Five Mums Ch. 42 - Breakdown Pt. 03

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Treatment progresses including one on one treatment.
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Chapter 42 - Treatment progresses.

We arrived at Brandi's place and mum escorted me up the stairs to Brandi's door and knocked on it.

Penny was waiting in her van in the driveway. She was wearing some of mum's borrowed clothes. Mum was dressed casually, just a t- shirt and jeans.

Brandi came to the door after hearing the knock. We could hear the familiar clop, clop, clop of her heels on her hardwood floor.

The door slowly opened. And Brandi stood there.

"Oh hello, Anne and Jay. Thank you for coming. Do come in." Brandi said.

She opened the door fully and gestured for us to enter. Mum and I entered. Me first followed by mum.

"Usual place please, Jay." Brandi said as she shut the door behind us.

I continued on down the hallway. Mum and Brandi lingered by the door for a moment or two. I entered the old bedroom that Brandi used for her clinic/ office. It hadn't changed except for her Ph.D was hanging crooked, and she had a fresh vase of flowers on her desk. A nice bunch of three orchids and some roses.

I could hear Brandi and mum talking in the hallway. I could hear them but not clearly. It seemed that they were discussing what was wrong with me and if anything had caused it. As well as what had sprung me out of it.Brandi mentioned that she would like to begin with a sit-down session with mum and myself. And then just me. She mentioned it should be about half an hour. She also asked if Penny would like a seat in her lounge and maybe have a cup of tea. I could hear the front door open again and Penny come in. Then mum and Brandi entered the room I was in.

Brandi was wearing her usual working clothes. A light grey sleeveless blouse. A black straight cut knee length skirt. And black slip Ons with small heels. No stockings this time. Her rose tattoo prominently visible, around her right ankle. She had on a pearl necklace, matching pearl teardrop earrings, And a watch. Her hair tied up in a bun, very Penny-esque. She was somewhat dressed down as opposed to her usual working garb.

I was sitting on the 2-seater couch in Brandi's room furthest from the door. Mum sat next to me, and Brandi sat in her chair by the door. She sat in and crossed her right leg over left. She reached across to her desk and grabbed her pad, glasses, and a pen.

"Thank you both for coming. And it is good to see you Jay and in a better state than was described to me. Let me start by saying that whatever is said in this room, stays in this room. Unless there are thoughts that might lead to self-harm or harming others. Okay?" Brandi said sounding unusually professional.

Mum and I both nodded our acceptance. Half of my mind was elsewhere. Every time I had seen Brandi I had ended up in all her holes, and I was wondering would it happen again. A thought reinforced by my view of Brandi sitting there one leg over the other, glasses halfway down her nose. Her tattoo of entwined roses taking center stage, In a stern yet seductive pose.

"Now I understand you recently had an incident, where you broke down in a state of depression with regression, quietness and possibly catatonia. Is that right?" Penny asked.

"Apparently so." I said.

Brandi turned to mum.

"Anything further Anne?" Brandi asked.

"Well, he went to Janice's for some anatomy help, and he tried some of Janice's chocolate cake. He picked both Yana and me up and he went quiet when Yana and I discussed using his dad's van as a wedding car. And then when we got back home, he just broke." Mum recounted.

"Okay and any thoughts and feelings on it?" Brandi asked mum.

"Well, naturally we, Yana, his dad, and I were besides ourselves with worry. He just lay in a fetal position hugging his old bear. And apparently, he suckled Yana during the night. And he wouldn't eat, drink, or speak. Until recently." Mum said.

"Suckled? I know Yana can be quite sexual and sensual, but how do you mean?" Brandi asked.

"Well, he didn't suck her nipples in a sexual, fun way. More like an infant breastfeeding." Mum explained.

"Interesting and what do you think caused it?" Brandi asked mum.

"I don't know, but I did think maybe someone had spiked his drink or something. But his group all said he hadn't been out. And lately him and Yana have been joined at the hip." Mum said.

"So, you and Yana were discussing wedding plans at the time?" Brandi asked mum.

"Yes, why?" mum answered.

"You don't think that is what caused it?" Brandi suggested.

Mum went quiet.

"In the meantime, I'd like to ask Jason, see if he has any thoughts on what happened, and maybe what caused it. When you're ready Jay." Brandi said, reaching out to touch my leg as she finished speaking.

We all sat there for a minute or two. Mum processing Brandi's point of view and suggestion. Me processing what to say. Brandi just waiting. Then I spoke.

"Well, I think there may some truth in what Brandi has suggested. You had all been discussing wedding plans and such like. I know Yana has plans, but those I believe are her domain. Things such as dresses, make up etcetera. Some are both of our domains, Food, entertainment, venue, guest list etcetera. But some things are my domain, particularly wedding transport. Now I may be wrong, but I always thought that was the groom's area to arrange. So, I thought that asking Yana's opinion on it and not mine was shall we say 'off-putting.' Also, everyone seems to have gotten involved. Janice with the cake, and it just seems that everyone has ideas or suggestions for the wedding, useful or otherwise, but no one seems to discuss them with me. I just sometimes feel that I'm a third wheel and I've been pushed to the kerb. And your discussion was possibly the straw that broke the camel's back." I explained. Brandi writing it down.

Mum just nodded as it dawned on her how I had viewed recent developments.

"Anne, anything to say?" Brandi asked.

"Ah, just that I am sorry and you're right we have kind of overlooked you lately. I am sorry." Mum said, as she started to sniffle.

"I have a question for you, Jay." Brandi said.

"Yes Brandi." I answered.

"In all honesty tell us about how you feel about your current situation with Yana, the children, Medical school, and the wedding. We know how Yana feels about it. But no one except for Penny's son knows how YOU feel about it." Brandi said, the emphasis on the you.

"So, you want to know my take on the situation?" I asked.

"Yes." Brandi answered.

"Well in a nutshell, I am overall pleased with the events that have happened. It's just that it all happened so quickly. Six months ago, I didn't expect something like this to happen. I was pondering going to med school and that was about as far forward as I was thinking. And now, And now I'm getting married, she's got twins, that we know about. Possibly even triplets. We've got a house and everything. It's just like I've got to bed one night, and the next 10 years have been compacted into one night. I'm not against Yana or marrying her, it's just that as the day gets closer and closer. I'm starting to have mini freak out sessions, I suppose. Made worse by the fact no one has really asked what I would like MY wedding to be like. Mum hasn't asked, you haven't asked Brandi, Penny, Janice, Grace, no one except Thomas has asked me. Not even Yana has asked. And it has all kind of snowballed and yesterday the snowball hit me. That's how I feel on the subject." I explained.

Brandi let it sink in for a minute or two.

"Anne any thoughts on what Jay here has said?" Brandi asked mum.

Mum sat quietly; you could almost see the cogs of her brain moving. She sat for a couple of minutes before answering.

"I am sorry Jay, I guess we are so happy for you, and we all got caught up in the joy of having a wedding, particularly when it is so obvious both of them love each other so much. I guess we all just kind of forgot about you. I am so very, deeply sorry. How can you ever forgive me?" mum answered as she started to well up.

"Well, I think we have found what the root of the problem is, but just let me end this part of the session by asking you Jay a serious question. And I will understand if you don't answer it. Oaky Jay?" Brandi asked.

"Yes." I said. My mind was somewhere else knowing Brandi's habits.

"Okay my question is, If it had have happened normally, would you have still married Yana, and if Yana wasn't pregnant would you have asked her to marry you?" Brandi asked.

I sat for a few minutes.

"Short answer yes to both." I answered.

"Okay so we can be sure that you do love her, and you aren't marrying her out of guilt or some sort of honor code." Brandi summed it up.

"Right, that, we'll have a short break and then I'll work on Jay by myself." Brandi said. Saying we could get refreshments from the kitchen if needed. At that Brandi gestured that we all stand and adjourn to the lounge for some refreshments.

Penny was sitting on Brandi's couch, reading a coffee table magazine.

"Oh, hello all, I didn't expect so many magazines in a lounge." Penny said.

"Hello Penny, that's because strictly speaking it isn't a lounge. Well not anymore. I use it as a waiting room." Brandi answered.

"Oh, and how goes the treatment go? Thomas was wondering if he could get a placement here one day." Penny said.

"It's definitely possible, and the treatment is making great strides, whatever you and Anne did seemed to do the trick." Brandi said.

"Well, it was unusual, and I wouldn't want to do it again." Penny answered.

"Ah, yes it was definitely shall we say 'radical'" Mum said.

"Tea?" Brandi asked as she moved into the adjoining kitchenette.

We all nodded yes. Brandi came back and few minutes later with a pot of tea, some milk, and some cups. Then we all had some tea and sat there in silence. Brandi watching me.

When we had all had our teas. Brandi stood up and gesturing for me to join her.

"Well Jay and I will just go down and do the next part. Give us about fifteen minutes please?" Brandi said and then we turned and left the room I followed Brandi down the hallway. I entered the room followed by Brandi. Then we both sat down.

"Right, now where were we? That's right we were discussing your feelings for Yana. But enough about her. I think as long as everyone stops harping on about the wedding you will be perfectly all right. But." Brandi said.

"But?" I asked.

"But I have a plan to help cure you. But you need to stay overnight. Are you okay with that?" Brandi asked, undoing her top two buttons as she asked.

"What's involved?" I asked.

"Not a lot, you stay here and be my boytoy until tomorrow morning. I know you fuck your mum and Penny, and the thought of bringing them in here for another foursome is appealing but I feel you need some more intensive one on one therapy. So, you stay here, and we fuck each other senseless." Brandi said as she stood up and walked over to me, grabbing me by the hair and forcing me into her cleavage.

She held me there deep in between her tits for a couple of minutes and then released me.

"Well?" Brandi asked, looking down at me.

"How could I possibly say no?" I asked as I looked up at Brandi from between her tits.

"Good boy. Now any questions?" Brandi asked as she smiled.

"Yes. Do you still have your Salvation Army uniform?" I asked.

"Hmm, odd question but yes, it's in the wardrobe. Haven't worn it for a while but it's there and the tambourine as well. Why?" Brandi replied.

"Oh, nothing just feeling a bit spiritual at the moment." I said, trying to hide my grin.

"Well, I told your mum and Penny, we would be half an hour, so if you want to discuss spirituality quickly, we have time." Brandi suggested.

"Ah we could because it could be a definite life changing event." I halfheartedly said.

"Yes, do you have to convert?" Brandi asked.

"Possibly but going from Catholicism to Orthodox isn't much of a jump. But in my grandmother's eyes it could be worse." I answered.

"How so?" Brandi asked genuinely interested.

"I her words, I could be marrying a proddie witch, because the road to hell is paved with protestants. No offence." I joked.

"None taken. Even though I am a Proddie witch." Brandi teased.

"Yes, but you a hot one, though." I teased.

"Haha, you'll keep, for now I better make up a story and tell Your mum and Penny, that you're staying over for 'Treatment.' I suppose she will ring your wife and inform her too." Brandi said, using her fingers to accentuate the word treatment. As she leaned down and gave me a deep tongue kiss before leaving the room. I watched her turn and leave the room. I gazed after her as her ass passed me by and I caught a waft of her perfume. She quickly did the two buttons of her blouse that she had previously undone. To give the impression to mum and Penny that no hanky panky had occurred, which they were likely to assume given Brandi's reputation.

Brandi left the door open, and I could hear their discussion, the main parts being, how she would like to have me overnight to provide ' treatment' and she would like to drop me off in the morning and she will monitor me overnight. And that Yana, Mum and Penny shouldn't worry. As I was in safe and professional hands. I could then hear mum saying she will have to update Yana. And then I heard three sets of footsteps coming down the hallway towards me.

Mum and Penny entered the room followed by Brandi. I did my best to look uneasy.

"I'll see you later, behave yourself." Penny said and then leaned into kiss me on the cheek. Before leaving and waiting in the hallway. Mum then kissed me and said.

"I've updated Yana, she will be over after school, she seems obsessed with giving some pyjamas etc. and she is genuinely concerned. But her and I believe you are in the best place you can be, so take it easy and I'll see you tomorrow." She said and then turned and left.

"Yes, he is in the best place." Brandi said with a grin. Implying some sort of innuendo. Then Brandi left to see mum and Penny out. I could hear their footsteps move down the hallway, the door shut followed by the familiar clop, clop, clop of Brandi's footsteps returning.

"Right now, we've got rid of those two old women, where were we?" Brandi said as she reentered the room and undid most of the buttons on her blouse, exposing her lingerie underneath. She was wearing a nice red half cup bra with black lace trimmings.

I leaned back against the arm of the couch and stretched out. Looking at Brandi and smiling.

She noticed my interest.

"You like? When I heard you were coming this afternoon, I dressed especially for you. But we can't get too carried away, because your mother said Yana is calling in about half three." Brandi said as she rubbed her chest.

"What's the time now?" I asked.

"Just after three. So, half an hour." Brandi said.

"So not much time then?" I said.

"Depends what you want to do." Brandi said cheekily as she moved toward, and lay on top of me.

She lay half on top of me, and she started to take my shirt off, I had on a polo shirt, so she put her hands up underneath it from the bottom hem and started to work her way upwards, rolling the shirt up as she went and kissing as the skin became more and more exposed. When it rolled past my nipples, she held it there and started to lick and suck on my nipples. This was an unusually passive Brandi from my experience.

She sucked and licked on my nipples, changing from one to the other, momentarily pausing to raise her head up.

"Your mother told me you had regressed and suckled Yana like a baby, was it like this?" Brandi asked and then she resumed her sucking.

"Ah, Ah. Can't remember Brandi." I answered in between soft moans. Brandi continued to suck on my nipples for a few minutes more, and then she pulled my shirt up and over my head. She then threw the garment off and onto the floor. Before smothering my neck and chest in passionate kisses.

"You know once upon a time I would have left a nice bite mark over your nipple. But I know you and Yand can't contain each other. So, I can't it leaves too many questions." Brandi complained.

"Questions?" I asked. In-between more moans.

"Yes, Yana is paying me for this. So, I do have professional standards." Brandi said, a teasing tone in her voice. As she started to move her hands down to my trousers and unfasten them.

"professional standards you say? So do you treat all your patients like this?" I sarcastically asked.

Brandi continued to unfasten my pants. Undoing them and starting to slide them down. I was getting hard.

"No, just the difficult ones." Brandi answered back sarcastically. As she put one of her hands inside my boxers from underneath the waistband. She took my hardening cock in her hand and started to gently yet vigoursly rub it. At the same time as giving me passionate tongue kisses intermittently.

As she was going to town on my manhood and torso, in a combination of rubbing, kissing, licking, and dribbling. I looked down at her. Her head was level with my chest, her glasses pushed back onto the bridge of her nose, her long brunette hair, tied up in a very Penny like bun. Her light grey blouse undone but not off, nor tucked in. I looked at her and decided that between Penny, Jeanette and Brandi I was starting to like brunette milfs in a bun. I made a note to myself to try to get either mum or Yana to don a bun at same stage. I reached down and grabbed Brandi's bun and used it as a 'head handle.' I guided her up from my chest, she had to semi sit up as I handled up into a position, so her chest was level with my face. I released her head handle and ran both hands under her blouse, squeezing her tits through the restraining fabric of her bra, I slid a hand over each shoulder underneath the blouse and gently slid the blouse off, it landing on the floor in front of the couch. I then kissed her, before moving back down to her chest area and kissing her chest and tits. I ran my right hand under the cup of her bra, and scooped her right tit out, followed in quick succession by her left. I kissed each tit as it sprang free, Brandi's nipples as always and as expected were hard. I quickly flitted my tongue over each nipple in quick succession. Wondering if there was ever a time, that Brandi wasn't turned on. I cupped her breasts in my hands and started to suck on them, one at a time. Evoking soft moans out of my mature, horny therapist. I have to admit, I was quite approving of her 'Professional Standards' so far. Brandi moaned and bit her bottom lip as I started to suckle on her tits. I looked up and her eyes were closed. Brandi's moans were getting louder and louder.

We were startled by the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway. It made a distinctive hum and then was turned off. A distinctive hum like a bee, Shmel. Yana had arrived early.

"Yana?" I exclaimed with surprise.

"Yana? No, it's only about ten past." Brandi answered and then pulled me into her bosom.

"No, it is Yana, I recognise the sound of Shmel, what's the time?" I said.

"Smell? And it is twenty five past three. If it is her she's early, I better check." Brandi said looking at her watch. Before getting off me and walking thru to the lounge where could see the driveway but was partially hidden. I heard the familiar clop, clop, clop coming back towards me at a greater pace than usual.

Brandi re-entered. Popping her tits back into her cups and reaching for her blouse.

"It is Yana, she's sitting in the car crying. And what is Smell?" Brandi said hurriedly recomposing herself.

"Shmel not smell is her car, it's Russian for bumblebee and it sounds and looks like one, hence the nickname. I said as too recomposed myself, I had to force my half erect cock back into my pants.

"You want to go out and meet her? I have to get this down somehow." I said.

Brandi turned and left, and I heard her go down the hallway and then open the door. A couple of minutes later I could hear Yana's voice.