First Immortals Ch. 08


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"So why," Androger asked when we had all finished eating, "do people still want to keep energy weapons when the blockers mean they can't actually use them?"

"Two reasons," Rickson explained, "well actually three. They can be used as engineering tools because the high energy output can convert base materials." Androger looked confused.

"They melt rock and old concrete," Rickson explained.

"Landscaping?" Androger sounded incredulous.

"Exactly. Also the smaller ones can be used in the robotic big game theme parks..." Rickson continued.

"Hardly sporting," Androger said dryly.

"But sort of necessary if you are up against a pack of Tyrannosaurus Rex 'droids,"

"Ah," Androger said, "I see the point. And the third reason?"

"The right to bear arms," Rickson said.

"The second amendment," I added, and Rickson smiled, not many people knew of that one any more since the introduction of the world constitution and bill of rights right after the third world war in 2025.

"The what?"

"Before the third world war all the different countries had different constitutions," Rickson explained, "and the United States had a second amendment that guaranteed the citizens the right to keep and bear arms."

"Right," Androger said, "but that isn't included in the world constitution is it?"

"It's hidden," I said. I was by now very tired and I knew if I let these two talk to each other for too long I would fall asleep.

"That's right," Rickson agreed, "although it isn't mentioned specifically it also isn't mentioned in the exclusion list for the third paragraph."

Androger looked confused.

"The third paragraph of the world constitution guarantees the preservation of previous rights," I explained.

"Yes, and the exclusion list itemises those rights that could not be continued," Rickson added.

"And the right to bear arms isn't specifically excluded so therefore it continues," Androger said.

"Exactly," Rickson said.

I finished my glass of wine and looked around for the toilets.

"Over there," Rickson said, pointing. He must have been a mind reader.

"Thanks," I responded and I got up and headed in the direction he had indicated.

I couldn't help but wonder about the huge differences in my life that had occurred within the space of just one day. Last night I had been in a cell, and the toilet had been just the basic bowl and a simple plastic seat. The toilets in The Dustings were the most sumptuous that I had ever experienced. The floors were covered in a plush carpet like material that was self-cleaning and always remained totally sanitised, the bench tops and taps were made of gleaming marble coloured steel and it had the first vacuum urinal I had ever seen. The vacuum urinal provided a strong air current when needed that would draw any drops of liquid to it, even if you were pointing sideways. You simply couldn't miss (at least according to the advertisements I saw later, I didn't test it).

As I finished a hand reached around me. Judging by the slender fingers and the long gold fingernails it was a female's hand.

"Don't look around," a husky female voice whispered into my ear, so I didn't. She grabbed my cock and gave it shake, and the last drops flew off and were sucked away. The woman behind me giggled delightfully.

"I just love seeing that," she whispered, "but what I'd really love to do with this magnificent thing will have to be done in a more private setting. What suite are you in?"

"A.S. Robb," I said. My suite was named after the actor who had turned to politics after she had made a number of successful movies, and who had become the first President of the World Council of Nations, after the third world war had ended.

I could smell an enticing perfume as the woman with her hand on my now hardening cock moved her lips close to my ear.

"Open the door at eleven thirty eight precisely," she whispered, her hair softly tickling my neck, "and I will walk in. If you don't I will keep walking, even if you are only a few seconds late." Her mouth nuzzled my throat and her hand squeezed me and then let me go. I sighed.

"More of that later," she promised, "now close your eyes for thirty seconds." I did, I already knew who she was. Well, I was fairly sure anyway. When I opened my eyes she had gone.

It took me a few minutes to sort myself out, wash my hands and go back to our table.

"I was just saying to Androger," Rickson said as I sat back down, "that the hardest part of destroying the energy weapons will be finding them."

"I was thinking about that," I replied, "and I think I might be able to find a solution."

"Really?" Rickson said, and he looked surprised.

"The Eriguons said they had records of energy signatures, so there must be a way of seeing them," I explained.

"Can we work out how in time?" Rickson asked doubtfully.

"We are going to have some of the best scientists on the planet with us tomorrow," I said, "why don't we ask them?" Rickson nodded.

"I'm not sure if they will be all that cooperative after what we did to them," he said nervously, and I wondered exactly what sort of island they had been marooned on.

"Earth will be destroyed if we can't do this," I reminded him, "that should be a fairly convincing argument to anyone." He nodded and we fell silent as the lovely Infannzin delivered our main courses. I looked down at her long gold coloured fingernails and I smiled.

She kept our wine glasses full and eventually delivered a decadently rich and sumptuous chocolate truffle dessert with cognac, all the while maintaining her almost haughty air of professional detachment. Rickson and Androger both turned into dribbling messes every time she approached and it was all I could do to stop myself from grinning at their obvious discomfort. Every time Infannzin walked away from us I too stared at her delicious ass, but I was anticipating what it was going to look like when I peeled that clinging dress off it later in the evening.

The day had been all about Androger, the dinner had been all about Rickson, but the night was going to be all about Infannzin and me.

At exactly eleven thirty eight I opened the door to my suite and Infannzin walked in.

"Right on time," she said, walking past me as I quietly closed the door behind her, "I just love a man who is punctual." I turned to look at her, and she had turned to face me. She was just as spectacular as she had been at The Dustings, her cocktail dress hugging her every curve but now she had something that I hadn't seen earlier, the cheekiest of smiles. I smiled back.

"You look sensational," I said, and she nodded.

"You're not too bad yourself," she responded, "but you don't look quite at home in that suit." I grinned.

"I haven't dressed up in almost twelve years and now this? But first things first, can I offer you a drink?"

"A coffee would be lovely," she said. "No milk no sugar." I nodded.

"Coming right up," I said, and I waved her to a sumptuous couch, "please have a seat, you have been on your feet all evening." She smiled again, or was it still?

"Thanks," she said as she sank into the soft material, her relief evident in her voice.

"Take your shoes off if that would make you more comfortable," I said as the coffee machine poured our drinks. She did.

"You said," Infannzin said in a flirty voice, "first things first." I nodded. "So what are second things?" she asked.

"Ladies choice," I replied, and I handed her the coffee and looked at the seating arrangements. She had settled in one side of a two seater couch but there were also two matching single seat units.

"I like a man who gives me the choice," she said in a husky voice that was full of promises as she patted the seat next to her. "And the man usually likes how I like it." I sat next to her and she immediately leaned against me. I could smell a fresh, clean fragrance on her but I couldn't tell if it was her golden hair or a perfume. I breathed in deeply.

"I'm only drinking coffee," I said, "but already I'm intoxicated."

She giggled and we drank in silence.

"You really want to ask," Infannzin eventually said, breaking the companionable silence, "why I chose you when the President and Androger were also there."

"A gentleman does not ask about a ladies motivation in a situation like that," I replied gallantly, "he just appreciates it when it goes his way." She nodded, her hair brushing my face gently.

"And a lady does not tell," she agreed, looking closely to see my reaction. I remained neutral. "But tonight I have no intention of being a lady," she continued mischievously, "so I can say that while all three of you radiate power, you were the only one in the group who also radiated raw sex. Around here I get to experience far too much power, and the arrogant attitude that sometimes accompanies it, and far too little good sex."

"I shall do my very best to even up the balance," I assured her.

"I am counting on it," Infannzin said, and she put her lips to mine. The kiss was long and sensual, our tongues lazily exploring. My arm went around her to pull her too me but our mouths were the main contact point. After a few minutes we pulled apart fractionally, both of us panting slightly, mostly in anticipation.

"Those coffee beans have just gone red in embarrassment," I said, "because you taste so much better." Infannzin giggled.

"Flatterer," she accused.

"Just telling the truth," I replied, and we each put our coffee cups on the adjacent tables and turned back.

"Ladies choice I think you said?" she said slyly.

"Your wish is my command."

"I want you to do a slow and sensual striptease for me," she said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Any particular music?" I asked, and she grinned. She must have been expecting me to argue, but why on Earth would I?

"I've got it," she said and she touched her interface. Slow and sensual music started playing though the wall audio. I smiled and stood up. Infannzin smiled and clapped, so I gave her a little bow and began to sway with the music.

It felt like years since I had danced, so I started off slow and lazy, and fortunately that suited the music perfectly. Infannzin laughed as I ran my hands down the front of my body and feigned surprise when I didn't find any breasts. I then turned away and slowly lowered my suit coat in what I hoped was a provocative manner. As the song finished I finally slipped the coat off, span it over my head a few times and then threw it onto a chair.

"But that's a Darnier," she said, looking quite shocked.

"That I didn't pay for," I replied. She looked like she wanted to argue but the next song started and once again I danced.

I took my tie off pretty quickly and spent the rest of the song trailing it sensuously around Infannzin. She was obviously enjoying herself immensely, and she didn't protest when I put the tie around her neck and pulled her lips to mine. We kissed until the song stopped and then I just let go and started moving again as the next tune began. Two songs later I had shed my shirt, trousers and also my shoes and socks, and was just standing in my underwear as the next tune began. This time I didn't move, and Infannzin looked confused. I held my hand to my ear in an exaggerated hint and she laughed.

"Get it off," she cried, clapping loudly, and I smiled and danced. I did the full tease, moving up close to her and ducking out of reach as she tried to touch, and she kept whistling and cheering as I teasingly lowered my underwear so it almost revealed my cock, but not quite. I finally stood in front of Infannzin and held my hands up in the air. She grasped the fabric and pulled the underwear down, making my erect cock bounce a couple of times before it stopped, pointing straight up towards her face.

"My goodness, that's huge," she gasped.

"It looks a lot smaller when it is cleverly concealed deep inside a pussy," I suggested.

"We will have to try that out later," Infannzin said with an anticipatory smile, "but right now I have other plans for it." She lowered her mouth to my cock head, and slowly worked it around and then down my shaft a couple of inches. I smiled and gently stroked her hair. In my opinion freedom certainly was the better option when compared to my previous months of incarceration.

Infannzin sucked my cock enthusiastically, using a very good variation of suction, depth and tongue action. Her hands were busy too, playing with my balls and she used those long golden finger nails to stimulate my most sensitive areas. She was obviously trying to get me off quickly.

"There were only three men who survived sex with a YW," I said quietly, "and I am one of them." Infannzin's eyes were a starburst pattern, with deep red centres fading out through orange to gold and then pale yellow. They widened and looked up at me with interest, but her mouth stayed busy. I love a girl who has her priorities right.

"And," I continued, "there is only one way to survive, and that is to have excellent staying power. You have to be able to fuck for hours without cumming, and you have to make damn sure that the girl always cums first." She pulled her mouth back and my cock left it with a wet popping noise.

"You have been locked up for how long without, er, female company?" Infannzin asked quizzically.

"Ah, I see." I replied. "You know last night there was this lovely little medic who took exceptionally care of me..." Infannzin's mouth twitched with amusement and then she looked back at my cock hungrily.

"I still want to taste this for a while," she said.

"That's fine by me," I agreed, "but if you were wearing less and I was lying on the bed I could also be returning the favour."

"Oh," she looked a bit worried, "I, er, have been working all evening and I haven't had the chance to freshen up."

"Perfect," I said, "beautiful lady 'a la natural'." She smiled timidly, and I took her hands and pulled her to her feet. As Infannzin reached around to undo her dress I gently stopped her.

"Not yet," I whispered, and as she looked at me in confusion I slipped her dress up around her hips and then lowered her scarlet matching panties exposing her sparse golden triangle. I so wanted to get lost in it. We let the underwear drop to the floor and I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

She tasted good, with a strong musky scent, and I loved the concept of her being almost fully dressed and me naked as she lay on top of me and we each used our tongues to the best possible effect.

"I want you to cum in my mouth first," she said quietly as she stroked my cock lovingly.

"It will take a while," I said, concerned for her comfort.

"I have patience," she assured me, and then she returned to the task at hand. Or mouth as it were.

I got her off three times before I finally felt my own orgasm approaching.

"Soon," I told her, and she nodded and sped up her action. Infannzin had been humming as she sucked, and she increased the volume of that too. I was in heaven, and I finally exploded into her mouth.

It sure as hell didn't stop there. Infannzin was happy to find that I stayed hard, so happy that she pushed me onto my back and slowly lowered herself onto me. I found out much later that Infannzin totally naked was a glorious sight to behold, but for that first session I loved the look of her almost fully dressed enough to ask her to keep the dress on. Just call me an old perve I suppose.

We fucked like rabbits for hours, her on top, me on top, doggy, over the chair, standing in the shower, anything that we could think of at the time. When she finally took off the dress it desperately needed cleaning, soaked as it was in sweat and our combined body fluids. But I was into the partly dressed thing by then and once again I scandalised Infannzin by putting the ridiculously expensive Darnier jacket on her and then continuing my pounding.

Over the course of the night I shot two loads into her battered pussy, but we lost count of the number of times that she orgasmed after the first ten or so.

I got a call from Androger at eight thirty in the morning saying that we were leaving in half an hour, and Infannzin was asleep on me, her pussy still wrapped around my quarter hard cock. We got just under an hour of sleep that night, but damn it was worth it.

"Can I see you again?" she asked sleepily as I went to shower and dress.

"Couldn't think of anything better," I said with a lazy grin.

"Give me a few days to recover," she said, "I ache all over, but it's a good ache."

I grinned. I knew exactly what she meant. I felt it too.

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dliterdliterover 10 years ago
Great to read more

Very glad to see more Of the story. Can't wait to see how they deal with the politicians who don't want to give up the energy weapons. How they are going to prepare for the yw coming to fight them.

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