Five Mums Ch. 34 - Date Night

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Our 'First date" and jay surprises himself.
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Chapter 34 - Date Night.

Yana and I slept well that night. But as she had said before she was 'saving herself' for our date night. A bit late for that I thought as we both slowly awoke. I woke first. I spent some time just looking down at Yana, she had been tossing and turning most of the night. I thought maybe she had another nightmare about something. But I decided not to mention it unless it was mentioned first.

Mum had mentioned earlier than Yana was a heavy sleeper like me. But she was heavier. She slept so heavy normally that it would have taken the proverbial bomb to wake her. It was Friday and it was the day before the night of our date night. In a way it seemed odd, and somewhat backwards. We were having our first 'date' after getting engaged and pregnant. I knew most people did it the other way around. But never mind our relationship was unusual.

I tried to dislodge Yana off my chest so I could get up. I still had things to organise for this evening. I pried Yana's arm off from laying across my chest. I made a mental note to get some sort of cloth for her or if she insisted using my chest as a pillow, maybe wearing a wetsuit to bed. I was able to slide myself to one side and climb out of bed. I was bursting. I quickly escaped to the toilet and had the usual morning abolitions. Then I walked back and stood in the open doorway just watching Yana sleeping. I had the Aerosmith song 'I don't want to miss a thing' running through my head. In particular its first line. Then I heard noise from the kitchen and realised that given the time, dad had most probably left, and mum was preparing breakfast. I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello mother." I cheerily said.

'Oh, good morning, You two came in late last night." Mum commented.

"Yes we finalised the wedding date and the honeymoon. It's all booked and everything." I replied.

"Oh, so it's all systems go then is it?" Mum replied.

"In a way yes." I answered.

"So, what have you got planned for the honeymoon?" A week in Tahiti or such like?" Mum asked.

"Ah, not quite." I answered.

"Not quite?" Mum asked.

"Well, we have an unusual relationship, and we aren't getting married once, but twice." I said.

"Married twice? How does that work?" Mum asked genuinely interested.

"Well, we get married here, with our friends and family that are here. In the Russian orthodox church. Then the following day we are flying through LA, Denver and London to St Petersburg and have a second orthodox wedding there for her family and so on. And then onto Moscow and the trans-Siberian to Vladivostok and then back through Seoul. It's easier and cheaper than bring them here. Plus, I get to see Yana's roots and culture firsthand." I explained.

"Oh, I can see the logic in that. Will you be gone long? I want to rent your rooms out to some Chinese overstayers while you're gone." Mum asked.

"Six weeks, What? Chinese overstayers?" I stammered.

"Oh yes illegal immigrants pay $50 a night each. And two rooms I should get at least twelve of them in, so $600 a night for six weeks. Thats nearly $3000." Mum said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What?" I stammered again.

"Oh, Christ you are so easy to have fun with. I'm joking." Mum said slapping me playfully on the arm.

"Ha." I answered.

"Is she getting up?" Mum asked referring to Yana.

"Hope so, but I quite enjoy watching her sleep, but last night she was tossing and turning. Like she had something on her mind. It worries me." I said.

"Christs sake, stop wrapping her in cotton wool will you? Right, you finish getting brekkie ready I'll go and wake her.' Mum said. And then left the room to go and wake Yana up.

I finished making breakfast. Then I heard some talking and movement. Then mum re-entered.

"Well, she's up." She said.

Yana emerged behind her, rubbing her left ear.

"I had to squeeze her ear." Mum said referring to Yana's red ear.

"Morning zolotse." I said.

"Morning zaichonok." Yana replied. AS we all sat down for breakfast.

"So, Yana zai something, what's that mean?" Mum asked as she poured the tea.

"Morning Mama, he said morning zolotse, which means darling, and I answered him with morning zaichonok which means bunny." Yana explained as she gave me a hug.

"Oh, just terms of endearment. So, what are you two love birds up to after school?" Mum asked.

"Well, this wonderful person has organized a date for us." Yana answered.

"A Date? Bit late for that isn't it?" Mum said.

"Ah, yes and no, We realized there is so much about each other that we don't know. So, we are having a first date." I said.

"Nice thought, going anywhere nice?" Mum asked.

"Yes, we are, I have booked. But given the present company I am not at liberty to say where." I teasingly said.

"Good it better be nice, or you'll have me to deal with." Mum said pointing at me.

"Yana is my surrogate daughter in a way, so you have to impress both of us." Mum said in a warning tone.

"Don't worry I have planned every detail. While you two are at school I have a few things planned. I'm going into town to lodge the marriage application at internal affairs. Then I'll pick Yana up and then stay at Thomases for a while until I pick my little darling up. From here at Seven." I explained.

"Sounds like a plan, so am I losing the car today?" Mum said.

"No Yana said I can use Shmel." I said.

"Shmel?" Mum asked.

"The Mini. It's called Shmel." I answered.

"Oh Yana, you aren't one of those people who name cars are you?" Mum asked.

"Da, Shmel is bee and car look and sound like bee. So, I name it Shmel." Yana explained.

"Oh okay. Now Yana tell me about this honeymoon. I understand you're having a second wedding as well." Mum asked Yana.

"Da, Mama, I have large family and they have friends, plus I have some old friends still in Russia. So, it is easier for us to go there then they come here. And then we have Russian honeymoon. And then come back. All in school holidays so Jay not start school and I am off as well." Yana explained.

"Summer holidays, won't Russia be cold then?" Mum asked.

"Da, cold but not too cold. St Petersburg can get to - 35 but that time of year maybe only minus five or ten. SO not too cold. Maybe a little bit of snow and canals will not freeze over. Besides, one hasn't experienced Russia until they have had a Russian winter." Yana said with a giggle.

"Oh, and it is all booked? Who did you book it with?" Mum asked seemingly taking a genuine interest in what we were planning.

"Yes, all booked through a friend of Yana's, Natasha who is sort of like Yana's Thomas who works at house of travel." I explained.

"Yes, Natasha similar to Thomas we were born in same hospital, same school, same apartment building. Even same boyfriend at one stage. But that is another tale. Boy who double me, and Natasha die in Chechnya. But she got us upgrades for flights and train, so she is good friend even though we have somewhat drifted apart." Yana explained her explanation containing a little bombshell.

"Yes Natasha, did that, and insurance but no accommodation." I added.

"No Accommodation?" Mum asked surprised.

"yes, we have one of those month-long hop on hop off rail passes, otherwise the train stops at the most for twenty minutes at each stop. So given the fact that it's coming into winter, we can find accommodation as we go." I explained.

"Oh, understandable, now we all better get ready. Yana can you drive us please?" Mum said.

"Da, mama." Yana said and then her and mum left the table to get ready. Leaving me to clear breakfast away. I cleared it away and then got ready myself.

I dressed casually, black cargos and a blue shirt. Mum and Yana entered. Mum was wearing a black cotton short sleeved blouse, black office type pants, high heels and had her hair in a bun. Yana was wearing her usual 'uniform' her hair was down.

"Channelling Penny again?" I cheekily asked mum.

"Oh ha-ha." Mum replied.

They collected their keys and bags and we all got into Shmel I was relegated to the backseat.

Mum was seated in the passenger's seat, Yana was driving.

"My first time of being in Yana's car and her driving. But did you spill something on the dash?" Mum said. Referring to spots of dried up cum on the dashboard.

"Ah yes, mama. I had a craving so got a strawberry milkie and he drive a bit fast over speed bump and I spill some." Yana said. Giving me a sideways glance and mouthing the word 'cum.' Before starting Shmel up.

Yana drove us all to school, her and mum in the front discussing the upcoming wedding. Barry white playing on the stereo.

We got to school quickly, and mum explained that half the school was away with either exams or had finished. The other half, the juniors, were still around. But all the staff knew Yana had moved in so there really was no need to be secretive anymore.

Yana parked in the staff car park and left the car running. I poked myself through in between the middle of the two seats and gave both ladies a kiss.

I lingered kissing Yana a bit longer.

"Whoa there tiger, save some for tonight and your honeymoon, eh?" Mum teasingly said.

I kissed Yana long and passionately.

"Yana, is he a tiger or a bear?" Mum asked, trying to distract Yana from my lips.

"Right, where's the hose?" Mum cheekily said.

"Pardon?" I asked as I stopped kissing Yana.

"Nothing, just remember to pick us both up at half past three and save some of that for tonight. Because Penny and I are going to make Yana look stunning. More stunning than she already is." Mum said as she got out. Yana smiled and giggled and then got out too. I climbed over to Shmel's driver's seat and as I settled, Yana poked her head in through the open door and kissed me once more.

"Uvidimsya segodnya vecherom, lyubimyy, ya budu ochen' skuchat' po tebe. No segodnyashniy vecher togo stoit."" Yana huskily whispered in my ear.

"Pardon?" I asked. Yana just put her finger over my lips.

"Use your book to find out. Darlink." She said before extracting herself from me. Both ladies turned and waved, and I drove out of the parking space. And headed out into rush hour traffic, I was heading for the Department of Internal Affairs Office in Auckland's CBD. Given the time of day it would take me a while, so I just cruised along in Yana's pride and joy. Getting a feel for Shmel. Like I had driven it before, but this was the first time I was really by myself. To appreciate it.

I drove into the CBD and parked in a car park opposite the building that the DIA was in.

It was on the twelfth floor. I went up in the lift, when I got out the floor was very busy as there were a lot of couples waiting for their weddings at the registry office. I found my way to the reception who directed where I need to go. I went onto the room I needed to be in and waited in the queue. There were two people on the counter, and I was fifth in the queue. After about five minutes I was called forward as I was next. I handed the form over to the middle-aged lady who went through the form. Checked my ID, went through the sections, signed each box, and stamped the bottom with hr official stamp. When it came to Yana's section she had to look up something on the computer and printed out Yana's divorce and residency papers and a copy of her birth certificate. I thought it was beneficial that weddings, divorces, and citizenship were all managed by the same government department. Each box was signed and stamped then Yana's bits were attached And then a preprinted form with some blanks was attached. I had in fill in the blanks. Stating that I affirmed that the particulars given were truthful to the best of my knowledge and that I was who I said I was. I then had to sign and date it in front of her. And then she took it all away and gave me a receipt which I had to give to another counter to pay. She said it would take about a week to process. I then paid at the payments counter and the entire process was done.

The process over it was now just a matter of waiting, and meeting Father Josef, Yana's priest, Svetlana was planning the hen night, and the reception. Thomas was arranging the stag night.

So where to go now? I had a quick think and decided to head off to Thomas's place. So, I turned Shmel in the direction of Tommy's place.

I drove for about half an hour and parked on the road. I got out and walked down their driveway. Up to the front door which was unlocked. I opened it and walked in. Tommy and I often just walked in unannounced into each other's houses. I shut the door behind me and rounded the corner into the lounge. What I saw was unexpected. Thomas sitting on the couch. His mother Penny was kneeling between his legs, naked sucking him. What was unexpected wasn't the fact that he was receiving a blowjob from his mother. Both him and I had boarded the incest train before. It was the timing, at ten in the morning I expected Penny to be at school.

Both of them were oblivious to my presence. I stood and watched them for a couple of minutes. Before clearing my throat and saying.

"Most people lock the door you know." Thomas jumped and Penny stopped sucking him.

"Don't stop on my account." I jokingly said.

"You should have rung." Thomas said.

"Well in my defence, tommy I assumed that Penny here would be at work." I said.

Penny just kept sucking on her son.

"She rang in sick. How can I help you, or do you want to join in?" Thomas asked.

"Are you close?" I asked.

"Yep, almost there." Thomas answered as he gripped his mother by her hair and held her close into his cock.

"Keep going then." I said as I walked away. I walked around to the kitchen to get myself a cold drink. I looked in the fridge and found some Pepsi. I pulled it out and found a glass. As I poured it into the glass. I heard Thomas grunt and moan.

"I'm AAhhh." Thomas cried as he obviously came. I grabbed the Pepsi and returned it to the fridge.

Rounding the corner, I could see Thomas sitting on the couch wiping his hands on a small towel. Penny was standing up with splotches of cum on her chin.

I walked in.

"Hello Penny. Interesting mouthwash." I teasingly said.

"Hello Jay, you should have come earlier." Penny said.

"Yes, I would have joined in too. But he was close, and I don't like to intrude." I said.

"Yes, you could have DP'ed me. But always next time." Penny said.

Penny walked past me to go and clean up. Stopping close by and whispering in my ear.

"Thomas cums too quick, so feel free to come and fill these holes anytime?" Penny playfully whispered. As she walked past me to get herself a drink. She then walked back past me and sat down.

""I thought you swallowed it?" Thomas said.

"Oh, I did darling, but I'm just a tad thirsty." Penny replied to Thomas as she handed him a drink too.

"So, brings you here unannounced Jay. I know you have two stunning examples of Femininity at home, so it isn't a pleasure of the flesh." Penny said.

"Oh no, I was just wondering if I could spend some time here. Exams are over, You're one of Yana's bridesmaids, Tommy here is my best man. I know it might a bit girlie, but we could discuss plans. Like Tommy here has a stag night to plan. And Yana and I are having our first 'date' tonight." I said.

"Oh yes well with two of we can get plans sorted out, maybe even have some fun afterwards. But a first date isn't that a bit backwards? I mean after getting engaged and pregnant and everything?" Penny said.

"Agreed, but then Yana's and my relationship isn't exactly 'traditional.' So, we are having a first date to really just fill in the blanks abit about each other." I said.

"Good idea." Thomas said.

"Hmm, sounds a bit girlie but I think it's good. So, Yana wants me to be a bridesmaid, does she?" Penny said.

"Yes. You, Svetlana, and a girl called Natasha. Natasha is kind of like her version of Thomas. Born in the same hospital, went to the same school etcetera, etcetera. And she wants to plan a dinner for you all to meet. But then you all really know Svetlana anyway." I said.

"Oh yes, I know Svetlana, she has a good to." Penny said smiling.

"To?" Thomas asked.

"Oh, I was going to use a Russian word I picked up, but I changed my mind." Penny said.

If Penny was trying to cover up the fact that they all had lesbian shenanigans while they were away. I already knew. Yana and mum had told me, but I didn't let Penny know.

" Ah yes, you'll have to drop me hints about what sort of stripper you like Jay. So, I can order the complete opposite for you." Thomas jokingly said.

"What! A stripper?? I don't think that is appropriate for an eighteen-year-old" Penny exclaimed.

Thomas and I both looked at her, a look of shock on our faces.

"Wha? That's rich coming from you. How many times have you fucked me? And now you decide to get all motherly?" Thomas said. Penny went silent and looked at me.

"What he said." I said, pointing at Thomas.

I told them both the date of the wedding and that everyone I knew was invited. Except Andrew and his father for obvious reasons.

At the announcement of the date of the wedding, Penny went quiet. Sitting there cross legged on the chair naked. You could tell she was deep in thought.

"What's up? You look like you have a very complicated thing to think about." I asked Penny.

"Ah.No. No. Just need to make a call." Penny said and she stood up. As she went to leave the room she picked up her phone and then walked off down the hallway. Thomas and I could hear her make the call. We were aware of Penny having a conversation but not clear enough to make out what was said.

Thomas and I passed the time discussing things. Stag night wedding preparations amongst other things.

We were interrupted by a Penny's phone ringing. It's ringtone playing Brandy you're a fine girl by Looking Glass.

"Mrs Edwards ringing her." Thomas said. He still called her 'Mrs Edwards' because unlike me he hadn't had the pleasure nor the ringing in the ears that came from fucking Brandi.

"wonder she wants?" I casually asked.

"Pass." Thomas said.

I told Thomas of the honeymoon plans and we decided to hire our suits as both of us really didn't have a use for a suit.

"So, Yana's bridesmaids, you've met them?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, why?" I replied.

"Just wondering what they are like. You know best men always end up fucking one of them." Thomas said.

"Ha. Well, aren't you already fucking one of them? And Natasha and Svetlana are both Russian. Natasha is a redhead Yana age. Svetlana is a 25-year-old with black hair. I don't know Svetlana's last name, but Natasha's last name is Smith." I said.

"Smith. Unusual Russian name." Thomas commented.

"Yes she prefers to use her married name, because her Russian name is Romanova." I said.

"Natasha Romanova? Like the black widow?" Thomas said.

"Yes. And she is spoken for. I believe Svetlana is still on the market though." I said.

"Good. Because mum doesn't count." Thomas said.

"Well Svetlana is going to do a couple of live performances at the ceremony. Apparently is multi-instrumental and classically trained. If you wanted to, you could find her and introduce yourself. Her mother owns the Russian shop in town. She works in it." I explained.

"There's a Russian shop in town? Where?" Thomas asked.

"Queen's Arcade Shop called Crystal Harmony. Don't let the name fool you." I said.

"Shall we go? Go like right now?" Thomas asked.

"What's the time? I have to pick Yana and mum up at 3:30 get some formal attire for tonight and then pick Yana up from home and take her out." I said.

"Just before 11am, I'll go get some gear on. Then we can go. You can introduce me to her. And then we can go on from there." Thomas said excitedly.

"How could I say no?" I answered.

"Goodie." Thomas said. As he stood up and bolted down the hallway.