Five Mums Ch. 32 - Detention

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Jay earns a testimonial.
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Chapter 32- Detention.

The weekend came and went. I studied, Yana and I went to church which was interesting, and we went house shopping. She was particularly interested in a few, but I was able to convince her to just cool her jets for now and think some more on the subject.

I had my two science exams on Monday they were relatively easy I don't know what I was afraid of. The same for my other three on Tuesday and Wednesday.

When I checked in for my last exam on Wednesday morning I had a message. My form teacher needed to see me afterwards. Our school had an unusual requirement, all leavers regardless of where they were going, and what level they were leaving from. Had to have a sort of exit interview, this was held after exams and at the end of year unless you were leaving part way through the year. It was always with your form teacher, and they just confirmed what your plans were and if you owed them anything. Late assessments, detentions etc. You also gave them your locker key. It was weird.

I got the message to see Miss Johnstone, after my exam had finished and it was basically lunchtime. It started at nine o'clock and I was out at 11:30. So I cleaned out my locker and gathering my bag, I headed out to my form class for the last time. My form room was out by the school tennis court it was a stand-alone classroom with a small balcony as it was raised off the ground. Miss Johnstone taught maths and seeing as she didn't need a particular type of classroom like science teachers for example she got the worst and furthest away classroom.

I made my way there, walked up the small number of stairs, had a quick glance through the windows saw that Miss Johnstone was alone and wasn't teaching. So, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Miss Johnstone answered. I Turned the doorknob and opened the door.

"Hello Miss Johnstone, you wanted to see me?" I said. For what is maybe the last time I ever call someone Miss, or Mrs for quite a while.

"Oh yes Jason do come in." She said and motioned for me to sit in the empty desk in front of her desk. I put my bag down and sat at it.

"Thanks for coming, this is about your exit interview. As I am your form teacher I have to conduct it before we can sign you off as a leaver. I know it's a tedious, pointless thing. But it has to be done." Miss Johnstone said.

"Yes, I suppose it's fair enough. But how long will it take?" I asked.

"Hmm about half an hour, but maybe with someone like yourself a little longer." Miss Johnstone replied.

"Oh, okay then." I answered.

"Let me just wipe the board clean." She said. And started to stand to wipe the board behind her. That is when I saw her.

She was wearing a white short sleeved blouse, And a light grey knee length straight skirt, black stockings, and high heels. Black wire rimmed glasses framed her face. A face which had a short pixie cut. Her black hair seemingly catching the light. I estimated her size to be around a size eight. Comparable size to my beloved Yana, but bigger than Grace and smaller than mum.

She wiped the board clean and then sat down.

"Now I assume that your phone is off?" She said.

"Da." I said without realizing it.

"Da? Have you been around Mrs Pavlyuchenkova?" She quizzed me.

"Ah no just a slip of the tongue." I replied.

"Good I hope you don't have any more slips of the tongue. Now let's start." She said.

"Okay where are you going next year and what are your career aspirations?" Miss Johnstone asked.

"Well Miss Johnstone." I replied.

"Stop please, please call me Emma. I'm only five years older than you and apart from prizegiving this is the last time you'll ever be in this school. So, call me Emma." She said.

"Okay, Emma as you know I am going to be going to Medical School on a full scholarship and I hope to be an Ophthalmologist." I answered.

"Oh good, I need a good ophthalmologist, glasses are so nerdy." She jokingly said.

We spent the next ten minutes or so discussing official things, then the conversation turned very unofficial.

"Now One last thing, I've heard some of the other pupils call you 'subway' why is that?" Emma asked.

"Subway is a nickname I hate." I replied.

"Yes but why subway is there a particular reason?" Emma asked. She asked three times each time with me trying to deflect it. The final time she asked she got up and walked around the desk to sit on it right in front of me.

"So, any reason?" she asked again.

"Oh, I suppose I better tell you Emma. It's because my manhood is the same size as a big subway. There happy?" I answered.

"So, your cock is a 12 incher?" Emma asked inquisitively. Her eyes widening.

"Yes." I said.

"Hmm and how about girth? How round are you? You aren't a long noodle are you?" Emma asked standing over me.

"Hmm, do I have to answer?" I asked.

"Yes, if you want to be signed off and have a good testimonial." Emma answered.

"Ok if you insist. It's twelve inches long by six inches round, so not a long noodle.

"Oh my god. I have to see it. You must show it to me." Emma demanded.

"No, I am sort of engaged. And I love my fiancé very much.

"Oh, come on now Jay, no one will ever know. I won't tell and if you don't fuck me I will make you repeat this year, and med school won't take you after that. Don't think of me as your teacher, think of me as your slightly older girlfriend.

"Hang on did you say fiancé? I bet she's just some teenaged slut. I could understand you lusting after your new house guest. But Mrs Pavlyuchenkova is married. Shame from what I hear she is quite a sensual and sexual little princess." Emma said.

I didn't respond to that statement, but obviously she didn't know the specifics of Yana's and mine relationship.

"So, what's it going to be Jason? Are you going to let me sample that huge cock you're rumoured to have. Or do I fail you and make you repeat the year." Emma tauntingly asked.

I sat there riveted to the chair, trying to think of some way I could get out of this proposition. I had visions of Yana's and mum's disapproving faces if they found out. I remembered how Yana gave her love and affection freely to me. The excitement and anticipation that Yana was having for the future. God how could I get out of this? In my distracted state I didn't notice that she had locked the door, the only door.

"Well? I'm getting impatient standing here waiting." Emma said an imprudent tone to her voice. I looked across to where she was standing, Right beside the door.

If she failed me would my scholarship be valid? Probably not.

"Jesus, I can't believe this. You're an eighteen-year-old male with a girl throwing herself at you. And you're dithering around like an old fart? This girl of yours must be something else, or you're gay." Emma said in a frustrating tone as she walked across the classroom towards me. She stood over me.

"I can't believe I have spent an entire year fantasying about you and that huge cock. I've even frigged myself off looking at your picture. Imaging that huge pussy splitter going into my pussy and ass." Emma said.

I just looked at her my eyes level with her boobs.

"What? You have a nice pair of succulent 8C's in front of you. And you don't make a move? Maybe you are gay. Pity. I was looking to having some fun. And you'll miss med school. No scholarship and to think you're the only one going. Oh, the embarrassment for your poor old mum and Mrs Pavlyuchenkova, for some reason she speaks highly of you. But just in case you're thinking of making a dash for it. The only door is locked. It can't be opened from the inside or the outside without the key. And I have the key." Emma said, a hint of menace in her voice.

I didn't really know what to do. The mature side of me was saying "Stay true to Yana." The horny, hormone driven eighteen-year-old was saying " You have a hot girl throwing herself at you, throw caution to the wind and fuck her." It really was a cartoon angel/ devil moment.

Emma circled me like a hungry shark.

"Well?" Emma demanded.

I didn't know what to say, but my cock did, it was hardening. Emma noticed it too.

"Well, Well maybe you aren't gay and a total loss, after all." Emma said, as she forced her hand down the front of my pants and laid her hand on my groin through my pants.

"Fucking stand up now!" Emma demanded. My will just caved in as I found myself standing up.

"Good, now drop those pants of yours." Emma demanded as she reached behind her to grab a wooden ruler off her desk. I dropped my pants down to my ankles.

"Boxers too." Emma said. I starting to slowly pull them down. Emma put her ruler down on the desk beside us and grabbed my boxers and ripped them down, she pulled them down so hard and fast that it actually hurt as they went over my hard cock.

She then picked up the ruler again and used it to inspect my cock. Using it to lift it up from below. And to measure it.

"Hmm, not fully hard yet. Only twenty-five centimetres, another five or six to go." She teased.

"I am so annoyed right now. Stand in front of my desk and bend over." Emma said.

I slowly walked over to her desk and bent forward slightly.

"Faster." Emma demanded, as she pushed me down, so I was resting on my elbows and forearms as I leaned over her desk. My ass in the air.

"What a nice ass you have. But you've been naughty, and I have to punish you, something I thought I would never have to do." Emma said as she circled me.

Emma came to a stop beside me.

"Now I am going to smack you and for each smack I want you to say Thank you, Miss Johnstone. If you don't say it we will start again. Clear?" Emma asked, a dominant tone to her voice.

"Yes." I answered.

"Yes who?" Emma shouted.

"Yes Miss Johnstone." I said.

"Good now if you are a good boy, you may get my pussy." Emma taunted.

She then picked up the ruler in her righthand and started smacking my ass with it.

It came down hard on my naked buttocks.

"I think twenty is appropriate." Emma said.

"One." She said.

"Thank you, Miss Johnstone." I meekly answered.

Emma continued.

"Two." She said.

"Thank you, Miss Johnstone." I answered again.

We went like this with a hard swipe, that I could feel Emma counting and me thanking her with 'Thank you, Miss Johnstone.' Until the nineteenth smack. By then I could feel my ass getting redder and redder. Fortunately, she alternated cheeks as she smacked me.

On the nineteenth smack we heard someone at the door. Trying the handle.

"Shhh, you little fucker." Emma warned.

"Anyone there?" came a distinctive voice. It was Yana on her lunchtime rounds.

"Ya." I meekly cried out.

Emma quickly put her hand over my mouth.

Because there was no response Yana moved off.

"Don't move." Emma commanded and she moved to look out the window.

"Ah good, the dumb Russian bitch princess has gone. Now where were we?" Emma said as she moved back to me.

"Why did you say Ya?" Emma questioned in a demanding tone.

"Nothing, Miss Johnstone. Just stretching and I made a stretching noise." I said.

"Hmm you sure? Because Mrs Pavlyuchenkova's name is Yana. A simple name two syllables long first one is Ya. I think you are fucking her little Russian pussy aren't you? Mind you that's expected Her false Russian tits are bigger than her empty Russian head." Emma said, as she smacked me again with the ruler. I was thinking Andrew and Emma would make a good pair united in their dislike for Yana.

"Oh, I am so wrong, you aren't only fucking her. You're her new squeeze aren't you? That 'Ya' was more the way a person calls to their soulmate or partner than their fuck buddy. I bet that kid in her is yours too. Well?" Emma said as she pulled me back, so I was standing again. Her hand cupped around my balls. Giving them a squeeze, as she spoke.

"Well, what?" I asked.

"What?" Emma replied back.

"Well, how can I convince you that I'm not fucking Mrs Pavlyuchenkova? Or involved with her?" I asked.

"Fuck me, fuck me here and now. Fuck me hard, fuck me rough, make me cum, show me no mercy as you destroy all my holes with that monster of yours." Emma said.

"Hmm, and if I do?" I asked.

"You'll get a glowing testimonial; You can go on to medical school. And even if you are fucking Mrs Pavlyuchenkova. I won't tell anyone." Emma said.

"Well, I am not fucking her, but I think I will take you up on your offer. But." I said.

"But, what?" Emma said semi defiantly.

"But we do this MY way. You do as I tell you when and where I tell you. No answering back, no hesitation. Okay?" I said a demanding tone in my voice.

"Ahh." Emma murmured.

"Well?" I said as I slapped her on the cheek.

"Ahh, uhm." Emma replied.

"Well? Is that a yes?" I said as I slapped her on the other cheek.

"Well, I won't ask you again." I said.

"Yes." Emma replied meekly.

"Good. Now first thing first. Get naked. Strip for me. And as you take your clothes throw them across this classroom. Understand?" I commanded.

Emma nodded.

"Understand?" I asked in a more demanding tone.

"Yes." Emma said.

I then walked around to her teachers chair and sat on it. My cock was still erect and as I sat down on her leather chair, it pointed skyward. Emma or Miss Johnstone. Stood in front of me.

"Blouse first, bitch." I said.

Emma started to undress. She undid the buttons on her white blouse. And slid it off over her shoulders.

"Now turn around and throw it to the class." I ordered. She turned around so her back was facing me and then tossed the blouse as far out into the empty classroom as it would go. It went about three rows back and landed on a vacant desk.

"Skirt next. Hurry up."

Emma undid the zip and one button holding her skirt closed. The skirt slid down to her ankles.

"Toss it." I commanded.

Emma tossed it with her right foot. It flew through the air and landed by the door.

"Spin and show me your body. Twirl." I commanded.

Emma did a slow turn on the spot.

"Shoes." I said.

Emma slid out of her black high heels. And threw them out into the classroom. One ended up in the far corner, one ended up under her desk.

"Bra next, come on slut." I commanded.

Emma reached her hands up behind and unclasped her black bra.

She then threw them out and they landed on a vacant desk in the front row.

"So, Emma, how big are these? And your age? Tell me." I commanded.

"I am Emma Johnstone, and I am twenty-three years old. And my breasts are a size eight C." She proclaimed.

"Good girl, now play with those nipples make them hard for me." I said.

Emma ran a hand up to each of her tits and started playing with her dark nipples with small areolas surrounding them.

I moved the chair so I could reach the whiteboard. I grabbed a long ruler. The one used for making lines on the board. It was a full metre long. A full forty inches. And well within range of Emma.

"Play with them harder and faster." I said as I started to hit Emma around her waist, hips, and ass with the long ruler. Making a loud slapping sound as it connected with her skin.

"Tell me you blackmailing bitch, is your pussy hairy? I like pussy hair and if it isn't there will trouble." I said.

"Yes it is hairy well, trimmed." Emma replied in between smacks with the ruler.

"Good, as long as it isn't bald. I hate baldies." I said and I reached over to Emma's desk and picked up a pair of scissors.

"Come here." I demanded.

Emma walked the couple of paces toward me and stood there in front of me. I held the scissors in my hand and ran the tip of the blades around her panties waist band.

She had on a pair of plain black panties. I Put the scissors inside the waistband, first on her left side then her right side and I cut her panties off. They fell to the floor in shreds. Leaving the young twenty-three-year-old first year teacher, naked and exposed.

Emma stood there in front of me. I used the opportunity to look her up and down. Starting at the top of her head. Her shiny pixie cut black hair, her hazel-coloured eyes, behind her black wire rimmed glasses. Her white skin and her pink lipsticked lips. Her petite build body, her small, firm size eight C breasts with their dark, hard nipples and small areolas. Then my eyes tracked downwards. Past her belly button, down to the fold between her legs and it's small triangle of pubic hair.

"Nice. Now come here." I said. She walked the short distance towards me. When she was directly in front of me I used my index finger to point downwards, indicating that I wanted her to kneel on the floor in front of me. Emma, humbly obliged.

"Suck me." I commanded her. She leaned her head forward and took my cock in her mouth. Headfirst, then halfway down and back out, then halfway down again. Repeating this cycle several times. I rested my hand on top of her head with its short pixie haircut and I used it guide her down my phallus. Emma didn't use any tongue in her blowjob, unlike Penny, Brandi, Mum, or Yana. Ah, Yana. My thoughts turned back to my darling betrothed. How we were planning a life together. My beautiful Slavic princess and our two or maybe three children. I knew she made me happy, and vice versa. I was getting harder and harder as a result of Emma's oral attentions. I started pushing my cock further and further down her throat. I was having conflicting feelings. Part of me, the mature angel on my left shoulder was saying 'Think of Yana and your babies.' The lustful younger devil on my right shoulder was saying ' Take this blackmailing slut and destroy her holes.'

As she was kneeling in front of me on the cold hard floor, I reached down and grabbed her tits, one in each hand. I gave each one a good squeeze, a squeeze so hard she jumped as I squeezed them. I also tormented her nipples, squeezing them both between my thumb and forefinger. Emma gave a semi audible yelp as I squeezed her hard nipples between my fingers. I also reached down and started slapping her tits from above and from each side.

It was then that I had an evil idea. I pulled Emma off my cock by her hair. I grabbed a white board marker from her board.

"Stand up." I said. Throwing her the marker as I did.

She caught it in her hands and then stood up.

"Face the board and then write on the board in big letters. I am Emma Johnstone and I love sucking student's cocks." I commanded. The devil on my cartoony right side was really in charge. Or maybe it was because there was two of me being a Gemini. But I was really enjoying this maths teacher.

Emma was hesitant. I encouraged her by giving a few swift hard whacks with the meter long ruler.

"Do it NOW." I commanded.

Emma turned and faced the whiteboard and uncapped the marker it was a bright red one. She started writing slowly.

"Bigger, write bigger.". I said Thinking if I had known that my form teacher was so submissive I would have brought my collar and lead like I had for Grace. And maybe the butt plug. But never mind.

Emma wrote in big red letters on the white board. '. I am Emma Johnstone and I love sucking student's cocks.

With each letter she wrote I tapped her ass with the ruler. So, thirty-eight taps in total. I then made her approach me and hand me the marker.

"Kneel in front of me." I demanded and she submissively did.

"Can you see without your glasses?" I asked.

"Not really." She answered.

"Take them off and give them to me." I said. Emma took them off and folded the arms and then reached up and handed them to me. I placed them on her desk. Then I took another whiteboard marker and wrote on her chest just above her tits. The word 'Slut.' In big bold letters.

"You like?" I asked.

"No." She answered.

"Tough titties." I answered mocking her situation.

"My knees hurt; this floor is hard." She complained.

My only answer was to slap her across the face.

I stood up out of her teachers chair.