Five Mums Ch. 33 - Hot Night

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Honeymoon plans, Yana's version of Thomas and Explosive Cum.
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Chapter 33 - The Day after the night before.

I hurried home, fully aware that apart from one night for prizegiving. My secondary school days were now officially over. What I had just done was running through my head. I had never had any problems or disagreements with Emma or Miss Johnstone during the entire school year. So why was I so hard on her? I concluded that it was just a series that combined together and what had really got me so agitated was the fact she had called Yana, a dumb Russian princess whose false boobs were bigger than her brain. It got me angry, and I exacted our revenge on her for it. As I got home, I found out I was the only one home, mum and dad were out working at the school and the hospital, respectively. Yana was also out at school.

I entered the house, made a quick lunch, I needed some sustenance after my sexertions with Emma. I ate my lunch and then went down the hallway. I thought to myself well school's over, divorce is finalised, now we can start making concrete plans for our upcoming nuptials. I didn't have any study to do because as of now my exams were all over. I thought of how to spend my afternoon. I decided to move my stuff into Yana's room. Yana even though she had taken over the spare room had the bigger of the two out of mine and her rooms. Yana's furniture consisted of a double bed, a dressing table, a bedside cabinet, and a small armchair. I went in and considered what to do. I then looked at my room. I considered what to move. I had a bed, a bedside cabinet, a chest of drawers and a small armchair as well. I had a single wardrobe; Yana had a double. Most of what needed moving was Yana's assortment of linen and housewares. That she had bought long before I even asked her for her hand. Well, her hand and other delicious parts of her as well. I moved all the bags and boxes of housewares and linen into my room and placed them on the bed. I moved a couple of dinner sets, pots and pans sets, couple of boxes of cutlery and kitchen tools, Lots of sheets and towels. Tea towels and facecloths. Sheets and pillowcases, Duvets. As well as a vacuum cleaner. She had everything we needed to set up a new house except for the big stuff like furniture. I came to the conclusion that Yana was in fact 'nesting' as mum would most probably put it.

I picked up the bedside cabinet and moved it next to the double bed in our room. It matched the other one that Yana was using. Then I moved the chest of drawers containing my clothes into our room and placed it next to the dressing table that Yana was using. I left the armchair in my room but carried my Teddy bear from it and placed it on the bed that Yana and I shared. I don't know I still felt an attachment to my dear old teddy bear even though I was going to be a father. I was intending to hand it down to my first born but with Yana expecting twins or possibly triplets that wouldn't be possible. I went to take my clothes out of my wardrobe and fit them into Yana's double wardrobe. I opened the doors only to find that being a woman, a particularly delicious one that I loved very much. She had filled it with her clothes. So, I just compacted what was in there and started stacking Yana's house stuff in beside it. As well a large box marked 'частный' in Cyrillic. I assumed it meant private. I went and had a cold drink, feeling particularly pleased with myself. I poured myself a Pepsi and then sat down at the dining table. I checked my phone. A few text messages mainly from Yana and mum asking how my final exam went. Yana as usual sending messages of affection to me. Mum asking if I had seen Miss Johnstone because I needed to get my exit interview done and then one that Miss Johnstone was in a mood and if I had anything to do with it. I laughed. I most probably did. But I just texted back a 'no.' What Yana had written on her box had me intrigued. I went looking for the Russian/English dictionary Yana had bought me, and I looked up the English word 'Private' and in the column beside it was the same word. So 'частный' did mean private. I quickly finished my Pepsi. I then went back and moved it. As I moved it, I couldn't help but look inside. It was all Yana's personal papers. Two birth certificates. One in Russian and a translated one, baby and family photos of her family back in Russia, her degrees, and professional papers. I felt guilty looking but also extremely interested. I put the box back into the wardrobe and sealed it like it had never been opened. I then quickly did the dishes, vacuumed the whole house and then on a whim I printed the marriage license application out and filled in most of it. It was a large pile of papers. Asking Date and time of service. If we needed a registry office, where the service was being held, Name of officiating celebrant or minister, the grooms details like my name, Date of birth, Where born, occupation and if I had previously been married. Bride's details I filled out most of it, except for Yana's parent's names, her middle name, date of birth, date of residency. And then our contact details. And how I was going to pay. After I filled it out as best I could I signed it and waited for Yana to help me fill out her details. Sign it with me. And then I would go and pay for it tomorrow at the local office. I was very excited.

I had another Pepsi and then decided to go out. I found Shmel's keys and then headed out. I headed for the local Salvation Army shop. I wanted a stool and mirror for Yana's dressing table. I parked and found a large mirror that would match her dressing table and a stool. I also bought two Sheepskins one medium sized and one large. I quickly put them in Shmel and rushed home. I set up the stool in front of the dressing table with the smaller sheepskin resting on it. I set up the mirror on the top of the dressing table And I found a piece of paper with Yana's handwriting on it.

It was a piece of A4 paper with the title 'Yana's Playlist' on it.

I had a quick look. It was interesting. This is her choice for the mixtape she would make me. I was intrigued by the choices on it.

I had a quick read and then hurried out. On my way I grabbed the large sheepskin, a pen, and the marriage application. I locked up and dove back into Shmel and headed to pick Yana up from the usual spot.

I got there at 3:35.

I parked discreetly where no one would notice me and waited for Yana leaning against Shmel's bonnet as I waited.

"Oh Hello, didn't expect to see you." Yana said surprised.

"Get in." I said and I opened Shmel's passenger door. Yana climbed in.

I then got into the driver's seat beside her.

"So, makes you come and get me?" Yana asked.

"No particular reason, just wanted to see the most beautiful woman in the world. Ask how her day was." I answered.

"Aww." Was Yana's response. I started the car and drove off. Yana's hand in its usual place on my left thigh.

"My day was okay; I did lunch time patrol. I checked that your form rooms door was locked because we have a lot of trouble there with students doing drugs so us teachers always have to patrol it and check it is locked or occupied." She said.

"And was it locked or occupied?" I casually asked.

"Da, it was locked but I could have sworn it was occupied too. I had a strange feeling. But I saw Emma your form teacher later and she said that you had done your exit interview, and she was going to give you a glowing testimonial. And she said she had gone out for lunch and locked it. So, I must have been wrong." Yana said.

"Well, all's well then." I said, pleased that my little adventure with Emma was still secret.

"Hey Yana, how's it going with the pregnancy? How have the cravings and morning sickness been?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"A little bit of the sickness about ten o'clock and a little craving. Thank you for asking." Yana said.

"Well, I am genuinely concerned. So, you okay with the nausea? Or do want to get that script filled?" referring to the script that family planning had given her.

" No, I find sucking peppermints helps." Yana answered.

"Good, now you feel like a milkie? I've got some marriage stuff to discuss with you. So, we can grab a milkie and go the lagoon again. What you say?" I asked.

"Let's do it." Yana excitedly answered.

I drove shmel towards the dairy. The same dairy where we had the previous milkies. I parked Shmel and went to go in. When Yana stopped me.

"My treat." She said. Undoing her seatbelt and turning to face me before kissing me. She reached across to grab her handbag off the backseat. When she discovered the sheepskin I had bought.

"What is this?" Yana asked.

"A present for you. A sheepskin, it's the size of a single bed. So, you can put it underneath you when you sleep. Or do something else with it." I answered.

Yana sat back down and pulled it through between the two front seats. I thought she didn't like it. But as she nuzzled her face in it. It brought a smile to her face. She put it down and faced me.

"It is so soft and warm like a little hairy cloud. I am very lucky." She said.

"It was nothing." I replied.

"Lucky not only for sheepy skin but for having a wonderful husband. I might give you a present with this as well, later." Yana seductively purred. Before exiting. She reemerged a couple of minutes later. With two giraffe printed cups of milkshake and a tube of peppermints.

She got back in. Put the mints in her bag, gave me the milkies to hold while she fastened her seatbelt. Then took them back as I drove us to the lagoon.

We arrived at the lagoon, I parked Shmel, turned the car off. And then opened the door for Yana. She got out and we walked across to the picnic table we had previously sat at.

She sat down and I returned to Shmel to get the pen and nine-page marriage license application. Then I too sat down next to Yana.

I noticed that she hadn't touched either of the milkies.

"Hmm, I thought you would have started drinking them by now? It really is nothing to worry about. It's only the marriage application. And I've filled out most of it." I said to Yana.

"Oh, that's good, but I wait for you. Otherwise, it rude." Yana replied.

"What flavours you get I see a yellow and green through the lids." I said.

"Banana and Lime. Which one you like?" Yana asked.

"Banana." I answered.

"Hehe, Good I want to try Lime." Yana answered before taking the lime milkshake in her hand and starting to drink it.

I placed the marriage application down on the table, there was ten pages not nine. I looked through and they were all there. Plus, an article I had printed out 'on how to date a Russian woman.' Yana looked at the pages and saw that one and quickly swiped it. She quickly read it as she drunk her milkie.

"Ha-ha. This is an interesting article. So, you need to know how to date a Russkaya zhenshchina. Do you?" She teasingly said. And then continued to read it.

I thought just let her read it. Yana spent a few moments reading it and had a few giggles.

"Well? Any thoughts on the article?" I casually asked.

"Hmm, some of it is true and pertinent. Some is nepravil'nyy or wrong. But overall, mostly correct. I know we are different than western women and we are shall we say more traditional. But if you were curious about Russian women or Russkaya zhenshchina. You should have just asked." Yana said. Mewing the last part as she nuzzled into me and started nibbling my ear lobe.

"Okay I will bear that in mind. Now the marriage application. I need your input. Have a look." I said. Yana started browsing the application and noticed the blank parts.

"Hmm, address is easy. It is 447 Dominion road Mount Eden. Write it down. His name is Father Josef Sukhoi. But better check if he is doing it or if another priest is doing. We haven't discussed it." Yana said. I wrote it all down.

"Brides name and Bride's Parents names? And Brides date of birth. This I better write down as a lady never tells her age." Yana said, taking the papers from me and filling it out.

"Date? I have a date in mind, but we have to check with Father Josef. I just call him." Yana said and then rang her priest. She spent a few minutes on the phone conversing in Russian. And then hung it up.

"Well, I spoke to Father Josef. He said we can add date later. As long as we have month and year now. Reminded it takes two weeks to get okay from government. And he will perform service. But we see him on Tuesday anyway." Yana said.

"So how far out we are planning?" I asked Yana.

"Oh, Jay darlink. If we could I would marry you tomorrow. But it take two weeks, so shall we say in a month? Father Josef says any day is good except Sundays. For obvious reasons. This will be his first Russian wedding in this country. So, shall we say a month? And then it will be almost summer here, which is good luck. And when we go on honeymoon it will coming into winter. So, you can see the mother country at its best. With lots of snow. And you fall in love with it. And the snowflakes will fall on my hair, and you fall in love with me all over again. And you want to live in Siberia. That is how we make weak western democracies fall." Yana said.

"Eh, western?" I said.

"Oh, my tease you again. But Autumn going to winter is for me best time to go back home. For you it will be cold. But it will be fun for you. Besides if it gets too cold we can have fun warming up. Da?" Yana said, snuggling into me and kissing me as her hand moved into my crotch.

"Okay, so seventh of November then?" I asked.

"Da. Also seven is lucky." Yana said nodding. I filled in the rest of the application. And then we continued slurping our milkies. Yana suddenly laughed.

"Ha, you are funny, when I play the stereotypical KGB agent. But it makes me think. Nine pages to get married in a free country. I grew up at the tail end of communism. I was in my early teens when communism fell. And not even kommunisty ask that many questions." Yana said laughing at the irony.

"But I love you and you love me. That is all that matters." Yana said. Finishing her milkie and then grabbing my head and pulling me down for a long passionate kiss.

"Come we go now. I want you to drive me Newmarket." Yana said as she pulled away.

"Newmarket? What's in Newmarket?" I asked.

"Just take me, I'll tell you on the way." Yana said.

We quickly cleared away the milkies and got into Shmel with the marriage paperwork.

I started driving Yana to Newmarket.

"Okay where abouts in Newmarket?" I asked.

"House of travel, I want you to meet someone and book honeymoon." Yana excitedly said. Her hand was in its usual place. Yana then rang someone. I assumed whoever she rang was also Russian as the conversation was in Russian. She talked for about ten minutes with much Laughing and excited chatter. Then Yana hung up.

"Good chat?" I asked.

"Da, khoroshiy razgovor. Yes good chat sorry. I was just speaking to Natasha. She is a Russian travel agent. We go way back; I have known her longer than Svetlana, but we lost touch. She also married an older man. But unlike that Svoloch of my ex-husband her husband is different." Yana said.

"So, Svoloch is a bad word?" I casually asked.

"Da. Svoloch is a bastard. Sorry love. I know Andrew is your friend." Yana said.

"Don't be he never really liked you and he has gone all weird lately. I'm not inviting him to the wedding either so don't be. And don't think about your past. You have a new life with a man who cherishes you. Think about that. Eh?" I said.

Yana looked at me as her eyes started to well up.

"Spaisbo." She said.

"Now tell me about this Natasha." I said.

"Okay, Well Natasha I have known since I was born. Much like you and Thomas. We live in same apartment block, go to the same school. She is the same age as me and she is like me." Yana said.

"Like you? How? What devilishly beautiful, Sexy, and sensual?" I teased.

"No, I am sexier and more sensual." Yana said matter of factly.

"OH." I quietly said.

"Daling you don't have to tread carefully. I know what I was. But as you say I have to think about our future, my wonderful new life with my new husband and family. And the two or three in me." Yana said.

"Okay, I just thought you might be a bit ashamed to say it." I said.

"No, it is in the past." Yana said.

"Now Natasha?" I said bringing Yana back to where she was.

"Da, Natasha. She is travel agent she can book us in for Honeymoon as we now have date. It really is bad that we lost touch with each other for so long. And I have just thought of something." Yana said her mood brightening.

"What's that?" I asked.

"You know how your mother said she can't be bridesmaid lady? And I want three of them I was thinking, Svetlana, Penny and maybe Brandi. Why don't I get Natasha? She is like my form of Thomas." Yana said.

I had a quick thought.

"Yes given your history together. Why not?" I said.

"Good so we plan honeymoon and ask her at same time." Yana proclaimed proudly.

"Sounds good." I said.

I found a parking space on the main road just down from the intended branch of the travel agency.

I quickly went round to open Yana's door and help her out.

We walked the short distance to the shop, hand in hand.

"I see the internet article teach you well. Hehe. Also don't make fun of Natasha's name. She hates it." Yana cautioned.

"Why? Is it bad.?" I asked.

"Nyet, it is just unfortunate. She uses her English name, Smith a lot to avoid it. Not that she is ashamed of being Russian. But it is Natasha Romanova. Like the Black Widow character. So don't mention it." Yana warned.

We got to the door of the shop and as usual I opened it for Yana. Yana walked in and saw a woman sitting at a desk. Yana squealed and ran towards her, arms wide open, one of those half walk half run's that ladies make.

The woman at the desk stood up and opened her arms wide smiling as Yana ran towards her.

"Privet, Natasha, ochen' rada tebya videt'. YA skuchal po tebe. I mne yest' chto vam rasskazat'." Yana said, as they both embraced each other.

The woman who stood up I assumed was this friend of Yana's Natasha. She was about the same size as Yana about a size eight and she had smallish boobs maybe about a C Cup. She had long red nails and bright red lipstick, which complimented her long auburn hair. Height wise her and Yana were the same height. Natasha was wearing her employers uniform of a dark grey blouse and black skirt. Which was a knee length straight cut style. She had black and grey heel on. I could see what I wasn't to mention Black Widow, in name and look she was Black Widow.

She hugged Yana tightly like an old friend not a lover. Natasha gestured for Yana to sit down. Which Yana did sitting across the desk from Natasha. They spoke for several minutes excitedly chatting and giggling in Russian. Yana and Natasha both glancing at me. Yana showing Natasha her right hand, getting a shocked response out of her.

One of Natasha's colleagues approached me and asked if I was all right. I said that I was with them, and I was happy to wait.

I was eventually gestured to come and join them. Natasha stood to get another chair and then shook hands with me. I sat on the chair provided next to Yana.

"Hello." I said to both Yana and Natasha.

"Hello." Natasha replied.

"Natasha this is my zhenikh. Jason." Yana said.

"Hello Jason, Yana never said you were masculine and oh so handsome." Natasha said, reaching over the desk to shake hands.

"So, what are we up to?" I asked.

"Good question, Yana and I can catch up later. Yana brought you here because she knows me and to arrange your honeymoon." Natasha announced.

"Oh." I said.

"okay Yana and I have agreed to hold this talk in English so you can follow along. But let me start by saying I am so very pleased and excited that Yana has secured such a gorgeous man to marry. And she tells me that you are sweet and lovely too. I am pleased. Her other one was not so good. So, Auckland to Russia you are looking at, at least two flights. The question is which way do you two want to go? I understand that you are having second wedding in St Petersburg with her family, and you want the trans-Siberian?" Natasha said.