Five Mums Ch. 44 - Breakdown Pt. 05

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Jay gets better, unexpected 3some and news.
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Chapter 44 - A chance encounter and some news.

"Be a minute Galina." Brandi called out.

Brandi sat up in bed. Her brunette hair a mess, her pendulous breast with their brown nipples and areolas showing prominently. Her nipples were hard already.

This woman had just had nearly eight hours sleep and her nipples were already hard? I thought to myself.

Maybe it was the female equivalent of 'morning wood' in guys. Or she was indeed constantly horny. I thought to myself as I was still half asleep.

"Uh, Brandi what's going on?" I blaringly asked. As the clouds started to recede from my brain.

I too also half sat up in bed. I was at first rather startled to one wake up in a strange bed. Two, wake and not be covered in drool. I knew that Yana's drooling would be considered disgusting by some people. But for me I sort of found it cute. One of the things that made Yana, Yana.

"Oh, it's just Galina, asking if I want breakfast. I didn't tell her you were here. This poses a problem." Brandi said.

"Oh, who's Galina?" I casually asked.

"You know Galina, Yana's acquaintance doing the dressmaking for the wedding. Blonde girl." Brandi said.

"Oh." I said in reply teasing that I didn't know who Galina was.

"Is it going to cause a problem? Do I have to shimmy down the drainpipe like she's a jealous husband?" I joked.

"No, it's just Yana doesn't know you were here for that round of golf when you met Galina. She knows what you are in regard to Yana. But she doesn't know you're here. And what is harder is explain why you and I are in bed together." Brandi said.

"Oh." I murmured.

Brandi went quiet, like she was pondering something.

Brandi's right hand reached out under the bedcovers and grabbed me by my cock. Jesus is her answer to everything is to fuck? I thought. Brandi cupped my balls and my morning wood in her hand. She tugged on my cock. And it dutifully responded to her touch.

"Brandi can we at least eat first before we fuck?" I casually asked.

"Oh yes, sustenance is always good for fucking. But I'm not getting you hard. Well, I am but my main purpose for this is to measure you." Brandi said in reply.

"Measure me? But you know how big I can get." I teased.

"Oh, yes I know you are a veritable horsecock. But I'm measuring you for something else." She said as she looked in the face and kissed me.

"Oh." I said.

"I'm measuring you, so I know how big a knife I have to get to 'John Wyne Bobbitt' you if you ever hurt Yana.

"Oh. You too?" I asked after I had a swallow.

"Me too? What you mean?" Brandi asked.

"Well, I've already had warnings towards my manhood if I hurt Yana, from Mum, Penny, Janice and now you." I said.

"Hmm, So you better take heed then. Now get up. I'll go down and tell Galina what I want for brekkie. And tell her you're here. Then come down in your PJ's in a few minutes." Brandi said.

"Yes boss." I playfully replied. Then Brandi and I got out of her bed.

Brandi turned and smiled at me.

"Well, that's it for now." She said as she stood across the super king bed from me. Totally naked. Some splotches of cum on her chin.

"Brandi, Chin." I said. Pointing to her chin.

"Oh, yes your third bucket of cum." She teasingly said as she licked her finger and wiped it away. She then walked across to her room divider and put her robe on.

"Just a robe?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Galina's seen me naked before. She's my bed warmer as well. As my roomie and sort of maid. She is quite used to seeing this fine example of womanhood naked around the house. After breakfast I must tell you about Yana's dress fitting." Brandi said with a teasing tone. She then left the room, and I could hear her go downstairs to see Galina.

I walked across the room and put my brand new pair of Pyjamas on. They were light blue with purple monsters on. I know Pyjamas with monsters is a bit silly. But I am a Gemini and they appealed to me. It showed how much Yana knew me. The old saying about where you sit Gemini's at Christmas. At the kids table. In a lot of ways as far I was concerned that was true.

I slipped them on and then followed Brandi downstairs. I walked past two other bedrooms. One with a double bed that was messed up with a couple of sewing machines in it. I assumed that was Galina's room. And the opposite one with a single bed, that was messy but looked like it hadn't been slept in.

I went downstairs to Brandi's kitchen. Galina and Brandi were in the kitchen. Galina at the stove. Brandi sitting at the table holding a cup of tea.

"Oh, good morning. How did you sleep after my treatments?" Brandi asked.

"Good thank you Mrs Edwards." I replied.

"Good to hear and you've finished school, call me Brandi." Brandi said with a wink. Implying she knew what I was up to.

"Thank you. Brandi." I said.

"Now you remember Galina?" Brandi said, motioning to the blonde girl standing at the stove.

" Dobroye utro, dazhe yesli on ne pomnit, ya yego pomnyu. Vy Dzheyson, budushchiy muzh Yany. Da?" ( Good morning, even if he doesn't remember, I remember him. You are Jason, Yana's future husband. Yes?) Galina said in Russian.

"Da, ya i Vam dobrogo utra, Galina. Kak u tebya segodnya dela? (Yes, I am and a good morning to you too, Galina. How are you doing today?). I replied back to Galina surprising both her and myself, with my increasing fluency in Russian.

Galina and Brandi both looked somewhat shocked.

"When did you learn Russian?" Galina asked in English.

"Yana and a book, why?" I casually asked.

"You are very good, but pronunciation need work." Galina answered with a giggle.

"Please sit, let's see what Galina has made us." Brandi said gesturing to a spare chair. Opposite her, I sat down opposite Brandi unsure if she gestured me to sit in that chair because it was opposite her.

"Sorry, just making some more, didn't know you had company." Galina said cheerfully.

"Oh yes, sorry Gal. I forgot to tell you that Jay is here overnight to help with his emotional problem, but he should be going home this afternoon." Brandi explained.

"Oh, he doesn't look like he is emotionally disturbed, should I be worried?" Galina replied in a typical Russian clinical tone.

"No, he just turns into a werewolf when he gets upset. No, but seriously, he was just a bit overwhelmed by the wedding prep and needed a break. So, in conjunction with his parents, I staged an intervention. But he is much better now." Brandi said, joking about me being a werewolf.

"Eto khorosho, Yana mne nravitsya i ona zasluzhivayet schastlivogo i zdorovogo muzha. Ona krasivaya zhenshchina s prekrasnym kharakterom. U kogo mog byt' vybor muzhey, yesli by ona ne vybrala tebya, dlya tebya, eto bol'shaya chest'. ( That is good, I like Yana and she deserves a happy and healthy husband. She is a beautiful lady with a great personality. Who could have had her choice of husbands, but she chose you, you are indeed honoured.) Galina replied to me. All Brandi had was a blank expression on her face.

" What I said was, That is good, I like Yana and she deserves a happy and healthy husband. She is a beautiful lady with a great personality. Who could have had her choice of husbands, but she chose you, you are indeed honoured." Galina repeated for Brandi's benefit.

Brandi's face screwed up like she was concentrating hard.

"Okay Galina, new house rule. When we have visitors can we try to speak English, unless you are alone in your room or something, Ok?" Brandi said.

"Da." Galina answered.

"Does that count?" teasingly asked.

"Hmm yes the odd yes or no is okay." Brandi said.

Galina giggled and poked her tongue out at Brandi. Brandi saw it and laughed and blew the younger blond Russian a kiss. She had said that Galina was a 'bed warmer as well as a maid and a roomie. So, it was apparent that Brandi was fucking her even though she was old enough to Brandi's daughter. But then I was old enough to be Brandi's son.

I looked at Galina.

This was the first time I had actually paid attention to Galina's looks.

She was similar build to Yana, Natasha, and Svetlana. Maybe a size 8. Her boobs somewhere between Svetlana's and Yana's Maybe a D cup. She had long blonde hair which was down. Her hair was just above the waist in length. She sort of kind of reminded me of Supergirl a bit, very similar look. She was wearing casual clothes, just a white singlet and some denim shorts. As well as a pink apron. No footwear which highlighted her small feet and toes with their red painted toenails that matched her red painted fingernails.

I had a fleeting thought that as well as looking like Supergirl she could also pass as Yana's sister. But I knew she wasn't as Yana was the only one of her family, extended included who was in the same hemisphere.

Galina finished cooking and then came to join us at the table. Galina laid out the food. Three plates, three knifes, three forks, a teaspoon, a pot of tea and milk jug, white China with small pink flowers delicately painted on it. Three cups. And a large plate of Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Hash brown, small breakfast sausages, fried tomatoes on it. And a smaller plate with a stack of Pancakes. And a saucer with butter on it. She had cooked a veritable breakfast feast for us.

She sat on the chair closest to the stove. Off to my right and on Brandi's left.

"That's why I asked you to sit in that chair. Galina likes to be near the stove." Brandi commented.

"Kopat" Galina said. I went to tell Brandi that kopat meant dig in.

"I know that one. What? I pick things up." Brandi said.

We all started to eat the breakfast that Galina had lovingly prepared. We all made small talk.

"So, what are your plans after Breakfast?" Brandi asked Galina.

"After Zavtrak, sorry breakfast. I will do the dishes, change all the beds, start the washing, Clean the bathrooms, toilets, and kitchen, then hang the washing out, Do a second load of rags etc and hand washing. Then vacuum the whole house. Then make lunch, Then do some study, and then do some of Yana's dresses as they are nearly finished. Then start dinner. Are then any particular sheets you want on your bed?" She said to Brandi.

"She's like that every weekend. I haven't cooked, cleaned, or washed since she moved in." Brandi commented. Galina smiled slightly embarrassed. As we continued eating.

"So, Galina, you are on the wedding guest list but I'm afraid I know nothing about you." I said to Galina.

"Angliyskiy ili russkiy?" Galina asked.

"English please, my Russkiy still a bit bad." I replied.

Galina laughed and then continued.

"Oh, I know so much about you Jay, Yana will tell anyone and everyone about her gorgeous husband. Even those who don't want to know. She is very proud of you, you know. She can be a bit annoying. What would you like to know?" Galina said.

"Everything, I don't know even know, I just know you have a hot pus." Brandi said abruptly stopping.

Galina shot her an evil glance.

"Well in that case for both of you, I tell." Galina said.

"Go on." I said.

"Okay, well I am nineteen years old. And I am finishing my first year of a four year fashion course at Unitec. But I have been sewing since I was six, and into fashion since I was thirteen. I have been here since I was fourteen. When I mother married my stepfather and moved to this country. My mother is a mail order bride like your Yana was. The move here was a big one. I not only have to learn new language but new country and culture and new father. Him and I have never really what you say 'gel' he never disciplined me or anything. But he more like grandpa." Galina explained.

"How do you mean?" Brandi questioned.

"Well, I am nineteen, mama is forty one. Stepfather is sixty four. That's why we you asked if I wanted to move in here with Brandi I took it. To get away. He wouldn't let me keep dowry box, but I keep it anyway. I have been keeping dowry box since I was twelve. I not stop now." Galina said.

"Yes Yana has a dowry box what is it?" I asked Galina.

"Oh, dowry box in Russia, is a big box made of wood and throughout a girl's teenage years until she gets married she fills it with house things. Sheets, towels etc. So, she can start a new house when she move in with new husband." Galina explained.

"Oh, so that's what it is, and you and Yana are from same place?" I asked.

"Yes, we are from St Petersburg but different suburbs. But it doesn't matter because all St Petersburg girls are beautiful, Sensual, Sexy, Attractive and Feminine. Don't tell that Svetlana but she is from Moscow. And Moscow women are peasants." Galina explained.

"Oh." I replied.

"Oh, and when your Yana drove me to work yesterday we were talking, she loves you very much and she is knitting again." Galina said.

"Knitting?" I asked.

"Yes Yana has been knitting since she was six. But she just start again. She is knitting three things. A Jumper for your honeymoon, it will be cold back home and she knitting two bears for your childrens." Galina said.

"Wow didn't know she knitted. I knew she kept house well. But not knitted." I said.

"Yes according to your mum, she is just like this one, cooks, cleans, and washes like a little maid. She is going to miss Yana when you two move on." Brandi explained.

"I thought she might." I said and then started to clear away the dishes.

"I do." Galina said as she stood up and took over taking the dishes off the table.

"She's trained well." I jokingly said to Brandi.

"Yes between her and Yana, must be a Russian thing. As well as these incredibly tight pussies and asses. What you think?" Brandi replied the last part whispered. I looked at Galina's ass as she cleared the table, and it was indeed quite tight.

"So, we know about Galina's plans, what are yours Brandi?" I asked.

"Well, I forgot it was Galina's chores day, I was going to give you some more therapy. Before you went home. But with her here it might be hard." Brandi confided.

"Hmm, we couldn't get her to help with the therapy?" I casually asked.

"I don't know, but we can try." Brandi teasingly said with a wink. Implying that she was also wondering if a 2 girl threesome was on the cards.

Galina quickly did the dishes, leaving them to dry in the dish rack. She then disappeared.

Brandi and I sat there discussing how to possibly convince Galina to join in on the proposed sexual antics. Galina walked past us and into the adjoining laundry carrying a large basket of sheets and bedclothes. Pink, green, and yellow sheets and pillowcases among them. Galina had tied her hair into a ponytail. And was softly singing a Russian song. I recognised it as Katyusha Yana's favourite childhood song.

While just sat there watching Galina doing the housework. I made an effort to get involved. I got up and opened the door between the kitchen and the laundry.

"Spasibo." Galina muttered.

"No problem. Is that Katyusha you're singing?" I asked.

"Da, Katyusha." She answered.

"And that means something to you?" I asked as Galina filled the washing machine.

In went two single sheets in yellow, from I bed I supposedly slept in as well as two yellow pillowcases. Two green double sheets and pillowcases from Galina's double bed. And two very large Pink sheets and four Pink pillowcases from Brandi's super king bed. As well as three under sheets. Galina also had another basket of washing ready to hang out which she had done previously. It was full of lingerie, both Brandi's and Galina's owing to the size difference.

I stood with my back to this basket as she emptied the basket of sheets.

"So, Galina, how long have you lived here, and do you like it?" I casually asked.

"I've been here for just over a week and yes I like it, no parents constantly watching me. I have a new job and I have time to myself. Brandi is a good lady. But she has a couple of problems." Galina said.

"Oh, do tell, you know Brandi and my mother go way back. You know." I said.

"Your mother was the redhead at the dress fitting, Da?" she asked.

"Yes, that's right, slightly younger than Brandi and got ginger hair, called Ann. Why?" I said.

"Oh, it's just that Anne has a nice pus." Galina said and then stopped.

"Pus?" I casually asked.

"Nyet, I've said too much." Galina said embarrassed.

"Do you mean Pussy? Did you eat her pussy, or did she eat yours at the dress fitting? It is okay to tell me. She has sort of already told me. Now what are Brandi's problems?" I said.

"Oh, Well yes she did eat me, and I sort of ate her too and everyone at the dress fitting. Brandi's problems are she is always horny. I either fucking her, or she is fucking me each and every night. But I am exploring my sexuality. And she lets me live rent free. So, I can't really complain." Galina said as she finished putting the sheets in the machine and starting it.

"No, I suppose you can't, and the other problem?" I asked.

"She's what you would call a neryakha or a slob. I come home and there is a trail of clothes through the house, she doesn't pick anything up." Galina said.

"And you're houseproud?" I asked.

"Da, all of us Russian girls are, we are taught to be. We are taught to be good wives and mothers, that's why I do the housework here." Galina explained.

"And the sexuality thing? Do you only do girls? Or Boys as well?" I asked I had built up a rapport and felt I could ask such things of Galina.

Galina went pink and then answered.

"I can play for both sides, but given the preference I prefer boys. But they have to be well endowed and know how to use it." Galina cheekily admitted.

"Oh, so define 'Well endowed.'? I asked.

"Well, I have only ever been with boys ever and one was four inches, and the other was five. But I see in magazines that there are much bigger. And I would like to try one that size." Galina confided in me cheekily.

"Hmm interesting, you know I know someone who is twelve long and can get to six around. He also likes Russian girls He has had no complaints so far." I teased Galina.

"Hmm, Maybe I could meet him." Galina said as she finished starting the washing and then left the laundry.

I stood there and then thumbed through the basket of lingerie. I found one of Galina's bra a bright pink one with white lace. I read the label. Size 8D. So, my estimation was correct. Then I re-entered the kitchen to find Brandi still sitting there.

"You were awhile and I'm horny." Brandi said pulling her robe aside to show me a nice succulent hard nipple.

"So, I see, but I had a quick but revealing chat with Galina." I said as I sat down next to Brandi.

"Oh and?" Brandi asked.

"Well, she enjoys living here, enjoys your attentions shall we say. But prefers boys and wants to try something bigger than six inches." I said to Brandi.

"Really? So, we may have a way to get her into a nice saucy threesome then." Brandi said, winking.

"Maybe." I replied.

"Yes, but if I've learnt anything about Galina in the small time I've known is she that she will be completely focused on doing her chores, before doing anything else. And she adores her sewing. Maybe take a gentlemanly interest in her dressmaking." Brandi said.

"Really, how so?" I asked.

"Well, a couple of days after she moved in. Her and I got talking. We discussed how her stepfather, who is old enough to be her grandfather, made a move on her. She swings both ways romantically, but prefers boys and hadn't had a lesbian experience. Before hooking up with that ginger tart of your mother at Yana's dress fitting. But she is really passionate about her fashion and dressmaking. Even though her mother's against it. Mum wants her to be a nurse like her apparently. I paid a small amount of interest, and I was on the receiving end of a talk about fashion and sewing." Brandi explained.

"Talk?" I asked.

"Yes two hour lecture. But I do also have an idea to get her as well." Brandi replied.