Five Mums Ch. 52 - Yana is Mean

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I am rough and Yana is mean.
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Chapter 52- I get rough and Yana is mean.

I looked down at Yana, asleep with her head on my chest, drooling away.

I deleted both text messages, kissed Yana and then went to sleep embracing Yana.

We slept, Yana soundly sleeping like the proverbial baby. Laying on her right hand side, her head resting on my left chest, her right cheek roughly where my left nipple was. Her usual sleeping drool running out of her mouth and pooling between my nipples. Her left arm laying across my chest. My sleep however was a bit more fitful, like I had something on my mind.

I did have a few things on my mind. One, could Natasha be trusted? What would Janice get up too? Could Emma keep her word and not name me as the father? But most pressing g on my mind was what was contained in Andrew's diary and what was taking Brandi so long to show me?

Before going to sleep. Yana and I had been discussing what our plans were on the following day being a Monday. Yana had it all planned. School was in slow down mode. So, the first three periods of her were free. She had contacted the land agent she had bought OUR house from. She wanted to meet a contractor there to discuss renovating the kitchen and bathroom. And the agent had made arrangements with the owners that we could meet there at 10am tomorrow.

The new house was only about a minutes' walk away being two houses down the road.

Yana didn't have to be at school until 1pm so we had hours to get things done. As it was only 8am now.

Yana had discussed this with me, the previous evening. We would just lay in as she described it ' Snuggle' then get ready for school and other things and walk down the road to meet her contractor. Yana knew what she wanted and had visions of the bathroom and kitchen in her mind.

Apparently she had been told to look around and see what she liked and then tell the contractor where she had seen them. Then after taking measurements and so on Yana and I would get some lunch out and then drop her at school before I went to see Janice about the cake.

Why I had to go and see Janice about the wedding cake I had no idea. But it had been decided between the 'committee,' Brandi, mum, and Yana, during my emotional breakdown recently that the cake was my area of responsibility to organise, but Yana had to have some input into it as well. Just like the weddings rings, were my responsibility to organise, but Yana also had some input as well.

And like any good husband I had my instructions on what kind of cake to order, the size and the look. I also had to give Janice the two wedding cake figures while I was there.

These figures that go on top of the cake were part of Svetlana's wedding present to us. As well as money like most of Yana's Russian guests as per the tradition from the 'old country' so to speak. But Svetlana had gifted us a set of figures made from porcelain, and the doll figures were both blonde. I had seen them in her mum's shop at a retail of $300. Apparently they were hand made in Russia.

Yana also gave me a page of instructions about what colour icing, What type of icing she wanted used as well as the colour of ribbons to go around the cake. Number of layers, flavour etc.

Maybe I was completing my husbandly apprenticeship to quote my father, but I just went along with it all. Because I wanted Yana to be happy and I knew she was the one for me. I knew she loved me, and she had wanted this fairy tale wedding since she was a little girl of six or seven. So, who was I to stand in her way.

I had spoken to Thomas about it, and in his amateur psychology opinion. She was nesting, but was also including me in the details as well. Because the one thing I couldn't fathom was if Yana was after the whole Disney Princess wedding why wasn't she doing all the work, so it was perfect for her?

But he was of the opinion, she wanted me to feel included. And that even though she wanted the absolute perfect fairytale wedding, she valued my mental health and happiness more.

She slowly woke up and we eventually went to get up. However, Yana stopped me from getting up insisting I stay in the bed.

Yana got up and changed out of her nightdress. She was standing in front of the window and with the sunshine coming through the curtains I could make her profile out from the side. Her large, succulent fun bags protruding prominently out in front of her crowned by her slightly hard nipples. Her small baby bump, and her ever increasing mane of pubic hair. Her slightly curved yet ever tight ass. Yana stretched and then slid her robe on. Before leaning down to kiss me and copping a feel to her great delight of my morning wood, then leaving the bedroom. I just lay back and thought how wonderful life was at the moment. I could smell the house filling with the smells of cooking, obviously Yana was making breakfast in bed. I had a quick feel, and my morning wood was getting harder and bigger.

The aromas of her cooking were wafting down the hallway and in through our open bedroom door. They were competing smells. But I just lay back and live in the moment as per Brandi's professional instructions.

After a few minutes Yana came back into the bedroom. She was naked except for her apron. Her 1950's housewife apron. All in pink and white gingham. Covering her body from chest to knees. Done up tightly behind her back.

Yana entered the room and winked at me.

"Back so soon?" I teasingly asked, my hardness standing proud in front of me.

"Yes, Need a big pot and your mum doesn't have one. So, I have to use one of my new ones." Yana said back. As she said it back she pulled her apron down to show she was naked.

"Wow, I like it, I like it very much. But." I said.

Yana had a small giggle and then got a large pot out of our wardrobe.

"But? But what?" Yana asked in reply.

"Don't burn yourself." I cautioned.

Yana laughed and then walked off saying 'You'll keep.'

I went back to just laying there. The smells were building up. I was torn between laying here with an incredible hard on, or going to see what Yana was cooking.

I decided to take the latter action. I got up and opened the curtains properly. Before walking down, the hallway to the kitchen my rock hard cock swaying from side to side as I walked.

I entered the kitchen and crept up on Yana, she had two pans going, and the big pot simmering away on the rear element.

I approached her slowly and quietly; Yana was quietly humming away. I could tell the tune by her humming. 'Katyusha' that old favourite Russian folk song of hers. She was certainly happy.

I walked up to her and unexpectedly my hard cock, nudged against the small of her back as I closed to her.

"Hmm, you better be my husband. Or we may have a problem." Yana playfully said.

"What if I have come to ravish you and I'm not your husband?" I answered equally playfully. As I wrapped my arms around her and pressed in close.

"Hmm, I do hope you are my husband. Because this is a good size, and I don't cheat on my husband, and he doesn't cheat on me. Otherwise, I may have to pour this hot pot of soup over you.

"Really?" I asked, as I ran my hands up to her chest and lovingly squeezed and played with her tits.

"Ooh, that feels Bozhestvennyy." Yana said as she sucked her breath back.

"Divine? That is good to hear." I said as I felt the hardness of her nipples.

"OOOH." Yana moaned as I played with her nipples and brought my head close to hers so I could lick and nibble on her ear lobes.

I could also see over her shoulders and see that she was making Bacon and eggs and a large pot of clear soup.

I nuzzled her close for a few seconds, taking small biting kisses on her neck. Then I lined myself with her neck, thinking, 'I'll never get a better chance to return the favour.' Just then Yana moved one step forward. She moved out of my way just as I was going to sink my teeth into her nice swan like neck.

"Dorogaya, zavtrak gotov. No, ya chuvstvuyu, chto gotovo i chto-to yeshche?" ( Darling, Breakfast is ready. But I feel that something else is ready too?) Yana said. As she reached around with one hand and felt my cock up.

Then she reached forward and lifted two plates of bacon and eggs up. She rotated and kissed me.

"Would you like to bring the tea Milyy?" Yana asked.

"Sure." I answered and then reached around and grabbed the pot of tea, and milk jug. But before I did I sidestepped one step to let Yana past me and as she passed me. I slapped her bare ass.

"Ty neposlushnyy mal'chik." ( You naughty boy). Yana teased. And then proceeded to the table which was already set for breakfast.

Yana walked over to the table and sat down followed by me. We sat facing each other.

"How are you today my love? Or do I need to ask?" Yana purred in that Russian accent of hers, as she gestured to my rock hard cock.

"Oh, you've noticed?" I sarcastically asked back.

"Yes, I have. It's hard not to." Yana purred.

"I wonder why, it is like this? Wouldn't be a certain blonde Russian's fault." I teased.

"Mine? I don't know what your saying?" Yana laughed back.

We helped ourselves to scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and tea. Playing footsies with each other as we did.

"So, what else did you make? That soup thing?" I asked Yana.

"Oh, that. That is Rassolnik. Pickle soup." Yana said.

"Pickle soup?" I asked.

"Yes, back home, it is kind of like a comfort food and is also made for pregnant women. So, I thought I would make some for me and also to see if you like it." Yana explained saying the last part teasingly.

"What makes you assume I wont like it?" I asked.

"A lot of non-Russians don't. But all I ask is that you try it. If you try it I will be happy." Yana said as she finished her breakfast.

"Why what's in it?" I asked genuinely interested.

"Pickled cucumbers, onion, carrot, pearl barley, beef and water." Yana said.

"Sounds, interesting. When you serve it I will try it." I said.

Spasibo, now hurry up and finish." Yana said.

"Why? We have to see the designer at 10 and you know what you want." I said back to her.

"Da, I do know what I want. But I want to seek your opinion too, as you have to live there as well. Plus, I want to fuck you before we see them." Yana said very matter of factly.

Yana was getting more and more horny, the long bouts of sex were decreasing, but she had replaced it with lots of smaller more frequent bouts of sex. But I wasn't complaining.

"So, my day is fuck you senseless, then go with you to meet the contractor, then take you shopping possibly, then drop you at school and then go and see Janice about the cake. Then pick you up?" I asked.

"Da, that about it. But the kitchen and bathroom are going to be how do you say? 'gutted.' And I know what I want. So, we can basically order them all. It's just to confirm layouts and colours really." Yana explained.

"Ooooohhhh." I said as it sunk in.

"And what's on the shopping list?" I asked.

"Well bathroom is roll top clawfoot bath, In either black or white with white inside and gold feet, it will have old fashioned looking taps, in a telephone shower combo. A double vanity with his and her's sinks, Antique style taps, China taps. Woodgrain lino, Medicine type cabinet on wall above sinks. And a double shower. White porcelain tiles halfway up the wall with chrome border. Toilet room stays the same. Just replace toilet with antique style look toilet and wooden toilet seat. Walls and floor same as bathroom." Yana said as she excitedly explained her plans for the bathroom.

"Okay and the kitchen?" I asked.

"Woodgrain lino, white cabinetry in a U shape, brick look tiles for splashback up to ceiling, so it looks like old chimney. White tiles from bench up to window. Antique style taps. And nice wooden butchers block benches." Yana explained.

"I like sounds very country like." I said.

"Da, that is intention make it look old but it not old." Yana explained proudly.

"But all this talk of bathroom ware makes me horny." Yana said as she got up and walked around to behind my chair. She stood behind me and reached forward and took my hard dick in both hands. She slowly and gently rubbed it. As she nuzzled my neck.

"It always amazes me how big this is. I want it in me." Yana whispered seductively in my ear. She then straightened up and ran her hands up my chest.

"Come soup cooked." Yana said as she walked over to the stove and turned it off. Before taking her apron off and leaving it on the bench. Leaving her naked. She then walked back, and reached for my hand.

"Nu ty, neposlushnyy mal'chik. Vy delayete menya ochen' schastlivym. A teper' idi i trakhni menya." ( Well, you naughty boy. You make me very happy. Now come and fuck me.) Yana said, this time in Russian. I had a couple of fleeting thoughts. I thought do other woman who have English as a second language, like Grace and the French teacher Lola, switch between languages like this. Do some guys find it annoying or off putting? I knew Yana reverted back to Russian, when she was tired, upset, excited, happy, angry, or horny. But it was part of what made Yana, Yana.

Yana guided me up as I stood, our mouths meeting as I straightened.

Our lips and tongue met, and my hands found their way to her succulent large chest. I nuzzled and nibbled her neck, ears, and lips. As my fingers found their way to her nipples and started to play with them. Eliciting soft moaning sounds out of her.

Yana for her part, ran her hands to my groin and started to rub and tug my ever hardening cock.

"Davay, voz'mi menya i trakhni menya." ( Come, take me, and fuck me.) Yana said softly into my ear inbetween soft moans and exhaling.

" YA dumal, ty nikogda ne sprosish'." (I thought you would never ask.) I replied. Surprising myself with how communicative I was becoming in Yana's mother tongue.

With that Yana and I dis engaged and she kept her right hand wrapped around my hard cock. And then she proceeded to lead me by it down the hallway and back into our bedroom. When we had entered the doorway and approached the bed closer.

Yana stopped and I cam close to her. She turned on one heel, turning to face me. And then spun us both around so I had my back facing the bed. Then she pushed down, and I landed on my back laying across the bed. I lay there my cock pointing skyward. She put her hands under her large boobs and pushed them up one at a time and leaned her head forward. And did something I had never seen do before. She licked her own nipples.

"Ne znal, chto smogu eto sdelat." ( Didn't know I could do that.) Yana said sounding surprised.

"That makes two of us." I sarcastically replied.

At that Yana climbed on top of bed, and knelt over me. A large smile on her face. As she hovered over my hardness. She dropped her head down and took me deep in her throat. Going from my tip to base, In one quick movement. Before coming back up to the top, in a quick, furious movement. Gasping and leaving a trail of spittle as she did.

I lay back and closed my eyes, as Yana pushed me further and further into the realms of bliss. She was to me, every woman and one woman. I loved her and she had a knack of knowing how to get me there and best of all, keeping me there.

I lay there eyes closed, my tongue hanging out of one corner of my mouth, as Yana went to town on my engorged cock. Going up and down, fast, and slow on the outside of my sizable, veiny cock. Swirling her tongue around it's shaft as she went up, and as she went down. Swirling, clockwise and anti-clockwise. Swirling fast and slow. Keeping her head in place and sucking, sucking with so much force her cheeks caved in.

Bringing her mouth off my cock and using her tongue to lick it, up one side, down the other, then licking and sucking my balls.

Sucking and swirling and at times cupping my balls and playing with them. She also reached her right hand up and held my left hand in her hand as she sucked, swirled, and licked my cock and balls.

At one stage she raised her head and spat on my cock, coating it in her saliva, before using her left hand to spread it all over my cock and envelope my cock in her spittle.

Before engulfing my cock in her mouth again. The whole time when she was pleasuring me orally.

Whether blowing me or 'Minet' as Yana would say in her mother tongue, or tea bagging my balls. Kneeling on her knees beside me and leaning over or supporting herself on one arm much like a three legged dog. Her hand never left mine.

Yana sucked me for what seemed forever, I looked over at the clock radio on the bedside table. It had been half an hour. She had sucked, licked, and tongued my cock and balls for half an hour.

"Feel like a swap?" I playfully asked.

"Nyet, I am quite happy as long as you are happy and enjoying it." Yana said as she brought her head up to answer me.

She went back to cheerfully sucking me again. But I could tell that her jaw was getting sore. As er sucking had slowed, and her seal around my cock wasn't as tight as it had been.

I reached my right arm out and placed it on her ass. I ran it over her ass and then between her legs, giving her pussy a quick feel just once or twice over her pussy lips which was soaked. Then down and around to her front, feeling her pubic hair that had by now grown considerably. I ran my fingers through her pussy hair, Similar to how I would run my hand through the hair on her other end.

"Mne nravitsya, nravitsya." (I likey, likey.) I said to Yana.

"Really, that is good. I'm growing it for you." Yana replied back.

"Khoroshiy." (Good.) I said.

Yana temporarily stopped her oral assault on me and turned her head to her left to face me. She then winked at me, blew me a kiss, and poked her tongue out. Before resuming her sucking with more vigour and suction.

She sucked me like this for about another five minutes. As I rubbed her pussy fast and furiously. Making loud rude, Fap, fap sounds. Yana found it increasingly harder to continue her sucking as she brought her head back off my cock. Moaning loudly as I assaulted her pussy with my fingers.

"AAAAHHHH, AAHH, AAHH, AH,AH, AH, AH. OH JESUS." Yana moaned loudly and often. As she also tried to suck me. Wet and deep.

I continued to rub her soaking, pregnant pussy. I had my hand alternating, going from her pussy, up to her tight little Russian ass hole, back down to her pubic hair.

I would rub, and tease her pussy, it's lips and her clit, then sneak my hand up to her ass and gently probe her ass with a finger or two. Eliciting a loud sharp moan as my unlubricated finger penetrated her brown hole. Then leave her brown hole go back down to her pussy and rub it again and then back down to her pussy hair and stroke it and run my fingers through it. Before starting again on her pussy.

Yana moaned and almost screamed by now, with assort of loud whimpering noise. I continued my assault on her female parts. I forced my hand out of hers and brought my free hand up to her head. I grabbed a large handful of her flowing blond hair. Then I wrapped it around my hand before clenching my fist, so she was securely held by my hand. I then brought her head down as I brought my head up and our lips met. Small nibbling kisses becoming deep tongue kisses. As my other hand continued it's assault upon her lower end.

Yana's head was up by now level with her levels on the horizontal. I had hold of her head, but I didn't apply any pressure to it. She was moaning loudly.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AAAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOH, OOOOOOOOOOOHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.SFFFF." Yana cried out loudly. Then after I had decided I had enough I tightened my fist around her locks some more and forced her lips to touch my tip. Before pushing down hard on her head. Forcing her mouth down, down, right down to my cocks base. And then I held her in place. I pushed her down, forcing my cock further and further down her throat. The more she struggled to take it, the more I forced it down. She was struggling to deepthroat me as I technically raped my fiancé's mouth. Spit and dribble running out of a corned of her mouth, running down my cock and over my hip onto the sheet below me. I pushed her down some more. She started making gagging and choking sounds. I gave her a little bit of relief. I relinquished some pressure on her, she took a breath even though my cock was still rammed down her throat. Then I pushed her head down some more. She dry retched, and blew a snot bubble out of one nostril.