Five Mums Ch. 24 - Away We Go Pt. 03

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Dirty Weekend Part three.
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Chapter 24 - Away we go Pt 3

We all woke up and as Saturday dawned, we all discovered what each had done overnight, Penny and Grace had shared their queen bed. Brandi unusually slept alone. I had shared a bed with Svetlana, she had slept with her arms around me but there was no hanky panky. Yana had slept in the double bed in my room by herself. Yana had the bed to herself but shared the room with Svetlana and me. I woke up thinking what did I have that attracted Russian lesbians so much?

I woke up and Yana was standing over me.

"Dobroye utro, mama, nadeyus', ty khorosho vyspalas', i ya nadeyus', chto eto ne slishkom tebya pobespokoilo?" Yana said. I don't know why as I couldn't understand a word.

But it did wake Svetlana up.

I looked at both Yana and Svetlana, silently pleading that one of them would speak English.

"Good morning Yana, I have no idea what you said." I answered and yawned.

By this time Svetlana was sitting up next to me her young breasts hanging tight on her frame.

"Good morning mother I hope you slept well, and I hope this one didn't disturb you too much? Is what she said. Possibly implying did we fuck each other last night?" Svetlana explained. Before kissing me on the cheek.

"Yes that is what I meant. Sorry Sometimes I don't switch the Russian off in my head, I am Sorry." Yana said.

"Well yes and I tell both of you I did sleep well, and no Svetlana and I didn't fuck last night. Yana there is no need to be so catty and jealous. After this weekend I may never see Svetlana again and you see me all the time at home." I said.

"Da, Mama I apologise. I miss Jason." Yana replied.

"I know you do love, but we go home tomorrow, I know he'll be missing you too." I replied back.

I then sat up in bed and asked them what they had planned for today. They said that they had indeed booked the horse trek with Brandi and Grace for the morning, but they had no plans for the afternoon.

"Sounds good but don't tell Brandi you have a space, or she will put Something in it for you." I said.

"Like what?" Yana innocently asked.

"Hmm Yana you aren't that stupid, her tongue, her finger,dildo etc, etc." I said back.

Svetlana just giggled at Yana's silliness. I didn't know if it was intentional, a language issue, a morning thing or just being blonde. But I don't think Yana got it.

Just then the door opened. It was Penny.

"Hey, you sleepyheads get up it's time to get brekkie. This place has free buffet breakfast, Grace and Brandi are getting dressed as we speak. We are just waiting on you lazy sluts. Oh, and I don't know if she rang you as well. But Janice rang me. The boys had a good night last night and Carmel." Penny said wearing red lacy panties and nothing else.

"Carmel?" I wearily said.

"Yes you know Carmel, she's in the group but not in the group. The Home economics teacher, younger than us, red hair, Irish." Penny said.

"Oh Carmel, what about her?" I asked.

"She gave birth to twin girls early this morning, she was two weeks overdue. Now get ready." Penny said giving myself, Yana, and Svetlana a hurry up. Before rushing back to finish dressing.

Svetlana, rolled out of bed. Followed by me. All three of us proceeded to get dressed. Nothing special, four of them were going horse trekking So jeans and t- shirt would suffice. Penny and Myself had a loose end. I quickly got dressed in nothing special, a pair of sneakers Some Socks, blue jeans, a casual blouse in green. Underneath I wore a black bra and panties, nothing special very ho-hum.

Yana wore jeans with tears at the knees, a pink polo shirt, black sneakers and a matching pair of white bra and panties.

Svetlana wore a pair of denim shorts, black singlet top, a pair of mid shin boots. A pink bra and a pink G-string with small daisies sewn on it. Very Daisy Duke I thought.

When we were all dressed which I swear we did in no time flat, we all shuffled into the lounge.

Brandi, Grace, and Penny were waiting for us.

"Come on you damned tarts, we're hungry. " Brandi said jokingly.

Yana and Svetlana moved through the longue up to the front door.

"Has that ginger tart, taught you all her bad habits?" Penny asked as they walked past her.

We all gathered outside as Grace locked the door.

Brandi was wearing Black jeans, a red polo shirt and sneakers. I don't think I've seen Brandi So reservedly dressed.

Grace was wearing Fawn coloured canvas pants, a ' Hello Kitty' t-shirt in white with a big hello kitty on the front. And black slip-on shoes.

Penny was wearing Black Cargo pants, a short sleeve white and blue cotton shirt and black basketball boots.

We all started to walk towards the main building of the lodge, where buffet breakfast was served. It was a short walk only five minutes or so.

"Really Hello Kitty? How old are you Gracie?" Brandi cheekily asked.

"Thirty-seven, but I get cheap in the girl's department." Grace matter of factly responded.

"Girls department?" I asked.

"Yes, size twelve fits me." Grace replied.

Penny looked at the label on the inside of Grace's t shirt.

"Yes size 12, fits 12 to 14 years." She said reading what was on the label.

"Twelve years old? So, you're the same size as a twelve to fourteen-year-old?" Brandi asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Grace said.

We all giggled and then a minute or two later we arrived.

Grace checked us in, and we were ushered to a large circular table by the window that overlooked the lake. We all started to sit down, except Yana, Svetlana, and Grace. None of them would sit with their back to the window.

"You want to see the lake you three?" Penny asked.

"No" Yana said.

"Yes and no." Svetlana replied.

"What's wrong?" I asked as the three were standing dead still.

"Hmm, Ah, Ah, how can we put it?" Svetlana said.

"It's bad luck for us Chinese." Grace said.

"Same for us, if you sit with your back to the window particularly while eating, you're tempting death." Yana explained. Svetlana nodded in agreement.

"Oh, that's all right, us three will all sit on those seats then." Brandi said. So, we had a quick shuffle around So none of those three had their backs facing the window.

We sat down Penny at the 12 o'clock position against the window. Brandi at 2 o' clock, Grace at 4 o' clock. Svetlana at 6 o' clock, Yana at 8 o' clock and myself at 10 o'clock.

We then all got up to get food.

Yana was looking in her bag for Something, getting quite upset.

"What's up Petal?" Brandi asked.

"I've lost my phone." Yana said.

"Well if you want to take a photo, one of us can take it and give it to you, or you can take it when you find it. Like tomorrow morning." Brandi reassured her.

Yana smiled but kept looking.

"But I can't tell Jay what we are doing." Yana said as she looked.

Brandi joined us at the buffet table.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked Brandi.

"She's worried she's misplaced her phone, and she can't communicate with Jay." Brandi answered.

"Oh, I know where it is, But I'm not telling you or anyone where it is. Because I've hidden it." I answered.

"Why?" Brandi asked.

"Why to give Jay a break. I had to ring him last night because Yana was upset because she had sent him nearly five hundred texts, and he wasn't responding. So, I hid it So he can have a break. I know they both love each other very much, but she has to learn that he does a life, he doesn't need to be told every 20 seconds what she's doing. So, I hid it." I matter of factly said.

"Oh, I can see why." Brandi said.

The breakfast was well laid out.

Teas, coffee, toast, croissants, cold meat and cheese, jam, English muffins, Bacon, eggs done four ways. And all you could eat.

Brandi and I were the last ones back to the table. Grace had a plate piled high with Bacon and Eggs.

"Wow Gracie, where you going to put all that?" Brandi teasingly asked.

Grace just poked her tongue out. Interestingly no one spoke about what had gone on the night before.

The four who were planning to go horse trekking were discussing what trek they were doing and how long it would take etc. Grace as ever being the organiser had organised a three-and-a-half-hour trek which apparently took them 1000m above sea level, with views of three lakes, a picnic and then a trek back down. They were going to be picked up just before 9am. And would get back about 1pm. Being a tourist town a lot of providers provided pick up and drop off. So, Grace had thought why not?

We all ate our full of the buffet breakfast. Some ate more than others; Yana barely ate enough to keep a sparrow alive. She was missing my son.

"Oh, for god's sake girl, we came all this way to get away from men and to cheer you up. He's most probably busy you know; you can't expect him to be on the phone with you 24/7 you know." Brandi said speaking to Yana in a tone Somewhat resembling a stern grandmother. As Brandi knew full well what was going through Yana's mind.

I got up to go and refill my plate, Brandi followed me. Under the pretence of also refilling her plate.

We stood at the buffet and filled our plates with food.

"I'm not one to complain about people Anne, but I do worry that Jason has bitten off more than he can chew with Yana, Sometimes. If she is like this because he hasn't responded back what the hell is she is going to be like with two little ones?" Brandi said to me.

"Yes I know where you're coming from Brandi, I agree but I just don't know how to approach it. Like she has to realise that even though she loves Jay with all her being and believe me I know he does too. They do have separate orbits as well. I know she misses him, and he also misses her, but she has to get on her life. There will be times when she will regret not being single. Wouldn't you agree?" I answered.

"Oh yes I couldn't agree more. I do miss my husband and it has been a long time since he passed. But any ideas what brought this clinginess on? You know her better than anyone here except maybe Svetlana, who by the way is getting hit on by that old businessman again." Brandi said and pointed over to Svetlana getting hit on by an elderly man, with white hair.

"Well, I think a lot of it is to do with the fact she has no family to turn to, her husband who I suppose is now her ex, ignored her, fucked girls from his chemical company at home in front of her and in their marital bed. Her Stepson Andrew blames her for his mother being killed and has never really accepted her. And Jay showed her the slightest bit of affection and care. She just Sort of latched onto it. I suppose. You're the therapist." I said to Brandi.

"Oh, I agree, Jay expressed his love and affection for Yana numerous times when I had my session with him. So, I too believe there is genuine love there." Brandi said.

"Oh, you mean you did do some therapy? Not just get him to fuck you senseless?" I said.

"Yes." Brandi answered turning red for a second.

"Ok now we better go and rescue Svetlana I said.

"Leave it to me, can you take my plate back please Anne?" Brandi said an evil grin on her face.

"Sure." I said and Brandi passed me her plate. Before walking over to Svetlana.

"Hey babe are you coming back?" I heard Brandi say to Svetlana before kissing her on the cheek in front of the elderly man.

"She's mine, she plays for the other side, So back off, granddad." Brandi said to the older man, kissing Svetlana on the cheek before escorting Svetlana away.

Brandi and Svetlana returned to the table.

"Well, that worked." I teasingly said to Brandi.

"Yes I suppose it did." Brandi laughingly replied.

"Da, thank you." Svetlana said.

"Hey now you three princesses have got back. Grace here has decided it would be good if You and I join these four this morning. I've said why not, but your thoughts Anne?" Penny asked.

"What you and me on the horse trek?" I asked.

"Yes it will be fun, all six of us. I already ring and they say it's okay they just need to know your weights." Grace interjected.

"Hmm why not indeed. You four don't mind?" I said.

"No, we don't" Penny said.

"Ok then." I said.

"Okay only Person I need to know weight from is you Anne." Grace said.

I wrote my weight in the air with my finger. Grace nodded, Penny, Brandi and Yana giggled. Then Grace rung them back and gave them our details.

"Okay all Sorted, a girl called Katy will pick us up here just before nine." Grace said.

"What's the time now?" I asked.

"Quarter past eight." Said Brandi.

Ok, So we better finish breakfast and then go back and freshen up clean our teeth etc." Penny said.

We all hurried to finish our third or sometimes fourth plate or in Grace's case fifth plate of breakfast. Before going back to clean up, brush teeth etc.

Brandi took Yana aside on the walk back to the house, and again on the walk back to the main building where Katy would pick us up.

By the time we got back up to the front of the building there was a white van waiting and Yana was a lot happier. I didn't ask either her nor Brandi what had been said and they didn't tell but she was in better spirits. Standing beside the open door of the van was a tallish, girl.

She had long curly red hair, was about maybe a size twelve with a biggish bust and was maybe twenty-five at the oldest, she was reasonably tanned possibly due to being in the sun for long hours. She was wearing a blue and grey check flannelette shirt, dark brown jodhpurs, and Black riding boots.

"Good morning Leedies you must all be for me? She said in a broad Scottish accent.

"Does she speak English?" Svetlana asked.

Penny giggled. I too thought it was funny Svetlana saying that given that Her, Yana, and Grace all had English as their second language. But I had to admit that sometimes Scots were hard to understand.

"I'm Katy and if you girls would be so kind to file in here we shall Geet going. Now who have I got? Katy said.

"I'm Brandi, the brunette is Penny, the smaller one with black hair is Svetlana, The Blonde is Yana, The Asian is Grace, and the other ginger is Anne." Brandi said as we all filed into the 12-seater minibus.

"Pleased to meet you all, now Linda who's the boss and my colleague Yulia are back at the farm preparing your mounts and the food. So shall we be off?" Katy said, once again in that broad Scottish accent.

We all sat in the back except for Brandi who somehow managed to sit next to Katy in the passenger seat. Katy ticked all our names off and made a quick phone call to say we were on our way, and then she started the van.

"Hi all, my name is Katy, we are about half an hour away from the farm and our trek, I hope you all enjoy the morning and any questions?" Katy said as we moved away.

"Where you from?" Grace bluntly asked.

"I'm from Leith a small town just outside Edinburgh, Leith is famous for the musical twins the Proclaimers." Katy answered.

"Oh, So you're scotch?" Grace asked.

"No. I'm Scottish, Scotch is drink." Katy asked laughing.

Where are you six all from?" Katy asked.

"I'll answer for you all. Penny, Anne, and myself are local, Grace is Chinese, Yana and Svetlana are Russian. I got that right?" Brandi said.

"Yes, that right." Grace said.

"Oh great." Katy answered.

"So, if you don't mind my asking, how do you know each other and what brings you here.?" Katy asked.

"Ok if I tell her?" Brandi asked us.

We all nodded signifying our acceptance.

"Ok, well Anne, Penny, Grace, and Yana all teach together, same school but different subjects. Anne, Penny, and myself have known each other since university. Svetlana and Yana are friends. I am a therapist/ counsellor." Brandi explained to Katy.

"Okay and are you all on a hen's weekend? Because you have that kind of feeling to you all." Katy said.

Penny and I had a slight giggle at that observation.

"Ha, well yes and no, Yana is engaged to Anne's Son, Svetlana's single, I'm widowed and all of them are married. So, Sort of like a hen's weekend but not." Brandi explained.

"Oh, we have a few hens' weekends come through, and a few of them have got wild, we used to offer wine on the picnic, but it got abit out of hand sometimes, So we offer grape juice instead now. But it still gets wild sometimes. So, you have been warned." Katy said with a devilish grin and a slight giggle.

"How do you mean lovely?" Brandi asked coyly.

"Well, we've had a few lesbo orgies at the picnic site." Katy said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Interesting." Brandi commented.

We all drove in silence for about the next ten to fifteen minutes as Katy drove the Hiace minivan through Rotorua around the lake and out of Rotorua itself.

"So, with six of us, how many coming with us?" Brandi asked.

"With you lot there will three of us. Me, Yulia and either the owner Linda or Tina. Can I ask you Brandi those two up the back staring out the window, what's their name Yana and Svetlana where they from?" Katy quietly asked.

"Yana is from St Petersburg, and Svetlana is from Moscow. Why?" Brandi answered.

"Oh, when we saw the names on the booking, we thought Ukrainians that's why Linda put Yulia with us. Yulia's Ukrainian. And Yana is the blonde? She's marrying Annes Son?" Katy said.

"Yes that's right." Brandi said back.

"Don't take this the wrong way but Anne looks mid-forties she doesn't look old enough to have a son who is Yana's age, she looks thirty." Katy said.

"Well, that's because he's eighteen and she's twenty-nine. So, age gap. So, you and Yulia backpacking?" Brandi said trying to change the subject.

"Yes, we both are as well as Tina. We're all early twenties and been around horses all our lives. So, we know the work and most places give us food and board as well. I've guided through Europe, Australia, and South America. Yulia's only done Australia, New Zealand and I think Italy and Germany. Yulia gets a lot of mileage out of saying she's a Cossack descendent. Whether she is or she isn't I don't know." Katy said.

"Oh Cossacks, what is so special about them? Yana mentions them a lot. And what about Tina where is she from?" Brandi asked going into therapist mode.

"Well in the horse world Cossacks have this legacy of superb horsemanship and doing stunt riding, as well as being the Tsar's bully boys throughout history, but Yulia is the expert. And Tina? Tina is from Denmark. Typical Nordic, Tall, blonde, big tits. Hey ah Brandi. I have to say Anne's Son is brave taking on a Russian. If I were a guy I wouldn't." Tina said.

"Oh, why is that?" Brandi asked.

"Well between Yulia and the few we get through the treks they all seem a bit empty headed and princessy, as well as being overly clingy. Maybe it has something to do with Communism falling a wee while back or having seven women to each man over there. I don't know." Katy said.

"Could be." Brandi said in reply.

"Well here we are, just down this long driveway." Katy said as she turned right into an awfully long gravel driveway.

"Hey ladies we are here." Katy announced.

The five of us in the back all sat up particularly Svetlana and Yana who had their eyes glued to the scenery. You could almost feel the excitement coming off the two Russians.

Katy turned into a carpark made of gravel stones, and farm type fencing. She parked the van, turned the engine off, got out and walked around to open the side door.

She opened the sliding door And we all proceeded to get out. Penny and myself from the second row of seats just behind the front row which included the driver's and passenger seats.

Grace was behind us in the middle row she had three seats to herself and had sprawled herself out across all three.

Then Yana and Svetlana who had the rear row of four seats between them. Brandi opened the passenger door and got out to join us.

We all sort of lined up beside the van. While Katy checked to see we were all there and all okay.