First Summer: Sex After Sailing


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For a moment, just to feel his body respond to me was enough. I didn't feel I needed to rush things. I always enjoyed being in Greg's arms.

"It's teamwork that got us back to the beach. You were spectacular. I thought it was fantastic the way you handled the trapeze; especially as the boat started to fly off the waves. Mind you your body was shaking so much I could feel it through the whole boat. I didn't know whether to worry about you or laugh."

In his 'sell job' on me for sailing before we started, the fact that it teaches both teamwork and self-reliance were things he'd stressed. I'd put it all down to PR, but after this afternoon was willing to concede he might have a point. We had needed to work together to get back and we were the only ones able to get ourselves home today. Had we waited for help, even I could see we'd have been washed out to sea by now. In fact I was quite chuffed by Greg's compliment on my sailing ability. In such challenging conditions I thought I'd done pretty well given my lack of experience and to have Greg say so in such unqualified terms meant a lot.

My desire told me it was time for more. I pulled my head up from his chest and kissed him; starting to move myself back and forward along his shaft as I did. While I'd rubbed myself along him like this before, it was usually as a part of foreplay while we still had swimmers or undies on. Somewhat surprisingly, apart from the last tennis match where Greg had used it as a bit of foreplay and momentarily as we'd repositioned ourselves in bed, this was the first time I'd had this sort of bare contact with it while we were naked in a way I could control.

It was nice enough when Greg did it; but now it was nothing less than mind blowingly stimulating. What started out as just a bit of light sexual interaction soon found me sliding my hand down and grabbing Greg's cock so I could fully control the action. With my hand around its base I was able to adjust the amount of pressure I brought against my clit. I was also able to control whether I just slid the shaft back and forward through my labia and against my clit or flicked my clit using the bell shaped head on the end of his cock; alternating between the two approaches.

I started to get more excited and moved back and forward more quickly, to the point Greg was having trouble bracing himself against my pushing, so he positioned his back against the wall of the shower bay.

Maybe it was the adrenaline from the survival sailing still in my system, maybe it was the hot water under the shower or maybe it was nothing more complex than the fact I'd just had my wax job redone and so didn't have any friction from hair. Whatever it was this was incredibly, powerfully arousing; pleasuring me at a whole new level.

Recognising from my breathing and rising physical passion the speed with which I was bringing myself to a climax, Greg bent down and started licking my nipples; which simply further heightened my arousal. As I got more and more excited I started to move faster and more violently against Greg. Over my pounding heart beat I could hear the noise of Greg's back slapping against the shower wall in time to my movements.

There was a tug of war going on in my crutch between my pussy; which desperately, longingly wanted to be filled by Greg and my clit which wasn't going to give up the source of such pleasure. The clit won. My whole mind and focus became centred on that little swollen nub greedily demanding more and more of the stimulation it was getting; flooding my body with its addictive hormonal rewards. Everything down there seemed as though it was going to burst.

When the dam of my orgasm broke all I could do was scream out Greg's name.

"Oh Greg, Greg ooohh, arrrr..." as I held his shaft as hard up in to my crutch as I could and bent over with the power of the forces ripping through me.

Just as I thought the contractions might be easing, I was hit by another even more powerful wave of them..."oooohhhhh.".

By now it was only Greg's strong embrace that was supporting me in an upright position. When the second wave eased back, my pussy started screaming out "my turn, my turn". With the strength I could still muster, I positioned the head of Greg's shaft at the opening and lifted myself up before bringing myself back down on it, grinding out the following waves of my orgasm by pushing myself hard down on to him. To cut off the objection I could see forming in Greg's throat, I managed to blurt out-

"I'm on the pill."

As I finished I started to pound away on Greg with the last of the energy still in my legs trying to give him his orgasm, but he stilled me, turned me to have my back against the wall, lifted my legs up around his hips and found his own climax with slow deliberate thrusts until his orgasm took control and forced a more powerful response.

By the time my feet reached back to the ground, Greg's legs were already starting to wobble with his post climatic weakness. Then as we so often did we just stood there in each other's arms joined together until Greg shrunk back out of me. As I felt our combined juices poor out of me and slip down my thigh I looked down. Greg's cum was clearly distinguishable by its milky colour. I watched as the water took it and washed it down my leg toward the drain. As it disappeared forever, I momentarily imagined the sperm as thousands of potential little children running away.

Greg had set alight roaring fires of love and lust in my body. But they in turn had started a few spot fires of other hormonal forces. Until now they had just been smouldering almost unrecognised. Now it seemed like being flooded with his sperm for the first time had acted like a new breeze; bringing the flame to light. Still nothing dangerous or that I couldn't control, just completely unexpected.

After a while Greg broke our hold with a kiss so that he could get out of the shower "before he dissolved" as he put it. I wasn't yet ready to surrender the warmth it gave me so watched as he dried his nakedness and reached his clothes out from my gear bag. Normally when we went sailing we changed at the car and just slipped our clothes over our swimmers; which were usually dry by the time we'd finished unrigging and were getting dressed to go. So spare undies weren't part of our kit.

Greg just put his shorts on commando, his not yet fully flaccid cock bulging in an unfamiliar more defined manner under the soft material of his board shorts. He busied himself picking up the pieces of wet gear and hanging them on pegs around the room to at least drip out the surface water. "I'll make us a cup of tea. Come up when you're ready" With that he leant in, gave me another kiss and left me to my thoughts. I followed his progress with my ears as his feet moved up the old creaky boards of the clubhouse stairs where the riser cut across the corner of the ladies room; the noise rising even above the constant drum of the rain on the roof.

Left to my own thoughts, I marvelled at the force that had caused me to scream out Greg's name. I'd never done that before -- I normally just moaned or groaned. It wasn't put on; it was just something that had uncontrollably burst out in the moment of passion.

Eventually I built up the willpower to get out. After drying myself I slipped on my T shirt and skirt. Contemplating my undies options, the thought of putting on my wet bikini bottoms was very unappealing. While I knew I'd left another bikini in Greg's car, going out in the rain to fetch it was no more inviting. So it was with only a moment's thought that I went commando too. At least the skirt I had on extended a few inches below my crutch. Then pulling the brush from my bag I turned to brushing my hair; giving the matter no more thought.

Eventually I deemed myself presentable enough to front Greg for that much looked forward to cup of tea. As I came up the stairs Greg was sitting on one of the chairs we had positioned for our pre-sail lunch. They were just two of those plastic moulded arm-chairs which we positioned facing each other with just enough of a gap for our legs. This facilitated conversation, sharing food and general looking longingly in to each other's eyes. I plonked myself down on the other one; the tea was already beside it.

Greg's first question was predicitable

"When did you go on the pill?"

"A few weeks ago. I wanted to go through the better part of a cycle to satisfy myself I was safe. Sorry, I'd meant to mention it when we had sex this morning, but sort of got carried away in the routine. Is it more fun that way?"

"Let me say that sex with you is always fun, but it certainly has a nicer feel to it."

"Was that a southerly buster?"

"I don't think so. I think it was more likely an isolated storm cell; especially with the strong down drafts we were getting. Hopefully it will soon just move on and we might even get sunshine and the rest of a warm day behind it to finish unrigging in. In fact I noticed to the South as I was making the tea that there's already signs of blue sky."

"That'd be nice. I don't think I want to be either cold or wet again today. How strong do you think the wind was?"

"Well I've been out in 25 knots before and some of the gusts we got on the way back were much stronger than that. I can only guess we experienced something up to 30 knots at times. It was probably much stronger after we got back to the beach and the hail started. It's already eased off a lot though."

"It was freezing cold."

"That's because the rain brings cold air down with it from the upper atmosphere. The wind is actually that air rushing down with the rain and spreading out when it hits the ground. That's why the wind goes away with the cloud."

"Is the boat OK?"

"Yep, I had a quick look out the window at it and it all seems to be still there. I left it facing in to the wind, so the only real danger was likely to be a tree blowing down on it or a lightening hit. Either way, better the boat than us. I hope it didn't put you off sailing."

"You're kidding. I hated being that cold, but I've never done anything so exciting. I suspect you've only let me go out on light wind days so far; I want to try it in stronger winds -- even if I do want a chance to dress a bit more to the occasion."

At about this point I absent mindedly lifted my right leg up and rested my foot on the arm rest of Greg's chair. It was an instinctive seating posture I often used in this situation while we were having lunch. Indeed sometimes I put both feet on the arm rests. Not very lady like I know, but it was relaxed and comfortable and generally all I was presenting to Greg was the crutch of my bikini. If I was lucky I got a foot massage and had I subjected Greg to some sort of eye tracking test, I'm sure he would have paid more attention to my boobs than down there; especially if I was wearing a bikini top. As he'd said once before, he looks up hundreds of bikini crutches on a single afternoon at the beach.

Today of course was a bit different. I know. You're wondering how I could have forgotten I was commando. Well I did. If Lindsay and Brittney can do it so can I.

"Do you think the hail damaged anything?"

"I don't think it was heavy enough for that; at least I hope so anyway, not that the car hasn't seen hailstorms before."

It was about this time I noticed his gaze drift south and stay there. At first I had forgotten about the changed circumstances, and then as he was more focused than normal down there the penny dropped.

I blushed a little

"Sorry I forgot." as I dropped my foot to the floor and readjusted my skirt. Greg reached down and brought my foot back on the chair.

"Don't apologise or change position because of me. If you want to put your foot down you can, but not because you think I want you to. Anyway it's a novel perspective on you."

"That's one thing to call it. I don't suppose you get to have a perve down there very often do you?"

"I've never really got a look from that angle before; I've had to work it out by touch."

"Do you want to take a proper look?"

It seemed a little weird even as I said it, but I had appreciated the times I'd got to have a proper study of Greg's anatomy; especially as he'd slept beside me with his morning glory rampant. A couple of times I'd even got to have a good look as he'd first got aroused and I still often think of the time I'd caused him a wet dream and watched as he came. I'm not suggesting it made me an expert on the male anatomy and I still had a lot to learn about what they really liked, but it did help me understand things better.

How's a young guy meant to answer that question? With a meek "OK" Greg slid down between the seats and between my legs. I slid forward to bring my bum to the edge of the seat and brought my other leg up on to the chair as well. As I found it a bit strange looking at him looking down there, I leaned back on the chair and rested my head on the top of its back support looking at the ceiling. I felt him flip the front of my skirt back to give himself an unimpeded view.

I knew the effect was subtle but to let Greg see what happened as I became aroused, I closed my eyes, tried to relax and brought to mind the sort of thoughts that would normally achieve that.

I had only been partially successful when I felt Greg's fingers on my crutch, at first gently circling my lips and then spreading them gently apart. Almost immediately I didn't need to use my imagination; my body automatically responded strongly to his touch; that sense of swelling and dampness permeating my groin. As far as I could tell his thumbs were spreading my lips apart down near my pussy and his fingers were doing that near my clit. He started moving the fingers up and down a little a little; indirectly stimulating my clit with my own lips.

Without warning I felt his warm wet tongue against my clit. I let out a loud involuntary sigh of pleasure as my heart instantly leapt into a faster beat. He started alternating between flicking my clit with his tongue and using his tongue to massage it. The pleasure was so intense I felt I wanted to start squirming to his touch but froze my body in place least he interpreted that as a request to desist. I found it hard not to continuously moan and groan, the noise only interrupted by a need to draw breath.

As happened under the shower, I felt a desperately longing to be filled by Greg's manhood even as my brain became totally and absolutely focused on the arousal driven by the stimulation of my clit. Glancing downward from my head back position, my view of the top of Greg's head was broken by my swollen breasts; the nipples tenting up my t shirt asking to be invited to the pleasure party raging in my body. Boldly I slid a hand down the front of my t shirt and started playing with one of them.

I felt Greg's fingers slide into my pussy; pressing firmly on the front wall while moving in and out to a regular rhythm. His thumb rose up the length of my slot and over my clit giving his tongue a rest from its sterling work. His other hand slid up under the hem of my skirt, inside the front of my t shirt, cupped a breast and found its nipple before proceeding to multiply the stimulation he was inflicting on me.

As I was driven toward orgasm I had to fight the urge to reach down and pull Greg's head into my crutch; to have him swallow me whole or suffocate in the process. I just had this crazy insatiable longing to have more of him in intimate contact as if I wanted his whole body inside me.

The orgasm when it came was explosive; ripping instantly through my body; compelling me to clamp Greg's head between my thighs as I squirmed about on the chair and for the second time that day screamed out his name. It was only after two or three waves had passed that I was physically and mentally able to register the discomfort I must be inflicting on Greg and release his head from the iron grip of my thighs.

For maybe a minute after I couldn't move. I just had to lie there and recover my strength. Greg remained between my legs; his hands and fingers where they had been at the start of my orgasm but no longer moving to stimulate things. When at last I could move, I eased myself back upright in my chair and pulled Greg up to have him meet my lips with his. As I watched his body rise, I saw his erect cock pointing uncomfortably out the bottom of the legs of his shorts having grown in the wrong direction as he squatted on the floor between my legs. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around it as I kissed him passionately.

I assumed Greg would want his turn and my hand was already moving up and down along his shaft as my body was preparing itself for his insertion. I was just starting to wonder whether we would be both stripping down to finish or having a quickie partially dressed when Greg gently took the hand around his shaft in his hand and unwrapped its grip.

"I don't need to go again today." he said as he kissed me gently

"You may not need to, but would you like to?"

"It's not that comfortable on a hard floor. I totally got my rocks off giving you oral like that and then watching you come. Unless you're desperate for more, I'm happy to take a rain check."

"As long as you haven't gone off me."

"I think you've had ample evidence of that not being the case. Catch me somewhere more comfortable and I'll prove it to you -- many times over if you'd like"

How about that! I didn't think guys ever said no to sex. In a way I understood and it let me finish on an absolute high, so I couldn't complain. I did wonder if I shouldn't give him an oral like he gave me. I hadn't really done that before and wasn't sure yet I fancied it; so I squibbed it.

The extra time had given the storm a chance to pass and, as Greg predicted, we were back to sunshine and the warm breeze we'd started our sail in. Greg asked if I'd mind helping him finish unrigging the boat and putting it away. On the way down I stopped at the car and put on the pants of my spare bikini.

Unrigging involved a lot of bending over the boat and I'd had my Lindsay and Brittney moment for the day thank you very much.

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SailorDougSailorDougabout 1 year ago

Well written. Had no trouble following the Aussie idiom but I am a kiwi. Great knowledge of sailing on a 29er you must have been a sailor yourself.

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