Flight to Submission Ch. 02


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He placed his hand on the base of the butt plug and pressed firmly. Stephanie groaned against the gag as she felt the pressure inside her. Slowly but firmly, David started to work the plug in and out of her passage, maintaining the rhythm and allowing Stephanie to adjust to the new sensations. As she grew accustomed to the rhythm, Stephanie gradually relaxed, the tension easing from her body. David nodded in satisfaction and reached for a second plug, slightly larger than the first, with a bulb & tube attached. He coated it with lubricant and then slipped the first plug out, replacing it with the second. Stephanie tensed as she felt her passage being filled fuller, then gasped as David switched on the vibrator. A tingle started deep in her pussy.

David left her like that for a few minutes, allowing her to become accustomed to the wider girth, then squeezed the bulb. The plug inside her inflated, pressing against her passage and intensifying the vibrations. Again David left her like that for several minutes. He could just see the faint tremors beginning once again to suffuse her body. Finally he inflated the plug to its fullest and Stephanie groaned against the gag. She felt impaled and yet the vibrations were driving her to distraction! David watched for a few minutes and then switched off the vibrator, but left the plug fully inflated.

David moved back to the box that he'd had Stephanie bring in to the penthouse earlier. He leaned down and withdrew a specialised chastity belt made of wide leather. He also removed a fairly large vibrator and a much smaller one. He moved back to the bed and with Stephanie still in position, inspected her body. He could see that her pussy was still wet from the aftermath of her anal induced orgasm. He took the large vibrator and smoothly slid it into Stephanie's pussy. She groaned as she found herself stretched wider than she had ever been before. Next, David fastened the chastity belt around Stephanie's waist, letting the lower section fall free for the moment. He peeled back her clitoral hood and placed the small vibrator directly against her clit, then immediately drew the lower section of the belt down between her legs . He secured the belt so that it held each vibrator and the butt plug securely in position. He then released all the cuffs from their posts and ordered Stephanie to turn over.

Once she was on her back, David reattached all the wrist and thigh cuffs. He removed the spreader bar but attached cuffs to her ankles and then attached those cuffs to the posts at the end of the bed. Now Stephanie was face up & spread-eagled on the bed with her legs held wide apart. He walked back to the box and removed a small item before returning to the bed. He reached down and started to knead and massage Stephanie's right breast. In her heightened state of sensitivity, it didn't take long for her nipples to stiffen and soon both were standing erect. David swiftly attached clamps around them both, causing Stephanie to cry out against the gag as the clamps bit down on her nipples.

David looked down at her.

"You will now be taught orgasm denial," David informed her.

Stephanie's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I have told you that as my submissive, I own everything about your body, how you look, how you move and most importantly, your orgasms. If you cum, it will be because I allow you to do so. Once your training is complete, you will be expected to cum on my command, such is the control you will have been taught. If you cum without permission, you will be punished, as will be the case for you later." David paused to study the woman lying below him with her eyes wide in disbelief. "Your training will consist of being brought to the brink of orgasm. You will be expected to resist until given permission by me to cum."

Stephanie thought back to the afternoon's activities. The orgasms she had experienced had been impossible to resist and she desperately wondered how she was going to obey her Master's demands.

David's voice recaptured her attention. "You will remain gagged as I will not tolerate you trying to sway my decision," he said. "You would not succeed but I do not wish to be interrupted during training. Now we will begin."

He started up the vibrations in the butt plug once more at a low level and Stephanie groaned. He then pulled a remote control from his pocket. One by one, he switched on the vibrators in her pussy, against her clit and finally, in the nipple clamps, all on a low level. Stephanie shivered as her body responded to the vibrators. David kept them at a low level until he saw Stephanie's body start to squirm, evidence that the vibrators were taking effect. He proceeded to turn the vibrators up a couple of notches. Stephanie's body responded immediately. The squirming turned to writhing and she started to pant. David kept the vibrators at the same level for a couple of minutes, watching as sweat started to bead on Stephanie's skin. Once again, he turned up the vibrators and Stephanie's body bucked in response. Inside the cuffs, her hands clenched as the tremors swept over her body. David could tell she was getting close to the limit. He turned the vibrators up one more level. Stephanie started panting heavily, her body now writhing constantly, trying to twist away from the insistent demands of the vibrators. Her face turned towards David, her eyes pleading, begging him to allow her relief.

"Hold on!" David commanded.

Stephanie gulped, then took a deep breath as she tried desperately to control her body's reactions. She mentally commanded her body to resist the demands of the vibrators but knew she was losing the battle.

"Hold on!" David commanded her once again.

Stephanie looked at him imploringly, trying with all her might to communicate to him that she could not hold out for much longer.

"You do not have my permission to cum," David informed her, responding to the entreaty in her eyes.

Tears leaked from her eyes. Her body was raging out of control and she was fast losing the battle. In moments she would be unable to prevent the orgasm threatening to overwhelm her and disobey her Master. Suddenly all the vibrators stopped. Stephanie shuddered in reaction. She had been so close to disobeying her Master. Her eyes sought his, trying with all her might to convey her gratitude as she understood he had allowed her to obey him.

David allowed her a couple of minutes to compose herself and then once again switched on the vibrators. Again he increased their strength incrementally, this time keeping her at the brink for longer. Again, just as she was about to succumb, he switched them off. She lay there shuddering. This was excruciating! To be brought so close but denied release.

Once again, David repeated the process. By now Stephanie's body was highly sensitised. It took far less time to bring her to the point of orgasm. David watched intently, gauging Stephanie's reactions carefully. The aim of the lesson would be lost if he allowed her to cum during this session! Again, just as she was sure she was about to lose control, David switched off the vibrators.

Twice more David repeated the process, leaving it fractionally later each time and Stephanie was awash with sensations. She had lost the ability to think coherently. All she could cling to was the mantra "must not cum, do not cum".

David was impressed with Stephanie's fortitude. He had trained many different submissives in his time and very few had managed to endure this particular form of training for as long as she had in their initial sessions!

He allowed Stephanie to recover from the session but kept the vibrators and nipple clamps in place. He did, however, remove the gag.

"You have done very well, Stephanie," he told her approvingly as she gazed up at him through glazed eyes. "We will practice this every day until it becomes second nature for you to command obedience of your body in obedience to me."

Stephanie nodded tremulously. Her body was still racked with tremors, desperate for a release that was not forthcoming. David rose and moved over to the bar area. He took a glass from the counter and filled it from a jug of fresh orange juice that was standing in the fridge. This was no ordinary juice. It was specially made to his requirements and packed with electrolytes. Initial training was always arduous for the sub and he had no intention of allowing Stephanie to suffer any ill effects. He placed a straw into the glass and brought it back to the bed. He placed a hand under Stephanie's head and raised it sufficiently for her to sip the juice through the straw. She drained the glass in short order and David returned to the bar for a second glass. Once Stephanie had drained that one, David allowed her to lie back on the bed.

"Now," he said, gaining her attention,"do you remember that I asked you if you had ever performed oral?" he asked.

Stephanie nodded.

"You told me you believed you were a 9 out of 10, is that correct?"

Stephanie nodded once more, her eyes fixed on David's face.

"Well you are about to be tested on your skills," David informed her.

He released her cuffs but left them encircling her wrists and ankles. The chastity belt also remained in place. So, for that matter, did Stephanie. David looked at her quizzically. Usually new subs were keen to get up from the bed after that particular session, but Stephanie remained prone, a question in her eyes.

"You may rise to a sitting position and work some feeling back into your limbs," David told her.

Stephanie sat up and then winced as the action pressed the vibrators deeper into her. Nevertheless, she started shaking her arms out to work some feeling back into them then bent to massage her thighs, which had taken most of the strain of her bound position.

When David was satisfied that Stephanie had recovered, he issued his next command.

"Assume Position 2!" he ordered.

Stephanie sank to her knees on the floor, spread her knees wide and placed her hands behind her head.

David moved out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, where he slipped out of his clothes and into a black silk robe. Then he returned to the bedroom and stood before Stephanie.

"You will now thank me for introducing you to the pleasures of anal orgasm," he stated, opening the robe so that she was in no doubt as to his meaning as his magnificent cock stood proud before her.

Stephanie made to bring her hands away from her head.

"I did not give you permission to move from Position 2!" David barked.

Startled, Stephanie raised her eyes questioningly.

"You are to thank me with your mouth only," David told her.

Stephanie panicked. Whenever she had gone down on a man before she had used a combination of mouth and hands - to great effect. Now she was being restricted to the use of her mouth only and she didn't know if she would be as effective.

"Begin!" David commanded.

Stephanie sank to her knees on the floor, spread her knees wide and placed her hands behind her head.

David moved out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, where he slipped out of his clothes and into a black silk robe. Then he returned to the bedroom and stood before Stephanie.

"You will now thank me for introducing you to the pleasures of anal orgasm," he stated, opening the robe so that she was in no doubt as to his meaning as his magnificent cock stood proud before her.

Stephanie made to bring her hands away from her head.

"I did not give you permission to move from Position 2!" David barked.

Startled, Stephanie raised her eyes questioningly.

"You are to thank me with your mouth only," David told her.

Stephanie panicked. Whenever she had gone down on a man before she had used a combination of mouth and hands - to great effect. Now she was being restricted to the use of her mouth only and she didn't know if she would be as effective.

"Begin!" David commanded.

With a questioning look to gain permission, Stephanie shuffled forward on her knees until his cock hovered just in front of her lips. Opening her mouth, Stephanie slid out her tongue and gently swirled it around the tip of his member. She was startled when there was no response. Usually when she did this, there was at least a twitch of reaction. What she didn't know was that David was using mental techniques to place himself at a distance from what was going on. It was going to be very difficult for Stephanie to make him cum!

Gathering her determination and recovering from her surprise, Stephanie started to slow lave her tongue along David's cock, taking her time, feeling every ripple and ridge, his musky scent filling her nose. She continued to lick him for some time, relishing the feel of the soft skin against her tongue. In time, his cock glistened with her saliva. She brought her tongue back to the tip of his staff and swirled it around, lightly at first, barely touching the skin, then gradually increasing the pressure. She swept her tongue up & dipped it into the hollow at his cock's very tip and was disappointed not to taste any pre-cum. Her tongue re-traced its steps but this time she continued down until she could feel his balls. Her tongue traced the vein running between them and then swirled around each in turn, returning again & again to trace that vein. Once again, she returned to the tip of his cock, trying to taste the results of her efforts. Again, there was nothing.

Stephanie moved up a gear and brought her mouth into play. She repeated her earlier steps with her tongue laving up and down his cock, but this time followed it with feather light kisses covering the tracks her tongue had laid down. She moved down further to his balls. Again she used her tongue, swirling around each ball and tracing the vein between them. However, this time when her tongue was finished she sucked each ball into her mouth and used the base of her tongue to massage it. Above her, David sent himself a mental command not to react - this girl was good!

She moved her mouth back up towards the tip of his cock but this time instead of trying to tasted him, she opened her mouth and sucked him inside. She held the very tip in place as once again her tongue swirled around, over & under it. Then she took him in further and as her tongue swirled around, she started to suck. Her pussy was started to get wet and she realised that pleasuring her Master was turning her on.

Above her, David knew he needed to do something to interrupt her rhythm. He reached into the pocket of his robe and switched on the vibrators. Stephanie froze in shock as she felt the vibrations start in her ass, pussy and against her clit. She had been so intent on getting a reaction from her Master that she had completely forgotten the vibrators and the belt that held them in place. David increased the intensity and Stephanie groaned, the sound vibrating delightfully against his throat. She almost dropped her hands but remembered just in time to keep them in place.

She tried to regain her rhythm but the vibrators were causing too much distraction and time and time again she faltered. She heard David's voice above her.

"This is not a 9 out of 10 effort!" he said. "You obviously need further training. Withdraw and place your hands behind your back at waist height."

Mortified, Stephanie complied. This was the first time she had ever been criticised when performing oral!

David took a carabiner clip from his pocket and fastened Stephanie's wrist cuffs together. Her hands were now held firmly behind her back.

"Open!" David commanded.

Stephanie dutifully opened her mouth, despite the tremors that had started to once again surge through her body.

"Remember, you are not to cum unless I give you permission," David reminded her.

He then plunged his cock into Stephanie's open and receptive mouth, not too deeply for the moment, that would come soon enough.

"Now pleasure me, sub and do a better job of it than you have been doing so far!" he commanded.

Stephanie desperately tried to ignore the surges of sensation washing over her body to concentrate on what she was doing. She licked and sucked David's cock, bobbing her head backwards and forwards to pump her mouth up and down his staff. But again, David turned up the intensity of the vibrators and she faltered, groaning as waves of powerful sensations flooded through her. Her body started to shake and David knew she was close to the edge.

"It seems as if you cannot live up to the rating you gave yourself," David told her coolly. "You will therefore be trained in this until you can properly perform."

As he said this, David switched off the vibrators but his hands gripped her head forcefully, immobilising it. As he did so, he plunged his cock deep into her mouth, its tip hitting the back of her throat. He held it there as she tried desperately to get a breath, then withdrew slightly, allowing her to do so before once more plunging it deeply inside and holding it there. He increased his rhythm, plunging in and out of her mouth whilst holding her head immobile.

"Not good enough," he told her. "You are not open enough to me! Concentrate on opening your throat. I expect you to accommodate my entire length and you are not doing this at present!"

He tilted her head and once more plunged into her mouth. This time he continued to press at the back of her throat, feeling her gag reflex press against his cock, then with a shudder Stephanie managed to relax her throat slightly and David's cock slid deeper inside. He held it there for a moment then withdrew slightly to let her catch her breath.

"Better," he told her, "but still not good enough."

With that he entered her once more, firmly lodging his cock in her throat & pushing firmly until finally he overcame her gag reflex and his cock slid deeply into her throat, his balls pressing against her face. He could see her throat bulging against the collar where his cock was lodged. Again he held it there until he could feel her struggle to breath, when he withdrew. Now that he knew her throat would open to accommodate him, he started to pump in and out of her mouth, thrusting deep, each time his cocking forcing its way down her throat. He increased his rhythm and released the mental restraints he had placed on himself. As he did so his cock swelled, further filling her throat & Stephanie struggled to breath. However, her pussy was now very wet and she was aching for release. As David's rhythm increased once again, Stephanie tried to actively pleasure him, her tongue teasing his cock as it pumped in and out of her hard and fast. Above her, David groaned and his hands gripped her head even tighter. He thrust his cock hard into her, spilling his hot seed as it lodged deeply in her throat. Stephanie instinctively and convulsively swallowed, with the result that his cock was taken even deeper into her as she felt the salty liquid being pumped into her. David was a virile man and the end result of his self-denial earlier was that he spent a copious amount of cum down her throat before withdrawing into her mouth. He held her head in place as she gasped for air.

"Clean me!" he commanded and Stephanie obediently swirled her tongue around her Master's cock, lovingly removing every trace of semen, leaving his staff silky and smooth.

"Adequate," was David's comment as he withdrew. "You were far too confident in your abilities and would not have merited 9 out of 10 in this Lifestyle. You could not deep throat and lose concentration too easily. However," he continued as he saw the dismay sweep across her face, "you show promise and once trained properly you might, perhaps, attain the rating that you so erroneously awarded yourself. You will be expected to accommodate your Master fully and concentrate on him and him alone no matter what distractions you face. Do you understand?" he asked.