Flight of Fancy Ch. 02

Story Info
A shy Yumiko tries to break out of her shell to seduce Tyler
12.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 09/22/2023
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Author's Note: Hey everyone! When thinking about where I wanted to take this story, I decided that I wanted to try exploring something new. I hope it will add some additional sexiness to the story, but still hold true to my believable and somewhat realistic storytelling. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


"Ladies and gentlemen, we've just arrived at our destination. Please check for your belongings before departing and we hope you fly with us again. Thank you," the head stewardess announced over the plane intercom.

Our first-class passengers started to leave the plane, and I was at the front saying goodbye while giving polite bows by the exit doors. However, my attention focused on Tyler whenever I could as he started to gather his belongings. While we had traded flirtatious looks and touches for the rest of the flight after our tryst in the bathroom, we didn't have another chance to talk to each other. Just remembering how he made my body feel made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

When he started to walk to the exit, my heart started to pound in my chest. I wanted to say something to him, but my mind remained blank. As he got closer, I found myself helplessly staring into his bright blue eyes and I could see him staring back at me. His look gave me a rush of arousal and I swallowed deeply. He was at least 10 years older than me, but he didn't look or act like it. I saw him chat with Usagi for a few moments and a wave of jealousy washed over me as they seemed to flirt a little. As he neared me, I anxiously brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

Walking in front of me, he leaned over to me and said quickly, "Meet me at baggage claim."

My heart went from pounding in my chest to going into a full frenzy. He continued walking away before I could say anything and my eyes followed each step he took. I heard my best friend thank another guest who was leaving, but I was still dumbfounded by what he said. Did I hear him correctly? Why did he want to meet with me? Maybe he was going to ask me out? The mere thought of it made me blush slightly to myself. Breaking out of my stupor, I continued bowing to our departing guests.

After all of our passengers deboarded, we started to clean up the cabin and I was eagerly anticipating meeting him again once we were dismissed from the plane. I would have to make some kind of excuse to get away from Usagi and my other coworkers, but I was confident that I would be able to think of something. My eternally horny mind was already thinking of all the different things we could do with one another if we found ourselves alone again. Damn, was I already addicted to that huge cock of his?

When we finished our clean-up, I was excited to be dismissed, but it seemed like fate had other plans. The head stewardess mentioned that we had training to review and that we were all going to go to our airline's offices inside the airport. I was heartbroken by the news. I thought that I would have a chance to sneak away to see Tyler, but now that we had training, there was no way I could break away from the group. Worse yet, I knew he wouldn't hang around until training was over! Goddammit!

Crestfallen and slightly depressed, I gathered my things and walked with the rest of my coworkers. Usagi immediately noticed that something was up with me, but she couldn't talk to me about it with everyone else around. After a painfully long walk, we arrived at the offices and occupied one of the meeting rooms for training. Professionally, I knew that I should be paying attention, but personally, I was staring at the clock hoping that this would be over as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the training was not brief. Several hours later, the training was still going on with no end in sight. It was now early evening and they even had dinner brought to the room. I knew there was no way that Tyler would have waited around for this long. Finally, after what felt like years, training wrapped up and we gathered our things. Leaving the offices, we exited the airport terminal and headed down where we could catch a taxi.

I knew that baggage claim would be right next to the exit, so I convinced Usagi that I needed to use the bathroom before we left. I knew the bathrooms were deeper inside baggage claim and it would give me a chance to see if Tyler was anywhere to be found. However, after meticulously scanning the area while walking to the bathroom, I didn't see him anywhere. Life was so unfair at the moment.

My emotions were all over the place, but I mainly flipped between being angry and sad. I really wanted to see him again and I knew that it was unlikely that our paths would ever cross again. Usagi definitely knew that something was going on, but I just played it off like I had some stomach pain. We left the airport and took a taxi to the hotel. I tried to make small talk with my best friend, but it was hard while being so sexually frustrated.

Arriving at the luxury hotel by mid-evening, we checked in and quickly went up to the room that the airline booked for us. We started to settle in and we were both clearly tired from a long day. When we both started to undress, my eyes were immediately drawn to Usagi. Damn, I sometimes forgot how sexy my best friend was. Now only in her underwear, she peeled off her sports bra and I helplessly stared at her large breasts. They were perfectly round and shockingly perky for their size. She often wore a sports bra to hide them while in uniform and I stared admiringly.

The rest of her body was stunning too, especially since she was way more active and athletic than me. Her arms and stomach were wonderfully toned, and her legs were a little thicker than mine, packed with lean muscle. The only asset I had her beat on was my ass. Her butt was round and firm, but nowhere near as big as mine. Many people thought I had a cuter face, but if we were on a beach, guys would flock to her even more than me.

Arousal flourished within me the longer I stared at her. My mind started to fantasize about touching her body and I grew deeply ashamed. God, I was so frustrated and horny that memories flooded my brain of when we experimented together in the past. Every time it happened, we were both impossibly horny, and being the sexual deviants that we were, we explored each other's bodies. I still remember how sexy her soft touch was and it sent a shiver down my spine.

However, it had been years since we last made out with each other. Usagi was always more aggressive in experimenting more and consistently pushed my boundaries, but I was too timid and typically put a stop to things before they went too far. Now though, I was so aroused that part of me wanted to take the initiative and kiss her soft lips.

Shaking my head, I tried to break myself out of the weird, horny daze I was in. We both wanted to shower, but I told her I was going to first. Not only did I never have a chance to properly clean up since the wild tryst with Tyler, but I also needed to distract myself. Going into the bathroom, I stripped off my underwear and breathed a large sigh of relief when I stepped under the hot water of the shower. Not only did I feel cleaner, but the hot water soothed a lot of the frustration that I had since leaving the airport.

Once done, I left the shower and started to dry myself off. With only a towel wrapped around my body, I stood in front of the mirror and began to examine my face when I saw Usagi walk into the bathroom. I was so fixated on my face that I didn't even look at her. She stood in front of the mirror next to me and appeared to be removing the makeup from her face. She kept looking over at me and I wondered why. Suddenly, I felt her press up behind me and her hands grabbed my breasts roughly, causing me to gasp.

"Ohhh, Yumiko! I think your breasts got bigger! Maybe you'll catch up to me soon," she said joyfully while giggling.

"What are you doing? Oh my god, stop it Usagi!" I softly said while squirming to have her stop touching me.

"Stop being so embarrassed, I'm just saying my best friend looks really hot," she said playfully while finally letting go of my body.

I glared at her and she rolled her eyes at me before saying, "Fine, I'll give you some privacy."

She walked out of the bathroom and I gripped the vanity while breathing hard. I squinched my eyes as I felt pleasure continue to wash over me. Why did she have to joke around with me today of all days? I felt so horny that I almost told her not to stop. Doing my best to calm myself down, I continued with my routine and made sure to dry my hair.

Before I left the bathroom, I noticed that there was only one set of towels. I knew Usagi would want to shower too, so I looked all over but wasn't able to find any. I changed into some comfy loungewear and decided to see if I could find some extra towels in the closet.

"What are you looking for?" my best friend asked after seeing me rummage around.

"There aren't any additional towels in the bathroom so I was wondering if they stored extras someplace else," I responded.

"In the closet though?"

"I don't know, maybe someone dropped them off there by mistake."

"Just call the front desk and have them bring up another set."

Closing the closet door, I walked over to the hotel phone and dialed the front desk. The phone continued to ring and ring, but no one seemed to be picking up. What the hell?

Hanging up the phone, I said annoyed, "They aren't answering."

"Just go down to the front desk yourself and ask," Usagi replied in a muffled voice as she lay on her bed, face down on a soft pillow covered by her neck-length black hair.

"You can go down and ask too you know," I quipped back.

"Yeah, but I'm already so tired and comfortable. Can't you go? Please?"

"Ugh, fine, I'll go. Don't fall asleep when I'm gone though. You always pass out after a long flight!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," she responded, already sounding sleepy.

"Uh-huh," I said while finding some slippers I could wear out.

Exiting the room, I started to walk down the hallway while tying my hair into a ponytail behind me. Reaching the elevators, I called for the elevator, got in, and pressed the button for the lobby. As it started to descend, I was amazed that I was still so aroused. Usagi being playful definitely didn't help, but my dirty mind couldn't stop thinking about Tyler and his huge cock. I felt hornier than I had been in years. The elevator arrived at the lobby floor and when the doors opened, a large, muscular frame filled the doorway.


"Tyler?" I replied in shock.

I couldn't believe he was standing right in front of me! Maybe fate was on my side after all.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with my accent, still caught completely off-guard.

"I'm staying here for a conference. What are you doing here?" he replied, clearly as surprised as I was.

"This is the hotel our airline partners with. We stay here until our next flight leaves tomorrow," I said and found myself already staring into his bright blue eyes.

For a moment, we both just stood still, staring at each other in silence. However, the more he looked at me, the more embarrassed I was that he was seeing me dressed like this. While the stewardess uniform was not sexy or revealing, the clothes I had on now were not flattering at all. The sweatpants and sweatshirt I wore were very baggy and didn't frame my figure whatsoever. I normally didn't dress provocatively but I had an intrinsic desire now that I was in front of him.

Neither of us moved for so long that the elevator doors started to close, and when we both stuck out our hands to keep it open, we touched each other. Making physical contact with him felt like a jolt of lightning raced through my body. My heart rate started to skyrocket more than it already was, and I felt my face flush red. Pulling my hand back, I stepped out of the elevator to stand next to him. His larger, sexy, muscular physique dwarfed my petite Asian body and I felt my body heat up.

"I can't believe we get to meet like this. To be honest, I thought you didn't want to see me again since you never showed up earlier," he said in a deep, but soft voice.

"Oh, no no no. I'm so sorry! It's just that...I had umm...we had training...and...and, I couldn't, but I wanted to, and--" I stammered out in a jumbled mess.

"It's ok, I totally get it. Well, since we've run into each other again, do you want to grab a drink with me at the hotel bar?"

"Really? I mean, that sounds....uhhh...that sounds nice," I stumbled over my words while turning my head away and blushing deeply.

"Great! Let's meet down there in 30 minutes? It should give us enough time to change," he said and I saw him smiling brightly out of the corner of my eye.

"Yeah! 30 minutes...sounds plenty," I said while smiling brightly as well, but still too nervous to look directly at him.

He reached out to press the elevator button which quickly re-opened the doors, stepped inside, and before the doors closed he said, "Can't wait to see you later."

I wanted to respond, but my mind fumbled with a response. Before I could think of something to say, the elevator doors closed and he was gone. I winced at how awkward I just acted, but soon the embarrassment turned into excitement. Oh my god, I couldn't believe I was actually going to see him again! I was about to press the elevator button to go back up when I remembered the original reason why I came down here.

Walking over to the front desk with a beaming smile on my face, I asked for some extra towels. Once they handed me some, I hurriedly turned around and walked back to the elevators. My mind was alive with energy and excitement. However, as I rode the elevator up, it finally dawned on me that I barely brought any clothes with me. Shit, what was I going to wear? My mind was frantically trying to think of something and I started to absentmindedly chew on my fingernails, a bad habit I always did when I was nervous.

Walking down the hallway back to the room, I still had no idea what I was going to do. Could I just wear what I had on currently? Would he care? Once I walked inside our room, I went to give Usagi her towels when I saw her curled up on the bed. I could already hear her snoring and I knew she was dead asleep. My face turned to disappointment, but not surprise. I knew there was no way she was going to stay awake.

Dropping the towels, I walked over to my carry-on suitcase and rummaged through my clothing. I was hoping that I packed something, anything that I could potentially wear for tonight. Digging to the bottom of my suitcase, I noticed some clothes that I didn't remember packing. Pulling them out, I noticed a pair of stiletto shoes and I instantly knew where they came from; Usagi.

Every time we traveled to a new city, she always talked about how we would go out as two, young, single girls and go to the trendiest club. She was always way more adventurous and outgoing than I was and she knew I would never go unless she dragged me there.

She always begged me to pack one outfit I could wear to go out to the club with her, but I often never did. Besides, as much as she talked about it, she always passed out the moment we got to the hotel anyway. Yet, since we were roommates, she often snuck some of my sexiest clothes into my suitcase, just in case. Thank god. For once, it was a lifesaver.

Taking the tank top and shorts out along with a new pair of sexy underwear, I brought them to the bathroom to try on. Pulling off my baggy sweats and basic underwear, I quickly slipped on my lacey thong and matching bra. The skimpy material sent a shiver of excitement down my spine and I grabbed the shorts next. They were faux leather and after pulling them up my smooth legs, I struggled a bit to pull them up my large, round ass. God, they were so tight! Grabbing the tank top, I pulled it down over my head and adjusted it before checking myself out in the mirror.

When I saw my reflection, my eyes widened and I almost gasped at what I saw. No wonder Usagi packed this outfit for me, I looked so sexy! The tank top had spaghetti straps that barely covered my bra straps and a low, scooping neckline that revealed a fair amount of my C-cup breasts. Not only that, but it hugged my body tightly and perfectly contoured around my round breasts. It was slightly cropped too, showcasing some of the smooth skin of my flat stomach.

My eyes lowered to my shorts and I noticed how they seemed to fit me like a tight pair of gloves. The material barely covered any of my smooth legs and when I turned around to look at my butt, my mouth hung open in shock. It perfectly molded around my firm, round ass and there was so little material that it barely covered all of it! Almost nothing was left to the imagination and for once I was thankful I was wearing such skimpy underwear otherwise it would have clearly outlined against these shorts.

While I loved how sexy I looked, I did not have enough confidence to go out there showing so much skin. Suddenly, I remembered that this top had a matching shoulder shrug and I went to the suitcase to check if Usagi packed it as well. My best friend continued to snore blissfully on her bed and I was thankful I didn't have to sneak around her. Finding the shoulder shrug, I went back to the bathroom to put it on.

Slipping my arms into the long sleeves, I pulled it up and over my shoulders, and hooked the clasp at the front, right below my collarbone. While it didn't cover up my breasts, it made me feel a bit more comfortable now that my arms and shoulders were covered. Releasing my silky black hair from its ponytail, it fell in soft waves to my shoulders. Overall, I thought I still looked quite sexy, and just imagining Tyler's eyes when he saw me dressed like this made my heart speed up.

Checking my phone, I realized that it was time for us to meet downstairs and I walked out to grab the pair of stilettos that Usagi also packed for me. They were super cute and had a strap that wrapped around my ankle. Grabbing my small purse, I hurried to the mirror to give myself a final check before leaving. My legs and ass looked incredible before, but now that I was wearing the stilettos, I thought my long legs looked even sexier. With my confidence beaming, I walked out of the room and headed down the hallway to the elevator.

The anticipation of seeing Tyler again was making my legs feel like pudding. During the entire elevator ride down to the lobby floor where the bar was, I nervously chewed on my fingernails. A million different scenarios were going through my mind as to what was going to happen and my heart was beating fast from excitement. Arriving at the lobby floor, I took a deep, shuddering breath and walked out of the elevator.

It was only a short walk to get to the bar area and I was surprised by how classy it looked. While it wasn't crowded, there were more people here than I expected and after walking in, I scanned the room looking for him. When my eyes finally locked onto him at the bar counter, I felt my heart skip a beat. He stood up from his bar stool and smiled at me. God, he looked so sexy.

He switched into a clean, button-up shirt and it seemed to barely fit over his muscular frame. While it wasn't as tight as the shirt he wore on the plane, his muscles still pushed out the material of his shirt and I stared longingly. His sleeves were rolled up slightly on his arms exposing his forearms, which I secretly found sexy on guys. The chino pants he had on were stylish and somehow hid his absolute monster of a cock. I knew he had to be in his late 30's or early 40's, but he had the body of someone in their 20's!

Already blushing slightly, I smiled back at him and walked deeper into the bar towards him, my stilettos clicking on the ground beneath me. When I got closer, I noticed him clearly checking me out as his eyes slowly scanned my body up and down. As confident as I was, I was still nervous about whether he would find my outfit attractive. His smile continued to widen and widen, causing my confidence to skyrocket even further. His burning gaze made my legs feel wobbly from the rush of excitement.