First Time Posing Pt. 07


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Steve being so close to having his wife model, is not going to back down, but knowing he will have to word his next statement properly or there will not be a modeling session today. "Deloris, I'm sorry for not calling you, but it was a spur of the moment decision. I didn't know Ted was available until yesterday afternoon. I wanted to set something up for next weekend, that would have given you time to find something to wear, but he said he was available today. I became busy and forgot to call you, besides you said you didn't want me to call you at work unless it is very important."

"I guess you're right, but didn't you think it was important to tell me about modeling today."

"Well you agreed to have Ted take photos of you in a bathing suit, and I thought the white garment is a suit of a sorts." Steve is trying to bluff his way through this discussion continuing. "Didn't you have a good time other night when we went out? I picked your outfit and you wore it."

"Yes I did have a good time, until the police patrol came by." Deloris reminded her husband.

Looking at the clock they had about a half hour to get to the Golden Corral. "Deloris we have to get ready or we will miss Ted."

Reluctantly the shy woman donned the leotard and a sun dress over it saying in an annoyed voice. "Are you satisfied presently you got your way, AGAIN?" Deloris said as she put on the dress and buttoned up the front.

It was a tension fill drive to the restaurant, getting there a little before Ted. He pulled in next to the older couple, he is only twenty nine or thirty years old, Deloris has only seen him at her husband's work related functions.

The older couple alighted their vehicle and Ted joined them to walk to the entrance door.

On the way Ted looking at the older woman said. "Mrs. Phillips you're prettier in person than you are in the photos, Steve has shown me."

Blushing because of the compliment Deloris said. "Please call me either Di or Deloris I feel old when you call me Mrs. Phillips, or do you call me that, because I am so much older than you?" She was fishing for compliments from the young man. She looked the young man over thinking. "Boy is he a hunk, I am glad he is the one taking pictures of me."

Not taking the bait Ted said. "I will call you Di then."

By the time they finished breakfast, they were like old friends. Steve was relieved to see his wife was comfortable with Ted. Ted needed to take the dominate roll in this instance, to insure a good working relationship with the model, during the photo shoot.

"Di, I would like you to ride with me, so we can discuss the photo shoot, and make sure you're comfortable modeling for me. Steve you don't have a problem with that do you?" Ted said purposely not asking Deloris if she was okay riding with him. This is to assert his authority as the photographer.

Ted opened the door for Deloris and she entered. Ted entered the drivers' side and Steve entered his car, they were off to the Phillips house it was nine thirty AM when they arrived.

On the way Ted talked about what he envisioned for the shoot today, but first he wanted to make sure Di is not being forced to model saying. "Di, you are okay with modeling for me today you're not being forced to model for me are you? Steve says you have a leotard you can wear for the shoot. You will look better it, than a swim suit, you realize that don't you? The garment was a good choice on your part Di." Ted said knowing that Steve was the one to pick it out for her.

Deloris was in a no win situation as Ted told her she would look better in the leotard than a swim suit and if she said Steve picked it out, then he could make better choices than her for her outfits. She said to Ted. "I'm not being forced to model I want to model it was fun with my husband and I like you so I feel confident we will have fun during the session.

Ted opened the door for the older woman and they entered the house. The photographer walked around the house and decided to use the living room as a studio to begin with. If they progress past the preliminary shoot, he will then use the bedroom for the more intimate photos, if necessary.

"While we set up the studio, I have a portfolio of photos I took of some models with all the model releases, as I don't use any photos I don't have a model release for. Deloris, before you start looking at the photos please remove the dress." Ted said imposing his authority on her, as he gave the older woman a large album of photos. Continuing he said "Steve get your camera and we will shoot photos of your wife together." The young man wanted to let the older couple know he is in charge.

With a little hesitation Deloris removed the outer garment, went to the kitchen, and sat down to look through the album. The photos started out G rated, toward the middle of the album there were photos of women with their breast exposed, at the end it was women that were nude, and spread showing all their womanly charms, in the photos.

Deloris was in awe of these women. "They are all completely nude, with their lady bits exposed, along with their back door showing, and they have big smiles on their faces." She thought hoping she could just get through the G rated poses, and possibly a few R Rated poses.

"We are ready for you now Di." Steve said.

The mature woman dreading the coming session, walked into the living room, so nervous she was having trouble keeping her hands from shaking, when she saw the living room turned into a studio, it became real to her that she was going to model for the two men, when Ted started to issue orders to her she complied feeling comfortable with the younger man.

"We will start with you sitting on the couch Di." Ted said.

The older woman sat on the couch with knees together and hands in her lap.

Ted started to take pictures and move around. "You look beautiful Di, look at the camera, Yes smile, that's it, and make the camera want you, good hold that pose." He said as he fired off many shots from all angles.

Steve walked around his wife and shot many photos of her also, framing Ted into his photos.

"You're doing a great Job Di, keep it up. Let's load them on the computer Ted, see how they look?" Steve said, after about fifteen minutes of shooting the mature model.

The group went to the computer and put them on the screen. Out of the hundred shots they decided on ten to keep, they deleted the rest. Most of the photos kept, were taken by Ted, with one that Steve took, showing Ted in the frame with Steve's wife.

Although Deloris really liked the photos that were kept, she voiced her concerns. "I love the photos, but you can see my nipples and my pubic hair." Blushing at the thought, Ted knows she is a real red head and has seen her nipples. Deloris is not sure she is not committing a sin, by letting another man see her intimate being.

Steve said. "I think you look very fetching in the poses, you have an innocent expression on your face." Hoping his wife would want to go on with the photo shoot?

"How about another pose Steve you think we should continue?" Ted said.

"What do you think Di, you want to continue." Steve said.

Deloris is having an internal conflict. Her conservative upbringing is causing her to feel guilty, because she enjoys modeling and being exposed to some extent in public, but after seeing the beautiful photos Ted and Steve has taken of her, while not wanting to seem too eager to continue, she said. "I have some concerns about exposing more of my body, than I am comfortable with, but I think I can do a few more poses."

"Okay Di, how about resting your back in the corner of the couch, feet up on it and stretch them out. Good, Di you have nice legs." Ted said as he fired off six shoots from different angles.

Steve wanting to offer support for his wife said. "That is a great pose Di and the smile is very sexy my dear."

Wanting to go further with the modeling, and bring Deloris to the point that she will be comfortable with him touching the mature woman, Ted asked permission from her husband saying. "Steve, it is easier for me to move an amateur model into position, than it is to give an amateur model verbal instructions, if it is Okay with you?"

Steve said. "I am comfortable with you moving my wife into the positions, as long as she will allow it? Deloris, are you on board?"

Deloris feeling like it has already been determined by the two men, that she will be manually posed by Ted said. "I guess I don't have any choice but to do as the two of you say." Being nervous as the only man that has touched her is Steve to this point, other than her doctor.

Steve was taking photos of Ted moving his wife into position. Ted moved Di's outside leg to the edge of the couch exposing more of her panty covers pussy, causing one of her lady lips to become exposed and some pubic hair to come into view also.

"I think I will have to adjust the gusset of your panty." Ted said as he slipped a finger into the side of her panty to push her pussy lip out of view and also the pubic hair.

Feeling Ted finger pressing against her slit she let out a surprised. "OOHH! Ted I don't know if I should allow you access to my womanhood? Maybe Steve should be manually adjusting my intimate parts next time it is needed?" The mature woman's face was red with embarrassment and excitement that a young man has touched her so intimately.

Steve was over the moon he is taking photos of his wife being touched by another younger man. He fired off twenty shots while Ted was posing Di. "Hopefully I caught Ted adjusted my wife's pussy lips." He though while continuing to take pictures.

Ted picked up his camera and started to give directions to Di. "Here we go Di, Smile, that's great." He took ten photos. "Turn your head toward me, fine" He took five more photos. "Slide your top on the left side down a little."

Di didn't comply with Ted's last instruction saying. "I can't do that Ted."

"Do you want to stop with the photo shoot Di?" Ted asked the older woman.

"No, I thought we are going to take pictures of me in different poses in this leotard?" Deloris said having a premonition that before Ted leaves today, she will be modeling nude, and she is not ready to do this yet.

Steve needs to be firm with Di and convince her to follow Ted's direction, so he has to choose his words carefully saying. "Di, do you know it costs thousands of dollars to get a portfolio of photos from a photographer, and many thousands of dollars' worth of instructions, to become a photographer. We are getting this free, so the least we can do is listen to the person helping us, so what do you want to do Di?"

"I want to continue and I will take direction from Ted." Di said to her husband as she could see he was becoming angry with her, and she didn't want that.

"Then we are going to continue?" Ted said as he picked up his camera.

Di dropped the left side of her top to her elbow, showing the top of her breast almost to her nipple.

"You look great Di." Ted said as he fired off fifteen photos from different locations.

Steve was also shooting photos of his wife in conjunction with Ted following his lead and framing Ted in any of the photos he can.

"Turn your head toward us, smile, beautiful, keep that pose." Ted said as he proceeded to take more photos of the mature woman.

To encourage his wife Steve said, "Di I am so proud of you. You look like an angle in that white outfit." Steve was in his glory seeing his wife for the first time in a different light. She was very sexy and he is more in love with her now than he was when he married her.

"Let's see how the photos came out." Ted said as he loaded the photos onto the computer.

The group gathered around the monitor to observe the contents. They scanned through, over one hundred photos, as the images progressed; you could see Deloris was becoming more comfortable with posing. Steve caught the image of Ted adjusting Di's vaginal lip and pubic hair, and the surprised look on her face as his coworker stuck his finger in the mature woman's honey pot. Di was having fun, until the shots of her with the shoulders strap of the outfit at her elbow showing the top of her breast to her areola. She became tense for the next few shots, but within a few more images, you could see the older woman become accustomed to her exposure. She was calm and smiling at the camera for the last few images.

"Boy, it is going to be tough going through this last batch of photos, to pick out the best to keep Di. You look beautiful in most of them." Ted said, as he scanned through the images.

"The first few images of you with your strap down, we can delete as they aren't very good, but the rest are great." Steve said, as he deleted a few photos from the file, where Deloris had a tense expression on her face.

"I don't like the photos, I look too old and I am too exposed. You can see some of my pubic hair sticking out and my nipples can be seen." Deloris complained as she looked at her image, embarrassed she is so exposed.

"You are a beautiful mature woman Di." Ted said, admiring the photos that have been taken.

The last, batch of photos, are so good, they kept most of them.

"Let's continue if you want to Steve, I only have another hour and then, I will have to leave." Ted said as he directed the mature model to sit as before in the corner of the couch. Manually he was positioning the mature woman. Ted put a hand on each of her knees and spread them. He noticed the gusset of her leotard was very wet, and he could smell the familiar scent of an aroused female. He adjusted the crotch of the garment and in the process inserted his finger into her moist folds.

Steve was in position to get the photos of his coworker's finger disappearing in his wife's intimate area. "I hope Di is enjoying herself as I want to do this again, with more guys taking photos of my sexy wife." He thought, becoming aroused, at the thought of exposing her, to many guys at once.

Looking through the viewfinder, Steve caught the action of Ted pulling the other strap of his wife's leotard down. Ted wanted to expose Di's breast, but she put her hands up to stop him, so he backed away, not wanting to upset the woman. She was left with her legs spread to show the enlarging wet spot at the juncture of her legs, and the tops of her breast to her areola exposed.

"Di you're doing fine." Ted said as he started to take photos, directing her as he fired off the shots. "Lower you hand reach under you breast and pick them up. That's it hold it, smile, good that was a great shot Di, you're going to like that one.

They stopped again after fifteen minutes of shooting to load the images on the computer. They gathered around to look at the photos; both men could smell the fragrance of aroused female, when Di came to look at the images. The men thought she looked beautiful, and Ted was thankful he could touch her. Steve wanted to go further with the session, but was afraid Di would become angry, if he suggested some nude photos of her. Di was both distressed and excited. She will have to choice either between modesty or having fun, because she is having a great time, with this photo session and the attention she is getting from two hunks, her husband and Ted. She was smiling dreamily when she heard Ted talking to her, bringing her out of her pensive state.

"I have only about an hour left, you are doing such a great job, how about removing your leotard and we can do some figure studies for the next hour?"

Jumping right in Steve said. "That sounds like a great idea Di. What do you think you up for some figure studies?"

"Okay, I'm having fun and if Ted thinks I would make a good figure model I will do it." The mature woman said as she removed her garment to stand in front of the two men nude. This is the first time in her life; Di has been nude in front of a young man that is only an acquaintance. She had a red glow about her to match her pubic hair, but refrained from covering her intimate parts, from her photographers.

"Di, I am proud of you for having the courage to model for figure studies." Steve said with pride in his voice, knowing he is married to a beautiful woman, and she is willing to share her beauty with the camera and Ted.

"Okay Di you look beautiful, here let me get you posed on the couch again." Ted said as he helped the older woman, into a sitting position, with her knees together, and her hands in her lap, just covering her nipples with her arms. Beautiful, hold that pose, smile. Ted fired off twenty shots from different positions. "You're doing great Di, now lean back, that's good arms over your head, beautiful. Hold that pose and close your eyes awesome." The young man said as he took many shots full frontal of the mature woman.

Steve was in his glory shooting photos of his naked wife, with Ted in some of the photos to show she is nude, in front of another man. The best part of the photo session presently, is his wife is enjoying being nude in front of the younger man. Steve could see this in her movements and gestures.

"You're doing great Di." Ted said as he walked up to the mature woman, who still had her eyes closed and put a hand on each knee to spread her legs, thus exposing her womanhood to his view and the camera for the first time.

Di let out a little squeak when she felt his hands on her knees, opening her legs to reveal her intimate being for the first time, but only through enormous willpower, the mature woman left her legs in the spread position the young photographer adjusted them to. "I hope the young man doesn't think I am a slut?" The older woman thought, taking all her willpower to keep her legs splayed for the camera.

"That is a great shot Di hold the position." Ted said as he walked to the woman bent down and spread the mature woman's pussy lips with his fingers. Ted notices Di's vaginal lips are engorged and her labia is open and wet, she smells wonderful turned on as she is.

Di. Didn't flinch when Ted touched her intimately this time, becoming accustomed to being touched by the younger man. She looked at her husband to see his reaction to Ted touching her genitals. Tom gave her a, thumbs, up and a smile. Di is confused, all these years she has been modest and conservative, only to find out her husband wants her to be more 'outgoing' which she realizes now, it means he wants to see her nude, in front of other men.

Steve was very excited he captured the image of Ted adjusting his wife pussy lips. Firing off twenty photos of his wife spread for the first time, and the expression on her face is one of contentment.

"Hold that pose you look absolutely regal, in that pose, as on a throne, waiting all your loyal subjects to honor you." Ted said with admiration in his voice, as he took fifty photos of the beautiful woman spread for the first time in front of the camera and two men.

Looking at his cellphone Ted said. "I only have fifteen minutes left, before I have to go, so for the last pose, how about on your knees, legs spread, looking over your shoulder and smiling."

The older woman got into position, without any remarks, spread her legs wide, showing her womanhood and her back door. Her vaginal lips are engorged, and her nipples hard, her red pubic hair had moisture clinging to the hair and her labia are moist.

Ted went to the older woman, spread her lady lips, and he stuck his finger in her pussy, causing her to orgasm.

"I am so sorry Steve. I didn't mean to have an orgasm. Both of you must think I am a whore doing something like that in front of a stranger." The older woman was crying.

Ted took her in his arms saying. "Di, that is a testament, to your ability to be a sexy woman to have an orgasm, in front of people, we really appreciate you're having fun with this. Never apologize for having an orgasm while modeling."