Flight to Submission Ch. 15


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Her Master's words penetrated the haze of lust and desire raging through her body.

"You may clear then bring the final plates to the table," he instructed.

On legs made weak by the intense feelings surging through her, Stephanie rose and cleared away the plate from in front of her Master, following Kristy into the kitchen. Awaiting them on the counter were two plates surmounted with silver covers. Kristy and Stephanie took one each and laid them in front of their Mistress and Master respectively. When they lifted the lids, a second serving of the main course was revealed.

David and Sue indicated that their subs should kneel beside them and proceeded to feed them, piece by small piece, allowing the young woman to savour every exquisite mouthful. With the delicious flavours to concentrate on, Stephanie managed to regain complete control of her wayward body and by the time her Master had finished feeding her, her body's demands had dwindled to a constant but bearable tingling. She felt completely filled by the vibrator and butt plug but was growing used to the feeling to the extent that it no longer intruded on her concentration.

David was pleased to see that she no longer even seemed to think about the humiliation of being fed, instead accepting each mouthful of food with grace and humility, her eyes downcast, her hands placed behind her back, conducting herself as a good sub should do. He was extremely pleased with the way the session had gone. There had been only two minor lapses, which would be dealt with tomorrow but Stephanie had shown amazing fortitude throughout the entire meal. As a special treat, he poured Stephanie a glass of the rich red wine that was still open on the table, giving her small sips, watching as the ruby liquid slipped between her lips. When the glass was empty, he replaced it on the table and dabbed Stephanie's lips with his napkin, smiling as she lifted her eyes to his to convey her gratitude.

"Clear the table and then attend us in the library," David instructed and without waiting to observe their compliance, he offered his arm to Sue and they made their way out of the dining room.

Stephanie and Kristy cleared away all the plates and glasses from the table, taking them into the kitchen and placing them on the counter. Kristy leaned towards Stephanie.

"Well done!" she said softly. "Your Master pushed you hard tonight and you did really well!"

"Do you think so?" Stephanie asked doubtfully. "I slipped at least twice!"

Kristy looked at her incredulously.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing!" she exclaimed. "I would never have had the control that you have at the stage you're at," she told her. "I'd have been in a writhing heap on the floor begging my Master to fuck me," she continued. "I've been through what you just experienced and I know how intense it is. Believe me, your so-called slips were minor and not something you should worry unduly about. Yes they will incur punishment tomorrow but nothing major, so stop worrying!"

Stephanie gazed at the other submissive uncertainly but was reassured by the conviction in Kristy's voice. Feeling slightly better about things she pulled herself together and led the way out of the kitchen towards the library. She was surprised when Kristy left her at the doorway, instead carrying on down the passageway towards another door. Shrugging to herself, Stephanie pushed open the door and entered the library then stopped short in surprise when she saw that instead of being seated comfortably in his armchair, her Master had taken a seat at the desk at which she had previously been studying with Miss Woodward.

David looked up at her entrance and indicated that she should take a seat beside him. She obediently obeyed, squirming slightly as the action forced the dildo and butt plug deeper inside her. David rapped her knuckles lightly to get her to pay attention.

"Tonight I'm going to start your education in wine appreciation," David told her. "There will be times when you may be called upon to host a dinner party for your Master and you need to be able to create a menu complete with wines that complement each course," he continued. "I'm sure you have already noticed the different wines that you have served at the meals this week."

Stephanie nodded.

"Each one was specially selected to complement and enhance the food that was served in each course," David explained. "This is essential for you to understand. A wine must never intrude upon the food, rather it should provide a means for the diner to enjoy the best gastronomic experience possible."

"I understand, Master," Stephanie said quietly, although as with the etiquette classes, she was unsure just how this information could be of use to her in the real world. Still, a good knowledge of wine could help her with job possibilities in the future if she wanted to move into the hospitality industry.

Over the course of the next hour David proceeded to coach Stephanie, explaining how to match various foods with the right types of wine. Once he was sure she understood the principles, he brought out his laptop and started to explain what made a wine grown by one particular vintner better than another, the difference that a year could make in the taste and quality of the wine. By the time they had finished, Stephanie felt she had at least a basic understanding of what her Master was trying to teach and her respect for him had increased tenfold. The ease with which he imparted information showed that this was a subject that he loved and in which he had a vast knowledge but as with other areas of training, he displayed a patience and understanding that enabled her to gain the maximum out of the session without feeling too overwhelmed.

There was a knock on the door and Kristy walked in bearing a tray with a silver coffee pot, together with cream jug, sugar bowl and two coffee cups. She placed the tray on the table and withdrew as silently as she had entered. David gestured that Stephanie should serve. She fixed his coffee the way she knew he liked before turning to her own. She was startled when her hand was arrested as she reached for the sugar. She raised her eyes to her Master's and as she did so he shook his head.

"No more refined sugar for you, my little sub," David said. "It's not good for you and your body doesn't need it."

Stephanie felt a little resentful at her Master's high handedness and plucked up the courage to disagree.

"I'm sorry Master," she said, "but I cannot drink unsweetened coffee. It gives me stomach ache."

David considered her for a moment. It was unusual for Stephanie to speak in contradiction to his instructions so she must feel strongly about this issue. Then he made a decision.

"How about we reach a compromise?" he asked. "Would you consider switching to honey instead of sugar?"

Stephanie made a face. The idea of honey in coffee seemed a little weird to her. Still, her Master was willing to amend his instructions so the least she could do was at least try it.

"I'll try it," she said at last. "I can't promise to like it though. It seems like a strange combination."

"As long as you try that is all I ask," David replied. He walked over to a wall a pressed a button discreetly concealed near the mantelpiece. A few moments later Kristy knocked on the door. David strode over to where she stood and murmured a few words in her ear. She nodded and withdrew, reappearing a couple of minutes later with a small dish of honey, which she placed on the tray next to the coffee pot. As she quietly withdrew, David resumed his seat and indicated to Stephanie that she should help herself. Tentatively, Stephanie added a small spoon of honey to her coffee, stirring it before taking a sip. To her surprise she found she liked the taste.

"Well?" David asked, a small smile hovering around his lips.

"I'll switch to honey, Master," Stephanie replied, smiling back at him.

As they continued to sip their coffee, David told Stephanie that he was exceedingly pleased with the progress she was making.

"I know that this training is extremely intensive and at times very harsh but please believe me when I tell you how necessary it is," David explained. "By the end of this week I want you to be able to cope with anything that may be thrown at you in your new role. To that end I am perhaps exposing you to more extreme situations than you may be expected to undergo but if you can endure this training, you will be able to perform to perfection whatever is asked of you. You have so much potential, more than almost any other woman I have previously trained and I want only the best for you. Can you understand?" he asked her earnestly.

Stephanie lowered her eyes, touched by the sincerity she heard in his voice, a sincerity that was echoed in his eyes.

"Yes Master, I do understand," she said.

A warm glow of contentment suffused her being. For the first time in her life someone thought she was worthy of their attention, that she had great potential and it was a heady feeling. She felt a small smile tugging at her lips and a feeling of security was added to the contentment. She was finally understanding who and what she was and she was starting to appreciate that she could be vastly more than she had ever dreamed she could be. All she needed to do was trust her Master implicitly.

David watched the play of emotions crossing her face, reflecting the changes within her and nodded in satisfaction. His conditioning was taking hold and by the time the week was over he fully expected to have erased most if not all of Stephanie's self-doubt and boosted her confidence to the point it would be difficult for anyone to shake it.

He rose from his chair and attached a leash to Stephanie's collar before tugging her gently to her feet. Obediently she followed him as he led the way back to her bedroom. Once there, he instructed her to stand holding the bedpost with her legs spread. When she was in position, he detached the strap from the corset and Stephanie sighed with relief as the pressure inside her was eased. Next he detached the stockings from the corset before loosening it until he could draw it up over her head. He knelt and unlocked the ankle straps of her shoes, allowing her to step out of them. This time, despite their height, her calves did not cramp. He was pleased at this evidence that she was becoming used to her new outfits.

He instructed her to lie on the bed and when she complied, he bound her wrists tightly to the headboard. He then removed her stockings and bound her ankles tightly to the posts at the foot of the bed. When he was finished, she was once again completely immobilised.

"I will be back in one hour," David told her. "In the meantime I expect you to watch the DVD that will play and absorb its contents."

With those words, he picked up a remote, pressing a couple of buttons. To Stephanie's surprise a panel in the ceiling slid back, revealing a flat TV screen, placed directly above her head, that flickered into life. As David exited the room the static disappeared, replaced with a view of a darkened room.

Slowly the lights came up, revealing a naked woman. She was wearing a black leather hood concealing her eyes but leaving her mouth exposed. Thick leather cuffs encircled her wrists and ankles that were in turn attached to chains that ran into each corner of a hollow, square frame. Her head was held up by a very high, thick posture collar.

A naked man moved into the circle of light surrounding the woman. His skin glistened and muscles rippled as he moved. His cock and balls, however, were confined in a cage of metal. He knelt in front of the woman and waited patiently.

Finally another man moved into shot. He was clad in a loose fitting black silk shirt, open at the front to show a powerful chest and firm abs, and form fitting black slacks that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. In his hand he carried a long, thick flogger, its strands hanging down, swaying with each step he took. He nodded to the male sub kneeling in front of the woman, who immediately moved closer, positioning himself so that his face was hovering over her mound. The Master moved around beside her and Stephanie could see him limbering up, swinging the flogger up and down so that each strand separated.

After a few moments he swept his arm back and laid the first stroke against the woman's ass. The tips of the strands whipping around to connect with her flank. The volume was high enough that Stephanie could hear her gasp but whether from surprise, pain or a combination of both, she couldn't be sure. As the Master continued to flog the woman, the male sub moved closer still and started to slide his fingers between her spread legs. This time the woman moaned. The Master continued to flog her and the male sub stepped up his actions, stroking between her pussy lips before fastening his mouth over her clit. The camera angle changed, zooming in to show the sub's mouth and fingers hard at work as the moans from the woman increased and she started to pant.

The camera pulled back once more, showing the Master change his position until the strands of the flogger were falling across her belly and breasts. A sheen of perspiration was now clearly visible on the woman's skin and her chest was heaving as she desperately drew air into her lungs. Tremors were running through her body and Stephanie could see her wrists pulling against their restraints.

Stephanie was held mesmerised, her breathing quickening, her pussy throbbing as her body responded to the scene in front of her. She imagined that it was she who was tied to the frame, that it was her skin being assaulted by the kiss of the flogger, her pussy and clit being stroked, licked, sucked and teased.

The flogging and cunilingus continued until the woman was visibly shaking and her moans had turned into guttural groans. Again the camera angle changed to a close up of her pussy and Stephanie could clearly see the male sub's face covered in the woman's juices. Off camera she heard voices for the first time.

"What are you?" the Master demanded.

"I am your sub, your slut, Master," the woman managed to say in a hoarse voice.

"What is your purpose?" the Master asked again.

"To please You, to be used as You desire, Master," she groaned.

"What do you need from Your Master?" was his next question.

"Please Master, I need to cum," the woman begged. "Please, let me cum!"

The camera panned back to show the Master had ceased flogging her body as he asked his questions but now he stepped up once again and taking careful aim, started to whip the woman's nipples. She cried out as her body started to shake and once again begged him for permission to cum.

At a gesture from the Master, the male sub redoubled his efforts at her clit and pussy and once again the camera drew in for a close up shot of his mouth and fingers working away feverishly.

Off camera, Stephanie heard the Master's voice.

"You may cum," he said.

With a wail from the woman, Stephanie saw the woman's juices squirt, covering the male sub's face in glistening liquid. She could see the powerful tremors running through her thighs and pelvic region but the male sub did not cease his efforts and kept up through two more orgasms before he received a command to cease.

When the camera panned back, Stephanie could see the woman hanging limp from her chains until the scene faded to black.

Stephanie's own pussy was hot and wet in reaction to the scene she had just witnessed. Her nipples were hard and erect and she ached to give herself relief, an action denied to her by her bonds. She moaned in frustration, held captive in more ways than one.

Once again the screen cleared to reveal another woman. This time she was clad in a thick, confining corset. She was suspended above the floor by a harness and her arms and legs were secured together in a hog tie. Her long hair had been braided and that braid secured in such a way that her head had been pulled back and was now held immobile so that she faced forward. Her breasts hung beneath her, the nipples stretched and pulled downwards by heavy weights suspended from fierce looking clamps that bit into her nipples. A long, black leather bench was positioned underneath her. The camera panned around to show her heavily made up face, vibrant colour on the lids, heavy kohl encircling her eyes, bright scarlet lips glistening with gloss. Her mouth was held open by a ring gag and saliva was beginning to run down her chin. As the camera swung further around it focussed between her spread legs. The hog tie had ensured that her clit, pussy and ass were completely exposed.

Stephanie caught her breath. Something about this scene was striking a chord within her. She felt an excitement building inside her and wondered at her reaction. Her body actually quivered in reaction to the sight of the woman bound and suspended in place.

The camera pulled back to reveal three men walking towards the suspended woman. They were all wearing identical black silk robes. As they reached her, one moved to position himself in front of her face whilst the others positioned themselves between her legs. As one, they untied the sashes, letting the robes fall open to expose their thick, erect cocks. Each had a thick cock ring nestled at the base sustaining their hard erections.

Stephanie gasped as she realised what was about to happen. It was clear that all three men intended to fuck the woman and her pussy clenched in response.

One of the men took his place on the bench underneath her then reached down and flipped a switch. The bench rose until Stephanie could see the man's cock perfectly positioned at the entrance to the woman's pussy. He reached up and tugged hard on the weighted clamps, causing the woman to cry out, the sound distorted by the ring gag in her mouth. In response, he used his other hand to slap hard against her breasts, causing the weights to swing violently. Again the woman cried out but as the camera moved in for a close up, Stephanie could see that her pussy was already wet.

The second man moved his hand between her legs, sliding his fingers between her folds until they were liberally coated with her juices. He then moved them back and massaged her puckered hole until it too was glistening with her juices.

The camera pulled back once again and as one, all three men plunged their cocks into her. Stephanie was held spellbound as the woman was fucked hard and fast by all three men, their movements co-ordinated seamlessly as her body swung back and forth in the harness, rocked by the violent thrusts of the men. They pounded into her again and again for what seemed to Stephanie to be hours. The woman gagged and moaned as she was continually ravaged but to Stephanie's surprise, she realised that the woman was becoming increasingly turned on. Her skin glistened with sweat, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath but her distorted moans sounded more like begging than distress, something that was confirmed when the camera zoomed in for a close up of her face. Her eyes were glazed with desire and although her lips were now puffy from hard usage, it was clear to see she was totally consumed with lust and desire.

As the camera drew back to a wide angle shot, the woman's body started to shake and shudder. She cried out as her body was swept with one massive orgasm after another as the men continued to pound into her. Finally, as her cries became whimpers, the men pulled out of her and removing their cock rings pumped their cocks hard until all three shot their hot seed, coating her ass, pussy and face with their cum. The man on the bench beneath her slipped out and as one they stepped away, leaving the camera focussed solely on the woman's body, panning slowly around to take in the cum dripping from her until finally lingering on her face as her glazed eyes stared directly into the lens, exhaustion and satisfaction mirrored in her expression as thick, creamy cum slid down her face and into her open mouth. Her tongue darted out from between the ring gag and as the picture faded, Stephanie saw the woman avidly tasting the hot, sticky seed.