Five Mums Ch. 29 - Motherly Advice

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Jason gets some motherly advice from Anne.
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Chapter 29 - Motherly Advice.

"A phone call would have been nice." Mum said. Her voice echoing in the stillness of the house.

She turned a light on to reveal herself. She was sitting in an armchair. An armchair that was strategically placed so it could see the doorway as anyone came in.

"Sorry." I stammered.

"As I said a phone call would have been nice. I rung you both several times. And no answer. But we'll talk about it in the morning. Now get to bed you two. And if I hear any sounds of you two having fun. I'll turn the hose on you like two cats. Understand?" Mum said her tone implying firmly that she was in no mood to be messed with.

She watched as Yana, and I crept up the hallway to bed our tails firmly between our legs. We entered the room that had somehow become Yana and mine. And we quickly and quietly got changed. We didn't bother even cleaning our teeth. We just got into our nightwear, then into bed and slept. Before Yana got into bed I reached across as she stood there and laid my hand on her tummy. I smiled. Yana smiled when she saw what I did and then climbed into bed.

"chuvak, ona razozlilas." Yana muttered under her breath.

"Pardon?" I whispered.

"Tell you tomorrow, night darling." Yana said softly.

I kissed her goodnight on the forehead and then turned the light off.

"Night sweetie." I said.

Yana and I had a quiet night. I rested with my arm over Yana as she lay there. Yana had a restless sleep she didn't toss and turn. But spoke in her sleep in Russian. I could tell she wasn't dreaming but not having a nightmare. Sort of somewhere in between. At one point she turned over under my arm and held my hand. Squeezing it for dear life. So hard was the squeeze it woke me up.

My parent's alarm woke us up.

I awake and Yana was still underneath my arm. I had my right arm laid across her. Her drool had formed a small puddle on the bottom sheet. I found out that Yana has two annoying sleeping habits, one drooling. Two, stealing all the blankets. Although this morning she had tossed all the blankets off.

"Yana, good morning love." I said.

No response.

"Good morning." I said again. No response.

For the third attempt I repeated myself and also tickled her under the ear. She started to stir.

"Ah, morning." Yana sleepily said.

"Morning beautiful, sleep well?" I asked as I sat up in the bed.

"I had an okay sleep, why?" Yana asked.

"You were a bit shall we say, Animated? Last night." I said.

"Oh yes, I had a bad dream. Not a dream but not a koshmar." Yana said.

"I assume koshmar means nightmare?" I asked.

"Da." Yana answered as she too sat up.

"Wanna tell me about it?" I asked.

"Da, but first sorry for drooling." Yana said.

I noticed she had not only left a small puddle of drool on the sheet but also on my chest.

" I had a terrible dream last night but also thoughts. I dreamt we were planning our wedding and Andrew made me do terrible things. He really didn't like me divorcing his dad. So, he kidnapped me and inflicted many torments on me, and you." Yana stated.

"Andrew kidnapped us? He hasn't got the initiative. He has to be told what to do." I joked.

"But Andrew has an evil streak in him. I dreamt that he inflicted great tortures upon us. Particularly you and made me watch. And made you watch as he tortured me. I am scared for us and our babies." Yana said. I could tell she was visibly shaken.

"Yana believe me I have known Andrew for a long time, and he does have an evil streak in him, but he lacks the gumption to act on any of it. Plus, he has a big mouth. If he was planning anything evil he would blab to the others. Let me speak to Simon, David and Tom see if they have heard anything from him. But he'll have to get past me and my parents first. Anyone would have to hurt me first. I would die for you Yana. Now don't worry and tell me about your thoughts." I reassured her. Knowing full well what Andrew was capable of. He had already drugged her and had some BDSM fun with her. But I doubted he would actually go full hog and abduct us to do it. I made a mental note to sound mum and Thomas out about it.

"Oh, I also had thoughts. Mainly three of them." Yana answered. Her tone distinctly happier.

"Do tell." I answered.

"Okay. First thought was about honeymoon. After wedding we should go to Vladivostok and catch train, Trans-Siberian to Moscow then go to St Petersburg for second wedding. Second thought I had was I should retrain." Yana said.

"Okay first one sounds expensive. Second retrain as what?" I asked her.

"No problem I get a million plus when house sell. I can pay for train and flights. Two I thought I could retrain as a nurse. You'll be a doctor; you'll need a nurse." Yana said.

"Hmm." I murmured.

"Which brings me to my third. When money come I am going to buy a house, I want a house so I can be settled and the mladentsy which is babies have a home too." Yana matter of factly stated.

"Well Yana you certainly have had some thoughts. But I have also had a thought as well." I stated.

"Yes darling?" Yana said as she snuggled into me.

"Well, I have been thinking you really like your little car. What's it name Smelli?" I said.

" shmel'" Yana said.

"Yes the mini, I've been thinking will we get the twins in it? With the car seats and a twin Pram etc?" I said.

"Oh, look at you, thinking like an old man. I marry a young virile man, not a sensible old one." Yana said in a teasing tone as she ran her hand down to my semi hard cock.

"What." I answered.

"Just teasing you, we can keep it and you can use it. With ex's money I can more a bigger one. We better get up. She sounded annoyed last night." Yana said as she got up out of bed.

"Yes what did you say last night? Chuvak something?" I asked.

"Oh chuvak, ona razozlilas? Man, she's pissed off. Is what I said. Now excuse I feel sick again." Yana said and exited the room. I could hear her make her way to the bathroom and then some dry retching. Followed by a flush.

I decided I better make my existence known so I waited for Yana to exit.

"All good?" I asked as she exited.

Yana just nodded. I entered and voided my bladder. Noting that there were no visible signs of vomiting, so she must have just had dry retching and voided her bladder as well. I then went into the dining room.

"Morning all." I cheerfully said to both mum and dad.

"Yes morning." Mum said.

"I would be quiet, she's in a mood." Dad quietly said.

"You sit." Mum hissed.

"Well, that is a good one. I never knew Yana had such teeth on her." Dad commented as I sat down pointing to my neck.

"Yes it looks like you've wrestled a tiger." Mum said.

"Wouldn't that be a bear; she is Russian you know." Dad said.

A quick glance from my mother silenced him.

"Right, you. I know you feel all mature, with fatherhood and matrimony looming. But you are still living in my house and a simple phone call would have been nice. I had made dinner and everything. Don't tell me you convinced Yana to go somewhere seedy and fucked her brains out. I don't want to know. But you two got up to something last night. By the look of your neck." Mum angrily said.

"Now Anne, settle down. He is." Dad tried to interject.

"You shut it." Mum said.

Dad went back to quietly eating his breakfast.

" I would have liked a phone call that's all. For all I know you two could be dead in a ditch for all I know. I know you two love each other and you are going to go out and everything but a thought for those of us stuck at home in the future ok?" Mum said.

Both dad and I nodded. Suitably growled at. Why he nodded I don't know. Just then Yana entered.

"Morning." Yana cheerfully said.

"Morning petal, how are you? I was growling at him." Mum said as Yana sat down.

"Growling?" Yana asked.

"Yes about last night, he should have called." Mum said.

"Oh Mama, please it wasn't only his fault. We had a nice dinner by the lagoon, it was very lovely, and he was the perfect gentleman." Yana said.

"Was he? Explain the neck?" Mum said.

"That is all my fault. Blame hormones?" Yana innocently said.

"Ok enough said for NOW but remember phone calls! That goes for all of you." Mum hissed.

By then dad had finished his brekkie and he started to leave the table.

"Right, you lot. I'll just clean myself up and then I'll be off." Dad said leaving the room.

He came back a few minutes later. Still wearing jeans and t shirt much to Yana's dismay.

"Toodle pip then, I'll see you all later." Dad said. He bent down and kissed mum goodbye and waved to Yana and myself. Then left for work.

"He wears that?" Yana asked.

"Yes he changes into scrubs later on. He mainly does surgery and puts people to sleep. No clinic work like some other doctors." Mum tried to explain.

"So, what are you two lovebirds up to today?" mum quizzed us.

Ah seeing as it's Thursday. Not a lot, I've got a half day at school. I don't know about Yana." I said.

"I have a full day of teaching, plus I am going to see Mr Silk, 'The Sarge' as you call him. We all know you call him that." Yana said.

"What about?" Mum enquired.

"I'm going to ask if I can be put onto classroom only duties, I'm worried that the full Phys Ed curriculum maybe harmful while I am in this way." Yana said.

"Oh, okay so you're going to see if you can have lighter duties seeing as you're expecting. I can't see why not? But he isn't exactly known for his flexibility in things. Plus, your department is one of the smallest there is the school. Only the music and Home economics departments are smaller. You have a total of four teachers including him. They have two staff each. But I can't see him saying no, but I've warned you that it may not be the easiest of things to do. That's all. But it is heartening to know that you are looking after the bubsie's my grandchildren." Mum said.

At this Yana smiled and I'm sure I thought I saw her blush.

"You two go get ready; I'll clean up here." Mum said.

I got up to get ready.

"I will help you mama; I don't take much time to get ready. You have to get nicely dressed." Yana said and took over the breakfast clean up.

I walked down to the bathroom and started cleaning my teeth.

A few moments later mum joined me.

"Keep going son, I'm still a little pissed. But you're young and in love so I can't really blame you." Mum confided.

"That's good mum, but I need a word with you." I said in between brushing.

"About?" Mum asked.

"Yana." I said.

"What about her?" Mum asked.

"Just a few things." I said and proceeded to tell her about Yana's dream and the ideas we had, about the wedding and honeymoon etc.

"Okay, maybe see me about it later. Somewhere quiet. Don't worry I'm not going to make a move on you. I've accepted that you and Yana are getting married. And I do like fucking you but I'm going to start backing off. Unless you want otherwise." Mum said as she started brushing.

"Ha, I am a male aren't I? But I understand what you mean." I said with a tease in my voice.

Just then Yana entered.

"All done, washed, dried and put away." Yana said as she reached for her brush.

"Thank you Yana or is it spasibo?" Mum said.

"Da." Yana said, her tone saying she was impressed.

"Right, we'll all finish getting ready then I'll run us all in. Looks abit less suspicious than you two arriving together. Plus, that mini of yours isn't exactly discrete." Mum said as she exited the room.

I quickly kissed Yana on her cheek before leaving the room.

I quickly got dressed and waited in the lounge. For both my ladies.

Yana came out first, again wearing her 'uniform' grey polo shirt instead of t-shirt, navy blue trackpants and white sneakers. Yana's enhanced breasts were quite prominent in this shirt. As well as the family heirloom engagement ring on her right hand.

We both waited for mum to join us.

After about ten minutes of waiting. Mum came into the room.

She was wearing a green blouse, green being her favourite as it highlighted her green eyes. Black business suit of jacket and skirt. Black stockings and shoes with no heels. Her red hair was done up in a bun.

"Looking good mum." I commented sarcastically.

"Yes very sexy teacher look." Yana added.

"Yes the difference in clothing between you." I commented.

"Haha the pair of you. You know Yana moves a lot when she teaches. And I have a lot of lab work today, so I thought I'd copy Penny with the bun." Mum replied. Knowing that having a bun was sort of Penny's trademark look at school.

"Yana not only moves a lot at school but elsewhere." I teased.

Mum burst into laughter. Yana flashed red, embarrassed.

"Well, we better get going." Mum mentioned.

At that Yana and mum picked up their respective bags and we all went on our way; they left me to lock up. When we got to mum's car it was already running with them in the two front seats. I was relegated to the back seat. Mum drove us to school. I spent the whole trip like I wasn't even there. They talked about wedding plans, how to talk to the sarge, and pregnancy issues. When we got to school mum parked in the staff car park. And we all got out.

"Now I'll see you two later. Let me know if you need me to come with you when you see Silk okay Yana? And you you've got finals next week so concentrate I know you have a lot on your mind lately but concentrate. And I'll find you later and discuss that thing you mentioned earlier." Mum said and then we all went our separate ways.

I made my way to class, mum and Yana went to theirs to prepare for the day.

I sat in my form class. Even though all five of us were in our final year including our absent member Andrew we were spread over three separate form classes. Only Thomas and I were in the same form class together.

"Hi Thomas." I said nonchalantly.

"Hello, how are you? Is your mum in the same mood as mine. Happy?" Thomas replied.

"Yes and No. She came home happy. They must have had a fun time in Rotorua together." I said.

"Yes according to mum, they did. And they have a new member of their group, apparently some friend of Yana's." Thomas said.

"Oh Svetlana." I said.

"Yes that's the one. Why do you know her too?" Thomas asked.

"I've met her once or twice. But Tommy I need to talk to you about something." I said.

"Yes how is Yana? You big mature baby daddy?" Thomas excitedly asked.

"Keep it down, will you? That what I need a word about." I said growlingly.

"Okay is lunchtime good?" Thomas asked.

"Sounds good." I replied.

Just then out form teacher entered the room.

"Hello all, Sorry I'm late. But I know at this stage most of you don't really care. But there are some things I need to make you aware of. First of all, Your final exams start next week, and I've got your exam timetables here. Some of you have more than one some only have one. So, all of you doing art, art history, music, sport, Drama and Horticulture that's all internally assessed. So, you only have English as an exam. Others of you science, maths, business etc that's all examined, and chemistry is 50/50 internal and exam. So, I'll be handing out your timetables shortly. But best of luck for you all." Then our form teacher Miss Johnstone walked around the room handing out our exam timetable.

I was handed mine. And opened it.

"When are all yours?" Thomas asked.

"Hmm. I've got Biology and Chemistry on the same day. Two four-hour exams. English and Applied Maths the next day two three-hour exams. Then history on the third day in the morning." I answered.

"Ooh all at once and when's the first one?" Thomas responded.

"Monday. And today is Thursday. So, three days then eight hours of exams." I said.

"Rough but you could get Yana to help with biology particularly Anatomy eh?" Thomas said nudging me with his elbow.

Miss Johnstone, a strikingly attractive brunette with short hair. Kept talking. Announcing that she was sitting in our places four years ago. (This was her first teaching job out of university and was only twenty-two/twenty-three at most.) And then saying that the school had heard from various institutions about our applications. She announced that Thomas had been accepted into psychology and me into medicine. And I was the only senior going to med school. To much unwanted applause.

The form class session ended soon after that, and we all filed off to our various classes. I grabbed Tom and reminded him that I wanted a word at lunchtime. He again agreed to meet me and stated where we should do it.

The day passed without incident except during morning tea, when I saw Yana, mum and oddly Janice enter Mr Silk's office next to the gym. I knew she was going to have a word to him about doing mainly classroom teaching. And I knew she might take mum with her. But why Janice?

I went to my remaining two classes and just really 'filled in time.' So, to speak. I received a note from mum in one class. Just saying hurry home, after lunch.

Then it was lunchtime.

I went to the arranged meeting with Thomas.

"What's up Jay?" Thomas asked as I sat next to him.

"Oh, just some stuff." I answered.

"Like what?" Thomas pressed.

"Okay, First would you like to be my best man?" I asked him.

"Of course, yes." Thomas answered visibly excited.

"And what's your feelings on Andrew lately? Do you think he might do anything when he hears?" I asked him.

"Hmm, Andrew has definitely gone all weird lately. I don't know, he has a mean streak a mile long running through him. But I don't think he's capable of anything. Why?" Thomas said.

I then proceeded to tell my oldest and dearest friend all about Yana's divorce and the wedding plans she had made, the fact she had named the unborn twins. Her dreams and plan she had for her divorce settlement. And lastly about her semi nightmare."

"Hmm. So, it sounds like you may be having doubts about everything? And you may be feeling that her dream was more of a premonition?" Thomas asked.

"Well, not so many doubts, I know with all certainty, Yana is the one I want. It's just that everything is happening so fast. It's a bit unnerving. And maybe the dream is a premonition." I said back to Thomas.

"Well let me say this, Jay I am slightly jealous of you. Yana is hot, kind, beautiful and slightly silly but lovable. She is everything I would want in a wife. But I can understand that in the last wee while you've had a lot of heavy news. Med school, babies, marriage. It is heavy and I get it, but you are incredibly lucky Jay. And about Andrew I can see where you're coming from, but I really do think Andrew isn't capable of anything. I really don't. May I ask is Andrew invited to the wedding? I can understand Yana's ex not being invited, but Andrew is like your second or third oldest friend. So, you could invite him to your 'Special day'." Thomas said.

"I see what you mean Tommy, but no Yana has said no. As it's her day too." I answered.

"Just remember I'm here for you if you need help processing these bits of news. And speaking of Yana, she is coming this way. So, I'll catch you later." Thomas said.

Yana approached and stood over us.

"Hello Jason and Thomas, what are you doing?" Yana asked in a teacherly tone.

"Hello Yana, it's alright he knows our status. In fact, he is my best man." I said.

"Oh." Yana said.

"It's okay, He swore me to secrecy, but I better be off. Leave you two to do teacher, pupil stuff. Ta, Ta." Thomas said making his escape.

Yana sat down next to me.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"Nyet far from it. I assumed you were going to ask him to be your best man anyway. I just thought you'd like to know how I got on with my meeting." Yana said.

"Oh yes I saw you, mum and Janice go in." I said.

"Yes, Janice can be quite scary. He is scared of Janice. So, he will be assigning me to mainly classroom duties as of next week. He was how you say, A pushover?" Yana said.