Five Years and Four Days Ch. 04


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With Cathy and Julia busy in the kitchen, Alex and I sat in contented silence next to each other in the living room. I reached behind us and gently stroked her neck.

"You called me 'darling'," Alex said, "I liked it."

"I liked saying it," I replied honestly. "Actually, I called you 'darling' earlier this morning, before I realised you were talking in your sleep."

"That was embarrassing," Alex leaned her head back into my hand, so I started massaging her scalp. "Feels good," she murmured.

"Hmmm. It's been very hard keeping my hands off you all afternoon," I snuck at look at the kitchen, and seeing that we were still alone, grabbed her shirt, "come here." I pulled her towards me for a kiss. Alex pivoted and shifted her long legs onto the couch and settled on top of me.


The force of our bodies accidentally tipped over the clock on the adjacent side table.

Alex popped her head up.

"I'll buy them another one," I said quickly, not wanting to interrupt the kiss for more time than necessary.

Alex grinned and shifted her weight on top of me. She then kissed me so deeply it made my toes curl.

I had not been lost in a kiss like that for a long time; we barely noticed when Cathy and Julia emerged from the kitchen laden with food.

"Alright love birds, come get the grub," Cathy said in an unusually loud voice. Alex jumped like she was on springs, and quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom.

I quickly shoved bits of my shirt back into my jeans and, trying to sound casual, said, "Hm... this looks delicious!"

Julia snickered, "Good try being suave, Wainwright. Sit down and dig in. Oh -- and your left boob is just about hanging out of your shirt."

"Shit!" I immediately re-adjusted and buttoned up, as Julia returned to the kitchen, laughing maniacally.

Alex came back from the bathroom to find Cathy piling an absurd amount of food onto her plate. "Julia says you are too skinny," she explained, earning a well-aimed punch in the arm from her wife.

Cathy and Julia could not have been more gracious hosts, and the conversation and wine flowed easily. It helped that Cathy and I have been good friends for so many years allowing our conversation to naturally draw Alex into our world. Cathy and Julia told stories about mutual friends, members of my family, and anecdotes about me that, while being borderline embarrassing, were filling in gaps for Alex that were equal parts informative and amusing.

"When will you be flying out tomorrow, Alex?" Cathy asked, causing my stomach to drop.

"Flight's at four," Alex said, glancing at me.

Fewer than 24 hours left, I realised.

Julia stood up and started clearing the table, "Then get out of here, you two, don't worry about the dishes, we'll take care of it. Just don't give each other anymore injuries tonight, okay? "

I threw a napkin at Julia in mock protest.

"Thank you for having us over," Alex said sincerely, as we got up.

Cathy gave her a big bear hug and walked us towards the door. "Drive carefully ladies, and Alex, safe travels tomorrow -- come back and see us soon."



As we drove home, Cathy's words about Alex were echoing in my mind. I knew I had been coy with Alex in terms of keeping in touch. Now, on the eve of her return to the New York, I felt an urgency to assure her the balance would be righted. Come what may, I wanted Alex in my life, not as an eager dispatcher of information from across the Atlantic, nor as a star in some far-reaching constellation of my consciousness.

Nagging me at the edge of my heart though, was a small reminder of how badly my last relationship ended, and why I'd been reluctant to jump into anything. My mind was a whirl of a million thoughts, and I was driving on auto-pilot until Alex reached over and took my hand, interlocking her fingers with mine.

"You okay, baby?" She asked. My heart leapt when she said 'baby.' I had always disliked men calling me that, but coming from Alex's mouth, the endearment enveloped me like the warmth from a cozy fire.

I looked over at her, "I don't want you to go," I said bluntly.

Alex squeezed my hand, "You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. I don't want to go either."

When we got home, we collapsed onto the sofa and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I'm keeping this shirt," I stated, "and I'm driving you to the airport tomorrow."

"Ok," said Alex, running her fingers through my hair.

"We can talk every day," I continued, "and I can fly over the next long weekend I get."

I felt like I was over-compensating: for the sheer enormity of the feelings that I had swelling up for her, and for the uncertainty that crept quietly around the edges of my heart.

"Jess, you don't have to say all this," Alex sat forward and looked at me, "This is just a little more than 24 hours old. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in in terms of whatever this is -- it's already way beyond anything I dared think about. But you don't have to say all this. I love that you did say it, but I'm not expecting anything."

"But that's just it - I know my track record for keeping in touch has not been great.... Wait, just let me finish," I put my hands on her lips, "but it's just the way I've been with all my former students. Now, no one produces quite the volume of correspondence that you have done, but I've always chosen to not get too personal with everyone who wants to keep in touch with me. You understand? And now, what I'm saying is, we've moved beyond that -- massively -- and I want you to know --- mmmph"

Alex's kiss cut off the rest of my sentence. When I kissed her back, she immediately had her hands all over me and before I knew it, my shirt was unbuttoned and my bra undone.

"How did you just do that?" I laughed.

Alex started kissing and licking my breasts, "you said you wanted me to know something?" She said between kisses.

"I-I...mmm... just wanted you to... oh god... AH!" I cried as her mouth reached one of my nipples and she gently pressed it between her lips.

"I'm listening Jess, keep going," Alex moved over to my other breast.

"Uh, it's just... I want... um," I froze with pleasure as Alex ran her tongue over my nipple, "screw it. Just take me to bed Alex."

"As you wish," Alex murmured. She stood up with me in her arms, her mouth showering my neck with kisses, and deposited us onto the bed moments later.


Shirts and trousers and everything else came flying off. Jess took my breath away as she caressed and kissed every part of my body. I couldn't believe how much I'd missed the sensation of her body on mine. She started moving lower and lower as her fingers teased apart my opening. I inhaled as her fingers entered me, slowly moving in and out as she kissed my inner thighs, her other hand squeezing my ass. My body jerked involuntarily when her mouth homed in, sending currents of pleasure zig-zagging through my nervous system.

"Oh Jess!" I moaned, looking down at her, "I need you up here with me."

She stopped and smiled, "What do you need, honey?"

"Turn around and bring that beautiful arse of yours closer." I grinned, "I feel like multi-tasking...."

Jess obliged, spinning around until she hovered over my mouth. I grabbed her hips and pulled her down towards me as her mouth and fingers resumed their assault deep inside me. I mirrored her lips' and fingers' every move, and every change in speed. Our bodies were vibrating with mutual arousal and stimulation. We were moaning into each other's hot, slick flesh as our bodies flexed against each other with every stroke of our tongues. I felt her pulse beneath my tongue as she came, and I released my own explosion moments later.

"Oh. My. God." She moaned into my thigh, "I didn't think that could work like that."

I chuckled, "It doesn't always."

Jess turned around and nestled into the crook of my arm. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us.

She draped a leg over my body, her hand covered my breast casually. "Hmmm," she sighed.

I ran my hand up and down her body, ecstatic with the realisation that Jess and I have become lovers.

After a while, Jess raised herself up on her elbow, looking serious. "Alex, can I ask you something?"

"Sure -- go for it," I looked at her.

"You said there was nothing worth talking about in terms of a 'somebody' back in New York, but is that person, I mean, is she expecting anything to happen?"

It took me a second to realise she was talking about Tasha, my triathlon training partner.

"I don't know," I replied, "We weren't dating, if that's what you are asking, and certainly nothing is going to happen now. Why? What are you thinking?"

"I am thinking a lot of things, none of them very clearly," she said, looking uncharacteristically flustered, "but one thing I'm certain of, and I have no right to feel it, or ask for it, but I desperately do not want any other woman vying for your attention."

My stomach lurched with joy. I smiled, "I don't think it's something you need to worry about. I've never wanted anyone vying for your attention, so we're even. I'm going to have a hard time thinking about anyone but you, you know that, right?" I propped myself up to face her.

Jess leaned in and gave me a kiss, "That's just the thing. What if the 'me' that you've been thinking of for so long is really not me at all? I might be a real let down. Also, this is new and different to me, you've been with women before -- what if you find me terribly disappointing?"

I snorted -- how could she even think that!

Jess smiled, "No, really. I've never felt this level of physical attraction to anyone, and maybe it's because it's new, but I also know that I have probably have a deeper emotional attraction to you than I've ever fully acknowledged. I don't want to lead you on, but I know it would be a lie to call this a fling."

I rolled onto her and kissed her gently, "You are not leading me on. If anything, all you've done -- prior to this weekend -- is throw off signals that there would be nothing beyond friendship, if that. That fact that we are now in the middle of something is more than I could have hoped. I don't think you understand how besotted I am with you. That would be the truth even if we hadn't ended up sleeping together this weekend. That would still be the truth if you told me this had to end tomorrow. I'm just glad neither one of us wants this to end tomorrow."

"Kiss me again," whispered Jess.



I woke up feeling a delicious weight on my body. Alex's arm was lying across my chest as she slept next to me. I gently bent her arm and positioned her hand on my breast.

Alex stirred, "Hm... what are you doing?"

"Helping you grope my breast," I explained.

Alex gave my breast a squeeze, "What time is it?"

"Just after 8:30," I said, looking at the clock.

Alex groaned, "That's 3:30 New York time for me... Lemme sleep a little more..." she rolled over and reached for the covers.

I went to the loo, and when I returned to the bed, Alex lifted the covers, "Hold me, please," she muttered drowsily.

I spooned her from behind; her breath fell to a steady pace.

I started caressing her breasts.

Alex grunted, "You are not going to let me sleep, are you?"

I nipped her gently on the shoulder, "I could do that... but I was thinking more about how you could use that tongue of yours to do unspeakable things to me....."

Alex sat up immediately, "I'll sleep on the plane."

I laughed.

"Just a minute," she said, and went padding off to the bathroom.

Alex returned just as I was lying back on the bed, legs spread in anticipation. Alex eyes widened with lust as she slotted her body between my legs. She buried her face between my breasts and started kissing my cleavage, moving to the underside of each breast, until finally her mouth took hold of one nipple after the other.

"Don't make me wait, Alex," I said breathlessly, my desire for her cresting.

Her brown eyes locked on mine, Alex trailed her hand downwards, slipping her fingers inside me. She pushed in deep, and made a delectable twist at the end of each thrust, sending bolts of pleasure through places inside me I didn't know I had. I reached out to pull her closer, but Alex pinned my arms above my head, holding her body just above mine as she continued to push slow, deep strokes into me, priming me for climax. I looked down at her beautiful body, muscles flexing as she filled me up. I was helpless to touch her, and was whimpering for more.

"More, Alex, oh god, this feels so good," I whispered.

Alex started to pump her fingers a little faster, making slick pops as she slid in and out me. I lifted my legs towards my body, and Alex took full advantage, adjusting the angle of her thrusts. "Oh shit, Alex, fuck me harder, baby," I heard myself screaming, "don't stop!"

Alex grunted as she threw it into a higher gear, and her fingers felt like a jackhammer with its speed and depth. The first orgasm exploded within the first five strokes, and like dominos, wave after wave hit me until I couldn't scream any more.

"Come for me one more time, Jess," Alex panted.

I grabbed the back of my knees and pulled my legs towards my shoulders, giving Alex even more room. She lowered her mouth towards me as I arched for her. Her fingers resumed fucking me. Alex's hot and skillful tongue danced all over me, her mouth sucking and nipping. And then it hit me, an orgasm so overwhelming I started making sounds I didn't recognise as I came.

My limbs felt like lead as they fell around me limply. Alex fell on top on me with a delicious sheen of sweat, breathing hard. My legs kept twitching.


Jess and I didn't move for what seemed like an eternity after each of us came several more times. I was sprawled on top of her, my head resting on her left breast. I tried to memorize every inch of her beautiful body. Her silky brown hair, falling around her face in a sexy mess. Her green eyes luminous and deep. Her full, pink lips, curled in a small smile as she looked at me.

I could hear her heart beating as she caught her breath. My arm ached from the thrusting that I did. There were small beads of sweat in her cleavage that caught the light as her chest moved up and down. I loved making her come.

Slowly, Jess lifted her arms and wrapped them around me. I looked up and gave her a quick kiss.

"Oh my god, honey. I think you scooped every last orgasm out of me." she whispered.

I cupped her breast with my hand, gently squeezing, "So this will last you until the next time we get together?"

"Do you have to go?" Jess asked.

"Yes, I do, unfortunately, which reminds me that I have to call the hotel and let them know I am checking out." I reluctantly rolled off her body.

"How utterly unromantic," Jess said as she stretched luxuriantly, "I'm going to take a shower, then."

I detached my phone from the charger as I heard the shower come on, and quickly called the hotel to close out my charges. By the time I stepped into bathroom, steam was billowing out of the shower.

Jess was just soaping up her body when I stepped in. "Let me," I said eagerly.

I ran my hands over her upper body, my soapy fingers sliding over her skin. I spent a lot of time on her breasts, until she slapped my hands away and turned towards to the water to rinse off.

"You are being a killjoy," I protested, "I thought we could have a little fun in here."

"Well, if I let you get your way, and given our track record, we'd drain the entire town's supply of water. And I'm starving."

"That's the second time you've prioritized food over other -- um - things." I protested, although my stomach was growling in agreement with Jess.

Within minutes, we were both showered and dressed. We walked into town to one of Jess's favourite brunch spots. We were very obviously presenting as a couple, and I kept expecting Jess to adjust her behaviour towards me in public; but there was none of it. It was as if Jess just woke up in a lesbian relationship and expected the world to go along with it. And why shouldn't she? I remember the awkwardness of being with a woman who insisted on acting straight in public. That relationship didn't last long, not surprisingly.

Jess took my hand in hers on the walk back to her house. I knew I was falling in love with her, and maybe I already did a long time ago. Annie's words of caution still rang in my ears and I pushed aside my fear that Jess might never feel the same way.

"What's on your mind, Alex?" Jess interrupted my thoughts, "You've gone awfully quiet."

"Committing to memory how it feels to walk like this with you, holding your hand," I gave her hand a squeeze. She gave me a quick squeeze back.

As we got back to her house, Jess looked at her watch and sighed, "We'll need to get in the car soon. But before we go, I have something to give you."

I sat on the sofa while she disappeared into the spare room. When she came back out, she had an envelope on her hand.

"This is for you," she said, handing it to me.

"Well, this is new!" I teased, "I'm usually the one flooding you with letters."

Jess blushed, "As I said, everything is different now. Alex, please don't open it until the plane has taken off, okay?

I nodded, sliding the envelope into my backpack, "I promise," I said sincerely.


Alex and I were both lost in thought as we headed to the airport, her hand holding mine as I drove. I cursed the lack of traffic as we cruised towards Heathrow, jealous of cars headed in the opposite direction.

Before we knew it, I was pulling into the short stay car park at Terminal 3. Alex got her suitcase and backpack from the backseat and we headed to the check-in kiosks. With her boarding pass in hand, we slowly meandered towards the departure area.

"Call me when you arrive," I said, hugging her tight.

"It will be after midnight for you," Alex's strong arms held me reassuringly.

"Just call me. You have my mobile and home number, right?"

"Jess, I've had them committed to memory since I coaxed them off you years ago," Alex kissed me on the nose.

I hugged her tighter.

"I better go," Alex said quietly.

I held her face in my hands and kissed her, desperately wanting to convey everything that I was feeling but couldn't say.

"I really do love kissing you," Alex murmured when we finally broke away from each other, "drive home safely, okay? I'll call you when I land." She gave me another kiss, grabbed her bags, and walked through the gates.

I stood there, mute and frozen as I watched her hand her passport and boarding pass to the immigration officer. She turned, raised her hand, and disappeared around the corner.

I walked numbly back to my car, picked up my phone and texted Cathy: Alex just left. At airport.

My phone beeped instantaneously: Don't go home. Come to us. Jules will fix you up something strong.

For lack of ability to make any decisions, I drove myself to Cathy and Julia's. I let myself in, and Cathy came running out of the kitchen when I walked through.

She gave me a big hug, "Jess -- have you eaten?" Cathy asked. I shook my head and she disappeared into the kitchen, saying 'Julia's in the kitchen fixing up just the thing.'

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Alex, The immigration officer asked me the purpose of my trip and I contemplated telling him it was to do unspeakable things to you.

Not long after came another, Now sitting in the lounge, watching a kid repeatedly plug and unplug his dad's phone into the wall. Dad oblivious.

I chuckled, dried my eyes, and texted back, At C and J's. Wish you were here.

Alex: Me too. Say hi for me. I'm going to grab some food. Will text you before I board.