Five Mums Ch. 17 - I Get Tender

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Yana and I share tender moments.
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Chapter 17

Yana had just hit us both with a bombshell. Mum and I were gob smacked to say the least. I just sat down.

"I, I, I can't believe it." I stammered. Yana went to speak. But was cut off.

"Well, you better start believing it, you randy little bastard." Mum shouted.

"We take you in give you shelter and friendship. And this is how you repay us. By making us believe that our son got you pregnant." mum shouted, her anger directed at Yana.

"Mum, mum, calm down. We'll sort something out. But we all just have to calm down and think logically. Now I know you are Yana's friend, and you were originally against any romantic involvement between Yana and myself, but you've warmed to her. As you have admitted. I think Dad has warmed to her too. And as I have admitted to Yana and yourself. I do have strong feelings for Yana here. In fact, I love her. I love her very much and not in a horny 18-year-old boy kind of way. I mean I genuinely do love her and have feelings for her." I said. Yana smiled and then started crying again.

"Yes, I know you do, son. But this complicates matters. She's getting divorced, she's moved out of her house. You two can't go public for at least four to five months. And she'll be showing by then. Tongues will wag. The fallout for all of us will be enormous. And don't you think for a moment you are not going to med school." Mum stated, her anger changing to more confusion.

"Mum, I have no intention of not going to med school. But if it turns out that this child is mine then I will stand by both it and Yana. And it may be old fashioned, but You and Dad raised me right." I said.

"Right, right, right? We raised you right? You fuck five of us senseless every week. You're fucking me, your own mother, and my best friend who I've known for longer than you've been alive. I think the time for being called right has long gone. But you do have a sense of honor and you do speak logically and sensibly. So tomorrow you're sick and you are going to take Yana to the family planning clinic and get a blood test just to confirm that she is expecting and find out how long it takes before we can get a paternity test. Ok? " She commanded.

"Right Yana, you have no need to worry you are welcome here as long as you need and if me or my family can help you in any way, just ask. But we need that paternity done, Okay?" Mum said to Yana.

"Yes, I understand." Yana answered.

"Now logically speaking who have you slept with in the past month? We know you've been with Jay and David but what about your husband.?" Mum questioned.

"Jason several times in the past two or three weeks, David once or twice about three weeks ago. My husband not for five months." Yana answered.

"So realistically it's either Jay or David." Mum said.

"Da." Yana said.

"Mum can't you be happy for her?" I asked.

"No, I can't until I find out who the father is." Mum angrily said.

Mum turned and angrily looked at me.

"You, bedroom now!" she demanded. She stood up and walked over to me. Grabbed me by my ear and dragged me to her bedroom. Yana was left on the couch quietly sobbing.

We reached mum's bedroom. And she pushed me inside before shutting the door behind her.

"Right, you, we need words." Mum said. Throwing me back onto her bed.

I looked at her as she stood over me.

"First, I am going to make an appointment with family planning tomorrow, and you are going to take a day off school and 'escort' Yana to it. Second, The timing sucks, this fucking bombshell at the same time as she starts divorce proceedings. Third, I am so angry I can't even think straight. I don't who to be angry at. You? Yana? Penny, Or Grace." mum said.

"Pen?" I stammered.

"Shut it you, yes. Well, you and Yana obviously because it takes two to tango. Also, Yana because she was sad which gave Penny the idea to go out for that night. Grace had the idea to withdraw school funds because Janice was a roll in Blackjack. Which led to this whole fiasco. This with you and Yana, and you and me. I am just so angry and frustrated at the moment." Mum angrily said.

"Understand." I said.

"Shut it you. I talk you listen. Now where was I? Oh yes when you're at family planning you will ask lots of questions. Third, what the fuck are we going to tell your father? How do you go from being single to being a dad in two weeks or so? Fourth, until this thing is sorted out. You are not fucking me at all. Don't even think about it. Understand? Fifth, you should see Mrs. Edwards the counsellor as soon as I can get you in. And you will tell her everything but names. Mine and Yana's are not to be mentioned at all. Understand? " mum angrily demanded.

"UNDERSTAND? " mum shouted.

"Ye, Yes." I answered slightly scared.

"Good! Now go and comfort your girlfriend. But I get the feeling they aren't tears of sadness but of joy." Mum said.

I got up and she stopped me as I approached the door.

"Jay?" mum said in a somewhat apologetic tone.

"Yes mum? " I replied.

"Sorry if I lost it but you have to realize the state of affairs, we're in? I'm sorry if I shouted, I didn't mean to go overboard. But we all have to be careful at the moment. I know you and Yana are in love, I can see it. You two do have genuine affection for each other. Initially I had concerns." Mum stated.

"Oh, you did, what concerned you?" I asked.

"Several things, one, how you two came to be. Two, her age. As I know there is only a ten or eleven-year age gap. But it is still a gap. Third, she's married. And Fourth, which was my biggest concern she is your teacher. Oh, and while I've got you here. All our husbands are home this Friday, so we aren't having our usual 'Get together' So no arrangement this week. The others are telling their boys as well. Now let's go comfort my future daughter in law and make a couple of calls and then a stiff drink." She said smiling. We both walked down the hallway together. Mum turned into the kitchen to go to the top cupboard and get her big bottle of whiskey that she thought no one knew about. She then sat down and had a mouthful and then made a phone call.

"Yes, ten o'clock is fine, I'll make sure they are there. Thank you." Mum said into one phone call.

That was obviously the family planning clinic. She had another shot of Whiskey and made a second call; this one was to Mrs. Edwards. The school counsellor. Another of mum's friends but not in the inner circle like Yana and the other three. Owing to the fact she didn't have any children.

"Hi Brandy, yes, it's me. Have you got any gaps tomorrow? No, I just need you to have a word with Jay. Oh, that's okay because I'm keeping him off school tomorrow anyway. No, No nothing like that. I'll call you again tomorrow morning when I'm a bit calmer and explain more." She said in a normal phone voice.

"Between you and me, he's got a girl in trouble." She said in a whispering tone.

"No, I don't think you know her. And I'll make sure he comes and sees you. Thanks B. I owe you." Mum said in her normal voice. She then downed a third shot.

"Right all sorted. You and Yana at Family planning at 10am and you only at Mrs. Edwards place at four. Okay?" Mum said.

I was comforting Yana, but I looked up at mum.

"So, at Mrs. Edwards place itself, not at school?" I asked.

"Yes, this is a favor to me and not official. For now. Your father will be home soon so leftovers for dinner. Get her in a better place before he comes home, or we will never see him. I need a shower after what we got up to this afternoon." Mum said.

She turned and walked down the hallway to the bathroom, referring to out earlier adventure that afternoon.

I was sitting beside Yana with my right arm across her shoulder, her head nestled in my chest.

"Now Yana, what's all this about? " I asked, the sincerity apparent in my voice.

"Ya v poryadke, ya plachu ne ot pechali, an ot schast' ya. Ya razvozhus,' chto delayet menya schastlivoy. I ya beremenna, chemu ya ochen' rada. Nikogda ne dumala, chto budu beremenna. Moy muzh, Andrey Otets nikogda ne prikasayetsya ko mne A potom ya vstretila zamechatel' nogo muzhchinu, i on sdelal menya beremennoy. YA lyublyu yego tozhe." Yana replied in between crying and sniffing.

"That sounds nice Yana, but in English please?" I replied.

"Da, sorry you know at times of emotion I go back to Russian. I rephase it." Yana said.

"I am all right, I am not crying through sadness, but because of happiness. I am getting divorced, which makes me happy. And I am pregnant which I am extra happy about. I never thought I would be pregnant. My husband, Andrew's father never touches me. And then I met a wonderful man, and he has made me pregnant. I love him too" Yana said.

I nodded and hugger her closer to me. I gave her a tender kiss on the forehead.

"Yana no matter what, I'm here for you, always will be. Have you told your parents overseas?" I said.

"Nyet, I thought I wait a while. I haven't told them about either situation." she said in reply.

"Good." I said. And held her closer to me. I passed her a handkerchief to wipe away the tears. I kissed her again on the forehead. And without thinking I placed my hand over her stomach.

"Now, how about a smile for me eh?" I said to Yana.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"That's better, that's the Yana I know and love." I said and then kissed her again.

"Well, I go away for a day, and I come home and find you two snuggled up on the couch. Mind sharing what's going on?" said a voice. It was dad.

"Hi dad, didn't hear you come in. Yes Yana has had some bad news. I was just ah comforting her." I said.

"But." Yana tried to say.

I shushed her.

"Good boy, where's your mum?" dad asked.

"Last I heard in the shower." I answered.

"Good I'll go and unwind maybe get ready for dinner." Dad said, and he put his bag down and went down the hallway.

"Why you say news is bad?" Yana asked a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Just easier to explain it to him. If I told him the truth that I got you pregnant. It would be a lot to explain at the moment." I said in answer to Yana's question.

"Oh, I understand." Yana replied.

"Good, now how you feeling? You are much too beautiful to be crying. Want to help me get dinner ready?" I asked.

"Yes." Yana said and got up, a smallish smile on her face. She placed her hand in mine and pulled me off the couch and into her arms. She then kissed me.

"ya tak sil' no tebya lyublyu." She whispered into my ear.

"Pardon?" I said.

"I love you so much." She said. And then walked into the kitchen.

Mum and dad both came back down the hallway discussing something.

I was finishing setting the table and Yana was just finishing serving the food. We all had a seat at the table taking great pains not to discuss why Yana was crying. Dinner passed painfully slow and then mum and dad left the room and went down the hallway.

Both Yana and I who were left in the lounge together. Sat on the couch both trying to make sense of what had happened. Yana was in an unusual mood. Swinging from being happy to be depressed. As she tried to explain. She wasn't crying because she was sad, on the contrary she was crying because she was delighted. It's just that well, the timing sucked.

Mum and Dad were in the bedroom for over half an hour. Then they came back.

They came back into the longue and sat on the couch opposite us. Dad spoke first.

"Right, your mother and I have had a chat. And. Well, I know what's causing this emotional upset tonight. And I have to say that it surprises me." He said. His awkwardness with such topics showing.

"Oh, for god's sake let me." Mum interjected.

"What he's trying to say is, I have made him aware of the situation and he is okay with it. It's that he has problems expressing it. Now Jay and Yana. Because this concerns you too. I have told him that you have started divorce proceedings against that husband of yours. And that you have also received some good news. Which is yet to be properly confirmed. I've told him you might be expecting." Mum said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yes what she said." Dad said.

"So, now we are all on the same page so to speak. We have decided that Yana you are welcome here as long as you need, we don't you having nowhere to go in your state. So, you are welcome to live here with us as long as you require. Rent free, just contribute in some way, which I know you will do, as you have done it over the past few days." Mum continued.

"Yes I am in total agreement with your mother." Dad said.

"Okay then, well your father and I both have some things to do. So, you two entertain yourselves but keep out of trouble." Mum sternly warned.

"Maybe do the dishes between you." Mum suggested.

Dad got up and walked down the hallway. Followed by mum. Mum stopped by me and quietly said.

"He doesn't know about you two and he doesn't know who the father is ok?" she said.

And then she too walked away.

I was left with Yana and together we did the dishes, closed up the house, and shut the curtains etc, in between kissing and touching each other. Yana's mood had improved, and she was softly singing as she washed the dishes.

"What are you singing?" I asked.

"Just a small Russian folk tune." She answered.

After all the tidying up was done I looked at the clock.

"Oh,just enough time." I quietly murmured to myself.

I quickly made for the door.

Yana stopped me on the way.

"Where are you going? You want to leave me here?" She asked.

"Yana I'm going out for maybe five to ten minutes. I just have to go and do something." I answered.

"Please don't do anything dumb, like go and beat Andrew or his father up, please they aren't worth it." Yana said a tinge of pleading in her voice.

I grabbed Yana by both shoulders looked into her eyes and said.

"Yana I wouldn't do anything like that, you know that. I' m just popping up to the shops for a minute. I'll be back soon. Remember what I said. I'll always be here for you, and I love you." I said to Yana.

And then I kissed her on the forehead.

I went outside and got into one of the cars and drove the short distance to the local shops, They didn't have what I needed so I went to the next block, neither did they. I went a little farther afield and finally got what I needed and then I headed home.

I parked in the driveway and picked up what I had bought and went inside. I shut the door.

"Yana?, Yana, Yana you here?" I quietly called out.

I walked around the house, hiding what I had bought behind my back.

I found Yana sitting on her bed. I knocked on the open door.

Hello, babushka, mind if I come in?" I politely asked.

"Nyet please come in." Yana said.

I walked in and stood in front of her.

"I went up the road to get you something. This." I said and then I brought my hand from behind my back to present her with a large bunch of flowers. Must be the size of my chest. It was made up of about one and a half dozen roses, Red, white, and yellow. Plus, some gypshophia or 'baby's tears.'

Yana looked at it and was speechless. You could tell she was touched.

"Spasibo,dorogaya,ya neveroyatno tronut." She said as she smelt them.

"Ah Yana?" I said.

"Oh, excuse, my apologies. Thank you darling I am incredibly touched." She said and laughed.

"Now where to put? " Yana said.

"Hang on, I'll get a vase." I said and left the room. I went down to the kitchen and found a vase. I picked it up, filled it with some water and brought it back to Yana's room.

She took it out of my hands, muttering Spasibo, which by now I had learnt meant 'Thank you.' Then she unwrapped the flowers and put them in the vase which was placed on the chest of drawers opposite her bed so she could see them from her pillows.

She smiled and gave me a small kiss.

"Well, I suppose we better make for bed. I suppose?" I said and started to leave.

"No please stay. I will just get ready." Yana pleaded. A pouting look on her face.

"But dad doesn't know about ah, us." I tried to say.

"Matters not." She answered.

"Aaahhh." I stammered as Yana started getting into her nightie for bed.

"Oh, damn it." I said.

"Goodie." Yana said, clapping her hands in playful delight.

We both cleaned our teeth and got ready for bed. Yana going to the door of my parent's bedroom and wishing them goodnight. I just called out goodnight.

We both got into Yana's bed and snuggled.

"Now Yana, we have an appointment at ten o'clock at the Family Planning Clinic. I'm going with you. Mum insists and besides, I want to come with you. Is that okay with you? She's handling your work, so we have all day off. And then at four o'clock she has insisted I go to see Mrs. Edwards the counsellor. What for I don't know." I said to Yana.

"Yes that's fine." Yana said. She rolled over onto her side and started to go to sleep. I kissed her and then reached over to turn off the light. And we fell asleep in each other's arms.

We both had a quiet night just sleeping in each other's arms. We were woken up by my parents getting up. I quietly got up and sneaked into my room so it would give the impression that I had been there all night.

I dove into my room opened my door and wished them all a good morning. We all went down into the dining room, and we had breakfast.

Dad asked Yana about how she was feeling. Yana saying that the emotions had simmered down, and she was very comfortable with the news and was happy. Sneaking a glance sideways to me as she said it.

Mum said to dad that Yana had an appointment at the FP Clinic, and I was going with her for support.

Dad said that was a good idea and was proud I was being such a gentleman.

Breakfast passed with just small talk. And then mum and dad got ready to go to work and school.

Yana and I cleared away the breakfast. Mum asked me to walk to the door with her, so I did.

"I know you were in Yana's room all last night. I saw you both. I don't mind it's just difficult with your father around. Did you fuck her?" She asked.

"No, we spent all night snuggled up against each other." I answered.

"Good, now check with the clinic when you go. If pregnant women can have sex. And don't forget your dick still has my name on it too." She said a smile across her face. As she reached down and squeezed it.

"And remember you're seeing Mrs Edwards at 4. Now you do exactly as she asks ok?" Mum said and then she called out 'Bye' to Yana and then she went off to school.

Yana and I cleaned up, and then just lay in bed next to each other making small talk until we had to get ready to go to the clinic.

We got to the clinic and checked in about ten to ten. We both waited in the waiting room.

We were called and Yana and I went in to see the doctor.

The doctor was a female about mid 30's dressed casually with black hair. She introduced herself and asked what we were here for. Yana explained it and the doctor asked if we were a 'couple.' I just chuckled and said I was a good friend there for emotional support. She got Yana to do another pregnancy test which came back positive and then took some blood.

"Now the lab is downstairs and I'm making this urgent. Should have the results by three o'clock." She said.

I asked about paternity test and sex in pregnancy Just out of curiosity. She said sex in pregnancy was fine just as long as it was in the early stages maybe up the end of the second trimester. And that a paternity test can be done by about the nine-week mark.

But given that she timing the doctor was pretty much 100% sure that Yana had got pregnant in the last two to three weeks.

She gave Yana a prescription for folic acid and then we left. As we walked back to the car. Yana held me up against her as we walked and said.

"Thank you. I needed someone to come with me.

We got back to the car, and Yana asked if I could take her to the mall. I took her to the nearby mall. She asked me to stay in the car. So, I did.