Five Mums Ch. 30 - A Quiz

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A quick quiz for exams leads to Anal.
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Chapter 30 - A Quiz.

I drove quite cheerily back to school to collect Yana. The thoughts processing had made me come to realise just how lucky I was. Okay I was eighteen and I was getting married and was expecting two babies. Unlike most boys my age. But I also had two very supportive parents and an extremely supportive fiancé. And here I was driving her beloved precious car to pick her up. I knew we were supposed to be keeping our relationship on the down low but at this point in time I just didn't give a damn. As soon as we heard from the department of births, deaths, and marriages. About Yana's divorce, I would apply for our marriage licence. And I made a mental note to research what was required. I was thinking that this mini of hers drives well but as my mum said. It wasn't exactly discreet. Being bright yellow with black wheels, wing mirrors and roof. The supercharger gave it a distinctive hum too. I can see why Yana called it shmel. It looked and sounded like a bumblebee.

But I was none the less glad that it's tinted windows shielded my identity somewhat. I drove to pick up Yana quite quickly, partly because I couldn't wait to see her again. Partly because the thrill of driving her little shmel was quite intoxicating. I enjoyed it so much. That the drive that would normally take ten minutes, only took five. And I still had fifteen minutes before she got out. What to do I thought.

No problem, I thought. Remembering a dairy that I passed. So, I pulled over to the left and did a U-turn and headed back the way I came. I pulled up outside the dairy and parked. I turned the mini off and got out. I headed into the dairy. I had chosen this dairy in particular because it had advertised 'Tasty milkshakes'. And seeing as they were seemingly Yana's new favourite drink. I thought why not?

I went in the dairy it had a middle-aged man in it possibly pushing sixty, he spoke with a pronounced cockney accent.

"Afternoon ow can I be of service?" he jovially asked.

"Two milkshakes please." I asked.

"Not a problem, but size and flavour?" he jokingly asked.

"Oh yes, of course, sorry. Two large, banana and strawberry please." I answered him.

"Righty-oh." He replied. He then proceeded to get two large milkshake cups they were about maybe thirty to forty centimetres tall. And about twenty centimetres round. They were classic kiwiana with the giraffe on them and ' the Longest drink in town.' Written in cartoonish lettering printed on them. He put them on the bench by the area where he served ice creams by the scoop. He proceeded to scoop two scoops of vanilla ice cream and put a scoop in each. He then got out a two-litre bottle of milk and proceeded to fill both cups up. Between the two milkshakes it used the whole bottle. So, each cup held just under a litre of milk. He then squirted in the flavouring. And put them on the mixer to mix. Talking to each other as they mixed. I found out that he was indeed form the East End of London much like my Grandfather was. (Dad's father was a cockney.) And he had settled here after meeting his 'Ball and chain.' I looked around and noticed he also sold flower bouquets. I got the impression he would sell anything including his grandmother if he could. I selected a nice bouquet of Pink Orchids and white carnations. I then asked how much it came to. And he said all up it was eighteen dollars. I gave him a twenty and told him to keep the change. I took both shakes and the flowers and proceeded to put them all in the mini. Somehow managing to fit the shakes in the drink holders. Putting the flowers on the front seat. As I started 'Shmel' up I looked at the passenger seat and thought "God if only you could talk." I then backed out onto the road. Did a U-turn and headed back the way I had come.

I arrived slightly late. Well only a minute or two late. Yana was standing on the side of the road. Standing there in her 'Uniform' of grey t-shirt and navy-blue track pants. I slowed down to a crawl. Thinking thank god it was in the afternoon by a school, and she was wearing what she was. Another time and outfit I might have been pulled over for trying to pick up a hooker.

I crawled up to her. She heard me, turned, and waved to me. I stopped next to her. I wound the passenger window down.

"Hey gorgeous, going my way?" I playfully asked.

"Maybe, but I think I might be out of your price range." Yana replied laughing. Before opening the door to climb in.

"Careful lyubov." I said. Reaching across to raise the flowers off the passenger seat before she sat on them.

Yana sat on the passenger seat, placing her bag on the floor in front of her.

"These are for the most beautiful woman in the world. " I said as I handed her the flowers.

"Spasibo lyubov." Yana said holding them up to smell them. After smelling them, she leaned across and kissed me.

"Oh, and you got milkies too?" Yana said.

"Yes, Banana and Strawberry, and they are slightly different to last time. Which one you want?" I asked her.

"Hmm I had Strawberry last time I'll have banana. How they different?" Yana said.

"A scoop of ice cream makes them slightly thicker." I replied.

"Okay I try." Yana said. And reached forward for the Banana one as I steered Shmel out into the road.

"Let's go for a drive." Yana exclaimed. One hand holding onto her oversized drink, slowly slurping all the milky liquid up. The other hand, her right one resting on my inner thigh. Her bouquet, nestled on her lap.

"Hmm.I think we should go home so I can study." I said.

"Stop being such a babushka." Yana exclaimed.

"babushka? Isn't that sweetheart?" I asked.

"Nyet it means grandmother." Yana said sarcastically.

"Oh, alright lets go. Lagoon again?" I asked.

"Da, Lagoon." Yana excitedly said squeezing my thigh in her hand.

I turned right and headed to the lagoon it was a short trip only five minutes. We pulled into the carpark which even though it was twenty to four in the afternoon. Had several cars parked in it.

"Well Yana, looks like we can't repeat the other day." I said.

"That is quite all right. I promised mama we would be home for dinner this day. And I don't feel like it." Yana stated.

"Oh, sorry Yana, your morning sickness, and I got you milk. I am bad." I said.

"Oh no I can keep these milkies down; it's just I want our next romantic encounter to be all girly and special." Yana replied.

"Oh." I said.

"Moya dorogaya, ya vse yeshche vozbuzhden. I ya vse yeshche khochu zanyat'sya s toboy bezumnoy, strastnoy lyubov'yu. Tol'ko ne zdes." Yana whispered in my ear as she leaned over.

"Yana, English?" I answered as I parked Shmel in a space facing the water. On lower ground than the previous day. I didn't let on, but I was finding Yana's purring accent, and particularly when she spoke Russian. Quite a turn on.

"Good now that we have parked I tell you what I said." Yana said. Undoing her seatbelt so she was closer to me. So, close she could lick my ear. Which she did.

"Moya dorogaya, ya vse yeshche vozbuzhden. I ya vse yeshche khochu zanyat'sya s toboy bezumnoy, strastnoy lyubov'yu. Tol'ko ne zdes. Means, My darling I am still horny. And I still want to make mad, passionate love to you. Just not here." Yana huskily whispered in my ear as she massaged my inner thigh. She proceeded to nibble on my ear lobe. Before laughing and handing me my milkshake.

"Come on Darlink, let's go and drink these over there." Yana said pointing to a picnic table.

The table was wooden and was bolted to the concrete platform it was sitting on. One end was facing the lagoon. Yana sat on one of the attached benches, I sat opposite her on the bench attached to the other side. We sat opposite each other, both placing our milkies on the table.

We sat there for a while, both gazing into each other's eyes. Our hands locked in each other's hands as we lazily slurped our milkies. Discussing things, our future together, what sort of house Yana would like. Yana probed me about our special date, but I remained tight lipped about it. We discussed the wedding, the honeymoon, the trip to Rotorua., both the trip she had recently undertaken with the 'girls', and the one that she had told mum that she was planning to take me on. Yana had them all planned out. I told Yana about what mum, and I had spoken about earlier, about seeing the priest, house hunting and going to her church. Yana expressed the same opinion as mum that we could do all those plus studies. Yana was uncertain that we would get our previous appointment with the priest back again. She was excited about going house hunting. And was doubly excited about taking me to church with her on Sunday. I was going to try to convince to ring her Priest to see if we could get the old appointment back. But she interrupted me.

"Maybe going to bozhestvennaya liturgiya or divine liturgy on Sunday might be better, You experience Orthodox service and then see priest later so you can ask questions etc later. Da?" Yana said.

"Hmm, makes sense, and divine liturgy is what we would call 'mass'? I was going to try to get you to call him and see if we could get the old appointment back, but what you say makes sense. Yes let's do it." I replied.

Yana was excited she reached out and hugged me across the table.

"Da, Divine liturgy or bozhestvennaya liturgiya is what we call Sunday service." Yana replied.

We both finished our milkies and that is when Yana saw the playground. She jumped up and ran over to it, jumping onto one of the swings. Insisting that I push her. After some initial hesitation I started to push her. She was getting much excitement out of using the children's play equipment. But hey everyone regresses occasionally. But I did have my concerns pushing her, what with the pregnancy, the morning sickness and with 800mls of milk inside her. I wondered if using a playground was a wise idea. But she seemed to show no sign of having a stomach upset so I just continued pushing her.

We must have whiled away the time because all of a sudden my phone rang, By the time I could get to it, it had stopped. Then Yana's rang. She answered it and had a quick conversation. Then she hung up.

"That was mama, she's wondering if we are going to be home in time for dinner and if we are all right." Yana said, by mama I knew it was my mum.

"What's the time?" I asked.

"Five thirty." Yana said. We had been at the lagoon for nearly two hours.

"Suppose we better get going, but it was enjoyable." I said as I helped her off the swing and into the car.

"Hmm we'll be in rush hour traffic now." I said as I started Shmel up.

"Means I can harass you more as you drive then?" Yana said with a giggle as she reached across and rubbed my inner thigh.

We were driving through the carpark when all of a sudden I slammed on the brakes. Surprising Yana.

"What?" Yana cried out thinking I had hit something.

"Nothing I just wanted to do this." I said and I reached across and held her by her head and then locked her into a passionate kiss. I just kept kissing her for about five minutes. And then I stopped.

"Why for did you stop?" Yana questioned.

"Needed air." I said as I retreated away.

Yana laughed and then saucily looked at me.

"What about we study anatomy after dinner? I still have not shown you the black set." Yana asked seductively.

"Promises, Promises." I sarcastically said as we started up again.

The trip home took us about twenty minutes instead of the usual five minutes. The whole time Yana was massaging my inner thigh as I drove her car back. We got home just as dinner was being served. It was lasagne with a quick tossed salad. Mum and Dad were already seated, and dinner was being served as Yana and I tumbled inside like a pair of teenagers.

"Well look who's come home? I was about to send out the search parties." Mum sarcastically remarked.

"Sorry." I said directed at mum.

"Da, sorry mama it was my fault." Yana apologised.

"So, you been leading my son and heir a stray have you?" Dad sternly asked. Yana just looked at him unsure if he was being serious.

"Don't worry Yana, just teasing you. Sit and enjoy this meal. And do tell us what you two lovebirds got up to." Dad reassuringly said.

Yana and I sat down at the dinner table opposite mum and dad. I was opposite mum, Yana opposite dad. We ate dinner and related to mum and dad what we had gotten up between leaving school and coming home. The whole time Yana had her hand resting on my thigh. Even though mum was running her foot up my other thigh.

"So, we went to the lagoon. Apparently it's one of Yana's favourite places to go." I explained.

"Da, I used to go there a lot after school to delay going home. Sometimes I would just sit in the carpark and watch people." Yana said sniffing.

"What's up Yana?" Dad asked.

"Sorry I get emotional; I was saying I would just sit there sometimes watching people and quietly sobbing." Yana said wiping her eyes.

"Oh, I think I can speak for Anne and myself when I say we are sorry we didn't have any idea it was so intolerable." Dad said.

"Ne zhaley, chto ya ne dal vidu. Ne tak li?" Yana said in reply.

Mum and Dad looked blankly first at Yana then at me, then back at Yana.

"Yana, English?" Mum said.

"Oh yes, I apologise what I said was, Don't be sorry I didn't exactly let on. Did I? Sometimes when I get tired or emotional I slip back into Russian. Sorry." Yana said.

"Yes she does it quite abit. When she's happy, sad, excited among other things." Mum commented. The other things accompanied by a wink directed at both Yana and me. Implying that mum was aware that Yana often spoke dirty in Russian when she was in the throes of passion.

"Yes, so I picked Yana up and on the way I stopped and got her some flowers and her new favourite drink. And then we decided to go to the Lagoon, and we had a nice deep discussion about the wedding and so on, and then Yana had a swing." I said.

"Did you get her the bunch of pink orchids? They are lovely. No one buys me flowers anymore. After twenty years he doesn't get me any. So, watch this one Yana. Mind he doesn't turn into his father." Mum said referring to both me and Dad.

Yana and mum had a quick giggle. At dad's and my expense.

"No, I'm sure he will bring you flowers every day." Mum teased.

"Oh mum, She doesn't need flowers she is beautiful enough as she is. She is a flower." I teased.

"Oh, she's a sunflower." Dad remarked.

"Sunflower?" mum asked.

"Well, she's blond and Russian. Aren't sunflowers yellow and from Russia?" Dad remarked.

"Da, Russia has sunflowers." Yana giggled.

We then went onto to explain that Yana's ex, Andrew's father had paid her lawyer Jeanette. The half that he had agreed to pay Yana. And Yana's intentions with the money.

"Oh, you want to buy a house with it? That is a superb idea. I was just hoping you two would stay a little longer." Mum said the dejection apparent in her voice. Whether it was a mother who's child was leaving or the fact that her favourite cock was going I don't know.

"Would you like us to come and offer our opinions?" Dad asked.

"Don't know. But this weekend I'm studying Saturday morning, then Saturday afternoon we are going around a few open homes. Sunday morning, Yana is taking me to church. And Sunday afternoon you two are going dress shopping I understand." I said.

"Yes that's right, but the offer of wearing my dress is still open Yana." Mum said.

"You're going to church? What her's or ours?" Dad asked.

"Mine, we thought it would be a good idea so he can get used to Russian church before we meet with priest and discuss wedding. And thank you for offer mama. I am still considering it." Yana said.

"Oh, good idea, I understand that Catholicism and Orthodox have a lot in common, but I could be wrong. It's good that you are getting some last-minute study in too." Dad said.

"Yes Yana is going to help me study anatomy tonight." I said.

"Oh really? That's nice." Mum said.

"Would you help John clear up please Yana?" Mum asked her.

Dad and Yana got up and started clearing the dishes away. Mum leaned forward over the table and whispered to me.

"Study Anatomy, or is that code?" She whispered as her foot rubbed itself against my crotch.

"I have no idea to what you are referring to." I replied grinning.

Mum scowled back at me. I made an excuse saying I was going to help Yana do the dishes. I rose from the table and walked across to the kitchen.

Yana was filling the sink with water, brandishing a dish brush. I pulled a tea towel out of the drawer and handed it to her.

"I'll wash, you dry. Save your skin." I said. And we swapped places.

"Spasibo, darlink." She replied. Splashing me with some soap suds as she did.

As Yana and I started to have some water play. We were interrupted by mum's voice.

"Hey, you two, get on with it. I don't pay you to flirt with each other" Mum scolded.

"That's okay you don't pay us anyway." I replied.

"Ha." Laughed mum at this banter. Yana had a puzzled look on her face, indicating the lack of comprehension she had.

"Don't worry, I'll explain later." I said.

We quickly did the dishes and then, we joined mum and dad in the longue.

"So, you're going to be studying anatomy tonight, Eh?" Dad asked.

"Apparently so." I answered.

"Good, don't ask your mum for help, her anatomy is terrible." Dad said.

"WHAAA?" Mum screeched.

"Oops wrong words, not her anatomy, there's nothing wrong with that. But her anatomy is terrible." Dad said, his foot going further and further down his throat.

"What your fathers means to say, is my knowledge of anatomical science is lacking. Chemistry is my thing." Mum said.

"Yes, what she said. Did she ever tell either of you she was prohibited from Lab in the final year of varsity?" Dad said.

"No, Why?" I asked.

"Well has she said Chemistry is her thing, and she used to like blowing labs up." Dad teased.

"It was an accident." Mum said.

"That's what they all say, but realistically between the two ladies here, I would say that Yana has a better understanding of human anatomy than your mother. No offence dear." Dad said.

"None taken, but you're right. Fitness and health teachers study a lot of anatomy. So, what have you two got planned?" Mum said.

"I have something in mind, a sort of question and answer with rewards." Yana said.

"Oh, good sounds like fun." Dad said.

"Oh, it should be fun." Yana said, turning her head to look at me and giving me a sly wink.

"Well, it sounds like you two have it sorted, Your mother and I won't get involved." Dad said as he stood up and started to leave the room.

"Coming dear? I'm going to look at some colour samples for Helga. I would like your opinion." Dad said gesturing to mum. As he held out his hand to help her up out of her chair.

"Night you two, try to keep the noise down, will you?" Mum said as she walked past. She looked at us both and winked.

Her and dad both started walking down the hallway.

"Helga? Who is this Helga?" Yana asked.

"Helga? Oh, Helga is a 1962 VW split screen van that dad has been working on for years. She is in pieces ready to be painted." I explained to Yana.

"Oh, So that's why she need colour. I didn't know we both name cars." Yana said.

"Yes dad has always been a big VW fan. Now what do you have planned for this anatomy test?" I asked. Wishing to put an end to the ceaseless sexual innuendo that had been going on.

"Haha, wouldn't you like to know? But I'm a teacher tonight not your zhenikh tonight. And I will not help you in any way." Yana said giggling.

"zhenikh?" I asked.

"Fiancé darlink. Zhenikh means fiancé. Now give me a moment and then come to our room." Yana said and then stood up and walked away.

I just sat there, thinking this is unusual. Normally she would smother me with kisses before leaving, but there wasn't even an attempt to kiss me.