First Meeting - From Webcam to Real


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'Shower', said Maria.

'Oh god, yes', said Des.

'Who's first?'

'Hmm about all together?'.

And so, they stood, Des folding in the mat and carrying it to the washing machine, and made their way to the bathroom.

Thankfully, the walk in shower was quite large, and although never designed for three, was not too uncomfortable. They relaxed, laughing and enjoying the memory of what they had shared, and it was only when Des mentioned the overt sexual activity between the two girls that there was any slight embarrassment. Both giggled rather self-consciously, and Des wondered if they had, in fact, just fulfilled a fantasy which both had fleetingly enjoyed -- one of those taboo moments suddenly made real in this almost fantasy world which they had created for the three of them.

It was simple really -- friends enjoy giving each other pleasure, and this was the ultimate -- pleasure beyond pleasure. Hair was washed, bodies thoroughly soaped until all evidence of their earlier excesses had been washed away.

Stepping out of the shower, they towelled dry, with none of the discomfort which might have been expected. Eyes met, smiles exchanged and there was idle chatter, mostly about the events of the last few days, the highlights, the greatest memories relived, as they all knew that as soon as they separated the following day, things would start to fade, soon becoming little more than blurred memories against the background of real life.

Once dry, they returned to their rooms to dress and settle into the sofa in the living room. The night was, in fact, still young -- it was barely half past 8.

Des arrived first, wearing shorts and a robe, tied in the middle -- clothes to relax in -- and a few minutes later, Maria and Marnie appeared, wearing full length silk robes, again tied in the middle, also with comfortable clothes underneath, Des assumed.

They settled and discussed which film to watch from the selection available. Ultimately, they decided on comedy -- Blackadder III -- which would allow them to laugh together but would not require concentration. Sitting between the two ladies, Des settled back, feeling them either side as they rested comfortably against him, enjoying the companionship which had grown between them.

They watched for a couple of hours, occasionally talking, but more often just sitting and laughing. The DVD had grown boring, and they switched back to scheduled programmes, dull though they were. It was Maria who suddenly sat up and asked:

'How are you feeling? Fully recovered?'.

Des must have looked surprised. He certainly felt surprised.

'Yes, thanks -- feeling great.'

In fact, his mind had been turning over earlier events, and he had felt a distinct stirring in his loins. Maria reached around him and took Marnie's hand. Both stood looking at him, before turning to face each other. Reaching forward, they grabbed the bow at the front of each other's dressing gown and pulled it open. With total confidence, Marnie reached forward and slipped the gown off Maria's shoulders, then Maria repeated the gesture with Marnie.

Both were wearing the type of lingerie which Des so enjoyed. Corsets -- black and red for Maria, violet and white for Marnie. Below, each wore matching panties, and while Maria wore black stockings, Marnie wore white. It was almost a dream come true. They looked so stunning, and totally sexy.

Des had always considered such lingerie to be at least as sexy as total nudity, and his body responded accordingly. Both walked toward him, and he could hear the gentle rustling of their stockings as they did so. Each took a hand, and lifted him up. Undoing his robe, the slipped it off, making him feel very plain and ordinary against the shimmering beauty of their clothing. Leading him gently, they guided him to his bedroom, sat him down on the only seat in the room, facing the bed, and sat themselves on the bed.

'We want to talk with you', said Maria. 'We want to ask for your help. So far, what's happened has been wonderful. Both of us have loved it, but we need more.'

Des was puzzled. It had suddenly become clear that there was a secondary agenda to their meeting, and he didn't know whether to feel insulted or just glad that it was him that they had turned to. Maria seemed to read his mind.

'Please -- don't feel that we've used you. We both think you're fantastic, and we would have done this whether or not there was another purpose. I also hope, when we tell you, that you will understand and want to be a part of this.'

Des listened to the tale, bemused and confused, but happy that they had turned to him, and, as Maria had said, pleased to help. He had known about Marnie's 'problems -- her mood swings, falls into depression and issues surrounding her voice.

He knew speech was difficult for her, and had always presumed it to be a physical matter, and was amazed that the doctors could do nothing.

As he now learned, Marnie had been seeing a therapist. The therapist had expressed his opinion that Marnie's inability to speak was psychological. He had, in fact, simply reinforced what others had already suggested. However, he had gone further, He considered that Marnie was very repressed sexually. He said that he believed her to be a vivacious, sexual being, but her experiences had led to this being totally suppressed. She had modelled naked on several occasions, had indulged in online strip poker (though not as herself) and had enjoyed open, sexy chatting -- but it wasn't enough.

These few days had been about releasing her inner instincts. The purpose was that she should be totally sexual -- entirely free of all repression -- and so far, it had been wonderful. However, more was needed. Maria was asking, and by looking at her face, Des could tell that Marnie was equally desperate, that Des continue to help.

Marnie needed to lose every inhibition, and Maria believed that together they could help her. Des was bemused. Why him? The answer was simple -- because he was able to be uninhibited, and was creative enough to explore ways of destroying the taboos which held Marnie back. As Maria further explained, she believed that Des shared her desire to help, and that she believed that, together, they could return Marnie's voice and change her life forever.

Initially, Des was unsure, but as he listened, and was reassured that he wasn't simply being used, he realised that this was a chance to make a real difference. To help someone he had cared about for so long -- albeit only via a computer monitor.

Maria also made the point, giggling, 'It may not work -- but we can have a lot of fun trying!'

Project Marnie

Des looked at Marnie, lounging on the bed, stunning in lingerie, and asked:

'Is this what you want?' She nodded. 'What if we ask too much? Will you say so.'

Again the nod, and Maria asserting clearly that she would not, in any way, put Marnie at risk or chance harming her. Once again, Des was reassured. So -- this was more than three days -- and Marnie was to experience those things which she had held back from previously -- and he and Maria were her guides, mentors and protectors.

It was at this point that Des realised the absurdity of the situation. He was naked with a semi-erection, while two stunning, lingerie clad girls discussed pushing the limits of sexuality. It seemed that the thought had also occurred to them, as Maria disintegrated into giggles, looking at his half-mast cock.

'OK', said Maria -- let's move onto the next stage'.

Moving to face Marnie, she took her in an embrace, and kissed her firmly on the mouth. Marnie responded eagerly -- presumably, she felt that for this to work, she should enter into it whole-heartedly -- a fair point, but leading Des to wonder if what they had shared had been genuine or therapeutic. It was a thought he chose to put to one side for now, along with the million and one other questions now buzzing round his head. He had happily gone along with the idea of therapy, but now there were many aspects which unsettled him -- however, those could be discussed later -- for now, he wanted to watch the show -- and hopefully join in later.

Marnie and Maria kissed passionately, and Maria's hands began to rove. First, down to Marnie's buttocks -- taking a firm handful, pulling the cheeks apart so Marnie's panties slipped into the crack. She proceeded to stroke the exposed part, moving steadily closer to the crevice, exploring Marnie as she had probably never done before.

Marnie's hands moved down Maria's back, copying the movements, before suddenly Maria pulled her firmly towards her, bringing her astride her leg, so that she was rubbing against her. With her hand, Maria flipped Marnie's panties down, giving Des a stunning view of her exposed buttocks with Maria's leg parting her thighs.

Withdrawing gently, Maria worked Marnie onto her back, and knelt at her side to remove the white panties, leaving Marnie's moist, glistening pussy exposed, even more so as Maria gently parted her legs. Des could see every detail of Marnie exposed. Maria paused and looked across at him.

'Enjoying it?'

It was clear that this was not only to involve him, but to make Marnie very aware of how vulnerable she was. Des nodded. Maria made a gesture with her head towards the bedside table, and mouthed, 'In the drawer'.

Des stood up, his very erect cock swinging in the open air, and went to the drawer. He pulled it open, and reached inside to take out the vibrator. It wasn't a huge sex toy -- about 8 inches long, pink and white in the 'rabbit style', a clitoral stimulator arching over the top and a range of speed settings. Smiling, Des handed it to Maria. By now, Marnie was aware that something was going on and looked down at them, clearly puzzled.

As ever, Maria took control.

'I am going to fuck you with this, while Des fucks your mouth. When he has cum, and you've swallowed it, you are going to lick my pussy till I cum.'

Marnie's pupils dilated, and a momentary look of shock passed over her face. 'You must swallow all the cum and suck him dry,' said Maria. She looked at Des: 'She's never swallowed cum. I've told her to swallow quickly.'

Marnie lay back again as Maria positioned herself between her thighs. She checked to see that Marnie had adequate lubrication. She did. Putting the vibrator against her swollen lips, Maria pushed it gently inside and switched it to a rhythmic throbbing. Marnie began to breathe heavily as Des took up his position next to her head. He was rock hard as he placed it between Marnie's lips. She willingly took him into her mouth and he felt her tongue lick around his glans frantically. He started to thrust as Maria thrust the vibrator deep inside her, working her clit and g-spot simultaneously.

Des had just one aim -- to cum into Marnie's throat, and he worked in and out towards that aim. Maria looked at him and smiled. She was fingering herself openly, and seemed to enjoy every second.

'Jerk off into her mouth', she suggested.

Withdrawing from her, Des took his cock in hand and started to stroke rapidly. It was not long until he felt his semen rising ready to spurt. As the urge became irresistible, he opened Marnie's mouth with his fingers, and as the first throb began, he pushed himself into her mouth.

As he ejaculated, Marnie's eyes sprang open, and stayed open until his final dribble. He withdrew and watched as she prepared to swallow. It took just one gulp and no gagging, and he replaced his cock into her mouth for her to suck out whatever tiny vestige of cum might still be left.

Now Maria withdrew the vibrator and handed it to Des. It was slick with Marnie's juices, and as Maria moved next to Marnie's head, she looked around with a 'butter wouldn't melt' face and suggested: 'Maybe she should lick it clean first'. Des wondered if Marnie had ever tasted herself before, and as she licked the length of the vibrator, he suspected she probably had not -- maybe it was the fractional hesitation or the surprised look on her face at the first taste -- but it seemed unfamiliar.

Now Maria knelt astride her face, stroking herself and pulling her lips gently apart to allow Marnie direct access to her swollen clitoris. Des couldn't see, but could hear Marnie licking at Maria.

As with everything else so far, Marnie was buying in to her therapy, willing to go along with it for her own benefit. Des looked down between her legs and reached forward to open her fully so he could see her every detail and target the vibrator directly on to her most sensitive parts. He teased her lips at first, running the vibrator around them, causing Marnie to gasp despite her busy mouth.

Both girls were breathing deeply as their arousal heightened. Des slid the head of the vibrator into Marnie's vagina, teasing, placing in a little at a time, while his fingers stimulated her. As her breathing became more rapid, he slid it right in as deep as it would go, and was hardly surprised when it disappeared with ease -- he thought, with a wry smile -- that she was so wet that it barely touched the sides.

This brought the clitoral stimulator directly into contact with its target and the rhythmic pulses sent Marnie into even deeper gasps for air. As Marnie's excitement rose, so did Maria's, sighs and moans now coming from both of them.

Des decided it was time to bring the scenario to a climax, and started thrusting in and out with the vib -- and then, a wicked thought overtook him. His fingers were lubricated from Marnie's juices, and as she lay, legs apart, totally at his mercy, he worked a finger down, beneath her vagina and inserted it into her anus.

She gasped at the sensation, clearly taken by surprise, but it was enough -- she gasped and moaned, her orgasm almost bringing her to screaming point. As she forced her thighs forward, lifting her entire body except for her feet and shoulders off the bed, Maria ground herself into Marnie's face, using her fingers at the same time, to bring about her own orgasm.

Des could only watch the scene as both girls abandoned themselves to total pleasure, losing all control and then gradually allowed their breathing to slow and their minds to return to clear thought, so that they could consider what had just happened.

Maria lifted her leg up to move off Marnie's face and sit looking at Des on the edge of the bed. Marnie put her legs together, clearly a little uncomfortable due to the wetness down her thighs and moved up the bed into a sitting position.

Maria started to giggle -- the sound which had almost become a background to their time together.

'Wow', she said. 'That was great. You were fantastic', she said to Marnie, who reddened and smiled as if not sure whether or not this was a good thing.

She had covered herself as best she could -- legs crossed over one another, hand across her naked breasts, but the look of excitement in her eyes was still there -- a thrill -- a taboo broken which she had loved and for which no one would ever criticise her or blame her.

'You know we love you', said Maria, moving to embrace her and lie next to her on the bed. Des recognised this gesture of reassurance, and moved to Marnie's other side, also embracing her so that she was held in the loving embrace of both. Marnie relaxed into them, allowing her weight to rest on their bodies.

They lay in silence for some time, until it became clear that exertion followed by relaxation had allowed Marnie to drift off to sleep. Only then did Maria gesture to Des to leave the room and go into the lounge. He did so, and was making coffee when she appeared a few minutes later.

'She's sleeping. First time she's slept without tablets in many years. It's good. It's working.'

Maria was delighted, but clearly cautious. She knew that the process needed careful handling -- one wrong move and Marnie would be back where she started, or worse.

Both were still naked, not willing to put on clothes which would be instantly sticky and would simply serve to make them hot. Regardless, both were comfortable in their own skin. Des brought over coffee and they sat side by side. Neither wanted to talk about their most recent sexual encounters, tempting though it was to relive them, and after a few moments of companionable silence, Des decided to bite the bullet.

'OK. I get the point about the therapy, and I want to help. But what is it that we're doing here? We can't take a beautiful, innocent girl and turn her into a hard faced prostitute -- I won't let it happen.

I'm not going to degrade her so she feels crushed to the point where she is our slave. I also know you don't want that. So what are we doing? Where are the limits? How can we do this without totally fucking her mind and being as wrong as every bastard who's fucked her up before?'

Maria looked at him, clearly impressed by his concern and equally sharing some of the issues which he had brought up. She reflected before answering:

'First. Anything we do, we do because we care for her. We might have fun too, but this isn't pure hedonism. She is, and always must be our first concern.

Second. She doesn't have to do anything. If she says no, then that's it. She is willing to try this, but not to be some kind of 'fuck-artefact' for any guy who wants it. Her agreement is vital.

Third. We have limits. She is not going to simply fuck anyone. Actual sex is limited to those she wants. So far, it's you and me, but she might change that. I doubt it somehow. However -- that's only actual sex -- there may be other times when she can come out without actually fucking. We'll see.

Fourth. Whatever happens, we must always share it. We are not only managing the therapy, we're also making sure that she doesn't lose control -- literally or metaphorically -- and if she does, we step in and care for her.

Fifth -- this is not about how low she can go. No pain, no piss, no shit -- those are off limits. She hates that scene, so do I, and I think you do too, so you've told me on line.

Sixth. This is about her finding herself. We want her to share our open minds, to get her life in perspective and to celebrate herself. Is that clear?'

She giggled, obviously not sure if she had made her points in the way she hoped to. Des smiled.

'Good. My only worry was that this wasn't about her. Now I know it is, I'm happy.' He hesitated. 'And you're right. We need to work together, we need to care for her and we need to do all this by putting her first.' He smiled again. I promise to try not to enjoy it, but I think I probably will. I'll make my arrangements tomorrow -- then, all being well -- we can get on with 'Operation Marnie''.

Maria smiled back. 'You know it could go wrong. She could freak out completely. I think it'll be good though. My only real worry is that once she finds her voice, she'll never shut up.'

They laughed together, and almost unconsciously found themselves holding hands. In silence, they drained their coffee cups and Maria stood, her body beautifully silhouetted against the window as she stretched. Bending forward, she kissed Des gently on the lips.

'Thank you', she whispered, and turned towards the bedroom where Marnie was sleeping.

After placing the cups in the sink, Des made his way to the vacant bedroom, tired, happy and ready for a long, unbroken sleep.

Part 2 -- Marnie loses every inhibition -- available by September 2021.

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