First Year After Ch. 06


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"No, I guess not," Matt said, sheepishly.

"Is that true, Sophia?" Patti asked. "Did you think I would force you into something you didn't want to do?"

"Not so much force, as much as I thought you'd expect it." Sophia responded.

"Then I guess we've had a failure in communication," Patti said. "I've known since Freshman year that you're not bisexual, honey, just as I know the guys aren't. I respect that, and don't expect anyone to do something they aren't comfortable with, nor would I push them in that direction. Let me give you an example. Jean, the girl we were in those threesomes with this summer, is bisexual, too, and I had a lot of fun with her. On several occasions, she and I would be in a 69 and Drew would fuck whichever of us was on top, from behind, while the other kept licking at both. But I would never ask Drew to do that while I was in a 69 with Matt, because neither one of them would be comfortable with Matt's tongue being that close to Drew's dick. But I'm a little disappointed that you couldn't just say that when Matt and I started getting frisky tonight. I would have stopped and cleared the air, if I had just known it needed it."

Sophia sighed, then said, "I'm sorry, Patti. I should have. I guess I still have a lot of nerves about all this, and didn't think about all of the possible positions."

"Too nervous to continue?" I asked.

"No, I just have to relax and enjoy this," she said. "I'll be a big girl, promise."

"So, what was one of these positions you discussed?" Matt asked.

Sophia looked at me, and I knew what she wanted. "The specific one we discussed has you on your back, Patti riding your face, while Sophia gives you head and I fuck her from behind, but arranged at an angle so I'm close enough to Patti to kiss her and play with her tits as we're both kneeling next to each other. Sound like a plan?"

It took us a minute to arrange ourselves as I described, and the position worked just as I imagined it, kind of looking like a diamond bent vertically by 90 degrees. Patti and Sophia wound up touching knees, but Sophia said she was okay with that, since it wasn't intimate contact. So I began thrusting into Sophia, while I had a clear view as she started sucking on Matt, which turned me on more than I expected, mainly because I'd already experienced her mouth, and could imagine how Matt was feeling.

I turned my head, and kissed Patti, as she began moaning from Matt's tongue. She was clearly still revved up from whatever she and Matt had been doing earlier, as she had her first orgasm in a minute, moaning, "Right there, Matt. Yes... yes... yessss... oh fuck, yes! YESSS!"

While Patti was shuddering, I leaned over Sophia, and reached around her hip to stroke her clit, and she moaned, "Oh, Drew, yes... harder... YES! Right there, mmmmMM!" and she started shuddering around me. When her orgasm ended, and she resumed sucking Matt's cock, I rose upright again, and lifted my hand to Patti's face, who sniffed, but decided not to lick Sophia's juices from my fingers. I filed that away, as something not to do again.

Matt was next to orgasm, his moans and grunts muffled by Patti's muff, while Sophia sucked up every drop. I went next, really pounding into Sophia, who screamed right when I came in her, followed by Patti, who between Matt's tongue and the sounds around us, came hardest. She collapsed, landing by Matt's side, facing Sophia, who had just pulled her mouth off of Matt. She looked at Sophia, and I knew she wished to be able to kiss Sophia and share Matt's cum, but instead just asked, "Can I clean him off?"

Sophia pushed off the bed, and wound up in a kneeling position in front of me, and turned her torso so we could kiss. "Thank you, lover," she whispered. "What a fantastic suggestion."

After a dinner break, we continued for the rest of the night, thinking up different foursome positions we could use. We were well fucked out when we fell asleep around 2 am.


September 20, 2013

Nine months since Dad died. Foursome Friday again, but I told the others that I needed to call my Mom first, so they were getting started in Matt and Sophia's room, while I had a long Skype chat with Mom from my room, without anyone around to overhear. She broke the news that she'd been emailing with a guy from named Steve, and they were having their first date the next night.

Mom sounded good, even for it being another 20th. I was happy that Toni was still around on a lot of nights, to keep Mom company, even overnight now that nobody was aware she was going back and forth between the two houses at odd hours, or not at all.

Grandma Marion was giving Mom some guff, though, for us having taken Toni in after her breakup with Uncle Dave, and Mom pointed out that Toni was my guest, and then repeated the same things I'd told Uncle Dave about Toni still being family in our hearts. Grandma didn't take it well, but that seems to be her default setting, anyway.

No changes on the neighboring house. No offers, apparently, but the price still wasn't coming down.


October 15, 2013

"Drew?" Patti asked, as we lay down for bed, "I think we might have a problem. Maybe it's a problem, maybe it's not..."

"Well, what is it? I can't figure out if it is or isn't until you tell me."

She took my hand, and said, "This afternoon, when I got home from classes, Matt was here, and he... well, he told me that he thinks he's falling in love with me."

I mulled that over for a few moments, not wanting to say the wrong thing, while Patti looked on anxiously for my response. Finally, I said, "Well, it's not like I can blame him for developing an emotional bond, after we've been having sex. We believe in a person being able to love two people, right? How is that a problem?"

"I don't know how Sophia would react, is all. I'd hate to come between them, if that's how she's going to see it."

"Well, how did you respond to him saying that?" I asked.

"I didn't say 'I love you' back, if that's what you're asking. I asked him if this was just about the sex, and he said it wasn't, and I didn't know what else to say after that, so I changed the subject."

I paused briefly, before saying, "Okay, so you didn't tell him what your own feelings are. What are they? Do you only see Matt as a friend, or is there the possibility of more going on?"

"We're more than friends. You don't get this intimate with someone without that augmenting your feelings at least a little. But I don't love him like I love you, or Tina, or even Toni. It's just not there for me. Maybe what I feel could grow into that, but I don't know that it will, either. In either case, I don't know how to navigate any jealousy Sophia might be feeling."

"Then tell him that, honey, at least about your feelings not being on the same level as you love me. That way, he's not getting his hopes up, and maybe he'll stay focussed on his relationship with Sophia."


October 31, 2013

Halloween, and all four of us went to a costume party, decked out as the Four Musketeers, and won the door prize for the night, which was a bottle of champagne.

Mom emailed that she was going to a Halloween party with Steve, and she was going as a slutty nurse, while Steve was going as a doctor. She emailed me a picture, and she was really hot, and Steve looked like a clean-cut executive, which is apparently what he was.


November 15, 2013

Matt and Sophia were arguing again, but Patti and I couldn't get either of them to talk to us about what the dispute was, and I feared that we were the cause or excuse or whatever you wanted to call it. It was bad enough that they cancelled Foursome Friday for the week, and since the next week started the Thanksgiving holiday, we wouldn't have another for three weeks. I hoped they resolved it by then, because it had become the highlight of every week, a great way to relieve stress, without impacting our studies too much.


November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving break started after classes on November 22nd, and Patti and I had driven home on the 23rd, with Patti spending the first night back with her parents. Toni and Mom welcomed me home with deep kisses, and we were soon in bed with each other. They gave me a double blow job, toying with me until I was ready to explode, and let me spray all over my chest, stomach and groin. They cleaned me up with their tongues, while I played with both of their pussies with my fingers. Mom then climbed up onto my still-hard cock, while Toni lowered her pussy onto my lips, and the two rode me until they each had an orgasm, then they switched places and kept riding me until I came again. Then and only then did Mom say, "Welcome home, honey. Miss us?" My body shuddered one more time.

After the drive, I was pretty tired, so I faded pretty quickly, and slept. I think both of them were disappointed, and I fell asleep to the sounds of them in a 69 next to me.


November 24, 2013

Patti and I spent the next day with Duke and Kenny, who were also back in town. Kenny had apparently broken up with his college girlfriend Trina, who we'd never met, while Duke said that things were going great between him and Jean, and he actually was going to go to Denver between Christmas and New Year's to meet her parents, always a serious sign.

That night, Mom and Toni gave Patti the same kind of welcome they gave me, focussing their attention on her in a series of 69s, while I fucked whoever wasn't licking her, or whoever was on top. I lost track of their orgasms, and had three of my own. We finally fell asleep in each other's arms, with Toni spooned in front of Patti, Mom behind her, and me behind Mom.


November 27, 2013

My 22nd birthday fell the day before Thanksgiving. Mom gave me a First Edition of 'Time Enough For Love' by Robert A. Heinlein, as my first Science Fiction addition to Dad's collection. For those who haven't read it, the oldest man in the galaxy, known as Lazarus Long, is looking for new experiences to keep himself interested in life after living 2000 years, and winds up narrating his memoir, excerpts of which appear in the book, along with lots of his philosophy, which I supposed echoed Heinlein's. In the last part of the book, Lazarus time travels back to Earth just prior to World War I, winds up involved with his family, meets himself at age 4, and eventually has sex with his own mother, Maureen, while she's pregnant with one of his many siblings. It wasn't a 'go back and become your own father' story, but it came pretty damn close. Heinlein's last novel featured Mama Maureen as the main character, telling some of the same story from her perspective, her life after that, and an eventual reunion with her son in the future. Maureen reminded me in some ways of my own Mom, long before I ever had sex with her.

More importantly to me, and to the symbolism of Mom giving it to me, 'Time Enough For Love' was the first mainstream science fiction novel I had ever read which featured incest as acceptable morally, and was foundational to my own opinions about incest and ultimately my acceptance of having sex with my Mom. I had worn out two paperback copies of it already, it was that much of a favorite of mine since I was a teenager. I had shown it to Mom right after we had gotten sexually involved and explained its significance, and she clearly remembered that, to seek it out for my birthday. Patti had read it as a teen as well, and likewise considered it part of her own sexual ethics. Without being too overt, it was a perfect symbol of how we got to where we were.


November 28, 2013

My Mom's parents had chosen to go to Cancun for the holiday, while my Aunt Maria had an invite from her latest boyfriend's family. Things were still strained between Uncle Dave and I over my Mom and I taking Aunt Toni in, with Grandma Marion still taking his side, so Thanksgiving with them was out, too. So we decided to invite Patti's parents to have Thanksgiving with us, so Patti would not have to choose, and at the last minute my Mom informed me that her boyfriend, Steve Jensen, would be joining us, too, bringing the total to eight, just perfect for our dining table with all the expansion leaves in.

Steve was the first guy Mom had decided to date after Dad, and they had been on half a dozen dates over the preceding eight weeks. Mom had said over the phone that she liked him, but was conflicted over needing to date him for appearances sake, and despite all of our discussions about it, she still had an ingrained feeling like she was cheating on Patti and I, me most of all. I told her once more that she didn't need my permission to have some fun, and even if she did, I would have given it to her. "Just make sure he treats you right." So far as I knew, they hadn't had sex yet.

Patti's family arrived around 11:30 AM on Thanksgiving morning. I was the one who answered the door when Steve arrived, around noon. I recognized him from the Halloween picture. "Hi, Steve. I'm Drew, Tina's son. Come on in."

Mom was busy in the kitchen, so I introduced Steve to Patti and her family. He had apparently already met Aunt Toni, as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek when she saw him. I later found out that she and her occasional boyfriend Jason, who was visiting his parents for Thanksgiving, had gone on one double date with Steve and Mom. There was clearly a lot that Mom was leaving out of her calls to me, and I wondered if she'd had sex with Steve without telling me.

Patti's mom, Carrie asked, "Do you have any family in Dallas, Steve?"

"No. I have two daughters, Suzy and Mandy, but they live with their Mom back in Minneapolis," he said. "I came to Dallas for my job three years ago. Under our custody agreement, I get the girls for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, and this year it's Christmas. Plus the whole month of July each summer. So I would have been alone today if Tina hadn't invited me. I've done it before, but don't like it much."

"How old are they?" Patti asked.

"Suzy's 18 and a freshman in college, and Mandy's 16 and a high school junior. Technically, Suzy isn't bound by the custody agreement now, but she's still following it because Mandy is. July of 2015 is when Mandy turns 18, and they both get to choose after that. I'm not sure yet whether that means I'll see more of them, or even less." He got out his smartphone and showed us pictures of both of them.

They were both very pretty girls. The thought popped into my head that if Steve and my Mom were to marry, they'd become my step-sisters. Where did that come from? A few minutes ago, I didn't know these girls existed, and now I was imagining them as my sisters? Did I even want Steve and my Mom to marry? What would that mean for Patti and me? Would we let Steve in on the secret and add him as a co-husband, or would I have to end things with Mom? My thoughts were whirling, until I realized that I was just letting my imagination get out of control, and I calmed myself, remembering that Mom wasn't looking for a husband in the first place.

When Mom finished basting the turkey, she came out to the living room and gave Steve a big kiss. His eyes bugged out, and I could see he was looking at me for a reaction. I gave him a reassuring smile and he relaxed into the kiss. It appeared that he wasn't expecting the kiss, so I doubted they'd been intimate. Or maybe it was just that I was there. When they parted, Mom said, "Another hour on the turkey, folks. Relax, have some appetizers, you know the drill."

"Anything I can do to help, Tina?" Steve asked.

"Actually, yes. Can you come decant two wine bottles, so they have a chance to breathe before the meal? I've got to get started on the biscuits." Mom headed back into the kitchen, and Steve followed.

Shortly after, Patti asked me if I would get her a glass of white wine, and when I entered the kitchen, Mom and Steve were making out. Two filled decanters stood on the counter, so at least Steve had done what had been asked. "Don't mind me," I said, as I got an opened bottle of Chardonnay out of the refrigerator, and poured two glasses. They didn't stop. The bottle was now empty, so I got another from the wine rack to put in its place. I grabbed the two glasses, and took them back to the living room. I handed Patti hers, then whispered, "Mom and Steve are in the kitchen kissing. They didn't even stop when I came in."

"Good for her," Patti whispered back. "Jealous?"

I shook my head no. "Surprised. She says she's reluctant about dating him, so for her to be so... amorous in public... Wait, is that it? Is she doing it to -be- seen, by your family?"

"Interesting thought." She took a sip of wine, then whispered, "We should ask her later," then turned to talk to her mom for a while.

Mom's turkey was delicious, the rest of the meal was great, and the Cowboys came back from a first half deficit to beat the Raiders 31-24. The rest of the conversations were pretty mundane, so I'll skip them. Steve and the Taylors left after the game, and once they were gone, Mom, Toni, Patti and I started in on cleanup.

"So, Mom, I have a question," I started. "When you first kissed Steve, he seemed surprised. And then you making out with him in the kitchen is, kinda, not you. Were you putting on an act for Patti's family?"

"A little for them, I suppose, but mostly for him. Steve was surprised that I would kiss him in front of you, Drew. He liked that you let him off the hook so easily. You could not have handled that better. Look, I like Steve, he seems like a nice guy, and I'll be letting him in my panties pretty soon, and kissing with him today was mostly to make that clear to him. But I don't feel a real spark with him, you know? It will actually make it easier to break up with him."

"So why have sex with him, at all?" Toni asked.

"Because it's publicly expected, frankly. As far as anyone else knows, I haven't had sex since Tom died, right? 11 months, now. Everyone imagines my grief overriding horniness, until the horniness wins. If I break up with Steve without going to bed with him, it might look really suspicious. So I'm planning to take him to bed on our next date, after Drew and Patti go back to school Sunday. If he's any good, he might get another three weeks, but I do plan on breaking up with him next month, so the coast is clear for you guys being back over holiday break. Then I'll find another guy next year."

"Mom, what are you going to do, if you -do- have a spark with someone?" I asked.

"I'm not really sure, honey" she started. "My priority is the two of you, but if I found myself really drawn to someone, we'd have to get you two together with him, then figure out together if we even want to take the risk to reveal ourselves to him with the goal of adding him as a co-husband. If not, I might date him for a longer time, but it would still have to end it eventually. What I don't know is how to even evaluate that risk. We haven't actually chosen to tell anyone so far. Toni and Jean finding out were accidents, that luckily turned out well, although I still have concerns about Jean telling Duke at some point. Having a man my own age involved with us would be perfect cover, but another revelation could also blow up in our face, right? It might just be safer to keep playing the field, indefinitely, and leading a double life."

"Gives a whole new meaning to 'taking one for the team', doesn't it?" Patti joked.

Toni said, "I don't really believe in accidents, I think I was meant by the gods to find out, because I would be accepting of you. I understand the concern, though. When I was with Dad, he was worried about questions being raised if Mona or I suddenly stopped dating anymore, so we still had to go out on some dates. It was easier for me since I was home from college and could just go on a few first dates with no sex to them, but Mona had an existing boyfriend Darren when she started up with Dad, and had not made love to him yet, then didn't want to, because of Dad. She finally did let him fuck her, after she was already six weeks pregnant, and when she told him she was pregnant, he wasn't fooled into believing he was the father and broke up with her because she'd obviously been cheating on him and wouldn't say who the father actually was. If only she could have named someone else as the father on her baby's birth certificate, she and Dad might both still be alive today. After the funerals, Darren came to me and said that if he'd known what was really going on, he would have posed as the baby's father, and I broke down in tears. He was one of the few people who were at all supportive. But I guess the gods meant for all that to happen the way it did, who knows why." She wiped a tear away from her cheek, and Patti hugged her.