Five Mums Ch. 26 - New Life

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We go semi public, Yana shows Jay her purchase.
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Chapter 26 - A New Life.

"So how was the trip?" dad asked Yana and mum.

Yana and mum had a quick glance sideways at each other, does he really want to know EVERYTHING? I thought. Reasoning that were some things they weren't going to tell. Knowing the peculiarities of Yana and mum's relationship.

"Well, it was quite good, we did several things, some girly things that you two boys wouldn't be interested in. But the cruise was good, the two soaking places were good, and the Horse trek was excellent. " mum responded.

I quickly glanced down under the table and saw Yana's foot starting to make it's way up my leg aiming for my inner thigh.

I suspected that they would get up to some antics, but my father was oblivious to everyone's antics. Yana looked at me with those puppy dog eyes. I knew she loved me and wanted nothing more to shout it from the rooftops but until her divorce was finalised. We both just had to keep it under wraps.

"It's good to hear you enjoyed yourself, What about our house guest? Did you enjoy yourself Yana?" Dad asked.

"Oh Da, yes very much. Me and my friend Svetlana did some things that the others didn't, but we enjoyed all our activities very much and I look forward to going again." Yana answered.

"Oh, while you two were away something came in the mail for you Yana. Looks like a lawyer's letter, going by the names on the outside." Dad said.

I reached back onto the bench and grabbed it and gave it to Yana. It did indeed look very much like a lawyers letter, going by the number of names printed on the envelope.

I handed it to Yana. She looked at it.

"Why don't you open it dear. Dinner's almost done." Mum encouraged her.

Yana put her finger underneath the tongue of the envelope and started to open it. Her nicely painted light pink nail polish becoming visible.

"Gosh what nice fingernails you have Yana, and such a nice colour too." I commented.

"Yes she got them done at Polynesian spa to match some flowers she saw." Mum said, hinting that there was something more to the tale of the flowers and the colours.

Yana opened the envelops and pulled the letter out. And unfolded it. She read it then she showed it to my mother. Both her and my mum nodded as if they both knew what it was.

"Something wrong Yana?" I asked.

"Nyet." Yana replied.

"Jason why don't you clear away the dishes, Yana and I have something to tell you and your father. But I think it is best if we do it in the lounge." Mum said.

I got up and cleared away the plates, cutlery and glasses and moved them into the kitchen ready to wash. Dad got up and moved into the lounge and sat down on his armchair.

Yana and Mum both remained seated next to one another, discussing something. Then mum got up and walked down the hallway.

"I'll be a couple of minutes don't start without me." Mum said as she walked away.

I moved and sat on the two-seater, just like my dad I had no idea what to expect.

After two or three moments Yana joined me on the two-seater couch. Mum came back from the hallway a moment or two later and sat down on the armchair between dad and myself.

She had something small in her hand.

"Right, you are most probably wondering what all the fuss is about. So, I've got you all here as some of the news is pretty heavy particularly for you John." Mum explained and touched dad on his knee.

"What has someone died?" I asked.

"Yes this is bad news." Dad mentioned.

"No, no far from it." Mum announced.

"As you know Yana received a letter on Friday which she just opened recently as you know. But it was a letter stating something that Yana and myself already knew because it was also emailed to her. I shall let Yana tell you." Mum said and then motioned for Yana to take over.

"The Letter was from my divorce lawyer, as you may or may not have guessed. It is good news. My ex-husband is not fighting the divorce and he agrees to letting me have the house when it's sold. But the business is covered by the pre-nup agreement. This, I already knew because the same lawyer emailed me on Friday. So, once I sign the acceptance, it will take a few weeks to get the judge to sign it and then I am officially divorced and when the house sells the money comes to me." Yana said.

"Oh, that's good, so single again?" Dad asked.

"How much is the house worth?" Mum asked Yana.

"It's got a value of between two and two point four million dollars, so I get half of that. And now I have residency I don't have to go back." Yana said. During the whole conversation Yana had progressively run her hand up my leg and onto my thigh resting it there.

"Hmm, Yana I'm noticing that you seem to be being very affectionate with Jason at the moment, resting your hand on his thigh and so on." Dad commented.

"Yes that brings us to another piece of news. This might come as a bit of a shock for you John. But it is a secret that us three, Yana, Jason and myself have been keeping and for good reason until the time was right. I feel the time is right now." Mum said.

Dad looked worried.

"Hmm, should I be worried?" Dad asked.

"Not really. Would you or Yana like to tell him?" Mum said motioning towards myself and Yana. Yana and I looked at each other. Seemingly each wanting the other to tell him.

"Yana this is what we discussed at the table." Mum prodded.

Yana leaned forward and cupped her hand over my ear and whispered.

"We discussed coming out about the wedding and twins." Yana whispered. I nodded.

"I'll tell him." I whispered back.

"Will somebody please tell me?" Dad implored.

"Okay, dad this is going to come as a bit of a shock. But Yana and I have grown shall we say quite fond of each other. In fact, I love her very much, and I know she loves me too. I love her so much that we are engaged, I asked her a few weeks ago and she accepted. We were just waiting for her divorce to be finalised before we told anyone. Saying that mum has know for a while. We just cant go public until I'm out of school, which is only a few weeks away anyway. And as you maybe aware. Yana here is expecting. She is expecting twins. MY twins. I am their father. So, you will be a father-in-law and a grandfather." I very matter of factly said to dad.

I felt like a great weight had been lifted off me. And I think Yana and mum felt the same. Yana expressed it by hugging and kissing me. As we hugged my hand instinctively went to her stomach.

Dad noticed as did mum.

"Ah, Ah, Ah. So, Yana is no single, she is engaged to you? And carrying your twins? And you start med school too?" Dad asked.

"Yes dad, that's about the sum of it. You can see why we kept it on the down low for a while." I answered him.

"Who else knows?" Dad asked slightly panicky.

"Well, I know, Penny, Grace, Yana's friend Svetlana, Our friend Brandi. We all know and agreed to keep it secret for a while." Mum said.

"Please give your blessing, please?" Implored Yana.

"john, I have known about both things for a while but for practicality reasons I kept it quiet and didn't tell you. But it isn't stopping him going to med school. Yana and I have insisted on that. And I know call it mother's intuition that they do genuinely love each other. I gave them my blessing a while ago." Mum told dad.

"Well, it's all so sudden. That's all. I think Yana is wonderful. And in all truth I've often thought that Yana and Jay would make a good match. Obviously, I was right. But did you know she was expecting? And did you know they were his?" Dad asked his questions directed at mum.

"Yes I knew they were Jay's." Mum answered.

Dad went quiet and held his head in his hands. He was like that for a few minutes and then raised his head.

"Well, I suppose I have to give my blessing, and you are going to go med school my boy. But I just have to know something. Is it because of you that Yana got divorced?" Dad asked.

"Dad, I now have more incentive to go and finish med school. And the other question, I'll let Yana answer it." I said.

"Papa, Jason had nothing to do with the divorce. My ex-husband and my stepson, have been very mean to me since I moved in. But I had nowhere to go. I was going to divorce him after I got residency anyway but falling in love with your wonderful son, just made me do a little bit quicker. And I do love him with all my heart. And I know he does love me in the same way. So please give us your blessing." Yana answered.

"Happy you old fart?" Mum asked dad teasingly.

Dad wringed his hands.

"Well, what can I say? But welcome to my family Yana. I suppose we will have to combine rooms now and make Jay's old room into a nursery until he qualifies. But what has he done about a ring?" Dad said.

At this Yana grabbed her right hand and tore her old wedding ring off, the one that was made out of three gold bands.

"I suppose we have a wedding to plan? What are Russian weddings like?" Dad said abit relieved.

" I have already asked Anne, Mama to help me plan it. " Yana said.

"yes she has, I have to do some research on Russian Orthodox weddings. But now it can be a family activity. And in regard to the ring, I can help." Mum said.

Mum opened her hand to reveal what she was holding. It was a red velvet ring case. She took it out of her hand and gave it to Yana.

Yana took it from mum. And held it.

"Yana this is what we talked about on the way home. This is the family ring that has been in my family since 1880. I am giving it to you to welcome you into the family. Open it please." Mum said.

Yana opened the box and inside was one very antique looking ring. It had a large diamond in the middle with a garnet, a ruby, a pearl and an emerald in circular pattern around it. It had a thick gold band.

"Now the diamond is because it is an engagement ring, but when it was set back in 1880. The ruby is for love and passion, the emerald is for luck, truth and love, the pearl is for innocence, beauty, sincerity, and new beginnings, the Garnet signifies trust, commitment, and love. And the fact that is four of them well, in Victorian Ireland the four stones represented, your past, your present, your future and togetherness. The four stones also represent Hearth, Home, Husband, and children. I want you to have it Yana." Mum said tears welling up in her eyes.

"Spasibo mama, sorry I speak Russian again. Apologises. I will take it and cherish it forever." Yana said on the verge of tears. Then mum and Yana hugged each other as they both cried tears of happiness.

"Are you going to wear it?" Mum asked. Yana slipped it on her ring finger, of her right hand.

"fits perfectly." Yana said. And she proudly displayed it on her finger for everyone to see.

Mum was speechless, her eyes welling yet again.

"Where is it? ' Dad asked as he was looking at Yana's left hand but Yana being orthodox had slipped it on the ring finger of her right hand. Yana flashed her right hand proudly in front of him.

"Oh." Dad said as understanding dawned on him.

So, wearing rings on the wrong hand is a Russian thing, Is it?" Dad asked.

"Yes. But whether it is the right hand or wrong hand is open to debate." I answered. To save Yana the explanation.

"So now you're technically single are you going to go back to your maiden name? And are you going to take on our name?" Dad enquired.

"Dad, I have already used my Russian name for a long time as he wouldn't let me take his. Hence I have always been called Mrs Pavlyuchenkova at school. And whether I take your name I haven't thought about it." Yana replied.

"Pav, Pavlyuch, Pavlyuchenkova. That's unusual." Dad stammered.

"Dad! It isn't like the wedding in next week. We have a while to think of these things. I don't know if I will have to convert as well." I said.

"Well let me convey our congratulations to you both. John get ready for the morning. You have an early list yes?" Mum said. Mainly in an effort to dislodge Dad's foot from his throat.

"Oh yes. First operation is at 7am, so I have to be up early. What's the time now?" Dad said.

"Eight thirty." I said.

"So go and get in bed." Mum said to dad.

Dad got up and went down the hallway.

"Night all." He said as he walked away.

We all said night.

"Phew that was difficult, it really was like mating elephants." Mum said as she flopped down.

"Tell me about it." I said.

"Excuse what does elephants have to do with anything?" Yana asked innocently.

"I'll explain later Yana." I answered.

"So now it's official what are you young lovers up to next? Yana got your gift. And she did get something nice with it. I have to say I am immensely proud of you. And she put a lot of thought into it, and I hope you like it. I helped her pick it out." Mum said.

"Oh, I can't hardly wait." I said expectedly.

"Just remember I haven't had cock for three days, so I have a hole that needs filling." Mum said looking straight at me.

"Yes, what happens to our 'thing' now that Yana and I are official?" I asked.

"Well, that is up to Yana. I know I still want you in me, And you're a male you will want as many pussies as you can get." Mum said giggling.

I turned bright red.

"Well Yana? Any thoughts?" I asked.

"yes Yana, any thoughts?" Mum seconded.

"Hmm, I have concerns that maybe I shouldn't let you have sex with my husband, but then I think we aren't married yet. So, you can still do it. I have to admit the times when all three have done it I have enjoyed. But, as of my wedding day. IT STOPS!" Yana said.

"okay, now why don't you get in that thing you got with Jay's voucher and show him? Make it a celebration? I need a word with him, little mother/son chit chat." Mum said.

Yana smiled, kissed me, and then got up and wriggled her ass Infront of me before cheekily going down the hallway to her, I suppose our room.

I watched her wander off down the hall humming to herself.

"Right, you, A word or three. First, I am going to fuck you each and every time I get ok? Second, She really does love you. Third, While we were away Penny had a phone call from her Sister Jeanette. She wants something. And Penny and I have sort of volunteered you for it." Mum said.

"Hmm wonder what it is? Is it a small thing?" I asked mum. Assuming it was something small.

"Well for a virile son like you it should be small but knowing you it's rather big." Mum answered teasingly.

"Hmm, I am all ears. Tell me?" I said.

"Okay, Well Penny's sister Jeanette, have you met her before?" Mum said.

"No don't think I have; does she need yard work or gardening done?" I said.

"Not quite, well Jeanette is Penny's younger sister she's forty and single. She's also a lawyer. Well," Mum stammered.

"Mum tell me." I demanded.

"Well, she is worried that being single and forty her time is approaching. And she wants a child. And Penny thought of you being eighteen and as Penny put it 'we have evidence that yours work with Yana." Mum said.

"Oh, she needs a sperm donor?" I asked.

"Yes, but she doesn't want any old guy who filled up a jar. She wants it done naturally. So, you will have to fuck her. And it's a once only thing so you will have to conserve your boys so no fucking me or Yana for a while before you fuck her. She will pay you for your 'services' But we will have to clear it with Yana first." Mum said.

"So, Penny's sister who I've never met, her clock is ticking, and she wants me to fuck her, so she has a kid? And Penny took Yana's case as an example that my boys are working okay. That about it? Oh, and how much is she paying?" I replied.

"Yes, that's about the long and short of it. She's offering five thousand when she gets a positive test." Mum answered.

"Well, that is a lot. Could buy a lot of baby things with that." I said.

"Jesus Jay sometimes I wonder if you're eighteen going on thirty. Yes that's why we have to sound Yana out about it." Mum said.

"Hmm, I don't know what to say about being put out to stud like a horse or something. But you are right we will have to talk about it with Yana. If she says no, that's it. And I want a meeting with Penny and is it Jeannette? Before we do it anyway. And we don't tell Yana about it tonight, this is her night" I said.

"Agreed I can talk to Penny tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall just go and check on my Daughter in law for you." Mum said and then stood up and proceeded down the hallway to check on Yana. She was gone for a couple of moments and then returned. My cock was rapidly hardening either in anticipation of what Yana had, or Mum's bombshell about Penny's sister. Or both.

" I knocked on the door and she said she's all set. So, get her tiger!" mum said as she returned.

I got up and started to walk towards Yana's/our room. Mum couldn't help but notice my state. She stopped me.

"Well, lookie at this, I'm tempted to steal it for myself but as you said it's Yana's night. So go have fun. If anything's said, I'll handle your father. Go for it Tiger or seeing as she's Russian are you a bear?" Mum said giggling and then kissed me.

I returned the kiss and then mum stepped aside letting me past. Slapping my ass as I passed.

"Just remember to save some for me." She softly called as I went past.

I quickly walked the short distance to Yana's door. It was closed. I gave it a small knock.

"Hello wifey it is me." I teasingly said through the door.

I heard Yana giggle. And then I entered.

"Hello husband, do you always enter a lady's room uninvited?" Yana teased.

Yana was standing in front of her bed, wearing a raggedy old dressing gown.

"I hope you enjoy it." Yana said.

I was looking at the old dressing gown.

"What this?" I asked.

"No what's underneath, I got it for the both of us. Sit and I'll show you." Yana said giggling. And motioned for me to sit on the chair behind me.

I sat down eager with anticipation.

"Now that you are seated, lets get started." Yana said seductively.

She undid the tie around belt and threw it on the floor. She then opened the dressing gown and dropped it to the floor. She was wearing what I assumed she bought it looked new. She looked heavenly in white. She turned on the spot so I could see her in all her beauty from all angles.

She was wearing a figure hugging bustier with a lace up back like a corset, three or four bra hooks behind where the bra would be. A white G-string, white suspenders attached to the bottom of the bustier and white stockings with lace tops. There were small pink flowers on the shoulder straps of the bustier, a line of small pink flowers sewn on top of each bone in the bustier, the top of the suspenders and few sewn under the cups, including one sewn in the middle where the cups met. A small pink flower was also sewn on the sides and front of the G-String. A white satin choker with a small heart made with diamantes with the satin passed through it was around her neck. A pair of white high heels completed the ensemble. Her new family heirloom engagement ring reflected the bedroom light. She turned around so I could see her rear again and she picked up a rose that was lying on the bed behind her. A pink rose to match the ensemble.

"What you think?" Yana asked teasingly.

"Hot, you are hot Yana. I don't know what to say. I don't know whether to throw you on the bed and ravish you all over or cry because you are so beautiful." I said.

"You cry?" Yana said dejectedly.

"Tears of happiness, dear." I said.

"Oh." Yana said.

"Yana you a picture of perfection. So, this is what you got with the voucher? And the pink and white came from the flowers?" I asked as I approached her and embraced her around the waist.

"Da, colour come from the roses you got. I have always wanted something corsety. I actually got two of these this one white with pink and one which is black with red flowers. The chokers are Brandi's gift to me." Yana said. As she wrapped her arms around my neck. And started to kiss me.