First Death Pt. 06


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"When she wakes up tell her that Alpha John Maikoh and his men came here—they killed one of Evan's wolves. If I am not here, then they have me."

"Meow," he replied in protest but I shoved him down the basement stairs and shut the thick, metal door before tapping the keypad, hearing the lock click into place. It was a risky move, because I knew my hand wouldn't open it; at the very least, Lily could let herself out at some point but I prayed she had the energy to drag herself up the stairs. When I saw Jinx's tiny black paw poke out from under the door, I kicked it back under with my foot, "Quiet!" I snipped at him.

There was banging on the door. I froze, wishing that my precautions were unwarranted.

"Open up Matthew," John's voice was muffled behind the door, "we know you're in there."

Fuck. I crept to the door, carefully looking out the peep hole; it was only him and Thomas, the other men must have been hidden, "Alpha John, what are you doing here?"

"The Rogue sent us to come get you," he lied, "we are here to keep you safe."

My heart raced, "Where is he?" I tried to sound casual, "How come he didn't come get me himself?"

"He's in the clinic on neighboring pack lands, he is still injured."

I thought about not opening the door. I knew Evan's house was fortified, but even if it held them off until dusk, Max would end up walking into a trap. Then, I would truly be on my own. I glanced over to the basement door. I had to keep her safe. It didn't matter what these wolves wanted with me, as long as I protected her. I drew in a deep breath; my heart never slowed, but I knew I stank like sweat so I could probably play it off as exertion and not fear. I unlocked the door and opened it.

John didn't wait for an invitation before he pushed past me and into the house. Thomas hesitated a moment before following.

"Are you alone?" John asked.

I motioned to the house, "Yeah, it's pretty fucking boring, but I was told to stay here until Alpha Rogue came to get me so..." I shrugged.

John made a quick turn about the upper floor, finding it empty. Then, he spotted the metal door, "Open this."

"I can't." When his glare snapped to me, I knew that he was looking for her. I casually sauntered over and slapped my hand to the panel—it beeped in rejection, "He forgot to program my hand in before he left, so who knows what's down there."

"Where is the vampire that was with you?" He turned back to me, disapproval written on his face.

"No idea," I lied, "apparently I'm not important enough to be included in on any plans."

Sizing me up, he walked to me, "But important enough to protect." His eyes looked distant for a moment, as if he were caught up in a conversation in his head.

Two large men grabbed me from behind, "What the fuck—" I barely shouted out before they started dragging me backwards. I managed to wrench one of my arms free and punch the other in the throat; when he was bent over, I sent a knee up to his face--blood rushed out immediately and onto the floor. The other one body slammed me to the ground, his large frame crushing me as he quickly latched shackles my hands behind my back. I growled at him "Get off of me!"

"Sorry kid," John said, though he clearly didn't mean it.

I was drug outside and thrown into the back of a large panel van, before everyone else climbed in, "What the fuck is going on?" I demanded.

John leaned down and smelled me, crinkling his nose at my scent, "It is a shame, I really don't like having to kill humans. Makes for too many questions."

The van rocked as we pulled away from Evan's house; I was thankful, at least, that Lily was safe. For now. "Where is the Alpha Rogue? I am under his protection—you have no right to trespass on his land and take me!"

He sat back and smirked at me, "That filthy half breed has no right to claim the title of Alpha nor hold any land. He is one tough son of a bitch—I'll give him that. We had a hell of a time finding his house and no matter how much we tortured him, he wouldn't give up the location. It wasn't until one of his useless strays surfaced that we were able to track them back." He laughed a little, "He can hardly be called Alpha any more, now that his entire pack of mutts is dead."

I glared at him, "Why."

John eyed me, contemplating if telling me would alter his plan or not; after a while, he decided that it didn't matter, I was as good as dead, "Having a vampire live so close to pack lands is a fucking insult—then, to have that bitch stroll right up to the gate with no fear in her eyes—their breed is a stain on this world that I have dedicated my life to wipe out and I wouldn't have hesitated but she was smart enough to drag some worthless human with her. If I had only known better, I would have killed you both right then.

When my men at the airport told me she left with you, then shortly after another vampire flew out as well to the same place—I knew something was up. We arrived only a day later and have been hunting all of you down since. It was just a random bit of luck that Alpha Peter sent out an APB on the Rogue, saying that he was supposed to arrive with a human male in tow, but never showed. Didn't take long to connect the dots between him, you and the two vampires.

Then that stupid half breed appeared on Peter's pack lands, half dead and shot up, looking for medical attention. I didn't have to try hard to convince Peter that not only was being a half breed punishable by death, but his very existence threatened our species—he knowingly consorts with vampires, offers them assistance? Unheard of. But the icing on the cake was when we heard through the underground that there was a reward on your head—that a vampire wanted you alive and unharmed. What better way to draw that piece of shit out then to use you as bait. With all that effort Lilith Cain spent keeping you away from them, it is logical that she will come for you too. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel."

His hate was so clear I could almost taste it. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing at him—he was a fucking moron. I saw what these vampires were capable of—if they couldn't even kill each other, the wolves didn't stand a chance, "So let me guess, your dumb ass plans on turning me in for the reward, just to off whoever shows up?"

He sneered at my comment, "Off them, you and the half breed. The only thing that I haven't been able to figure out though, is why the fuck are you so important?"

I didn't answer him—instead, I let a smirk grow on my lips while I stared him down. My silence and unwavering gaze made him uneasy. He sneered at me before glancing to one of his men; then, a hood was put over my head.

The ride might have taken a few hours; no one spoke, at least not out loud. I tried to keep track of the turns and bends in the road but I lost my focus and it was gone. I felt the van slow down before finally stopping, then I heard the doors pull open. Someone grabbed me by the arm and shoved me out—there was gravel under my feet; it crunched as I was forced down a walk way and into a building. Halls twisted and turned, I seriously doubted I would be able to find my way back out.

I heard a large door scrape open—someone removed my hood. The room was concrete with horrible lighting; aside from the door, the only other thing in it was Evan. He was unconscious, slumped up against the wall, his hands behind his back. His face was bruised and there was blood on his clothes but he was still breathing. When someone shoved me forward, I whipped my head around and glared at him—Thomas looked irritated but the hatred I saw in John's face was not mirrored in his.

He grabbed my arm and pushed me forward towards Evan. As we walked across the room, I felt him press something into my hand. He leaned forward and whispered into my ear before kicking the backs of my knees to send me crashing into the floor, "Sixty seconds."

I fell, twisting to land on my side with my back to the wall. He turned and left, shutting the door behind him. I glanced over my shoulder and into my hands to see what he had given me—a key and an epipen.

My heart raced; I let the epipen slide from my grip so that I could work the key into my fingers. Frantically, I tried to find the keyhole in the left cuff. "Evan," I whispered harshly, trying to wake him.


I managed to locate the hole—then I dropped the key on the ground.


I rolled to my back, my hands frantically feeling the cold stone floor. "Evan, wake up!" He didn't stir. I found the key.


I struggled to get it positioned right. My hands were shaking; I knew I was running out of time.


I twisted it hard and felt the lock give way, freeing my hands. I immediately grabbed the epipen but fumbled with the stupid safety cap. I got it off and slammed it down into Evan's leg.


I stuffed the pen behind him, quickly shoving him aside so I could get to his cuffs—I pulled the key out of my own and unlocked his, letting them fall to the ground. He didn't stir.


I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I tried to shake Evan, but there was no response; I pulled his massive frame up right and slumped into the wall with my hands behind me just as the door opened.

I was breathing fast—I knew they could hear it. John, Thomas and three other men that I didn't know walked in. From the way they flanked the room, I distinguished that two of the new men were guards; the third, a tall, thickly built man with a harsh nose and short cut dark hair, looked at me skeptically. From his commanding presence, the confidence in his stature I figured him to be Alpha Peter.

"Him?" He said, turning to John, "You have got to be kidding me. Why would anyone make such a fuss over—him?"

When they were focused on each other, I glanced at Thomas. His stance was tense; his eyes flickered at me, then to Evan. I didn't know what his reasoning was but he seemed to be on my side—still, unless Evan came to, it was the two of us against two Alphas and two guards. The odds were shit.

I tried to stall for time, "So you're the fucktard that thought it would be a great idea to betray the Alpha Rogue?"

His appalled face turned back to me, "Excuse me?"

"Pretty sure I didn't stutter," I did my best to mimic a vampire's haughty, indignant affect, "I mean, I know you're just a bunch of dogs but I honestly expected a better plan than this. Do you seriously think that any of you are going to walk out of here alive?"

I must have done a good job because I could see the two guards shift uneasily. John looked pissed, "I've had enough of you." He pulled his gun from his shoulder holster and crossed the room to me.

I wasn't sure if he was going to threaten me or shoot me but either way, I damn near pissed myself. From the corner of my eye, I saw Evan's chest start to rise and fall rapidly. I really hoped he would wake up in time. As soon as John got close enough, he raised his gun towards my head. I pulled back my leg and kicked him in the knee cap as hard as I could; he screamed out in pain, dropping the gun as he fell.

I heard a shot ring out when Thomas killed the first guard before the second one came at him. I lunged forward, swinging wildly at John; I connected with his jaw but he was a tough old fucker and he dove at me. We struggled on the floor--he kept trying to reach his gun. I heard Evan before I saw him move—it was a terrifying growl that came out of him, his eyes flashed open wildly before he sprang up and tackled Alpha Peter.

John got a good punch into my side—I felt a few ribs crack and cried out in pain but I kept fighting for my life. He grabbed the gun but I grabbed his wrist, trying to get it away from him. I heard Alpha Peter scream—Evan slashed his chest open viciously, there was blood everywhere; Peter fell down to his knees.

I heard a gunshot ring out; my entire body tensed—I frantically looked around to see who got hit, until I felt the searing pain in my stomach and warmth on my skin. I breathed hard, looking down to see blood coming out of me.

I fought against the shock, struggling to get the gun away from John but he shoved me off of him. He stood and raised the gun, pulling the trigger. I saw Evan's body tense and jerk backwards when the bullet hit him in the head. He fell to the ground. I pressed my hands to my stomach, trying hard to keep my blood from seeping out on the concrete floor. I could feel my existence fading, the precious fluid spilling out from my body.

Thomas still struggled with the guard but John didn't care—there was hate in his eyes. He wanted me gone. He stood, favoring his damaged leg, once again raising the gun to my head. My eyes flickered over to Evan's lifeless body—by far, the situation could not get any worse.

A loud explosion rumbled in the distance; everything seemed muffled as the colors started to lose their brightness and fade. It was like everything was in slow motion; the door flew open and Max stepped into the room, a shot ringing out when he killed the guard. Then, Lily--her graceful, beautiful form stepped in and without hesitation she put a bullet into the back of John's head. I saw the agony on her face when she laid eyes on Evan; she crumpled to her knees before him, her hand reaching out to his face. She raised her gun and aimed at Thomas.

"Don't," I said. I tried to scream it, but it only came out as a harsh whisper before I started coughing up blood. Her head snapped over towards me, only then realizing that I was there as well. She crawled across the floor; her hands were shaking when she put them over mine, "Thomas isn't with them," I managed to wheeze out.

I heard beeping; Max looked down at his phone, "Fuck, Lily we need to leave. Ian is almost here." He crossed the room while holstering his gun; he didn't hesitate when he picked me up, cradling my lanky frame awkwardly in his arms. I yelled out in pain.

Lily struggled to get up and follow Max out of the room; she glanced at Thomas, "Leave now if you want to live." Her eyes fell on Evan—she didn't want to leave him behind.

"Lily!" Max screamed back at her when we were in the hallway.

I struggled to keep my eyes open. I blinked, or so I thought. I was in the back of the SUV, I could feel the swaying of the movement when Max slid around a corner, the roar of the engine as he floored it, "We need to get him to a hospital!" He glanced at me—from the look on his face I knew it was bad.

I felt a cold hand on my forehead. I looked up to see Lily's blank face staring back down at me, that's when I realized I was in her lap. Her eyes flickered down to my stomach, "He's not going to make it." Her voice was chillingly calm.

I couldn't move my hands or feet; they stung with pins and needles. Darkness crept in on the edge of my vision and colors became even more muted. Everything grew muffled, like I was looking through a thick fog.

His voice was distant, shocked, "What are you doing?" Max glanced over his shoulder from the driver's seat, wide eyed.

Lily pulled her forearm away from her face, her blood, her existence seeping out from a ragged bite wound. Her lips were bright red; I could barely hear her voice, "What I must."

She dropped her arm down to my mouth. I couldn't hear any more, I couldn't feel any more, I couldn't see any more. I vaguely tasted the warm, coppery tinge of thick syrup in my mouth before everything vanished.

That, was the first time I died.

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jimjam69jimjam69about 4 years ago
Getting better and better

Getting interesting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Part 2?

Will you be coming out with a second part

AfterDuskAfterDuskover 5 years agoAuthor

This catches up to what I have currently written, so it might be a week or two before I post another part...I will do my best to make the wait worth it!

Admiralbird348Admiralbird348over 5 years ago
Ahh well

I suppose it was inevitable, but I was really hoping Matthew stayed human. His being human kept this from being a vampire story to me . Lit is seriously overrun with stories about Alpha’s that are hate filled supremists, so no joy there. Wonderful writing as usual and I like Max, but how are you going to keep this unique now that Matthew is turned or is he? He’s connected somehow to the immortal and fed his blood to Lil under a blood moon so?? I have faith in you Dusk, so don’t let me down:)) Thank you for writing for us:) E.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

A thrilling ride with well drawn characters, good use of choice tropes and inventive plotting. As a dedicated World of Darkness fan "First Death" definitely makes my top 3 vampire Lit stories.

Great job.


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