Five Mums Ch. 38 - Half Round of Golf

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A game of golf, greens, dirt bunkers included everyone wins.
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Chapter 38 - A half round of Golf.

The rest of the night was spent having a wild fuck with Yana including a thrilling anal session before we both feel asleep. We woke up early unusually seeing as we didn't get to bed ( for sleep.) until quite late, we both ordered room service breakfast and then we had breakfast on the hotel's wrap around balcony. Discussing what the rest of the weekend held and watching old Auckland town slowly wake up.

Yana mentioned that we had a meeting with the land agent at three that afternoon. I was thinking what is the rush Yana? But my inner self told me to swallow that question. Then we had the Ballet that evening. And she enjoyed the show, as had Natasha and Svetlana. She was looking forward to the whole of Saturday. Sunday she only planned to take me to the orthodox church. And she wanted me to take her to the supermarket after church, she let it slip that she wanted to make my family a traditional Christmas meal from Russia. Even though it wasn't Christmas. I asked after Svetlana and Natasha. She told me Svetlana had a feeling Thomas had a crush on her. Svetlana's mother was also considering opening a new shop, more grocery orientated.

I agreed with everything she said. Maybe I was completing my husbandly apprenticeship as my father would say.

"Remember when you get married, the wife is always right, in case of disagreement refer to the first part." Was something he would say.

Yana ate her breakfast on the balcony outside wearing only a robe. Naked underneath. The hotel, particularly on this side, had no neighbours who could see and those that could were corporate offices. And being a Saturday, they were unattended. I half expected Yana to ask how the night before went, but she didn't.

I noticed the clock, it was 9am.

"What are we going to do till 3pm?" I asked.

"I have a few ideas." Yana teasingly replied. Just then the room's phone rang. I rushed inside to answer it. It was the front counter, telling me that Shmel was ready. And that check out that was normally 11am was owing to Jeanette's loyalty card been extended to one o'clock.

I walked back out to Yana, telling her that Shmel was ready.

"Yay, so husband what are we going to do till one o' clock?" Yana asked.

"To quote you, I have a few ideas." I teasingly replied.

"vy draznite." Yana said.

"I tease you?" I replied.

"Yes and congratulations on knowing what I said. Could you ring for a strawberry milkie I need to use bathroom." Yana said.

I walked back in and picked up the phone. As I was ordering her milkie again. Yana walked past me and into the bathroom and then shut the door. I waited for the milkie to come. It came up shortly after, I answered the door and took it off the bellhop. I closed the door behind me and walked up to the bathroom door.

"Yana, milkies here. Are you okay you've been in there awhile?" I said through the door.

"Da, I'm all right, bring it in please." Yana said back.

I opened the door and walked in the bathroom. Yana was having a soak. She was in the hotels large spa bath covered in bubbles. I placed the milkie on the edge of the bath by Yana. Anticipating that she would drink it in the tub. As I straightened up after placing the milkie down, I felt a tug at my waist as Yana pulled me into the bath, with her. She kissed me passionately and then we had some frolics in the tub.

"Take me out there and fuck me." Yana whispered into my ear. I got out and helped her out. We didn't bother drying She just dragged me behind her and then climbed on the bed still dripping and got into doggy style.

"Fuck me." Yana commanded.

I was rock hard already, so we skipped a blowjob, and I went straight to fucking her in doggy.

At one stage I thought I heard a knock on the door, but I was so involved in making Yana scream in pleasure. I didn't pay much attention. By now it was 10am.

I went back to fucking Yana. Then I thought I heard another knock on the door. Again, I dismissed it.

I fucked Yana for a few minutes more then there was a woman with brown hair and glasses standing in front of us.

I Looked up and saw Jeanette standing there dressed ready to check out.

"Hello Jay and Yana. I can see your having fun. So, I'll be brief. I just wanted to say to you check your internet banking and thank you both." Jeanette said and then she bent down to just above Yana's head and then she reached down and gave Yana a passionate full on Lesbian kiss. She held Yana in her hands as she kissed her. As Jeanette kissed my fiancé, Yana, and I both came at the same time.

"Yana you are very lucky, Spasibo." Jeanette said. Yana looking surprised that Jeanette knew thank you in Russian.

She then turned and left.

I withdrew out of Yana's wet pussy, and she rolled onto her back.

"That was nice, better check the bank." Yana said and then stood up.

She walked over to the PC supplied with the room. And logged onto her banks website.

She showed me. She had 1.2 million in an account named house. Two thousand in an account named day to day. Ten thousand in another one named babies and another with my name on it had two and half thousand. She clicked on each one. The house account had her half of the divorce, the day to day was her fortnightly wages. Babies had one deposit in it from Jeanette. And the account with my name on it was the same. Two and a half thousand from Jeanette. In an account I didn't know I had. We both smiled at a job well done, then we both lay in the bed snuggling very happily, because of the money and also the fact that Yana had discovered the hotel had a Russian Rom Com TV series on. We checked out at 1pm, picked up Shmel. Shmel was better than new, after having been washed, cut, polished, waxed and the interior was leather conditioned, vacuumed and carpet shampooed. The valet guy said there were some splodges on the dashboard, but he managed to get them off.

Then we went back to the same beach we went to on our date night and had fish and chips and milkies before going back home and then going to the open home at three o' clock.

We went and Yana liked it. She sat down outside the house and wrote things down. I asked what she was writing down. She showed me a list of things she wanted done including updating the kitchen and bathroom including installing a roll top claw foot bath.

She sought my opinion and then just as the open home was shutting, she went to see the land agent. She had a quick discussion and Yana wrote something down and then I was called over. I was asked to sign some paperwork. Apparently, Yana had made an offer. It was advertised for 400k she made an offer of 375k cash. She made the offer after I signed my half. Then the land agent made a call. And then ten minutes later, she came up to us and informed us that the owners had accepted our offer. Yana's offer was subject to passing an inspection. But for all intents and purposes the house was ours.

I was shocked. I knew Yana had every intention of buying a house. I just didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. Neither did my parents. You could tell by the look on their faces. We bought a house. Yana had agreed with the owners who were moving to a retirement home, on a long settlement date. We would take possession a week after we got back from honeymoon. Which was ok for both parties.

I was happy but I suddenly felt incredibly old. Wife, kids, house and not even 19. I mentioned my shock and uneasiness at this turn of events to both my mum and dad while we were waiting for Yana to get ready for the ballet.

Which went in different ways. My mother said, ' Well you asked her to marry you.'

My father said she was in a nesting state, she was expecting, and she was young and away from her family, and now she was feeling secure and safe, she wanted to maintain that feeling. He understood what I was feeling but really, I should just sit back and go with the flow. As he casually mentioned, "at least you don't have to worry about a mortgage.' My mother agreed. But suggested she could have a word to Brandi about it. My father agreed so the decision was made to arrange an appointment with Brandi.

Then Yana emerged wearing the same dress as last night.

A red satin dress with a plunging cleavage revealing her ampleness, the dress finished just above the knee. She was also wearing a pair of red stiletto heels.

She finished the look with a pearl necklace and earrings and a diamond bracelet. Her engagement ring shone. It was her most precious possession. She rolled her hair up and secured it with an alligator clip, the front two locks hanging loose down her face. She had make up done to a high standard but not to the standard that Penny had done on our date night.

"Wow, sonny boy you are a very lucky man indeed." Dad said as Yana walked into the room.

"Yes it was very fortunate Yana getting these tickets for tonight, I hope you two enjoy the night." Mum commented.

"Have fun you two." Dad called after us as I escorted Yana out the door and to Shmel.

As usual I opened the door, for her and she got in. Shmel was still immaculately clean.

"You look radiant tonight. But didn't you wear that last night?" I commented as I started Shmel.

"Yes I only have two dresses, as you know I don't have a lot of formal attire, and it doesn't feel right wearing a suit to the ballet, so it was either this or my blue one. And the blue one has no back to it. So, I thought this one better. Why you don't like?" Yana said as she placed her hand on my thigh again.

I felt abit underdressed as I was only wearing formal pants and a shirt. I looked in the rear vision mirror and could still see the bright red bitemarks under my collar from the previous night.

I knew she loved me a lot, but I was feeling a bit irritable.

Yana somehow sensed it.

"You're annoyed?" she asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Why?" Yana asked the concern apparent in her voice.

"You would have bought that house if I didn't like it anyway, and now I have to go and see Brandi for counselling, and Dad says you're nesting because you are feeling secure." I said.

"Oh." Yana said back.

"Well, Brandi is a very good counsellor, and you're father is right." Yana said as she squeezed my thigh to death.

"He is?" I stammered.

"Da, he is, let me tell you my viewpoint. I have wanted to be a wife and mother since I was five or six. I started making a dowry box when I was thirteen I would spend whatever spare money I had on getting things for a house and children. And then when I was fifteen communism fell and I found out I could get a better house. But communism falling wasn't so good. Things went up in price, then when I was eighteen, your age I was shunted overseas first of all to learn English and then to study health and exercise. Which meant I could work here. But it was mainly so my stupid father could be proud. Because in Russia, even in Tsarist times if you had a foreign educated child, it was a sign of affluence. So, I became a symbol of my family's wealth. But it also convinced me how nice the west was. So, upon my return I enrolled in a marriage agency to find a westerner, I found one, but I didn't know he was so horrible, or that he didn't want any more kids. But it did lead me to meet a wonderful man, who Loves me incredibly much, and I am finally getting what I have always dreamed about. A Loving man, babies, house, and a loving family. As you are aware us Russian woman are different. Also, you are the only man in my life who has appreciated me for my mind and personality, not my body." Yana explained. As I started to well up.

"Prosti, Yana, ya Pravda."( Sorry Yana, I truly am.) I said half unexpectedly.

Yana turned and looked at me.

"Nyet I should also be sorry; I didn't discuss any house things with you. Or my feelings." Yana apologised.

"So, I'm in the dog box tonight?" I casually asked.

"Nyet I think we both in the dog box. And on the subject of a dog, now we have house with section what dog you want?" Yana said. Before cracking up laughing.

"hmm, early dinner?" I suggested as the show time was getting closer.

"Da, I'm hungry. Making husband annoyed is hungry work." Yana teased.

There was nothing around, so we had to settle for McDonalds.

We stopped and Yana and I had an enjoyable meal. Even feeding each other chips. We cut an unusual sight Being in a McDonalds on a Saturday evening. In our formal wear.

Yana even reminiscing when the first Mc Donalds opened in Russia. Before teasing me about how posh Russian housewives married to Doctors have small, white dogs. I teased her about the dog camouflaged in the snow. She then admitted to liking either Irish Wolfhounds, Retrievers, or a Saint Bernard. Completely different to my choice of a Jack Russell.

We finished, went back to Shmel when Yana and I had a passionate kiss before heading off to Star City again to see Swan Lake.

The performance was entertaining, and Yana looked lovely attracting many comments in the intermission. Before we went home, once again stopping for a milkie on the way.

A few days had passed since I had fulfilled my contractual obligations to Jeanette. And had a tiff with Yana. I had a phone call from Brandi on the Monday, Informing an appointment had been made with her on Friday at 4pm. Just me. Not me and Yana she had a separate appointment with Yana on Wednesday. Because apparently my mum and dad were 'very worried.'

I caught up with Thomas, Simon and David on the Thursday for lunch, Thomas was busily doing best man duties. And convinced me that dad had made the right assumption about Yana 'nesting.' He also asked me if I had seen Svetlana lately and convinced me that David and Simon should be groomsmen. Because Yana has three bridesmaids it was only logical that I have three men. Besides, as Simon said the groomsmen always get with the bridesmaids after the wedding. To which I replied that they had all been watching too much porn.

Simon also commented on how his stepmother had been unusually excited about something since my mother and someone called Brandi, had rung her. He knew because he had answered her phone for her. As we sat in the food court, we discussed what the next few months involved for us all.

Thomas said his dad was still having issues about his choice not to follow him into the family business. If Thomas did it would the sixth or seventh generation of his family to do so. But he was confirmed for Psychology.

. Simon was confirmed in a Bachelor of Commerce but couldn't decide between Accounting or marketing.

David was accepted into primary teaching. And of course, me into medicine, fatherhood, and marriage. Only I was following in at least one of my parent's footsteps. David sort of was, but wasn't.

Of course, the 'arrangement' had been kept going even though it wasn't as formal as it once been and in the absence of Andrew and myself. Simon mentioned he had caught up with Andrew and Andrew was full of anger and hate. In Simon's words he was a ripe candidate for the dark side. All of it aimed at me and then Yana. We talked for a while and then I rang to check in with Yana and see if she minded David and Simon being added and could she contact Galina to get some more ties made so they match the bridesmaids. She agreed and said she would, after recounting how sorry she was and how much her heart ached whenever we were apart.

Simon made a flippant comment about being well trained and then him, Thomas and David made a pact not to get married before thirty. Then they left to book suits at the same place under my name, leaving Thomas and myself. We discussed the stag night and wedding, Thomas admitting he still regularly fucked his mother, Penny, only lately he was visualizing Svetlana's face on her head as he fucked her.

We spoke for a wee while longer and then I made an excuse that I had to leave to pick both my mum and Yana up from school. Thomas laughed, made a whip cracking sound, and then wished me goodbye, and he'd be in touch.

I picked them up and Yana said that her session had been postponed a day due to Brandi having unforeseen circumstances, but it had been very productive and that it helped her to see the situation from my point of view. We all went home and had a quiet night in.

Friday came and I had a normal day. Driving Yana to school but not mum. Mum saying, she had to replicate an experiment and needed a lab, so she drove herself. I spent most of the day looking at Yana's renovation list. Most of it was not too bad, update kitchen and bathroom, paint walls, Install ventilation system, Plant vegetable garden. The rest of the day I spent learning Russian, and writing my wedding vows in both English and Russian.

I received an email that was sent to both me and Yana from the building inspector. He had inspected the house and found only two things wrong. A light switch cover needing replacing and the gutters needing cleaning.

Then I left to pick Yana up, ran her home, hurriedly kissed her, and then tore off to Brandi's for the four o'clock appointment. Wondering if it would be a 'normal' session with a therapist or a 'Brandi Special.'

I resigned myself to the idea that I would soon find out anyway. I drove Shmel to Brandi's listening to Yana's music on her playlist. Mainly Roger Miller, Conway Twitty, and George Jones. For some reason, the older country was growing on me.

I arrived at Brandi's just on 4pm, I sat outside for about 5 minutes before going up her stairs and knocking on the door.

I could hear the familiar clop, clop, clop, of Brandi's heels on the hardwood floor as she came to answer to the door.

She opened the door and let me in.

"Oh hello, Jay. So good to see you again. Do come in." Brandi said.

"Same." I said.

She was standing there, In a Black suit. With a jacket done up with one button just underneath her ample boobs. The skirt was a straight cut skirt that finished just short of her knees. She had black stockings, black heels. A white blouse was underneath the jacket. The blouse was done up but was low cut and her ample cleavage was visible. She had her dark hair up nestled behind a hairband. A pair of wire framed glasses, A pearl necklace and pearl earrings finished her look.

She shut the door behind me and gestured me on.

"Same room?" I asked.

"Yes, please." Brandi answered. I went onto the last door on the left. Brandi following close behind me.

I sat down on the two-seater couch and Brandi once again sat on the armchair.

She did something with her phone and then placed it in her jacket pocket.

"So, what brings you back to see me?" Brandi casually asked.

"Apparently my parents are 'worried' about me." I said.

"So, I hear, what makes you think they are worried about you?" Brandi asked.

"Well Yana and I had a tiff a few days ago because she bought a house. And I think that's what got them worried." I replied.

"So, she bought a house with her divorce money, and you don't what approve of the purchase?" Brandi asked.

"No not that, it's just she calls me her husband and she didn't even seek my opinion on buying it." I replied.

"And that makes you feel? What excluded? Ignored?" Brandi asked.

I don't know but it is also two doors down from my parents, so we move out but not move out. But Yana explained abit about her background to me and I didn't feel so bad." I replied.

"Yes, she said she did when I saw her yesterday. And she feels bad that she may dragged you into it, in such a rush. But she really does like the house, and it ticks a lot of boxes. And she loves you very much, she has verbalized it, and I can see it to. So, what is really wrong with her purchase, it's her money?" Just playing devil's advocate here." Brandi said.

"That's part of the problem, there is nothing wrong with it. But it just feels like everything is happening so fast." I said with a slight growl in my tone.