First Summer: A Naked Christmas


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By my count all the other girls were missing their tops and Zoe was missing her pants too. I mentioned this to Greg and he asked me whether I was alright to be left alone for a moment. When I agreed he slipped out to his inflatable tied up at the end of the jetty, started it up and motored slowly upriver along the bank; his actions seemingly unnoticed by the rest of the group now re-immersed in their game.

Five minutes later he motored quietly back and tied up at the end of the jetty. Without a top I didn't want to get out of the water and walk along the jetty so I swam out to the inflatable and after he'd turned off the motor pulled myself partly over the side to see what he was up to. There in the bottom of the boat were three bikini tops. With an incoming tide and a light breeze blowing toward the shore, the padded tops had simply drifted upriver until the wind caused them to be snagged on some shoreline feature; so they'd been easy to find.

By now the other six had tired of their game and were talking while sitting in a circle in the waist deep shallows just as naked as before. Confirming a suspicion that had already started to form in my mind as I'd watched them over lunch, Jenny was sitting on Brad's lap; snuggled up to his body with an arm around his shoulder. Zoe was also sitting across Steve's lap but the posture was more uncommitted. Each of them were leaning back on their own arms so the contact was limited to Zoe's bare bum on Steve's upper thighs; although with Zoe's naked crutch exposed to him. Phil and Jenna completed the circle sitting apart.

My dad was a bit older than mum and as a 17 year old had actually attended the Nimbin Festival in the early 70's. In the family album were numerous photos from that festival showing dozens of naked hippie looking teenagers drying out after having a swim in the local creek. The scene on the beach reminded me somewhat of that and I couldn't help but take a photo to complete the circle on the generations.

I was still a bit torn as to what to do. One option was clearly just for me and Greg to go and join the rest; me still topless. The other was for us to make a point of bringing back the lost bikini parts, maybe being the party pooper who breaks up the whole scene. Or I could ignore their clothing, but just put my own bikini top back on before joining them; leaving me the only fully dressed female. I was just about to ask Greg what he thought when he took a massive dive off the boat into the deep water upstream of the end of the jetty; re-emerging a few seconds later with Zoe's bikini bottoms which he tossed onto the pile of other bikini parts already there. "I saw them as I was heading out to the boat"

Greg sort of made the decision for me of what to do

"Will we go and join the others?"

"What will we do with those?" I asked pointing to the pile of clothing.

"Leave them. They're not in any hurry to get dressed and they're safe for now. I'll tell Jenna her top is there if she wants it. Do you want me to get your top from the sea wall?"

I thought for a second and took for me what was a very brave decision; especially given my brothers were there.

"No leave them; actually can you drop them down onto the beach with the rest of the clothing so I can get them quickly if I need to"

So I swam back to the beach and joined the circle while Greg walked along the jetty, tossed my top onto the pile already on the beach, came up to the circle and whispered something in Jenna's ear and came and sat next to me. As I'd walked up to the group there was one thing I'd been curious about and had made a point of observing before I sat down and the answer was lost in the reflection of the water. I could see Steve's manhood floating flaccid next to Zoe's thigh. Brad's was under Jenny thigh; a visible short length of rigid base indicating her weight was holding down his boner.

I have never in my life sat around in a group topless before this; the presence of my brothers making it even more fraught. But a bit like Greg had described dealing with his arousal on the first day we'd met, I was determined not to make my discomfort obvious by hunching over as if I could hide things. So instead I probably did the opposite – thrusting them out with my shoulders held back. If they were going to be on display I wanted them looking as good as possible; especially with Zoe and Jenny as competition. After a while I repositioned myself on Greg's lap, supporting myself with an arm around his shoulder.

As we talked it was interesting following everyone's eyes. All the guys seemed obsessed with looking at the boobs; rarely not being caught without their eyes focused on somebody's. Whenever talking to any of the girls – including me – Steve's eyes always drifted down to their breasts. Otherwise he seemed obsessed with Zoe's which were just under his line of vision; although I did notice her crutch attract his attention a bit too. Because Jenny's were too close to be viewed without looking directly downward, it seemed to be Jenna's and Zoe's that mainly captured Brad's attention. Phil seemed fascinated by mine, although Jenna's also came in for a good perve from him.

It was harder for me to monitor where Greg was looking. I caught him looking down at mine quite a lot and apart from that Jenny's seemed to attract his eye too.

The girls weren't immune to a bit of looking either even if their views were distorted by reflections from the water's surface. Zoe quite blatantly kept a close eye on Steve's member while I suspect Jenna was getting her first exposure to male nakedness and since Phil's was the most visible to her it seemed difficult for her to pull her eyes away from it.

From time to time a boat would motor past. I had my back to the river but occasionally you could hear the engine revs drop as the occupants took a second look at the group of topless women sitting in the water. Jenny and Zoe as the ones facing seaward weren't immune to waving at them and when they suddenly both stuck their breasts out I guessed they were even willing to pose for a photograph. I was just glad I was facing the other way; as I suspect was Jenna.

In time the group started to break up. Jenna slid into the water and swam out to the boat, lifted herself far enough over the side to collect her bikini top, put it on and disappeared up the stairs to the house; bringing the rest of the swimmers and adding them to the beach pile as she did.

Shortly afterwards Jenny gave Brad a kiss and launched herself off his lap in a seaward dive, leaving him the need to quickly follow if his boner wasn't going to be left exposed; the bare white cheeks of his bum gliding past me as he left. That gave me a chance to ask Greg to get me my top and I put it on before we also made a retreat to the house where we got a drink, found the parents ensconced in the air conditioning it offered and settled on more comfortable chairs in the back yard; joining Jenna and Phil who were now both there dressed in swimmers.

Before I sat down I had a quick look over the sea wall. Brad and Jenny had disappeared. At first I thought Steve and Zoe had too; but then I noticed them tucked right up against the sea wall immediately below, passionately kissing. Zoe had her legs spread wide and they each had their hands intimately in the other's crutches. Even with Zoe's hand wrapped around it I could see that Greg's family were much better hung then mine. For just a nano-second I was tempted to call out something along the lines of –

"You call that an erection."

But having amused myself with the thought, I retreated unnoticed back to join the others on the chairs.

I was sitting talking to them when my eye was caught by a very strange wave pattern radiating out in a circular pattern from under the far end of the jetty. As I watched the hidden centre of the circle seemed to move to the down-tide side of the jetty until the figures of Brad and Jenny suddenly came into view; his face over her breast, the rhythmic movement of his body and the matching response from hers leaving absolutely no doubt about what was happening below the surface. As I watched, Brad caught sight of me and the couple bounced back under the jetty again leaving me feeling a slightly mixed combination of bemused and grossed out at seeing my brother full on making out with someone like that.

Half an hour later and all the kids were dressed in their swimmers and back sitting on chairs on the lawn. Whether Steve and Brad knew what each had been up to, I don't know; a crumbling old stone jetty which went part of the way out under the new timber one might have blocked their respective views. Brad of course had seen me see him, but the rest were probably oblivious to the fact my two brothers had just been nailed by Greg's two cousins (and I'm pretty sure I've put that the right way round).

An hour and a few more drinks later and the day was over; Greg staying at his place as I went home and thus leaving us without sex for the first whole day since our second encounter; my brothers had done better than I had, but I was willing to concede this single day to them.

I was really keen to play back my film of the afternoon. I had a quick look on the camera itself, but the small screen reduces the impact of it somewhat, so we needed to get some private time at Greg's place to set it up on his computer or TV. When we did get to watch it, its effect was immediate. What I hadn't noticed and only became evident after we played back the film was that Brad had spent much of the first half of the game feeling up Jenny's crutch with the fingers of his hands as he pinned her thighs to his shoulders; which, with Jenny fondling his crutch as she pulled his pants probably explained the boner he showed when he was stripped. Once the undressing started there was something about the raging hormones on display that was an instant turn on for both of us.

By half way through both our crutches were exposed to the stimulation of the hand of the other. For some reason my arousal surged when I found that, in treading water, I'd been filming under the surface as Greg was undressed by Zoe, so I had detailed film of my boyfriend in very intimate sandwiched body contact with two busty women. I even saw Zoe take a moment to study Greg as she dived down to slip his swimmers down his legs.

Why it was so arousing to me (other than to anger) I'm not sure, but just bringing the picture to mind was for a long time after enough to get me quite randy; a bit like the effect of my dream about the threesome with Kate. I had suspected from the outset that Greg had been the object of some sexual curiosity from his cousins, and that just confirmed my suspicions.

Seeing Greg then picked up naked – everything on display – and thrown back into the water had an equally powerful effect. What I also hadn't realised until I watch the film was just how early in my own undressing someone had taken control of the direction in which the camera was pointed. I saw Zoe undo my bikini top strings and pull the top off, then for a moment the camera pointed skywards before it was redirected down the length of my body from over my shoulder; my breasts, stomach and crutch - all surrounded by a multitude of the fingers and hands holding me up - framing Phil as he pulled my pants down my legs; his eyes unfailingly focused on my crutch as he did. What was more interesting – because I hadn't realised I was doing it – was the way I was moving my hips up and down as my pants were pulled. I might just have been trying to get them off quickly and myself back in the water as soon as possible, but whatever it was, it set my breasts wobbling and looked like I was sexually thrusting in the process.

Even my landing back in the water was an interesting bit of filming as my naked body could be seen emerging underwater through the stream of bubbles generated by my entry.

The last two bits had been particularly provocative for Greg and I think he was just about ready to burst by the time they played through.

The moment the film was finished we attacked each other with a vengeance stripping off the last vestiges of the others clothing and enjoying wild passionate sex on the floor in front of the TV.

But the film had another effect. It made me feel good about my body. Greg might have found the last two scenes very arousing, but for good reason. I too thought the naked girl in them was pretty hot property.

As was now obvious, that was the start of a month long relationship between Brad and Jenny. Brad was a lot less shy than I had been and Jenny had her first night over within the week. He was a lot less shy after he went to bed too. Half an hour after we retired to my room Greg and I could hear Brad's bed start up a constant monotonous metallic squeak. A few minutes later we could hear Brad panting and groaning; the eventual moment of his orgasm coming through loud and clear. As I cuddled up to Greg beside me – getting more and more aroused by the sounds coming through – I wondered if there wasn't something slightly incestuous about my brother hammering my boyfriend's cousin.

Apart from a few feminine little groans, Jenny had been relatively quiet during all this, but shortly after Brad came we heard the unmistakable sounds of her rising excitement too. Whether she came or not was ambiguous as the noises sort of petered out without any definitive climax.

About 2 in the morning we were woken by them doing the same thing

And then as quickly as the relationship started, and after more than a few disturbed nights' sleep for the rest of the family, it petered out and Jenny disappeared from our family's view; for a few weeks at least.

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