Flashing, Spanking & Wanking! No. 03

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Julie takes advantage of her brothers caged cock.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/07/2021
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Friday evening came, and I glowed with sexual excitement, knowing I had my brother Rob's cock and balls in a cage and unknown to him, I had the key.

They say there's no greater aphrodisiac than power, and I began to experience how true that was. Knowing I held the key to Rob's freedom had me gushing into my panties on the car ride home. Even mother wondered what I was grinning about.

The amusing thing was that Rob didn't know I had the key. He thought his girlfriend Gemma had taken it away with her for her long weekend. Gemma wasn't that cruel. The whole thing was to tease him as she had given me the key to release him the next day.

She didn't precisely say when though, and I intended to have him locked up and please me for a good part of the weekend, but what to do?

It wasn't long before he was in my bedroom complaining.

"The bitch has got me in this bloody thing all weekend," Rob whined, dropping his trousers to show his industrial-strength cage. I covered my mouth, giggling at his cock already straining within.

"You didn't have to accept," I laughed, "anything to get your leg over."

"She'd better let me after this," he angrily exclaimed," will you help me get it off?"


"Dads got a pair of bolt cutters in the shed, and a hack saw."

"Why don't you just get the fire brigade?" I laughed aloud.

"Oh, fuck off."

"Hey, if you want my help, you'd better treat your sister well," I warned.

"What do you mean?"

"You know," I haughtily whispered, "Treat me well."

"Okay, I'm sorry, but please, will you help me?"

I deliberately mulled over his question as his cage shook in anticipation of my answer.

"That depends?" I answered, drawing out his anxiety.

"On what?" He urgently cried, his metallic cage-rattling making me howl with laughter.

"Oh, come on, Sis, please!"

"I can't right now. I've got Caroline coming over to help us with some college work."

"What, Caroline Hunt?"

"That's right."

"Her and her big tits?"

"They generally come together, but yes, Mark's girlfriend," I quickly reminded.

"Oh fucking hell, Big tits Hunt in the same house, and I can't do anything about it," he sighed.

Was anything sexual off-limits to my brother, I wondered to myself as he dejectedly pulled his trousers up?

"Fucking hell, my balls are going to be stretched down to my knees if I don't get this thing off."

I giggled as I watched him shuffle off back to his bedroom, and I prepared my bedroom and awaited big tits Caroline.

Hours later, Caroline and I had sorted out our course work. She was sexily dressed with her boobs tightly bound In a thin cotton jumper. Her legs disappointingly in jeans, which did show off her ass amazingly.

It was difficult to concentrate on our work as her assets always seemed to be in my face. She had a loud laugh, which I encouraged because I knew Rob would be lying on his bed with his aching cock and balls. His junk, straining within its cage as he imagined Caroline and her legendary boobs.

"My, it's so quiet here," Caroline quietly opined, looking around my bedroom.

"Too quiet," I added.

"Are there any boys in the village?" Caroline asked, shaking her long blonde hair and letting it fall down over her shoulders.

"None, none at all, I'm in sexual purgatory," I confessed, "I was getting my kicks by letting dirty old men look up my skirt walking down the stairs on the bus."

I neglected to tell her that I had been really enjoying it and suggested I was in my regulation skirt.

"Me and Christy used to flash the lorries near Pings wood." Caroline admitted with a smirk, "It was great fun while it lasted."

"Ha, you've got something worth flashing," I joked, keen to talk about her body.

"It wasn't always the way. When we started out, Christy was the same size as me. We used to hang out on the corner after taking out bras off, and when a lorry came, we used to lift our jumpers."

"You? I always thought you were so demure and sophisticated?"

"Me sophisticated! Haha, let's just say I've changed a bit since I met Mark."

"I'll say, I'm not surprised at Christy, though!" I laughed.

"Meaning?" teased Caroline.

"Nothing," I stalled, refusing to take the bait, "Tell me more."

Caroline's eyes were scurrying in her head, eager to tell all.

"It was great we'd both stay there and wait for the lorries and flash them."

"One girl after the other or at the same time?"

"We always gave them both barrels," laughed Caroline and wobble them a bit when we got a blast from their horn, which was every time, the horny bastards!"

It was my turn to dream, imagining Caroline juggling her jugs, and I began to wonder. Was I envious of her obvious assets, or did I fancy her? I had a moment in my old school when we were away on a school trip overnight. The queen bee of our class visited me in the night and seduced me.

I didn't offer much resistance but was shocked to be out of control as she did things to me that I was yet to discover.

"Tell me about your flashing?" Asked Caroline, keen to keep the subject going.

"It's quite liberating in a way," I confessed, and I found myself yearning for my sexy undies I had lost in the fire."

"That must have been devastating," empathised Caroline, "you lose more than just an object."

"I'll say, memories, keepsakes, it feels like they've all got erased from history. I do miss my clothes. It's funny how you can suddenly become a nobody just because you don't wear sexy, fashionable clothes."

"You are what you wear," chipped in Caroline.

"I thought it was, "you are what you eat?"

"Depends on what you look like naked and looking at you; I don't think you have any eating disorders."

I smiled at the compliment, and the more I thought about it, the more I blushed.

"I've had to wear supermarket clothes for so long I've forgotten what it's like to dress to impress," I lied, knowing I had saved a few sexy items from the fire.

"You must come around and borrow a few things of mine until you rebuild your wardrobe," kindly offered Caroline.

"I'd need a lot of padding for your bra's," I joked, "Room for two more on top!"

"But only my panties, stockings, girdles and baby doll nighties," she added with a big wink.

"Thanks, Caroline, that's really appreciated."

"Come around and try a few things on," she suggested," it'll be fun seeing you in some of my clothes."

"Yeah, okay," I agreed with an underlying feeling of confusion as I imagined myself slipping into her panties while she watched. I was curious about her motives and was strangely tantalised. My body shuddered sensually, and I began to move in my seat to the twitching of my pussy.

There was an impasse, a moment when we seemed to connect. I felt uncomfortable and moved things on.

"Do you still like to expose yourself?" I asked, instantly admonishing myself for keeping the theme sexual.

"Oh yes, it gives me such a thrill. It got out of control though, things like that always do." Solemnly confessed Caroline.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, everything was fine until the lorry drivers cottoned on to us. They started stopping and chasing us."

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, genuinely excited about what was to come.

"Luckily, we knew the woods really well and could always get away from them with our head start."

"So what went wrong?" I asked, enthusiastic for more.

"Well, I started developing these puppies," Caroline demonstrated by taking her big boobs and juggling them. Her arms straining to take the weight of her pendulous mammaries.

"What, couldn't you run away as fast? Did your boobs swing up and smack you in the face?"

Caroline burst out laughing, "Hey their not that heavy. No, Christy got jealous. She refused to give the drivers four in the eyes because she thought I was getting more attention.

"You most probably were," I laughed, "You know how men are with big tits!"

"Julie please, some respect for my assets if you please?" Caroline jokingly mocked, "My breasts, boobies or Tiddies if you must be vulgar," she joked.

"Tiddies it is then!" I laughed.

"Christy couldn't take it, so she resorted to..."

"What? I breathlessly asked, excited to know more.

"Dropping her panties!"


"It's true, straight up. I didn't mind if it made her happy. She thought she was getting more attention, and we were both happy."

"So how did it get out of control?" I asked, totally bemused with the thought of big wobbly boobs, lowered panties and erect lorry drivers.

"Christy lowered her panties, and I swear the lorry driver was already breaking before we even flashed. The lorry stopped, and the driver got out. I ran like the wind. The problem was Christy wasn't with me. As she turned, her panties were around her ankles, and they tripped her up.

"I couldn't help her. I was topless in the woods and just as vulnerable. I had to sneak back, and that's where I saw Christy losing her virginity! "


"It's true, she claimed she turned to run, and her panties snagged around her ankles, leaving her bottomless on the ground, and the lorry driver jumped on her and screwed her."

"She was raped?"

"No! She was enjoying it more than the lorry driver! I swear she even cum."


"I'm sure she even went back the next day for seconds!"

Caroline arched her back and pushed her big jugs out, her hard nipples prominent in her tight dark purple jumper. She yawned as she stretched her arms above her head. It gave me ample time to study her well-furnished chest.

She caught me studying her boobs and broke out in a smile as she brought her hands down to rub her long blonde hair.

I was envious of her size, and there were stories and jokes aplenty concerning her mammies. She rejoiced in her assets. There was a story of her in the pub one Christmas. She was standing on a table and drunkenly ripping her top off for all to see.

"Here you go, boys," she allegedly said, juggling her huge tits up and down, "Merry Christmas!"

"Sorry," I quickly said.

"Don't worry, I get it all the time," she smiled, "even from girls."


"Oh yes, the irony is I'd much rather have yours."

"Yeah, sure," I dismissed.

"I would. Mine are like two wobbly jellies," she self mocked, "here have a feel."

With that, she quickly took my hand and pressed it against her breast and held it there.

"You see, too soft," she accentuated by pressing my hand in and out of her voluptuous boobs. I stared on gobsmacked, wondering where this was going.

"Yours are far firmer," she asserted and quickly cupped my breast, kneading it softly, "My, I'd love to have your tits, so nice and firm."

I gawped in shock as she casually groped me while holding my hand to her admittedly soft jugs.

We sat there in the incredulous position of a hand on each other's breast. Caroline was coming on to me, but I was too scared to take the next move. The front doorbell went.

"That'll be Mark to pick me up," informed Caroline, still working my breast, bringing me on.

I nodded in a trance. The bell ringing, again, sod's law. It was always the way. Whenever I was watching, reading or even doing something erotic, someone would always interrupt.

"We'll take this up when you come around and try on my panties," she laughed as she lifted and kissed my mesmerised face.

"Okay," I flatly agreed. I saw her out and had a small chat with Mark, not really taking things in. The door closed, and I rushed to Rob's bedroom. He was lying on his bed listening to music to save his bollocks from being stretched.

"You never guess what?" I blurted on heat, not caring about the significance of what I was about to say, "Caroline has just put my hand on her boobs!"

"Oh fuck off, Sis, wearing this thing bad enough without you teasing me," he whined.

"Sorry, but it's true. She groped me at the same time."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," and then you went down on each other, "dismissed Rob in pain."

"I'm not joking. She groped and kissed me," I insisted.

"What, big tits Hunter groped your tea cakes," he laughed.

"Hey, have some respect for my chest, breasts, boobies or Tiddies if you must be vulgar," I mimicked.

"Tiddies! Are you boarding the good ship lesbos?" He laughed.

My head spun in confusion, "I don't know. All I do know is I'm horny as hell!"

"That's fine, but you said you'd help me get this thing off," he said, pointing to his hardcore cage on his cock and balls.

Without thinking, I turned to the bedroom door and locked it.

"What are you playing at?"

"You want help getting that cage off? You have to do something for me."


I lifted my dress and exposed my wet panties. "Eat me!"

Rob smiled and sat up on the bed. There was an iota of doubt about what he was about to do. He pulled me towards him by my hips, never taking his wide eyes off my pussy.

He lightly rubbed me over my panties, brought a finger up to my pantie gusset, and lightly ran his finger along my lips.

Rob worked a finger inside my panties and slowly ran his fingertip tantalisingly along my opening. I sighed and fell towards him, gripping his shoulders.

I quivered on the spot, my legs instantly trembling. Rob smiled and looked up at me as he worked a lone finger into me. My body juddered as I went onto my toes, my hands going out to hold his shoulders harder as I widened my trembling legs.

"You really are 'on', aren't you? You're pantie gussets sopping wet!"

"Just fucking eat me!" I rasped, trying to spike myself on his probing fingers as his thumb lightly brushed my hood.

"I've already eaten dinner," he joked.

"That was a starter, now for the main course of fish pie!" I croaked.

Rob quickly brought his tongue to my inner thighs, and he slowly licked upwards towards my teased pussy.

He stroked my pubic hair, and I swallowed involuntarily, knowing what pleasurably sensations awaited me. Rob withdrew his hands and took hold of my undies. I felt my bare ass exposed as he pulled them down, popping them over the arc of my bottom, pulling them down my legs slowly. They embarrassingly stuck in the moistness of my vagina before being ripped free down my legs.

He pulled my panties down to my mid-thighs, my parted legs bringing some resistance to the action. Rob stopped and removed his hands and studied my neatly trimmed pubic hair. My breathing intensified as he studied my unbridled wanton pussy. Exploring the neat folds of my gash delicately covered by the starkness of my pubic hair.

He lightly stroked the slight protrusion of my lips between and under my parted legs, and I sighed through my shallow breath.

"finger me harder!" I demanded, my hands forcefully gripping his shoulders.

I gulped hard and slowly moved as he stroked my inner thigh. He slid his hand up slowly as his other hand came down and held my trembling ass cheek.

He kneaded my soft, pliable skin, and my ass came alive as he kneaded my ass cheek.

His pointed finger was drawn along from my ass to my pussy.

I softly wriggled on his fingertips that were threatening to re-penetrate the small folds of my opening.

"Oh, stop teasing me!" I gasped in frustration, thrusting my pussy back and forth pussy in a hopeless attempt to spear myself on something phallic.

A finger slid into me quickly, and I gasped and went up on my toes again. Rob's grip intensified on my ass cheek as he probed deeper into pussy. He gripped my buttock harder as he introduced a second finger to my warm silky haven.

I sighed at my slow, deep finger fucking. A slight quiver and wavering ran down my inner legs.

He thrust deep into my young moist pussy, my natural lube running down onto his fingers.

Robs thumb worked along my slit, making me gasp and tremble on his piston probing fingers. I looked down at him pumping away and saw Robs face intently concentrating on his work.

I could feel his hot breath on me as he brought up his thumb and parted my pussy lips, ploughing into my moist furrow. I gasped loudly and sprightly went higher up on my toes, falling forward with my fingernails digging into his shoulders in ecstasy.

My skirt momentarily fell over his working hand, which I quickly lifted back up, making sure he could see his handy work.

He worked my hood, and I hit another high as his thumb lightly pushed it aside, making me openly groan with pleasure.

He introduced a third finger into my cunt, drawing a loud cry

"Oh, fuck! That's so good." I yelled.

"You're a horny little bitch on heat, aren't you?" Teased Rob looking up into my mangled cum face.

"Just eat me," I squealed.

My legs were wavering visibly, and my once ridged defiant stance gave away to a pliable soft body struggling to remain upright in its rapture.

He kept me steady with his hand digging into my ass cheek, almost gripping one half of my soft derrière. He accelerated his thrusts as my head went over his shoulder, groaning and gasping, struggling to ride his three fingers.

"Lick me!" I rasped.

"What?" He teased, wanting me to beg.

"Lick me!" I spat into his ear.

He knew full well what I wanted, and he moved in tongue out to attack.

He stuck his tongue out and moved in and circled my hood, making me gasp.

"Lighter, lighter," I instructed, and he did as he was told.

He loosened his grip on my ass cheek and let his hand caress up and down my sweaty crack. He brushed my anus along the way, lighting me up as he ran his finger around my rim.

It was all systems go as he licked around my hood, pumping my hole and fingering my ass.

My legs vibrated manically. Soon, I started having quick repetitive breaths pulsating in my torso, only to stop too soon.

He flicked up my hood with his moist tongue and tongue-lashed my clit. Again my body pulsated with quick deep repetitive breaths, this time stopping quicker. My legs violently knocked as I let out a continuous involuntary rhythmical volley of 'O's.

Again the breaths stopped as he continued to work me. My vaginal juices now flooding over his pussy pumping hand.

Again my body pulsated with quick deep repetitive breaths, but this time the dam broke, and I let out a loud cry! Wave upon wave washed through my head, and Rob pumped me for all he was worth. He was enjoying seeing Sis dancing to his invading fingers.

"Such a horny little bitch!" He delighted in telling having me squirm and wriggle to his command.

I didn't care. As his words were hardly getting through in my reverie. I gasped on his pivot, crying out through the waves of rapture. I squealed out my delight, and eventually, I felt my body relax.

Rob kept going, and then suddenly I jumped as if his tongue hit me with a shock through too much sensitively after I had cum.

"Stop, stop, stop," I cried, collapsing over Rob. I started to laugh, "It's too sensitive after I've cum!"

Rob withdrew his fingers, and I winched a little as he smiled and licked my juices from his fingers.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you, my little slut?" Rob taunted.

"Well, Yes! That was the point."

"So you can do something for me?" He asked, making me smile as I took deep breathes to recover my composure.

What could he ask for? I wondered as I pulled up my panties. His cock was out of order in its cage.

"What do you want?"

"Remember that time you rushed into the bathroom not knowing I was in the shower?"

I remembered it all too well and wondered what he wanted as the outcome of that scene was me tossing him off, something I had begun to regret.

"You sat on the toilet having a good piss."

"Yes, you don't forget a thing like that in a hurry." I declared with many embarrassing thoughts going through me.

"I'd like to watch you pee again," he revealed as I stood dumbfounded.

"You're joking?"

"No, I'm not. It got me so turned on I want to see it again."