again, very close, but the snow illuminated, they'd turned on the headlights. I still couldn't see the vehicle, but I was maybe 20-30 feet from them.

Closing the distance, I found the car, a Range Rover. That explains how they got this far. They were plenty capable, even in the hands of idiots. I slogged over to the drivers side and pounded on the window. It lowered almost immediately and the face of a terrified woman appeared.

"Are you OK, can you walk?" I screamed in order to be heard over the wind.

She didn't respond.

I checked the rear door and it was unlocked. I scrambled into the back seat and closed the door. "Close the window." I bellowed, frightening her into action. Once closed, the environment became much quieter.

"Miss, are you OK?" I asked again. "We need to get to shelter before my tracks are blown over. It might already be too late. If you can move, we need to go."

She nodded, still unable to speak. She was cold, her teeth chattering.

Peering over the seat, I had a look at her clothing. Jeans and tennis shoes, a coat, not a great one, but at least it was something. It wouldn't take long to get to the cabin, if everything went well, so it would have to do.

"Ready?" I asked, trying to remain calm. "It's going to get worse before it gets better."

Again she nodded.

I jumped out, jerked her door open and pulled her from the vehicle, slamming both doors closed. With a death grip on her hand and my compass in the other, I towed her through the mounting snow, following my trail, counting steps as I went. I lost the trail before it was time to turn north. I had tried to remain calm and maintain my stride length as best I could, difficult under the circumstances. Turning towards where I hoped the cabin was, we continued, again with me counting steps and watching my compass. I felt the wind change as the steps ran down and realized I'd come up short and the cabin was off to our left. A few heart stopping steps later, we found the porch and I shoved her inside, closing the door behind us.

She collapsed on the floor, sobbing while I removed my goggles and stoked the fire. I carried her over and laid her in front of the hearth, then stripped out of my gear, sitting on the floor next to her in boxers and a t-shirt. I removed her shoes and socks, both totally soaked, then started to pull off her wet jeans as well. Her eyes flew open and she started pushing me away.

"You have to get out of these wet clothes." I explained. "They'll suck out what little heat you have left in you. You're very near hypothermic shock."

Again she nodded, her cold fingers fumbling with the button and zipper. I ran to my bed and pulled off the blankets, returning to wrap her up as soon as the jeans were gone. "Sit tight." I instructed. I returned a few minutes later with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. She needed the warmth and I'm sure the calories couldn't hurt either.

Taking the mug in both hands, she brought it carefully to her lips, sipping the contents as her hands and face slowly thawed. She emptied the mug in short order, then held it out.

"More?" I asked.

"P-p-please." She stuttered, teeth still chattering.

I produced a quick refill and placed it in her hands. She smiled and nodded, eagerly consuming the warm liquid.

After about an hour, she could speak without stuttering. "Thank you." She said. "I was sure I was..."

"Not the greatest night for a drive." I answered.

"You must think I'm stupid?" She observed. "Hell, I think I'm stupid."

"Why were you out in this?" I asked.

"I was on my way to a video shoot." She answered. "My idiot producer didn't bother to tell me about the weather until I was already in it."

"Video shoot?" I inquired. "You're an actress?"

"I'm Fiora Fury." She said. "Maybe you've heard of me?"

"Sorry." I shrugged. "I don't get out much and I don't care for TV."

She looked confused for a few seconds, then shook her head. "Well, they don't exactly show my stuff on television."

"OK." I frowned.

She chuckled. "Adult videos."

**HO... LEE... FU...**

**Not now Brain.**

The lightbulb in my head finally came on. "Porn star?"

"Crude but accurate." She smiled. "I was on my way to a cabin somewhere near here, I think, to shoot the next installment in the 'Snow Fairy' series. I really hate doing them, as it usually involves at least one scene outdoors. The male actors are generally dressed, but I, of course, have to be completely naked. Sometimes I get to wear boots and maybe a scarf, but having my tits, and especially my pussy, out in the wind is uncomfortable to say the least."

I stood dumbstruck. "Why do them then?"

"They sell really well." She answered. "Bought a house and the Range Rover with the money from the last one."

After that bit of honesty on her part, I finally gave my guest a solid look over. She certainly didn't look like the typical porn star. She was small, not just in height but everywhere. Maybe five feet tall and if she weighed even a hundred pounds, I'd be surprised. Her mane of very light blonde hair was a tangled mess on her head. The most unbelievable part was her tits. I'd expect someone in her line of work to have massive boobs, not her. At best, from what I could tell with her still mostly clothed, hers were large A cup, maybe a small B.

**Never saw a porn star with little tits, I think ours are bigger.**

**Damnit Brain, shut up!**

She saw, and probably heard, my brain churning. "Whatever it is, ask already. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't stroke on me, besides, whatever it is, I'm sure I've heard worse. Trust me on that one."

Embarrassed, I coughed and looked away.

"You're kinda cute when you're all red in the face." She giggled. "Really, go ahead. You saved my life, the least I can do is answer your questions."

"You don't look like any... how do I refer to you?" I asked. "Adult actress alright?"

She nodded. "That's the polite term, not that I hear it much."

"OK, thanks." I nodded. "You don't look like any adult actress I've ever seen."

"That depends on the genre you've been exposed to." She explained. "General porn is like what you said, but there are other, less mainstream categories. Mature women, BBW's and all kinds of fetish stuff. The 'Snow Fairy' series is about a race of small humanoid creatures that seduce unwary human males, feeding on their life force and once done with them, leave their frozen corpses in the snow with a raging erection and a huge smile. I fit that description perfectly, small, pale skin, blonde hair and seemingly innocent, until it's too late."

"Sounds anything but erotic." I observed.

"You'd think." She agreed. "But they sell like crazy. I'd never make it in mainstream porn, except maybe 'Loli', but that's anything but mainstream."

"Loli?" I asked.

"Lolita, like from the book." She explained. "Underage."

I visibly winced, my stomach heaving at the thought. She noticed my discomfort.

"Right there with you on that one." She frowned. "That's what they originally wanted me to do when I got into the business. Not gonna happen. What I do isn't exactly Sunday school conversation material, but I want no part in the potential abuse of ANY person, especially those under the age of consent."

I was still very confused. She continued.

"I see you are having a problem understanding." She said. "I may do things some, Hell most, people think is offensive, demeaning or whatever they want to call it, but I do have morals and a conscience. I've never been ashamed of my body and sex is something most healthy people participate in, if they're honest, so I have no moral conflict with my career choice. However, I will not be forced to do anything that endangers my moral code or in any way could be used to endanger others. Too many people in this industry are predators and WAY too many of my fellow actors, male and female, have been taken advantage of."

"What keeps that from happening to you?" I asked.

"Several things." She answered. "First, I have a degree in Psychology. Generally, I know them better than they know themselves. I can spot fake a mile off. It doesn't take long for them to avoid me. I scare them. Second, my father was a shrewd businessman. I learned a lot just watching him. I already had the outline for the series in hand before I started. Most porn producers aren't stupid, when they see the potential to make money, they generally jump at it. As well as starring, I'm also the co-producer. Something I demanded before I signed on. It protects me and makes sure my vision for the series isn't overridden."

"But you said you hate making the videos, why do them?" I continued.

"Money, plain and simple." She said. "If you ask most mainstream actors, I'm sure they would tell you making movies is not a pleasant experience. Long hours, uncomfortable clothes and makeup, and after you've done a scene a dozen times or so, there's no way in Hell you're going to do any better, just move on and let post production fix the damned thing. The public sees movie stars as glamorous and envy them, nothing is further from the truth. Between movies, it's great and they get to bask in the glory, but in no time at all, they're back in Hell making the next one. Such is the price of fame."

"Nothing else you can do?" I inquired. "Seems like a very unpleasant way to make a living."

"It's not all that bad." She smiled. "It obviously pays well and I like sex, a lot, so I get to scratch that itch without any emotional entanglements. I will eventually use my degree. I don't plan on doing this forever, but until something or someone better comes along, I'm happy enough."

"Someone?" My eyebrows rose.

"Yeah." She elaborated. "When I find that special someone I want to be with forever, I'm quitting. Kinda awkward at the PTA meetings when the other parents find out what you do."

I laughed. "Could be difficult, but if what I suspect is going on in most of supposedly civilized suburbia these days, you could probably film that and get rich."

"It's never been done on a reality basis, but more than a few pornos have used exactly that plot." She chuckled. "Most did pretty well."

Fiora yawned and stretched. "It's been a very long and trying day. Would you mind if we took this up in the morning. I'm beat."

"Sorry, I don't get many visitors." I apologized. "I'm a rotten host."

"Says the man who risked his life to save me." She grinned. "A man who still hasn't told me his name."

I blushed. "Told you I'm terrible... Wade, my name is Wade Hanson."

She stuck out her hand. "Nice to meet you Wade. Thanks for saving my stupid ass. Where am I sleeping?"

"Take the bed. I'll be fine on the couch." I said. "I'll keep the fire going so we don't get cold."

"Nope." She deadpanned, pulling my up off the floor. "You. Bed. Now."

"I... no." I answered. "You need... "

"What I need is your body heat." She chided, hands on her hips scowling. "Me, you, bed, cuddle, warm. Got it?"

"Damn pushy for such a little thing, aren't you?" I teased.

"Yup." She giggled.

Picking the blankets up from the floor, I remade the bed. "Bathroom is over there." I gestured. "Anything you should need is in the big cabinet next to the shower."

"Thanks Wade." She smiled, then kissed my cheek and headed for the john.

After she was done, I had a turn then crawled into bed beside her. She snuggled into my side and sighed softly pressing her naked tits into me. Wait! Naked! Shit!

** Wade!**

**Not now Brain, damnit, I'm kinda busy here.**

**Naked Wade, she's naked!**

**I'm aware of that Brain, now call the guys downstairs and tell them to behave.**

"Uh, Fiora?" I stammered.

"Yes, Wade." She giggled.

"You... you're..." I continued, tripping over my own tongue."

"All my stuff is in the Rover." She answered. "Would you like to go get them?"

"No, ah... I think I'll pass." I sputtered.

"Good." She laid her head on my shoulder, exhaled contentedly and fell asleep.

Even though I was still rattled by her lack of clothing and had a screaming hard on (thanks for nothing Brain), I fell asleep much sooner than I thought possible.

Morning came, almost undetectably. The storm was still raging outside so very little light was making it through the heavy snow still falling. Fiora noticed the change in my breathing and sat up, stretching and thrusting out her chest, her very nice, very naked chest. "Good Morning Wade." She smiled.

I couldn't help myself, my eyes were glued to her tits, my not yet fully awake brain making me incapable of looking away.

** WADE!... TITS!**

**I see them Brain, now can you try to make me NOT stare at them.**

**But they're tits Wade, damned nice ones.**

**Why do I even try?**

Fiora shook them, watching my eyes track her like a homing missile, then she giggled, turned and slid out of bed. As she walked to the bathroom, I was again assaulted by her nakedness as she wiggled her ass, a perfect example of one I assure you, as she went. When she returned, I got to see the rest of her. She saw my expression change and I was shaken from my trance.

"What?" She asked.

"Sorry." I said. "You're very attractive and I've behaved like a lout and would probably still be, if..."

"If?" She queried, cocking her head slightly.

"Can't do the whole smooth thing." I admitted. "Makes me feel like a pedophile."

"Not a fan either." She shrugged. "And I get the reluctance, but just about every woman in America feels the pressure to shave, instead of celebrating the reason for it being there, they are made to feel ashamed and ugly. At the moment, it's a necessary evil. One I WILL rectify once I quit. Would you have something I can wear? I don't mind being naked but it's damned cold out here and I don't have you keeping me warm anymore."

I did, but that was going to open up a dialog I wasn't sure I was ready for. Nonetheless, I'd acted like a hormonal teenager ogling her, so I sucked up my pride and led her to the closet. "Take what you need."

**Don't go there, don't fucking go there!**

**Shut up Brain.**

I returned to the hearth and restoked the fire, then started breakfast while Fiora picked through the clothes. She emerged some time later, dressed and happy.

She sat at the table watching me cook, a strange look slowly crossing her face. "Wade?"

"Huh." I grunted, paying more attention to my task than my guest.

"I haven't gotten you in trouble have I?" She asked.

"Trouble?" I responded.

"Unless you're a cross dresser, and even at that, these clothes any WAY too small to fit you, these belong to someone who does or did belong here." She observed.

I sighed, finishing breakfast. I placed a plate in front of her and sat down. "No, no trouble."

I could see it in her eyes, she wanted to ask but she didn't. This one act meant more to me than she could ever know. Most people are way too damned nosy for their own good. She knew there was a story here and she also saw the pain in my eyes. She chose to respect my privacy. Truly a remarkable woman.

We sat in silence, eating, Fiora shoveling the food into her mouth in a most undignified and very unladylike way. When finished, she laid down the fork on the table, patted her stomach and burped, none too quietly.

I laughed. I'm sure she did the whole bit as a joke, a way to break the dark mood that had descended over us this morning. It was much appreciated. After putting the dirty dishes in the sink, we retired to the couch, enjoying the warmth of the fire.