First Time Posing Pt. 02


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"Hello this is Professor Beatty how may I help you?"

"This is Mrs. Carter, I decided to cancel today's meeting, my husband doesn't want me to model for the group."

"Wait just a minute Charlene." Tom said as he grabbed the phone. "Hello Professor this is her husband Tom."

"Hi Tom, is there a problem with your wife meeting with me?"

"No professor, I just want to be at the meeting with her and she doesn't want me to."

"You want to see your wife nude in front of other people don't you Tom."

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I saw the photos of her Tom she wouldn't have modeled if you didn't want her to and furthermore she enjoyed modeling. Let me talk to her please."

Tom handed the phone back to his wife saying. "The professor wants to talk to you."

"Hi Mrs. Carter, I really want to meet with you, but I don't want to start trouble in your marriage, so if you want to meet with me you will have to bring your husband with you otherwise as much as I am disappointed I will have to cancel the meeting today it is up to you."

Charlene can't stand disappointing anyone, she took some time, but she realized she wants to model so she said. "Professor, I will bring my husband with me to the meeting."

"Good, I will see you at eleven then along with your husband." Said the Professor knowing he will have to see if she will do as he says today at the meeting for her to model for the group.

Charlene went to her dressing table to put on her makeup, she was nude. Her husband watching her, when she finished putting on her face the mature woman went to the closet to find something appropriate to wear to the meeting. She found her silk bra and pantie set in white. A red dress which came to her knee and had buttons down the front, the shoes had three inch heels, they matched the dress.

When she finished dressing she turned to her husband and said. "What do you think?"

"You will do!" Said her husband with a giggle getting up to leave the room.

Charlene threw a pillow at him as he ran out of the room. Looking at the clock she said. "We better get going, if we want to be on time for the meeting."

"Okay, I will get the car out." Said her husband.

Remembering the paper with the room number on it, she picked it up, put it in her purse, locked the door and getting into the car saying. "I am getting nervous; once I do this I can't undo it. I am still concerned what people will think of me if they find out?"

Worried that his wife will back out of modeling he said. "I think you will have a good time, It will make me very proud of you and we will have photos of you that we will be able to look at when we are old." He rubbed her leg going up to the juncture of her legs as he drove.

The rubbing of her leg by her husband was causing Charlene to become aroused. She spread her legs to give him better access to her intimate area. She was becoming wet and it was calming her down.

They arrived at the Arts building about ten minutes early and were sitting in the waiting room of the visual arts department just as Professor Beatty came out to greet them. He was a young man about thirty five years old, slim and about six feet tall. He looks like he does a lot of running.

"I see you made it Mrs. Carter." Said the professor recognizing Charlene from her photo and then putting his hand out to her husband he continued. "You must be her husband Tom. Your son did a great job on the audition photos, but I think the model is what helped him." He said this as he smiled at Charlene looking her up and down.

Blushing that the professor knows what she looks like without clothes she said. "Thank you."

Tom wanting to reinforce the professor's compliment said. "I am lucky Charlene agreed to marry me."

Charlene jumped in the conversation saying. "Yeah, I was real young and innocent and you took advantage of that." She said teasing her husband.

"Why don't we go into my office and continue this conversation?" Said the professor."

Like the gentlemen they are with the prospect of having a woman modeling nude, they let the mature woman go first into the office and held her seat as she sat. Tom took the other seat and the Professor went to his chair in back of the desk.

"Mrs. Carter the photos your son took of you are very good. You will make a good erotic model if you can model in front of a group. What do you think? Said the professor directing the question to Charlene.

"I have never tried to model in front of a group before. I don't know if I can do it?" Said Charlene.

"I have paperwork here, look it over and then we will see if you will work out as a model Mrs. Carter. Tom feel free to look over the paperwork also I have to check on a class and will be back in about twenty minutes and if both of you are agreeable we will continue." Said the professor as he left the office.

"I didn't realize I would be tested today to see if I can model for erotic photos. How do you think he will do that? I hope it won't be in front of our son or his friends?" Said Charlene wondering if she will be embarrassed to do as she is instructed.

"Let's read the paperwork first and then we can discuss the test." Said Tom hoping to keep Charlene from rabbiting.

He read over the paperwork it was a contract for today stating Charlene will agree to do a test shoot and will be paid one hundred dollars an hour as long as she is nude and follows the direction of the professor or who the professor puts in charge of the session. Tom explained everything to his wife. The only thing that stuck in her mind she will be paid one hundred dollars an hour today if she agrees to the test shoot. The paperwork also states "The husband or significant other will be present at all shoots to observe and as a chaperone during the modeling session."

Having her husband as a chaperone was comforting to her as he will make sure she is safe during the session.

"Where do I sign?" said the mature woman reaching for the pen left on the desk with the contract figuring she is here and could be a little richer when she leaves.

She signed the contract and there was a place for her husband signs also.

"I wonder what I will have to do next." The mature woman said knowing she will probably be nude within the hour.

The couple was conversing as the professor entered the office he went to this desk and saw the paperwork was signed; going to the copier he made a copy of all the paperwork and handed it to Tom.

"Mrs. Carter, Last chance do you want to be an erotic model?" Said the professor.

"Yes I do." She whispered turning red.

"You don't sound too convincing to me." Stated the professor.

"I want to do this, so what do I have to do to make you believe me?" said the frustrated woman to the professor.

"Okay Mrs. Carter, follow me, you also Tom." Said the professor as he led the older couple out of his office and down the hall, he walked past a large room with the door open and people starting to enter with camera bags, it had a stage in the front about a foot high with a chair, couch and stool. The Professor stopped in front of a door marked unisex locker room.

The professor opened the door and walked in closing the door, pointing to the lockers saying. "Mrs. Carter, remove all your clothes and put them in the locker, you can leave your shoes on, there is a key that your husband can hold onto for you and I will come to get you in a few minutes. Your time starts now." He said as he left the room.

A young woman about thirty years old came out of the rest room, she was totally nude. She saw Charlene undressing and a man with her, the nude woman stopped to talk with them. Hi my name is Tiffany I am the model today. They told me someone else would be in to do some poses also it must be you? She said as she put her hand out to shake theirs.

Charlene had her dress off and her bra unhooked when the woman came over she took off her bra and handed it to her husband before she addressed the younger woman saying. " My name is Charlene and this is my husband Tom. How long have you been modeling?"

"On and off since I graduated from college. I took the art course, I have a master in fine art history, but I can't make any money doing that, but I can as a model. When I need money I model, if I have a job I try to make it on the money I make at my job. Sometimes it is very embarrassing modeling for some of the classes. Why did you decide to model?" Said Tiffany.

"I am out of work and looking for something to do and the money offered is good, more than I was making as executive assistant." Said the mature woman.

"The money is good." Said Tiffany.

The door opened and a young man said. "We are ready for you Tiffany." Eyeing the older woman he smiled and said "Hi." As he left the room and closed the door after Tiffany followed him out.

"Tiffany was totally nude without even a robe on she went out into the hall." Thought Charlene.

Charlene hesitated the last vestige of her modesty are her panties. It took all her willpower to hook her fingers in the sides of the garment to slide them down her legs, she pushed them down past her knees and let them fall to the ground. She held onto her husband as she removed them from her feet. This was the point of no return she thought and she doesn't know if she really wants to be here?

There was a makeup mirror, table and chair in the corner of the room, so Charlene went there to make sure her makeup still looked OK. There were towels with a note stating "For use when sitting on chair." She took one and set it on the chair; she touched up her makeup and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Trying to make conversation with his wife Tom said. "I am glad you took the time to go to the gym as you look at least ten years younger than your age."

"Why thank you dear, I didn't think you noticed, this is the first time you said anything to me about my figure."

"This is the first time you have been nude outside of our house." Said her husband.

Just then the door opened it was the professor. "Tiffany is starting the more erotic poses for the class. I want you to see them and then mimic the poses Tiffany is doing, that will tell me if you will be able to be an erotic figure model for the classes." Said the professor waiting for the couple to follow him.

"Where is a robe I can put on to go to the class?" Asked the mature woman fearing what the answer will be.

"This is part of the audition Mrs. Carter; the models never use robes as we only pay them when they are nude. It makes it easier to compute their pay if they remain nude throughout the day as we only pay the model when they are nude." Explained the professor to the mature woman.

Steeling herself for the coming humiliation Charlene walked nude out in the hall in back of the Professor with her husband following her admiring her womanly figure out in public for the first time. He was uncomfortable because of his excitement he had to adjust his erection, so it would the less noticeable as he walked with them to the classroom down the hall. They were almost to the classroom when one of Jamie's friends spotted Charlene.

He had a big smile on his face and looked the mature woman up and down as he greeted her. "Hi Mrs. Carter, it is nice to see all of you today. You look beautiful!" He smiled as he walked toward the nude woman. "Hi Mr. Carter." He said as he winked to him without Charlene seeing the greeting.

Charlene returned the greeting saying. "How are you doing today Billy, and thanks." Acknowledging the off handed compliment as she, blushed, a nice shade of red.

Emboldened by her answer Billy stopped to check out his friends' mother more asking. "Did you see Jamie today yet?"

"No we haven't." Said the nude woman, as she kept walking toward the class room, to keep up with the professor.

Entering the classroom what she saw intimidated her, there was Tiffany kneeling with her back to the group of young men and women who were photographing her. they were walking around and stopping to take photos. Tiffany was totally exposed to the group with her legs spread and her brown star totally exposed; her labia was open her inner lips expose to view, along with her breasts hanging down, they were smaller than hers the Mature woman noted. No one noticed Charlene come into the room, as they were paying attention to the younger woman exposed in front of them and taking photos.

"Let's take and break presently and see how the photos you have taken of Tiffany have come out. I would like to introduce you to Charlene she is thinking of modeling for us. She is here to have some test shots done of her, so after the break we will have her pose the same way Tiffany just did. Why don't you come up and introduce yourself to Charlene during the break." Said the professor.

It was a strange situation for Charlene all the photographers came over to her to introduce themselves. She was embarrassed more by the women introducing themselves than the men. Charlene could see the look the women were giving her. "They felt superior as they had their clothes on." Charlene thought.

The professor called to Charlene. "Come over here and look at the photos taken of Tiffany, so you can get into the some of the same poses after the break."

Charlene was looking at the photos over the shoulder of a few of the photographer's, she was brushing their arms with her breasts and her husband could see she was becoming embarrassed at how exposed she will be.

"Charlene, don't you think the photos of Tiffany are great?" Said Tom.

Tiffany could see Charlene was becoming nervous and went to her saying. "You will get used to being exposed it will only take a few minutes and it will start being fun to be the center of attention." Said the younger woman with a smile.

"Okay everyone let's continue there is about twenty-five minutes left to the class. I want Charlene do a few poses for you. Charlene how about doing a standing pose, face the front with your legs a comfortable width apart."

Charlene got up onto the posing platform and stood as directed by the professor. This was a fantasy come true for Tom his wife her nipples are hard and he could see her pussy lips hanging down, engorged due to her excitement and Her lower lips open denoting her arousal.

His wife on the other hand was dying inside, she could feel her nipples getting hard and her pussy was getting itchy, denoting she was becoming excited and she was afraid her excitement will be dripping out of her femininity before this pose was completed. The photographers were all around her taking pictures and telling her how good she was doing. It felt like she was in the pose for an hour but it was only about three minutes as she was watching the clock. She could smell her pheromones escaping her womanhood this was embarrassing her knowing that if the photographers get too close to her they will smell her arousal.

"Very good Charlene next pose, turn your back to the group, spread your legs and touch your toes." Said the professor.

She did as she was asked, but her legs were not spread to the professors liking.

"Charlene spread your legs until you can feel cold air on your vagina then you will know the pose is what the photographers are looking for."

The older woman spread her legs until she could feel cool air on her vaginal lips this embarrassed her to know all in the class could see her most intimate being. It was also exciting her tremendously to do this. She could feel her pussy lips getting wet in this position she hopes her excitement will not be running down her leg before the end of the pose.

All the photographers were praising her as they were taking photos. She could see flashes from the strobes going off all around her some of the photographers even took pictures of her hanging breasts and had her look at the camera and smile. This pose lasted about four minutes and the mature woman was praying for her ability to hold the pose as long as needed. "Posing is hard work." She thought.

Charlene looked over at Tiffany and the nude younger woman gave her thumbs up and a smile.

"Okay, Charlene last pose and we will be done for today. Sit on the posing couch face front now put your legs up on the couch, slide them to your butt and let your legs open as much as you can." Said the professor.

The mature woman could feel her pussy open. Tom could see her wife's pussy exposed to all present it looked wet, red and it was open exposing her inner lips. Charlene watched as all the photographers took turns to get as close as possible to take photos of her intimate area. This is the first time so many people at once has seen her womanhood. Before today only her husband, her doctor and her son has been this close to her pussy.

"Charlene thank you for modeling today." Said the professor. "Could you go to my office I will be there in a few minutes as I want to have Tiffany finish the modeling session?"

Charlene and Tom watched as Tiffany sat on the posing couch get into the same position the older woman was in and took her index finger on each hand to open up her pussy for the photographers. Tom looked at his wife, her face was red.

"Tom, by the time I get done modeling everyone will be able to see what I had for breakfast." The mature woman tried to keep a straight face but she burst out laughing causing her husband to go into fits of laughter also.

They went to the professor's office and sat down to wait for him to come and talk with them.

"Well Charlene do you think you want to do this for a while?" Asked her husband.

"Yes once I got over the humiliation of being nude I am starting to enjoy the exposure." Stated the mature woman.

The professor came into the office he asked Charlene. "Do I put you on the schedule?"

Without even thinking about it she said. "Yes"

"Tom, I want you to come with our wife to all the sessions will you be able to do this and it is there any restrictions to the schedule?" Asked the professor knowing Tom wants to see he wife nude in front of people.

"Professor I will email you our schedule that way you will be able to work around it." Said Tom.

"Do you have any questions for me?" Asked the professor.

Tom said. "Can Charlene go to the car nude or does she have to dress?"

"Tom! Your never satisfied I have been nude for three hours and you want me to go outside nude?" Said the nude mature woman horrified that her husband will make her ride home nude as she has never done anything like that before.

"Yes your wife can go to the car nude if she wants, the campus has an area that you can go nude and that is where our parking lot is. Oh by the way here his your pay." Said the professor, as he handed Charlene an envelope.

"Bye professor, it was fun." Said Charlene.

The professor waved to them and Tom opened the door for his wife. She walked nude to the dressing room. Tom opened the locker took out her clothes and purse and neatly folding all his wife's garments.

"You really want me to ride home nude?" Said Charlene scared that she may be seen by someone in their neighborhood.

"Yes I do, I can't get enough of looking at you naked in public. You're too beautiful for clothes." Said her husband as he gave her the purse, but held onto her clothes. He grabbed her hand and opened the door to go down the hall and out the door to their car.

During the walk to the car there were at least six young men who said hello to the mature naked woman all were friends of their sons.

"Well I think the word will get out that I am walking around nude with everyone that has seen me today?" Said Charlene concerned her reputations will be tarnished after this adventure.

"I bet no one will say anything about your outfit Charlene?"

Something Charlene does not know is Jamie has warned all his friends to be quite and not say anything about his mother modeling or she will refuse to be an erotic model for the class, therefore all his friends were sworn to secrecy so they can see the MILF in all her naked glory.