Five O Pt. 01.75

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School nurse. A little background on Jackie May Cotter.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/03/2020
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In the late nineties Jacki May Cotter began working as school Nurse at Mount Hope Catholic High School For Boys in Woodbridge, Michigan. It was a small private school with a strong academic standing and a well-funded sports program. Football, swimming, and gymnastics being their leaders. It was not unusual for women to hold teaching, administrative, and staff positions at the school. Previously Jaqueline had worked as a traveling nurse's aid in elder care facilities around the eastern region of the state. The job at Mount Hope appealed to her because it meant putting an end to the miles of travel between facilities. The savings in commuting expenses, the increased salary and better benefits were a considerable step up.

And so was the scenery.

"This new job is great, Maggie. First of all, it's permanent. The salary is better. I'm going to save so much on commuting and I get meals in the faculty dining room. AND I can drop my Audible account. I can't listen to one more stupid ChicLit or Romance book. The town, the school, the grounds, everything; it's all so beautiful. And..., " She trailed off.

"And... let me guess," her younger sister said. "You've already spotted some gorgeous, hunky teacher, right?"

"Well, nah, but these young men—are—absolutely—gorgeous. There everywhere, like wild-flowers in a field."

"Uh oh! I smell trouble. I don't have to tell you about the Importance of boundaries in a job like that, do I? Jacqueline?"

Maggie Cotter always referred to her sister by her full name when she was reprimanding or warning her. Something she had to resort to frequently over the years. Maggie was the more level-headed of the two. Jackie, though smart and accomplished, could be flighty and prone towards risky behavior.

"I'm not that stupid, Mags.

"Yes, well I'm not bailing you our if you get arrested on charges of mopery and moral turpitude."

"Oh, you go drink turpentine...Mopey."

A nudge over forty, Jacqueline couldn't say she had a satisfactory love life. She had had her share of trysts but a permanent relationship was something she believed was not going in her cards. Her work and travel demands, and that she was shy around men were contributing factors but the main reason, she told herself, was that she valued her independence. She believed a permanent attachment would be a barricade in her life path. It wasn't that she didn't like sex. Jaqueline was a highly charged, sexual woman. So these conflicting forces drove her towards the occasional one-nighter or weekend romp. She wasn't a bar-hopper looking for Mr. Goodbar but she did like her trysts unentangled. In a small town like Woodbridge anonymity, especially when it came to affairs would be hard to maintain; but Jackie May would find ways to satisfy her cravings.

Mount Hope High School For Boys was beautiful, with Federalist style buildings located on fifty acres of rolling countryside on the northern edge of Lake Saint Clair. It was one of Woodbridge's historic architectural highlights. The grounds that provided the setting for the cluster of buildings, gymnasium, pool house and fields were manicured by a small army of gardeners and arborists. All supervised by the head groundskeeper and chief arborist, Jonathan Eldridge. He was a handsome man who wore his fifties like forty. He was fit with rugged, good looks and an over-confident swagger. The new nurse's appearance on campus did not get by his sharp eye. 'Well would you look at that. There's a new filly in the Mount Hope pasture. Think I'll have bring her an apple'

The school's bucolic setting appealed to Jaqueline but her imagination was secretly captivated by the Mount Hope boys. These young students; brash, cocky, confident, or shy, introverted, and reticent all had one thing in common. Their engines were racing on high-octane, hormonal fuel. They were everywhere, In the hallways, the classrooms, the lawns, dining halls and the dorms. But the place she really noticed them was in her office where she could observe them more closely. She started her first semester a week early before the students and full staff were on the premises so she had the opportunity to familiarize herself with the buildings and grounds and to set up her small clinic the way she wanted; a larger office were she could meet with patients; and a smaller, more private exam room. Her first week into classes, she was already seeing students.

They came to her clinic every day with a plethora of ailments and minor injuries: headaches, sore throats, earaches, mild fevers, twisted ankles, jammed fingers, cuts and bruises, and for routine check-ups for sports team requirements. There was a doctor who regularly visited on Thursday mornings. He was also on-call for emergencies. He did the full physicals but the school nurse did the interim check-ups. Everything seemed normal with the exception of one young man who winced when she told him to sit down. She questioned him but he said he was fine and wouldn't say anything else.

Jaqueline knew many of the students were coming in with minor aches just to check out the new nurse. She also could tell they like what they saw.

Some of her days were very busy; other days she didn't see anyone for hours, if at all. To balance out her days she set up an open appointment schedule with one and a half hour slots; three before lunch and three after. Anyone could walk in without an appointment if someone else hadn't filled in their name in that time-slot ahead of time. This arrangement gave her some control over her schedule. Of course, an emergency halted everything, night or day but even those were infrequent.

Nurse Jackie enjoyed the check-ups. She had a sense of humor; she was direct, and when needed she could adopt an air of strictness. Her prurient interests began slowly as she found reasons to get the young men to remove various pieces of clothing for their treatments. Things progressed slow and steadily towards the point where she rarely missed an opportunity to have an eighteen-year old fella at least partially naked. Most of her return patients were used to the fact that she always found a reason for them to have to undress to some degree. Something as small as a stubbed toe required the boy to remove both shoes, socks and, if she thought she could get away with it, his trousers as well.

Jackie knew which ones were dying to expose themselves to her, and she accommodated their enthusiasm but always under the auspices of pretend, office professionalism. She stripped them naked if she could but maintained a distant authoritative posture that kept even the most cocky ones not knowing if she was serious. They all got hard five minutes into whatever she was seeing them for. She made sure by the time they left they were going to go straight to the men's bathroom to wank their throbbing cocks. This was all well and good but it was the shy ones, with palpable reticence, whom she really looked forward to treating. It thrilled her to observe a young man squirming in embarrassment as she issued her instructions pushing him further into very uncomfortable territory.

"Charles, you've strained your back. You're going to need a liniment rub; every day this week. Then we can taper off to every other day next week. Come-on, lets get you out of your shirt and pants. Whats that, you don't have any underwear on? No worries, I can put a towel over your privates. And I'd like you to keep coming in at the three O'clock slot. It will give me more time to work on you."

"George Bartlett, I see you turned eighteen last month. It's time for your full check-up. And don't think for a minute I haven't noticed your aroused state. You naughty, young man, you walked in my office with an erection. We both know you could have waited ten minutes before you followed that thing in here. So, you might as well get all your clothes off so I can get on with your physical.—you know that's what you came in here for."

"Lucas, you poor boy, your hobbling and you can barely sit down. Did you earn yourself another paddling?"

By now, after seeing enough bruised backsides, Jackie surmised the students must be getting paddled for disciplinary misdemeanors even though none of them would admit it. "Sometimes I swear, you must ask for it just so you can come in here and have me put cream on your bruised and battered behind. Get those pants down, young man. Better yet, take them all the way off so I can have a look... and that shirt too. I don't want to stain your uniform with cream."

"Ralph Stoppington, you've gone and got yourself all stopped up again. I am not giving you another laxative. In the future you have got to eat more fiber. I warned you last time If this happened again I would have to give you a series of enemas. Come and see me this afternoon at three O'clock. We're going to need extra time.

And so it went throughout her first semester at Mount Hope. Nurse Cotter had an entourage of young men who she treated. She enjoyed her new position of power. Having her pick of all the young guys at Mount Hope; having them strip bare for her, but still, she wasn't satisfied.

'That bonehead grounds man, Jonathan Eldridge, is a cocksure blowhard. If he corners me in the supply closet one more time I'm going to knee him in the balls so hard he'll need to go see a real doctor." She thought about Eldridge and his predatory eye. She wondered if it was limited to just her. 'With all these young handsome men around, I wouldn't be surprised if he's stalking them as well. He is good looking though. But ...I'm not that desperate... am I?'

Her sexual impulses pushed her to go farther and farther with the students who came to her office. She knew she was walking a dangerous tightrope.

* * * * *

The first week of second semester classes, at three O'clock on one Friday afternoon—her slowest day because students were ramping up for the weekend—a young lad walked into her office and introduced himself.

"Hello, Nurse Cotter. I'm Lars Olsson. I'm a transfer junior here. My swim coach sent me over to arrange for a physical and I need a flu-shot and a vitamin booster too. I was hoping you could give me the shots now and set up an appointment for the physical."

He was tall with long limbs—a swimmer's physique; and long wavy locks, a bit longer than usual for the sport. She didn't need to know his name to guess his nationality. His blond hair, his milky skin tone, his sparkling, blue eyes, and that lovely lilt in his accent broadcast a Northern European heritage. She would guess this adonis, with the shy farm-boy charm, was Swedish.

"You said you were a junior; how old are you, Lars?" This was her first question with every new student patient. She always checked their records on file to be sure. She didn't want to take any stupid risks. She didn't know what she was going to do with this beautiful young man but gears were turning. He was different somehow.

"I just turned eighteen last month. I'm a bit older than the other boys in my class. I transferred here when we moved from Sweden and I lost a semester."

"So you're a swimmer; on the JV team?

"No, Ma'am, I'm varsity." A glimmer of pride broke through his shyness. 'He's probably being humble.'

"I was a swimmer at home; relays, sprints, breaststroke and I did some diving. I did pretty well at my try-outs."

"Lars, I don't have any more appointments after this one and I have the form I need. I can give you your shots and do your physical check up now too if you'd like.

"That would be great. Coach said I couldn't compete until the forms were turned in."

"Well great then. Why don't you stay in the chair for now so we can talk while I take notes." Jackie lifted the height lever on her rolling stool and pistons up to be sitting slightly higher than Lars. She crossed her legs and perched her tablet in her lap. She liked being able to look down on the young fellas. It reinforced her authority and a bit of knees showing always got their attention. After the preliminaries were recorded she chatted more personally with the nervous, swimmingly good-looking, young man.

"So you grew up on a farm in Sweden. Was it a small school you transferred here from?"

"Yes. My family has a dairy farm in the country. The schools are so good there but my parents wanted to come to America. My father took a position in the agricultural department here at the University.

"So you know your way around a farm then, Lars?"

"Ya, I stacked a lot of bails of hay and milked a lot of cows back home."

"Hmmm, I bet. Are you finding things pretty different here in the states; the school, the sports, the customs?"

"Yes, pretty different," he mumbled, averting her gaze.

He looked so adorably awkward she couldn't resist pressing him further.

"Like what, Lars? What's so different? Do you find the students unfriendly? Are they accepting of you? Have you made friends?"

He answered her questions as best he could. The students were fine. His classmates had welcomed him into their group. He even had a best friend named Brian. Jacqueline observed him as he spoke. He could go from enthusiastic to painfully shy. After the first details he paused and looked across the small exam room.

"Is it the school or your sports here in the States that is so different?"

He looked down. "Ya, the school is pretty different; and so is my team."

Something was definitely troubling this young man. She wanted to see if he'd open up on his own.

"The team is pretty different I guess." When she didn't say anything he wet on. "It's just that...they make us swim naked. We swam naked back home but that was just normal. You didn't have to; we just did, but not in school, not in public, and never at competitions...or in front of people...other people who were..."

There was a tone in his voice that made her want to hold him. But she still wanted him to reveal more, much more.

"Who weren't what, Lars?"

"Who were people_ who weren't naked. Who had all their clothes on."

"Oh, I see. How does that feel, being naked in front of your team-mates and the audience?" She went on. "When everybody else is dressed. And you are completely exposed? Does it embarrass you, Lars?"

"Yes. Yes. it's so embarrassing. Sometimes at the meets the girl's from Saint Simones are there; and the nuns too. And the parents of the local boys are there too sometimes. It's humiliating."

Jaqueline knew there were other feelings beneath the embarrassment and humiliation but thought those were best left for another time. But there was still more to come. All it took was a little encouragement.

"And you mentioned the school too, Lars. Are there differences in the school too."

"Yes. One very big difference. They discipline ways I didn't expect." Obviously he wanted to unload about all this but he stopped speaking.

She was conflicted between shock and sexual curiosity. She lowered her stool and rolled closer while he was speaking and now she her bare knees bumped against his. She felt him try to pull back but there wasn't enough room for him to retreat.

"How do they do that? Who punishes you, Lars?"

"A lot of them. Teachers, priests mostly, my coach, sometimes they let the seniors paddle us. I'm varsity so sometimes I'm on the receiving end and sometimes I get to paddle someone else. I don't like doing it so I make a show of winding up and batting them proper but I know how to hold back."

"So paddling is the form of punishment? Do they punish you in private?"

"If we do something wrong in class or at field they call you out and have you bend over their desk or the nearest chair or table and they paddle you." He looked down again. "Doesn't matter who is there."

Jackie placed her hand on his knee. This time he didn't flinch at the gesture and went on.

"But if we get called to someone's office...we have to pull our pants down; and we get spanked...on our bare behinds." He was upset about opening up about this to the school nurse but he had kept it bottled up for so long it all came spilling out. His eyes were moist with tears. She gently squeezed to his knee.

"And sometimes they aren't so careful about closing the office door so the secretaries in the outer office can hear us, and even see us."

"Oh, Lars, I can see how embarrassing this must be but..." Before she could go on he blurted out,

"And sometimes someone will even get punished liked that at the pool; even if there are some spectators in the bleachers. The paddling at the pool is bad enough but bare-bottom spanking! That's never happened at a competition or a meet but we all wonder how long before it will."

She did notice a change in the bulge in his pants and knew that the deeper feelings he had about his experiences were just a few more questions beneath the surface. As empathetic as she felt towards Lars, Jackie thought it was important to toe the school's, so she continued where she had left off.

"I understand how humiliating this can be for you but discipline, especially with young men in their formative years, is so important. Lars, this is the school's policy. You know you are not being singled out. Everyone is being held accountable to the same strict standards. You understand that don't you?"

"Yes. I know. But it is good to talk with you because until today I've never had anyone I could tell about it, except my friend, Brian. We talk about it some."

'Hmmm,' Jackie thought. 'This is another angle to pursue.'

"And what does your friend Brian think about it all?"

"He thinks the same as me. It's awful. It hurts and it's humiliating to be paddled in front of the others ...and being spanked naked in the office is the worst of all. It hurts like Hell...excuse me...a lot during it."

"And what about the idea that someone else is watching? How does that make you boys feel?"

"Pretty embarrassed and ashamed. When it's over and I have to walk out through the office in front of the secretaries. I could die."

Jackie could see by his bulging crotch, he was getting excited telling her about his spankings. She decided to ask just one more question to push him further—give him something to think about later when he was back in his dorm room. Then she would stop and get back to his nursing.

"Yes, Lars. It must be exciting..."

"Exciting...?" Lars gulped at what Nurse Cotter had said. Before he could say more she pushed him farther.

"Well, not exciting per se, but being spanked like that in front of your classmates and having to pull your pants down for a faculty member...and knowing that the secretaries are watching through the doorway... isn't there some part of it all that's a little bit thrilling?" The tenting in his pants gave her her answer.

"My friend Brian and I talk about that sometimes. About how, if it hurts so much, and it's so embarrassing; why do we also seem to know..."

'Bingo,' Jackie thought. She had gotten him to the point she wanted. She had opened Pandora's box by getting him to acknowledge he found the embarrassment, humiliation and even the pain of being publicly paddled and spanked naked was sexually exciting. She made up her mind this was a box she would intimately explore.

Lars had had enough confessing and opening up for one day. The poor boy looked confused by his own admission to her and maybe even to himself. Getting him to admit he was getting sexually aroused by what he was experiencing at school was a breakthrough. Exploring those feelings would be an entertaining project for her to undertake.

'And who knew what these two boys talked about in processing their disciplinary punishments? Maybe they were timidly opening up with each other; maybe they were lewdly masturbating together about it.'

Her guess was towards the timid discussions rather than dueling wanks. She knew she would get it all out of him in good time. She needed to break the mood and what better way than with a little nurse humor.