First Time Strip Poker


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"So, how does the game start? Who goes first? And, for that matter, when does it end?"

"Usually, the game ends naturally when most players are too drunk or too tired to play," Ashley explained. "As for who goes first, that doesn't really matter, so why don't you start us off. Remember, your statement should be in the form of "Never have I ever..." and everyone who has done it, has to take a shot".

"I have to start?" Lin asked. "But I don't know what kind of questions I should ask!"

"It's easy," Ashley replied, "Just like truth or dare, they're usually about sex, like "Never have I ever had a threesome", or "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex". The more embarrassing, the better.

"All right," Lin said pensively, "Never have I ever... eh ... flashed someone."

"Nice one," Michael said, "I especially like that only girls can drink on this one."

"Oh, right," Lin said, "let's say for guys it's "Never have I ever mooned someone"".

David looked around, and so did everyone else. No-one touched their drink, and Lin looked crestfallen.

"Don't worry, Lin," he said, "that's just bad luck. It was a good statement, which in different company might very well make for some embarrassed sips. My turn now, I think. Let's see... Never have I ever masturbated while other people slept in the same room."

This time there was a lot more movement: Unsurprisingly perhaps for people in a long-term relationship, both Stephanie and Michael drank their shots. Presumably they occasionally rubbed one out when they came home late and the other was still asleep. David was more surprised about the fact that Lin threw back her shot of whiskey.

"Lin, you know you're supposed to drink if you have done it, right?" he said.

Lin looked slightly embarrassed, but nodded.

"So," Ashley said, grinning, "I'm guessing you guys just took care of your own needs while the other was passed out," -- both Stephanie and Michael nodded -- "but I don't see how you managed to sleep together with someone else, let alone why you then decided to masturbate?"

"I was seventeen," Lin said, and my parents went away for the weekend, so they stuck me with my aunt and uncle. I had to sleep on a cot, in the same room as my cousin, who is eight. He was sound asleep when I went to bed. I couldn't sleep and masturbated a little bit to help me fall asleep. He didn't wake up, so I guess it's no big deal."

"Well, well, we get to see a whole new side of you," Stephanie remarked, "whoever would have thought you did anything sexual at all, let alone with minors in the same room."

"Just because I don't brag about it, doesn't mean sex doesn't interest me," Lin retorted, "It's hardly my fault my experience in the matter is extremely limited. My parents are determined to keep me away from all men -- and all fun -- until I get married, which isn't likely to happen unless I get to meet some."

"Well, tonight we'll see how far your experience reaches", Michael said, "and if you get David drunk enough, you might even get some new experiences."

"Hey!" David interrupted, "I have never taken advantage of a drunk woman and I don't intend to start now."

"You just had your turn, David" Ashley reprimanded him, "It's my turn now. Never have I ever... walked in on my parents having sex."

This time, only Michael took his shot.

"Really? I'm the only one?"

"I've heard them doing it quite often," David answered, "but I wasn't stupid enough to walk into their bedroom."

"That's unfair. They were doing it in the living room. I just came home from school and my mother was bent over the couch, naked, and my dad was doing her from behind. Apparently they had lost track of the time. The most awkward part was them trying to explain it all to me."

Michael shivered, and Stephanie put her arm around his shoulders to comfort him. "It's a harsh truth we all learn at some point: parents do still have sex, and while it probably feels good for them, it's not pretty to look at. Right, baby, you're next."

"Right. I need another drink... so... Never have I ever fantasized about someone in this room."

Michael immediately drank his next shot. So did everyone else. No surprises there, David thought. He had never played a game of "Never have I ever" where the question hadn't come up, and, every time, all players had drunk.

"So let's see," Stephanie said, calculating. "As always, me and Michael's drink don't need explanation. Neither does David's. He's a single guy, it would surprise me if he hasn't fantasized about having sex with all three girl's present, probably all at the same time."

David chuckled. "You know me too well."

"That leaves the girls... I'm guessing David? Or do either of you want to come after my guy?" she said, pretending to be defensive.

"David, sure, Michael as well." Ashley said. "Even you, Steph. I've fantasized about a threesome with you and Michael more than once."

"I'm game," Michael said, "but you have to know that it'll be only once. And I'm so good, you'll only come begging for more, like Steph always does, and you won't be able to get the best loving in your life another time."

"You idiot", Stephanie said, laughing, "We couldn't do that to the poor girl, no-one would ever be good enough after you and me."

"That's what I've been saying. Right, babe, it's your turn."

"Hold on," David interrupted, "I want to know who Lin fantasized about, before I get into bed with her tonight."

Lin was silent, suddenly embarrassed, and said quietly, looking at the floor: "I've fantasized about losing my virginity to you, David. You're kind and thoughtful and I know you'd be careful and understanding of my situation."

David was stunned. He had expected to be the object of Lin's fantasies as soon as she had taken the shot, but simply because Michael was with Stephanie, and perhaps because he thought himself to be better looking than Michael, who had let himself go a bit since he started dating Stephanie (and eating the food she made). But this confession made it seem as if Lin had really thought about losing her virginity to David, of asking one day if it would be possible, if he were willing to do it.

He wasn't sure what he would say if the question came. On the one hand, Lin was attractive, and he had of course fantasized about sleeping with her. On the other hand, he knew some people, especially people who hadn't had a lot of sex, could not separate sex and feelings. He didn't fancy starting a relationship with Lin. She was nice enough, and pretty, but he mostly thought of her as a friend. Most of all her parents seemed an insurmountable obstacle for any normal relationship, and he didn't fancy sticking his head in that bee's nest.

"Not to mention, he has an amazing body." Michael said, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen after Lin's confession. There was laughter all around the living room, but David could feel Lin glancing at him every now and then, trying to gauge his reaction.

"Okay, my turn now," Stephanie said, "Never have I ever... watched porn with someone."

Stephanie and Michael drank immediately. Ashley, too, finished her drink.

"You two together again?" Lin asked. "Playing this game with couples is boring."

"You're getting the hang of this game," Michael said, slurring his words a bit, having drunk four shots already, and a generous glass before the game even started.

"It's always a lot more fun with experienced singles, or people coming out of a relationship," David added. "But I'm pretty curious about Ashley's story. I have trouble believing that a girl who looks like you takes a guy home who needs to spend time looking at other women."

Ashley laughed. "It's the other way around, actually. I took a guy home once, while I was slightly too drunk. He wanted to get it on, but I wasn't really feeling it, so I suggested we watch some porn. We found some amateur stuff on the web, and then decided to mirror them. It was a pretty good night after that. Sometimes a bit of inspiration doesn't hurt."

David involuntarily pictured Ashley going down on some guy, like most amateur porn starts out, and then riding him. He thought it must be amazing to have sex with a woman with her looks, and almost regretted being friends with her, as it severely limited his chances of ever experiencing it.

"That's actually a good idea," he said, "I might use it myself if I ever need to spice up a dull night."

"My turn again," Lin said. She had clearly been thinking about her next statement, determined to make it more successful than the previous one.

"Never have I ever... taken someone's virginity."

David suspected this might be a loaded question, thinking about Lin's fantasies a few rounds back. Nevertheless, he was forced by the rules to act truthfully, so he drank his shot. Ashley and Stephanie followed suit.

"You probably know that Mike was a virgin before me," Stephanie said, "so technically I took his virginity, even though as a couple, it was a process which took several months. It was the longest time I ever waited before having sex with someone. But it was worth it," she added, kissing Michael on the cheek.

"I'm a one-woman-man, baby!" Michael exclaimed. "Which can't be said about David."

"Well, I have indeed been with a couple of women, but I haven't taken any girl's virginity on the first night either, if that's what you're implying. Actually, we were both virgins, and we had our first sexual everything together."

"Everything?" Lin asked, "More than just sex? What else is there?"

"I mean, everything up to and including sex. Hers were the first breasts I ever touched, or saw, for that matter. She gave me my first hand job, my first blowjob. She was the first girl I fingered and the first girl I ate out."

David stopped quite abruptly. He hadn't meant to be so specific, he was probably drunker than he had realized at first. Then again, no-one seemed to mind the details he supplied them with, so he guessed they, too, had been affected by the alcohol.

"And then, at last, we took each other's virginity. I'm guessing your story is different."

"You know it," Ashley said. "I didn't even know he was a virgin until he told me afterwards."

"And you couldn't tell?" Stephanie asked.

"He finished pretty quickly, yes. But for a one night stand, he was very attentive of my needs, so I didn't think to ask. I just assumed he was a nicer guy than most guys I take home. Turned out he just wanted to postpone the actual sex as long as possible to make sure it wasn't over too soon."

"It's all downhill from there for him, I imagine," David said, "having your first time with a woman like you. I mean, you're absolutely gorgeous, I don't think he'll sleep with a woman as beautiful for the rest of his life."

David cursed inwardly. He clearly was letting the alcohol get to him. Now he had not only been very detailed about his first time, he had been way, way too positive about Ashley's looks. It wasn't an exaggeration, he thought, Ashley was extremely beautiful, and any guy seeing her naked would be thrilled, but it was a tad inappropriate to basically say in front his friends that he wanted to hump Ashley.

Luckily, the others had been drinking as well. They just laughed, and Ashley said, "Don't worry, Dave, you'll find a pretty girl one day, too. Just like Michael did."

"Yeah right," Stephanie said, "I'm nowhere near as beautiful as you are, Ash."

"I don't know," Michael said, playing his role as boyfriend well, albeit slightly drunk, "Sure, Ashley is extremely hot, she's fit, she's got big cans. But you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You've got a nice, round butt, you've got full breasts, and you've got an extremely pretty face. And you're a great cook, that's important as well."

"Right," said Lin, "Let's carry on with the game before David jumps Ashley and Michael tries to mount Stephanie right here on the couch.

"And what's wrong with a small orgy?" Michael said, winking at her. "No, seriously, Dave? It's your turn."

"Oh. Right. Erm... Never have I ever had a threesome."

He chose this statement especially, as he knew Ashley would probably be the only one to drink. He reckoned he had had enough to drink for a while now, and that it wouldn't hurt for Ashley to get slightly drunker, in order to forgive him his obtrusive compliments.

"You bastard," she said, drinking her shot, "you knew very well how this round would go, but you went there anyway. Not quite in the spirit of the game, Dave."

"Wait, you've had a threesome?" Lin inquired. "And why does David know?"

"Previous game of Never have I ever," Michael answered. "When we were in college, so before you met us. And of course, the information shared during a game cannot be shared with people not part of the game."

"But now you can talk about it. How did that happen?" Lin seemed suddenly very curious. "Was it with two guys, or with a guy and another girl? How do you even decide to start a threesome? And how does it work, you know, practically? Isn't it awkward?"

"You know, I think I had a threesome at the best moment of my life, in the best way possible: during college, and with two single guys. They always say that threesomes are nothing but trouble, especially if two of the participants are in a relationship, because someone always gets jealous. But we were young, uninvolved, tipsy and the guys were extremely good looking, and it was perfectly fine. I never saw either of them again, so it wasn't awkward at all."

"So what happened? I want the full details!" Lin said, the hunger clearly visible in her eyes.

David mused she must have fantasized about having a threesome too. Well, so had he, often, but for someone who hadn't even had sex with one person, he thought it strange that she was this focused on doing something with two people. Then again, when he was still a virgin, he had fantasized about the most extreme scenarios, having sex with lots of girls at the same time, making videos and watching them with different girls. All things he now thought were completely unrealistic and would likely never happen.

Now, he tried to fulfill more straightforward fantasies, like trying out new positions, or, when he hadn't been with anyone for a while, just having sex with someone new. But he could see why someone unspoiled by the reality of sex could still be very excited about the thought of someone doing a threesome.

"Yeah, Ashley," Stephanie added, pulling David back to reality, "Full disclosure. We want more information than last time. From the beginning to the end. Most of us have already heard the story, and we don't want to be bored."

"Excruciating, embarrassing detail it is," Ashley said, "On your own heads be it. Well, one night during sophomore year I was flirting with a hot guy in a college bar, Dennis he was called. Good-looking guy. Anyway, after some flirting and kissing, I let him take me to his place. However, his roommate was home, which he hadn't expected. He thought the roommate, John, had gone home for the weekend. But he was still there, and John was even better looking than Dennis. Blond, too, and I'm a sucker for blonds. So, instead of just getting it on with Dennis, which had been the plan, we had a few drinks first, the three of us.

I was really vibing on John, I was really sorry that I hadn't met him at the bar, and more than a little drunk. So when Dennis went to the toilet, I sidled up to John, put my hand on his thigh, and whispered into his ear "Let's ditch Dennis. Take me to your room and make me yours." At the same time, I moved my hand to his crotch, and I felt something twitch, so I knew he was into me too.

But he clearly valued his roommate's feelings, because he said he couldn't do that to Dennis. That's when I got the idea. I could just have sex with both of them. So when I heard Dennis flush the toilet in the bathroom, I quickly straddled John and kissed him full on the mouth. Dennis came out and was completely stunned, he had clearly thought me to be a sure thing. "What the hell, man," he said, when he saw us making out, but before John could respond, I said "What's the problem, babe? Plenty of me to go around."

Dennis looked at John for a moment, then back at me. I thought I needed to act quickly, so I just took off my top. That seemed to seal the deal, because Dennis came over and started kissing me, while John started rubbing my boobs, trying to get inside my bra."

David realized he wasn't the only one who had too much to drink. Ashley was telling the story in a very detailed manner, way more detailed than the last time she played. He knew that, if she had been sober, Ashley would just have ignored Stephanie's demand for a lot of details. Now, however, it seemed as if she was planning to give a blow-by-blow account, reliving the night as she told them about it.

Lin was looking mesmerized at Ashley, clearly trying to picture what was happening, one hand clamped between her crossed knees. Michael was slowly rubbing Stephanie's thigh, indicating that his sex drive had kicked in as well. Stephanie clearly enjoyed his ministrations, as she closed her eyes for extended periods of time, and slowly stroked Michael's neck with the arm she had draped around him. Ashley took a handful of peanuts, and continued.

"I took control then, climbing off John and unclasping my bra. As I stood there topless, both guys wanted to jump me, but I made them wait a bit. I really enjoyed the power I had over them. I told them to take off their shirts. God, they were ripped, the way guys are when they just get out of high school, before the beer belly kicks in. Their shoes and pants had to go as well, so they were standing there, just in their boxers. I could see their dicks outlined through their underwear, already straining to get free.

I went to the bedroom of one of the guys, I still don't know whose it was, and just let myself fall down on the single bed. Of course, they followed suit. I told them I was theirs to do with as they wished, so long as they stayed above the belt. You should have seen their faces, torn between excitement that this was actually happening, and disappointment by the limitations.

John went to lie next to me, and started stroking my hair, leaning in to kiss me. He was a good kisser, I could already feel myself getting wet. In the meantime, Dennis was kneeling beside the bed and had started to caress my neck, slowly descending down to my breasts. Then, he gently pushed John away and took over kissing me, still caressing my breasts with his hand. John then started kissing my breasts and gently sucking on my nipple. Dennis did the same thing, it was so hot I almost came right there and then.

I told John to take off the rest of my clothes, while Dennis kept working on my nipples. He didn't need convincing to start going down on me. Girls, it's absolutely amazing to have your nipples sucked and your pussy eaten at the same time.

Anyway, I could feel Dennis getting restless, so I told him he could remove his boxers. His dick was already rock hard, and he shuddered when I started stroking him, he was so excited. He looked close to finishing even after a few strokes. I didn't want him to finish so soon, so I told him to switch places with John. I repositioned myself and pulled down his boxers, but just when I was about to start stroking John's dick, Dennis put a finger inside of me. That was the final straw, I could feel the orgasm coming on, and I couldn't concentrate on the gorgeous dick in my hand. I think he noticed, because he started sucking on my nipples again, which sent me over the edge. I came, and I came harder than I'd ever come before. I advise you, Steph, Lin, if you ever manage to get your pussy eaten and your nipples sucked at the same time, don't let the opportunity pass you by.
