Five Mums Ch. 27 - A Day of Surprises

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Jay is put out to stud.
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Chapter 27 - A day of Surprises

I woke up the following morning, a feeling of comfortable bliss rolling over my body. I was laying on my back. My left arm around Yanas shoulder. Yana for her part was laying next to me. Her head resting on my chest. Drooling and blowing bubbles as she slept. She was wearing the white bustier she had bought in Rotorua and which I had fucked her in last night. I looked over at the time on the clock radio on the bedside cabinet. 630am. A bit earlier than I usually arise I thought I looked around the room. What little light that was coming into the room eerily lighting up a few things. Yana's bouquet had been placed on top of the dressing table. The room except for the dressing table, Double bed, Armchair and Bedside table was bereft of furniture. There was a trail of clothes laying on the floor, mainly mine and Yana's G-string where we had stripped the night before. Otherwise, Yana had neatly unpacked and but all her clothes tidily away in the wardrobe. The only things breaking up the feeling of emptiness was the stack of homewares and Manchester Yana had bought. On our previous shopping expedition.

I tried to move out of bed, but Yana had her left arm flung over me. The more I tried to extract myself, the more she snuggled into me. I couldn't see any way of getting out of bed unless I woke her up.

"Yana?" I whispered. She moved at my whispering. But not enough to enable me to move.

"Yana?" I whispered again.

"Hmmmhghhh." Came an undiscernible reply as she rubbed her head further into my chest. A small puddle of drool collecting in between my nipples. I didn't know whether to be disgusted or pleased.

I just lay there taking the moment in.

The next thing I know our peace was disturbed by someone opening the door.

"Good morning you two lovebirds. " Mum said as she walked in.

"Good morning to you too." I answered.

"I trust you two had a good night? We could certainly hear you." Mum said.

"Oh, did you hear us?" I asked.

"Yes, WE did. I had to fuck your father." Mum answered.

"You say that like it's a chore?" I said.

"Oh, not so much it's that given the choice between you and your father, I know which one I would choose." Mum said as she opened the curtains bathing the room in sunlight.

Oh, look at her, you do make her happy, you know. Does she make you happy?" Mum said, as she turned away from the window. It was then I noticed she was wearing a robe and nothing else.

"Yes, she makes me very happy." I answered.

"Good now do you think you can wake her up? Us three have to get to school." Mum said.

"Yana?" I whispered again.

She just moved her mouth like she was chewing.

"Yana!" I said slightly louder.

"Yana." I said again slightly louder, followed by a kiss on the head.

"Oh, for fuck's sake. She's a heavy sleeper like you are. Allow me." Mum said and then she reached forward with one hand and squeezed Yana's ear lobe between her thumb and forefinger.

Yana awoke with a jump.

"Ow. Chto eto bylo?" Yana said rubbing her left ear. And looking at me. Before raising her head to sit up in the bed.

"Dobroye utro, milyy" Yana said to me and kissed me.

"Hello Yana, welcome to the land of the living." I said as I returned her kiss.

"Good morning Yana." Mum cheerily said.

"Good morning Mama. What happened to my ear?" Yana answered back.

"he did it." Mum said pointing at me.

"What?" I said surprised.

"You two going to get up and get ready? Or do I have to call in sick for both of you AGAIN?" Mum said.

"No, no, we'll be out in a minute." I said.

"Good, oh and Yana I told you he would like the set didn't I?" mum said referring to Yana's bustier set.

Yana just laughed.

"He did enjoy it by the sound of it last night." Mum said teasingly.

Yana looked shocked; I don't know why. What was so shocking? We had both fucked my mother, we had even had a threesome with her. I wondered what Yana found so shocking. I got out of bed and started walking out of the room. I needed to pee and get some clothes. As at this stage all my stuff was still in my room across the hall.

"See you out there beautiful." I said as I leaned forward and kissed Yana again.

"Da." She said.

I quickly left and walked to my room and put on a pair of boxers and a robe and then walked to the bathroom for a pee. I then walked out into the dining room.

"Your dads already gone. So, you could have dispensed with the robe." Mum said as I entered.

"Well, I wasn't to know was I? Besides I'm totally drained after last night anyway." I answered.

"Good for you. Now, Us three have things to discuss. We have a wedding to plan. We also have to consider you and Yana's living arrangements. And we also have to discuss Penny's sisters proposal." Mum reminded me.

"Yes we do. I am going to have a chat with Yana about the wedding later on, maybe after school. We can also discuss living arrangements and things. But I think Penny's thing would be better if all five of us met and discussed it somewhere public." I said in reply.

"Yes that is a very good idea. I'll talk to Penny today. See what she thinks." Mum said.

"Mum do you think we'll have to sell her car?" I asked.

"Who's car?" Mum answered.

"Yana's. She loves that little thing you know but I don't think we can fit two car seats and a twin pushchair in it." I said.

"Oh yes the Cooper, I know she loves that. The two car seats might fit in, but I remember car seats are better if the car has a back door. Particularly if there's two you have to put in and do up. But best of luck fitting a twin pram in the hatchback. And if she has a week's grocery in it as well. Well, you may as well forget it." Mum answered.

Yana had a 2002 Supercharged Mini Cooper S, her ex had bought it for new, as a wedding present. It was only a couple of years old. It was yellow with black stripes.

"She loves that little car. Andrew's dad bought her that as a wedding present, it was brand new, it still annoys Andrew. I think it was the only good thing he ever did for her." I said.

"Agreed but listening to you lately it's like talking to a middle-aged woman. An 18-year-old male shouldn't be thinking if he can get a pushchair in the car." Mum commented.

I helped mum lay out the breakfast things, toast, butter three plates, three knifes, three cups. Bottle of milk. Teapot full of tea.

Just then Yana entered the room.

"Mornings." She greeted us both and as she walked past me I kissed her again. Mum and Yana sat down at the dining table sitting opposite each other.

"Morning Yana, you're very radiant this morning. Must be a weight off your mind going public finally. Well semi-public." Mum said. As I put three slices of toast into the toaster. I waited for them to pop. Yana meanwhile began to pour the tea for all three of us.

"So, Yana, I was thinking we should all sit down and plan this wedding. I understand from what was said at the lakeside you want, Penny, Svetlana, and myself to be bridesmaids. Well, I can't be one." Mum said.

Yana looked a bit put off by her remark.

"Why?" Yana asked.

"Because I can't be bridesmaid and mother of the groom. Is there anyone else you'd like?" Mum said.

"Oh, yes of course. I never thought of it. Sorry. Hmm maybe Grace or Brandi? Or maybe just have two." Yana answered.

"That is always an option. What was your last wedding like?" Mum asked.

I returned to the table and gave them both a slice of toast.

"You really want to know?" Yana asked.

"Yes if you don't mind." Mum answered.

"Okay, my last wedding not good. We got married in an office at the embassy in St Petersburg. I not wear anything special he wore formal clothes like he going to work. We went into room at ten o'clock , man from embassy ask him if he wants, then he asks me. We both say yes. Then put rings on. Then we all sign papers, and it was done. All over in ten minutes. No reception, no big service, no priest. No nothing. We all out by ten past ten." Yana said.

"Oh, sorry to hear that petal. Let's make this one memorable." Mum said. Reaching forward and rubbing Yana on the forearm.

"So, you want to help me plan? Because in Russia. Mother of groom does not help bride plan." Yana said.

"Of course, Yana. And we aren't in Russia, are we? I was.." Mum reassured her even though she was cut off by Yana suddenly standing up and leaving the table.

Yana ran out of the room only to return a minute or so later.

"You all right?" I asked the concern apparent in my voice.

"Yes, Yes Honey it is what you call utrenneye nedomoganiye." Yana said.

"Morning sickness. Her morning sickness is kicking in. It's natural." Mum reassured us.

"Now as I was saying, I was going to offer you my wedding dress." Mum said.

"What colour is it?" Yana asked perking her ears up.

"White." Mum answered.

"Thank you so much Mama but in Russia red is bridal colour, so I want a red dress." Yana answered.

"That's okay, and you want the crowns as well?" Mum asked.

"Yes the crowns. Where did you find out about the crowns?" Yana said pointing a finger at mum.

"Internet." Mum answered. The two females talking amongst themselves like I wasn't even there. We all sat there for the next half an hour, eating breakfast the two females mainly discussing wedding plans.

"Now Yana, John and I are in agreement you and Jason can stay here as long as you need. I certainly don't mind having you two around here. But there is something we need to discuss with Penny and think that all four of us need to be present when we do. Because what we do may affect you both, and it is a decision that you two need to make together. But I shall let Penny explain when we all meet. In the meantime, what are your schedules today?" Mum asked as she stood up to start getting ready.

"I have classes all the way through to lunch then nothing I said.

"I have classes all morning and a health class after lunch, as well." Yana said.

"My schedule is about the same. So, it looks like we are all free after lunch. hmmmmm. I wonder." Mum said, as a thought ran through her head. She then left the room and reached for her phone as she left the room.

"You go get ready love I'll clear up." I told Yana.

"Spasibo love." Yana said and then kissed me as she started to walk away to get ready. I cleared away what little dishes we had and then I too got ready.

Ten minutes later we were all ready to go.

Mum was wearing a green satin blouse and office type black trousers. She liked green satin it highlighted her eyes.

Yana unfortunately was back in her 'uniform' Grey t-shirt and navy-blue track pants.

"Okay just before we all go. I gave Penny a call she has much the same schedule as us except for she's teaching for the first period after lunch, so we've arranged a meeting at Coffee Club at half past two. All of us. So, If I don't see either of you before I'll see you both then.

Yana and I went to leave, we intended to share a car. I gave Yana a playful tap on her ass.

"Hang on you. You're coming with me. Less questions if you're seen." Mum said.

Yana and I were both disappointed, but we could see what mum was getting at. So, Yana drove herself in her cherished mini. I got a ride with mum.

Yana backed out the drive first, and then we did.

We watched Yana drive off,

"We can't let you be seen coming out of that one, it might raise some questions as opposed to you being in the car with me. Particularly as she will most probably get you to drive her." Mum said.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Does she always drive like that?" Mum asked me. Referencing Yana's aggressive driving style.

"Don't know." I said.

"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't you go shopping with her a week or two ago?" Mum asked.

"Yes but she insisted that I drive, I really do have no idea how she drives." I said.

"Okay, well she seems to drive the complete opposite way you drive. You really are turning into a granny." Mum said.

"Me a granny?" I responded.

"Yes playing it all cautious and worrying about if you can get a twin pram in the car. I don't whether to be impressed by your maturity or be sick. But anyways. At half past two, we are meeting Penny and her sister to discuss her proposal. Whatever decision you make is between you and Yana. Penny and I are just there as support. Okay?" Mum said.

"Perfectly." I replied.

Then we drove mainly talking about the playlist that was on the USB. I knew my mother's musical preferences, but Penny's, Grace's and Yana's were a surprise. We both wondered why a late twenties Russian woman had a thing for classic country music, and Soul from the seventies.

We got to school, and I was dropped off. Both saying that we would see each other later.

I spent most of the morning not really concentrating and trying to avoid people I Knew.

Lunch came and went and once I had collected my lunch I found a quiet corner and ate it by myself. Or so I thought. Unfortunately, my betrothed was scheduled for lunchtime patrol, and she found me, all alone in my quiet corner.

"Dobryy den', moya lyubov'." She said as she sat next to me.

"Oh, hello love." I warmly replied.

She went to kiss me. I motioned her to not kiss me.

"You never know who can see." I quietly said.

"Da, good idea." Yana said.

"What's up? My love you seem to have something on your mind." Yana said.

"Oh nothing, just anxious about getting married." I said.

"You are having cold feet?" Yana asked.

"Far from it. I have never been surer of anything in my whole life, Yana. Let's get married tomorrow. But we need to get the marriage licence and that takes ten days, and they won't issue it until your divorce is finalised. But that's not the only thing." I said.

"Do tell." Yana implored.

"Okay, but I didn't tell you if mum asks. Okay?" I said.

"Okay." Yana responded hesitantly.

"Okay here goes. Apparently Penny has a sister, called Jeanette. I've never met her. But she is pushing forty and is single and has no man in her life, so she asked Penny if she knew anyone. And Penny suggested me. Because apparently you are proof that my sperm works. So that's what this afternoon is about. We are meeting Penny and Jeanette to see what she is offering." I said.

"Oh." Yana said.

"Apparently this sister of Penny doesn't want either some random guy's or for me to just give her a jarful. She wants to do it 'naturally'." I said.

"So, Penny's sister wants you to fuck her?" Yana said.

"That's about it. Plus, she will give us five thousand dollars when she gets a positive result." I added.

"Hmm so five thousand for you to sleep with another woman and make her pregnant?" Yana asked.

"Yes that's about the sum of it love. But we all want you to be okay with it." I said.

"Well, it is a lot of money, and we could use it for baby things." Yana said rubbing her tummy.

"But I want to meet her as I have a few questions to ask her." Yana continued.

"So far I agree in principle. I am pregnant and expecting your beautiful babies." Yana said.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Yana said. Stealing a kiss on my cheek.

Then she got up and walked away. After a couple of meters, she stopped turned and blew me a kiss.

So apparently Yana was okay with me fathering Jeanette's baby. So far. Although I got the feeling her acceptance of the idea might wane.

"So, I'll see you at half past two." I called out after her as she continued on her rounds.

The afternoon came and went and as I had no formal classes after half past one. I skipped school early. About one o' clock. I figured it would take me some time to get to the café anyway. I left school to get there. As I was walking home. I heard a toot from behind me. A small toot. I stopped and turned to look around behind me. On the side of the road behind me was a yellow mini.

It was Yana's. She pulled up beside me and wound the passenger window down.

"Going my way studly?" she playfully called out.

"I think I might be." I answered and proceeded to open the door to climb in. The street was deserted so I thought why not?

"This is a pleasant surprise. Aren't you supposed to be busy?" I mentioned as I slid into the warmth of the car.

"Da, but I convince other teacher to take class. I want to go home and change so I can see this woman in nicer clothes." Yana stated.

"Oh, you look beautiful as you are Yana." I stated.

" Dorogoy, you are not in trouble, you don't have to appease me." Yana said as she rested her hand on my inner thigh.

"Dorogoy?" I asked.

"It means sweetheart." Yana said.

"Oh." I said.

"Yana?" I said.

"yes?" Yana said.

"You are mine." I said.

"Your what?" Yana asked.

"My Dorogy" I said.

"Dorogoy. Da I know. But your pronunciation needs work." Yana repeated smiling.

She tapped me gently on the thigh. I leaned over to my right and kissed her. She smiled.

When we stopped at a red light she returned the kiss.

As we drove back home I realised something this was the first time I had been driven by Yana. She was a good driver from what I could tell, but as mum had observed earlier a bit aggressive.

"So, what do you think I should wear, Darlink?" Yana asked as we approached home.

"I don't know, what impression do you want to make?" I casually asked.

"I want to make good impression but that says I am in control, and she isn't going to steal my man. You are mine." Yana stated matter of factly.

"Hmm, something semi formal or smart casual?" I suggested.

"Hmm like a dress?" Yana asked.

"Yes a dress but even though I've never seen you in a dress and I would like to see it. I was thinking more of a skirt and jacket maybe?" I answered.

"Hmm yes I see your point. Maybe dress too feminine and soft. But I wear dress for you one day. Because you are right you have not seen me in a dress, ever." Yana said.

"I will see you in a dress soon, on wedding day." I teased her.

"Ha, no Russian women wear pants on wedding day. Russia very cold." Yana said sternly.

"Uh?" I said. Slightly confused.

Yana looked me in the face, she quickly studied every mark and line on my face. And then burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh darling, if only you could see your face. I had you worried. Of course, Russian women wear dress on their wedding day. I tease you." Yana said.

"Haha, I knew it. I knew you were teasing." I said.

"Yeah, you knew all along. Not." Yana teased.

As we drove along, Yana kept rubbing my inside thigh.

My cock responded by getting hard.

"Hmm someone has woken up; I have given you a tyazhelo or hard on." Yana commented as she ran one hand over my pants.

"Yana, I can't help it, just being so close to your mazing beauty makes me so....?" I said.

"Rogovoy?" Yana said.

"Rogovooy?" I asked.

"Horny." Yana said.

"Yes so Rogovoy for you." I answered.

We got closer and closer to home.

"How far is this 'Coffee club' from home?" Yana asked.

"Hmm in the car about five minutes." I answered.

"And we due at two thirty?" Yana asked.

"Da." I said almost unconsciously.

"Good you are learning, what is time now?" Yana said.

"About twenty past one." I said.

"So, an hour before we have to go." Yana said as we parked. I quickly got out, shut the door behind me and walked around to open Yana's car door. I helped her out of the driver's seat. Took her bag and shut the door behind her. Yana pressed the button on the remote to lock it behind us.

"You are such a gentleman." Yana said a tease in her voice.

I went up the front steps Yana tagging along behind me. I opened the door and ushered her in. I followed behind her. Shut the door behind her. And placed our bags on the floor.

As soon as I had placed the bags on the floor, Yana stopped dead.

"Good." Yana said.

"What's good?" I asked.

"It is good, that we have some time, and we are alone." Yana said. Her hands seemingly on her hips.