Five Mums Ch. 51 - Family Dinner

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A family dinner out.
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"It's good that you and Natasha got on well." Yana said.

"Yes, it is." I replied.

Knowing full well that Natasha and I got on a bit too well. But I didn't let on.

Natasha's place to home on a Sunday was only about ten minutes' drive away at the most. Yana and I drove home in our positions somewhat. Our usual positions were I would drive us. Yana sitting in the passenger seat. Her right hand resting on my left inner thigh. Only this time she also had her head resting on my left shoulder as she wandering in and out of sleep.

Wandering in and out of her sleepy slumber, as I just drove onward. My mind a flurry of thoughts.

'Yes I had just pounded Yana's oldest and dearest friend in all her holes. But she was my future wife's matron of honour.' I thought.

But then I also thought ' Natasha had threatened me.' So that in the end I had managed to put it from my mind as I watched Yana, rest her head on my shoulder, drooling and burbling away.

All too soon we arrived home. I parked Shmel in the driveway and turned him off. Yana was still asleep. I thought I had three options. Wait till she wakes up. Squeeze her ear lobe like mum, or squeeze her nipple. I decided to try the last option. I moved slightly on my seat, so I was sort of half facing her. I quietly and slowly moved my hands out over to Yana's chest. I carefully undid her blouse by a couple of buttons. Then I reached in with both hands and rubbed her boobs as she slept. Rubbed and rubbed her boobs until her nipples were hard. I pulled her cups down which gave me unrestricted access to her pleasure switches, and I started to rub her faster and more vigoursly.

Yana was drooling and starting to pant. Then I had a thought.

This is a bit suspect, really feeling your fiancé's tits while she is asleep. I thought it was almost tantamount to what Natasha had done the day of Yana's dress fitting. I had found out that as well as having a six way lesbo orgy, My mum, Penny, Brandi and the three Russians. Natasha, Svetlana, and Galina. Galina had slept through most of it, and at one stage. Her lifelong friend Natasha was partaking of the one pussy she had always wanted to taste. Yana's and Natasha had eaten at Yana's Y while Yana was asleep. Yana was still none the wiser.

So, I decided to stop it. I withdrew from Yana's extremely tasty chest. Covered her up somewhat and then just casually squeezed her ear lobe, like mum and I always did.

Yana awoke with a start.

"Huh, Grr." Yana said.

"Hello to you too." I said to Yana.

Yana wriggled in her seat.

"Are we home, I must have zadremal." (Dozed off.) Yana said.

"yes, you did but we are home now." I said as I undid her seatbelt.

"Duu, why is my blouse half open?" Yana sleepily asked. Yawning as she did so.

"That was like that. It has nothing to me." I said.

"Pity, it would have been nice for you to cop a feel. Bit like an eighteen year old." Yana said teasingly.

"Really?" I sarcastically asked.

"Da. Sometimes all ladies need to be romanced now and then." Yana teased.

"Hmm, Well if it wasn't for you being a sleepyhead we could have had some." I sarcastically said. I then opened the door and helped Yana out. Then we proceeded into the house.

"Hi all." I called. No answer.

"Vsem zdravstvuyte" (Hello all.) Yana called.

Why she did I don't know My parents couldn't understand it.

We had a quick scan of the living area. No sign of either of my parents. I looked around the back. Yana looked around the rest of house. Meeting each other in the longue again.

I found Yana just inside the house just by the back deck.

"Oni zanimayutsya seksom." (They are having sex.) Yana said shocked. A mortifying look on her face.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Russkiy?" (Russian?) Yana asked.

"Da." I answered back.

"Nu, ya nashel ikh za etim v ikh spal'ne. On deystvitel'no s ney tyazhelo spravlyayetsya. Oni ne videli menya. No eto stranno. Videt', kak tvoi roditeli zanimayutsya seksom. Eto prosto protivno."

(Well, I found them at it in their bedroom. He is really going hard with her. They didn't see me. But it is weird. Seeing your parents having sex. It's just kind of icky.) Yana said.

"Ty govorish' kak podrostok." ( You sound like a teenager.) I teased Yana back.

"Da, I suppose I do, don't I?" Yana said giggling.

"Yes, and it's better to catch your parents having a fuck than when I'm six or something." I teased back.

"Suppose it is, but still." Yana said.

"What are being so prudish for? You've fucked mum. Are you going to be so prudish if ours catch us?" I asked Yana.

"That's different." Yana protested.

"How?" I asked.

"I will have my army of lovers to entertain me." Yana teased. As mum and's lovemaking built up to a crescendo.

"What??" I asked.

"My army of lovers." Yana replied.

"That's what I thought. Sounds like they are finishing too." I said as I heard a long low guttural grunt from dad. A softer higher pitched one from mum.

"Yes, doesn't sound like Anne has cum though." Yana said.

I nodded, and cleared my throat. With some accompanying murmurs from the direction of my parent's room.

Now they knew we were back what would they do? Yana and I looked at each other as if silently, telepathically asking each other that. Yana and I just sat at the dining room table for a few minutes, silently. Yana making sly looks sideways at me.

We waited in silence for a few minutes, and we could hear the panicked noises of getting dressed, whispering and someone falling over coming from my parent's bedroom.

"Ya ne znayu, o chem idet rech'. My vzroslyye, oni vzroslyye." ( I don't know what the fuss is about. We're adults, they're adults.) I said to Yana.

Yana looked at me and giggled.

Then mum closely followed by dad came down the hallway and into the main living area.

"Hello children, how was your day?" Dad awkwardly said. His shirt was done up wrong and his pants were undone.

"Yes, how did you two lovebirds get on with Natasha, teaching you the waltz?" Mum asked.

Her t shirt was on inside out, and her jeans were undone. And she had a globule or two of cum on her chin and in her hair.

Yana was staring at mum, kind of gawping at the remnants of cum left behind.

"It was fine, but we also did some other things too." I said hinting at what my parents had done.

"Oh, that's good dear, but want to tell us over dinner?" Mum asked. Obviously embarrassed to be caught.

"Oh yes where shall we go?" Dad butted in.

"I don't know, I was thinking maybe Yana could choose." Mum said.

Yana thought for a moment.

"Gina's." She said.

"Gina's can't say I'm familiar with that one." Dad said.

"One way to find out." Mum said.

"Right shall go and have a tidy up after doing our, ah, ah, ah, Gardening." Dad said as he hurriedly retreated back down the hallway.

"Mum, you had sex. You can admit it. Both Yana and I are not six anymore. And by the way you have some cum in your fringe and on your chin." I said after dad left.

"Yes, but he finds it difficult to admit it." Mum said as she pulled the globules of cum out of her hair and wiped it off her chin. Before escaping back down to the bedroom.

Yana and I just looked at each other and cracked up laughing.

About five minutes later we were having a very quiet journey into Gina's Yana and I in the back of dad's car. Yana's hand in its usual place.

We parked and being a Sunday Gina's wasn't busy. I got out and let Yana out and we went the short distance to their entrance.

We walked in and were greeted again by Bruno.

"Gooood evening, A table for the four?" Bruno asked in his exaggerated accent.

"Yes please." Dad answered.

"Welcome back to you and your beauutttifulll laaaaady. And you bring another one too. Who is beauutttifulll vixen?" Bruno said.

Yana and mum both giggled embarrassed.

"This is my wife." Dad said, not aware that with Bruno it was all an act. He did it with everyone.

Bruno called Valentina over and muttered something in Italian.

Valentina led us over to a table, and gave us menus.

We were seated at a rectangular table. With Yana and I next to each other, down one side. Mum and Dad next to each other on the other side. So, I was sitting opposite mum.

Valentina gave us cues that she recognised us, but didn't let on.

We soon ordered. Arancini and polenta chips for starters, Yana got a spicy seafood tortellini, mum, and I a lasagne each. Dad ordered a steak. Valentina took the orders and departed.

"This place seems nice, but the guy seems a bit too friendly." Dad commented.

"Perhaps he's just being you know? Italian?" mum said.

"Yes, but he is a bit too friendly." Dad moaned.

I was laughing inwardly at dad's inference. Seeing as I knew Bruno was the other way inclined.

"I don't think he will make a move on either of our lovely ladies, I hear he bats for the other side." I said quietly.

"How do you know that?" Mum asked casually.

"Brandi told me, apparently she knows the family." I mentioned.

"How did you get on that topic lyubov?" Yana asked.

"When I was at Brandi's she asked me about our 'Date,' and I told her we came here. And she mentioned it." I said.

"Oh yes your date. You must tell us about it." Dad said.

Yana and I proceeded to tell both of my parents about our 'date,' and how we thought dad's idea of a chastity belt key was funny.

Yana also told them about her box from home and how her elder sister Ana was coming over and would give Yana away.

Dad said it was unusual but acceptable. And he would still like to meet Yana's parents someday.

Mum asked what Ana was wearing. Yana explained that she had already spoken to Galina last night and gave her Ana's measurements, and she was going to make the same dress as she had mum for a mother of the groom dress, only instead of being in purple like mums, it was going to be in a lighter shade of purple, a light violet/ mauve colour. With a pink highlight. So, it would be the same but different to mum's.

We all spoke amongst ourselves, and the food came, and we all ate it. Yana ordering a strawberry milkshake, Mum and Dad ordering red wines and myself a Pepsi.

Yana got progressively sleepier, even yawning when she said grace when the mains arrived. But she refused to be forced to go early.

Meanwhile the whole time Mum's foot played footsies. Rubbing my inside leg and crotch, discreetly. Slowly working my lust up.

Yana and dad talked amongst themselves, it was good that her and dad were 'bonding.' Mum meanwhile had discreetly, pulled a serviette out of her bag and written on it before passing it under the table to me. I took it from her opened it under the table. I read it silently.

'Does this place have a good bathroom?' was written on it.

I looked across at her and mouthed 'why?.' Mum passed over another serviette to me. I read it like the other one.

'I want/ need to fuck you.' Was the answer. I looked at mum and gulped quietly.

I looked across at Yana and Dad. They were deep in a philosophical discussion about religion, among other things.

Mum cupped her hand over her mouth and whispered across to me.

"They will be all night." Mum cooed.

I just looked across at her.

"Give me a couple of minutes and join me in the men's." Mum whispered across to me.

She reached across and tapped dad on the shoulder.

"Excuse me just have to powder my nose." Mum said over to dad before getting up and walking away.

"Okay dear, see you soon." Dad casually and absent mindedly said.

Yana had moved her hand from it's usual place upon my thigh. And I was able to extricate myself away from Yana and Dad's deep conversation. But I waited a few minutes before I made an excuse to go as well.

"I also have to use the conveniences." I said standing up and after bending to give Yana a peck on the cheek I too went off to the bathroom.

I went back to the same men's room that I had previously been in with Brandi.

I entered the gents and found after walking up and down the small number of cubicles, I found that it was empty. Just then I felt someone slowly walk up behind me, a hand then grabbed me by my shoulder.

"Well, hello ." Mum said huskily into my ear from behind me. Her tongue probing my ear as she said it.

She rounded my shoulder, and I went to say something. Then as she was facing me, she brought her finger up over her pursed lips and made a Shhh sound. Mum then led me by my hand into the disabled cubicle. She pushed me into it, shut and locked the door behind me. Then she pulled my pants off violently and my cock which had been getting annoyingly teased all night sprung free. It was hard, not fully hard but almost there. She licked her lips then kissed me. Saying, "I have wanted this for a while. But we have to be quick." Mum said and then she pushed me down onto the toilet before hiking her skirt up and crouching on the cold, hard tiled floor. She hovered over my cock, before dribbling, spitting, and licking it. Followed by a few quick vigorous tugs to get me a bit harder. Before bringing her head down to suck me. First my tip then after a few small sucks on my tip she sucked it and as she sucked, she swirled her tongue around the tip. Before withdrawing and licking and down my cock, one side at a time. Then she kissed her way down to the base and then up the other side up to the top. Before sucking the tip again. Before opening her mouth wide and taking the whole length deep into the back of her throat. She deepthroated me with a pleasing amount of drool and energy. Her drool running down my length and down over my balls and then dripping down to the floor. Making rude slurping sounds as she did so.

She sucked me like this for what seemed like forever, but I looked at my watch and it had been five minutes. She then withdrew and left a trail of saliva between her mouth and my member. Before diving down and tea bagging me, One ball at a time, then both balls at once. Before coming up to my cock again and deepthroating me. I was getting close incredibly close I could feel my cum rising, like steam in a boiler. She continued to deepthroat, teabag and suck me for a what seemed forever but was actually only about five minutes again. Before Leaning forward slightly and starting to rim me as she also tugged on my cock. I reached down and undid her green blouse. Green, mum's favourite color, she said it brought out her green eyes. I undid her blouse and reached down and pulled her tits out of their imprisoning bra cups. Mum was wearing a very sexy black bra with green lace. I reached down and tormented mums nipples with my fingers as she licked my ass and tugged on my cock. I could see and feel that mum's nipples were rock hard, she was so turned on.

Whether she was turned on by sucking someone off in a public toilet. Or sucking me off, or a combination of both. We weren't sure but she was turned on none the less.

Mum eventually brought her right hand up under her skirt and started to pull her panties down. She was able to get them down one handed so far and then she had to bring her left hand off my cock as she needed both hands to pull them down. She pulled them down and then brought both her hands back. The right hand back to begin tugging my hardness again. The left hand holding her panties and bringing them up to my face. Mum had matching panties on. Black with green lace. She passed them up to me and I took them from her. I could feel and smell how wet they were. The whole time her tongue never left my balls or ass. She then pulled her head back from my ass and looked up at me. I was sniffing her panties.

"I didn't know my son was a pervo panty sniffer." She said softly. I just smiled at her.

She then stood up and undid her skirt, siding it off and down to the ground.

"I need you here." She said as she rubbed her pussy lips, making them wetter.

I looked at her and winked. Before mum licked her lips and then climbed onto my hard cock as I sat on the toilet. She then started to ride me cowgirl style, using the disability handles to support herself. She pounded me up and down relentlessly, our lips locked in a deep passionate kiss. My hands gripping her tits and playing with them as she fucked me. Before I brought my mouth down to them and started to lick and suck on them.

My balls swelling with the pressure building boiler like within them. I pulled mum closer into me and hugged her. As I took over the rhythm of the pounding.

A few men had come and gone in the time it had taken but we were undiscovered. And like any boiler I needed a release. I sunk back onto the toilet, my back touching the cistern behind me and then I roughly grabbed mum's head and held it in my hand. I held her there as I loudly moaned.

"Ah,Ah,Ah, Gah." I cried.

I half expected a "That's it you work it out in there." Coming Austin Powers like. Like when I had been in the same bathroom but not the same cubicle with Brandi. But perhaps because it was a Sunday it didn't happen.

And then with an audible cry I violently came in Mom's pussy. I spurted again and again. Filling mum's pussy with semen. I gave her an organic pussy wash as it filled every crevice in her pussy and started to dribble out of her, and run down onto the floor. She then looked at me and licked her lips. Getting off me and then getting on all fours as she bent forward and scooped the cum off the floor. Swallowing it and gasping a big "Aaaaahhhh." As the creamy white liquid lubricated her tonsils. I slumped back and mum reached for some toilet paper to wipe her chin of the excess cum and then We both stood up. I pulled my pants and boxers back up, she put her panties and skirt back on and did up her blouse again as we tried to make ourselves presentable again.

We composed ourselves and then as we looked at each other.

"Well, I needed that, your father fucked me, but he is no comparison to you and he cums too quick." Mum complained as she straightened my collar.

"really?" I asked.

"Yes, he only lasts half as long as you do, and he is smaller. But that is the second filling of cum I've had in my pussy in about two hours." Mum said.

"Glad I could help, but it was unexpected and what was unexpected was you scooping it up as well." I said.

"Well, I just sort of acted on the urge. Now we better be getting back." Mum said.

"Yes." I said and then I went to the door and checked the coast was clear. And we walked back to the table.

Yana and Dad still talking.

"Look who I found while I was away." Mum teased.

"Yes he left just after you, you both haven't been away long." Yana said.

I looked at the clock on the wall we had been gone over half an hour but as far as Yana and Dad were concerned we had been gone only five to ten. So, mum and I didn't tell them any different.

Then Valentina came and took our dessert orders, three servings of gelato and a tiramisu. When she returned with our meals. Valentina leaned down and spoke softly to me as she served me my Gelato.

"I hope you and her had fun and didn't make a mess. In the bathroom?" Valentina said.

Implying that she knew what had gone on in her bathroom.

I laughed it off. And we all ate our desserts before Yana asked if mum could ring Janice to see when I could visit Janice to discuss the cake.

Mum rang and arranged me to visit Janice with instructions for the cake at 2pm the next day.

Yana and mum gave me directions on what cake to order, flavour, size, icing, decorations etc. Yana even saying she had a photo from a magazine at home to take so Janice could copy it.

I nodded in agreement.

"Welcome to married life, son." Dad cheekily said before we left for home.

We got home lateish, and we all had showers, then Yana and I watched a DVD of her Russian Romcom before falling asleep Yana asleep in my arms.

Just before I fell asleep. I received two text messages, one each from Brandi and Janice.