Flight to Submission Ch. 17


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"Do you have any questions, sub?" he asked.

Stephanie thought carefully before she replied.

"Am I permitted to ask about the extent of interaction, Master?" she finally asked.

David nodded, pleased that she was not unthinkingly accepting whatever was proposed. A good submissive should not be a door mat. A good submissive should be intelligent and aware of what they are being asked to participate in and consent to.

"Well done, Stephanie," he told her approvingly. "Never consent to anything you are not sure of and always be sure of the parameters before giving that consent.

Stephanie nodded to show she was taking in what he was saying.

"As to the interaction you will be expected to engage in this week, one or two of my colleagues will be invited to test your responses but the only intercourse taking place will be between you and me and only then if I decide you are ready to perform in company," David advised. He looked at her searchingly. "Do you think you will be able to cope with that scenario?" he asked.

Again, Stephanie took her time answering. The "old" Stephanie would have run a mile at the idea of performing sexual acts in front of strangers. In contrast, the "new" Stephanie knew there was no reason to be ashamed of her body and although she knew it would take some getting used to, by extension there should be no shame in showing how much she enjoyed her new found status. She also knew that as long as David was in the room, nothing untoward would happen to her.

Finally, she gave her answer. "I can cope, Master," she said quietly and confidently.

"You're not just saying that because you do not want to disappoint me?" David asked her searchingly. "That is the wrong basis for agreeing."

"No Master," Stephanie replied. "Of course I do not want to disappoint you but I also know that my journey toward completion is far from over and that I need these experiences in order to help me grow further."

David smiled at her in pride. "Good answer, Stephanie," he said.

He clipped a leash to her collar and led her out of the bedroom and along the passageway to the library. He paused before the door and turned to her.

"Remember, sub, not a sound is to be uttered by you from now until you are back in your room, unless I give you permission to speak. Understood?" he said.

Stephanie nodded and followed her Master into the room.

She stood quietly and meekly behind David as an older, distinguished looking gentleman rose to his feet and greeted her Master. David cordially replied and gestured for his colleague to resume his seat.

Stephanie noticed that Mistress Sue was already seated with Kristy kneeling beside her. Sue was garbed in a stunning deep emerald green gown, her neck encircled with an obviously expensive diamond and emerald pendant with matching drop earrings. Kristy was a perfect contrast, clad in a deep scarlet corset with black piping, the firelight glinting off the golden collar that circled her throat underneath the leather slave collar. Sue smiled a greeting at Stephanie as the men engaged in conversation for a few moments, but Kristy kept her eyes downcast.

David eventually took his seat and Stephanie knelt gracefully at his feet, careful to ensure her position ensured her Master had full access to whatever part of her body he should choose. As Kristy was kneeling with her hands clasped behind her back, Stephanie took that as her cue and did the same. She was rewarded by a gentle caress at the back of her neck.

"So this is your new project" the gentleman said to David. "Pretty little thing isn't she?"

David laughed indulgently and let his hands drift over Stephanie's breasts and nipples, idly playing with them as he replied.

"Indeed she is Blair, but you know me well enough to know that prettiness alone is not what interests me" he replied. "This young woman is far more than pretty. She is intelligent, willing, and a very fast learner. In fact she is potentially the best sub I have ever trained ... with one exception," he continued, smiling at his fiancée Sue.

"I see..." the older man said thoughtfully, his gaze slowly roving over Stephanie, noting how gracefully her body was placed, the attention to detail apparent in the way she was clothed, the signals that the application of cosmetics were sending out.

Stephanie maintained her position, eyes downcast. At first she had been a little embarrassed to be the subject of discussion but before she could travel very far down that road, her new found confidence kicked in and she realised there was nothing to be ashamed of, especially when she heard her Master giving her such high praise.

David leaned over and murmured instructions in her ear. Rising gracefully, Stephanie moved over to the bar and poured 3 generous glasses of cognac, placing them on a silver tray. As she turned and made her way back to the seating area, Stephanie became aware of the appreciative looks she was receiving not just from the men but from Sue as well. When Kristy was sure she was not observed, she tilted her head slightly and gave Stephanie an encouraging wink.

Considerably buoyed by the combination, Stephanie served each Master and Mistress faultlessly before returning the tray to the bar and taking her place once more at her Master's feet. The very high heels she was wearing gave her walk an even more sensual sway than usual and David could see that his guest was very impressed.

The conversation continued for some time, taking in business matters and the current social scene but David could tell his guest was distracted, he gaze constantly wandering over Stephanie's body. He smiled to himself, calculating how long it would take before Blair would make the request David knew was coming.

Finally, Blair could no longer resist.

"David, would you permit me a closer inspection of your sub?" he asked.

David looked at him consideringly, drawing out the moment, keeping Blair in suspense.

"Do I have your word that you will ask my permission before each move you wish to make?" he said. "This sub is special and I will not have her training disrupted by an over-eager Master overstepping the boundaries."

Of course he knew Blair would never do such a thing, which was the reason why he had chosen him as the first Master that Stephanie would be exposed to. Blair was one of his closest friends despite the difference in their age and he trusted him completely. However, this conversation was meant in part for Stephanie, to reassure her that he was in complete control of the situation and that no harm would come to her.

An understanding glint shone in Blair's eyes, showing he knew exactly what was going on.

"You have my word of honour, David. No moves made before permission has been received from you," he assured him.

"Very well, Blair, you have my permission," David said. He looked down at Stephanie. "Move to the centre of the room and assume Position 1, sub," he commanded.

Stephanie rose gracefully to her feet and did as she was told. Once in the centre of the room she spread her legs wide and placed her hands behind her head, the action thrusting her breasts out prominently.

Blair rose from his chair and paced slowly towards Stephanie. At first he just circled her at a distance, his scrutiny taking in every aspect of her clothing, her make-up, her body, the way she held herself, the way her breathing had quickened slightly.

Then he moved closer. His fingers lightly traced a line around her jaw before descending lower, down the column of her neck until they found her breasts. One by one his fingers traced the swell of her breasts, noticing how quickly her nipples responded. He noticed the cosmetic enhancement of the aureoles and nodded in appreciation, the effect was delicious. He ran a thumb nail over each of her nipples and was rewarded as a shiver ran through Stephanie's body but obedient to her Master's earlier command, she made no noise. Over and over again Blair ran his nail over her nipples until they were hard and her breathing had definitely quickened.

His hands moved slowly downwards over the corset, noticing how tightly it confined her body – there was not a millimetre of give in the fabric, it was moulded to her body as if it was an integral part of her.

Finally his hands moved lower still until they covered her bare mound and once again Blair was rewarded by the change in Stephanie's breathing as he slipped his fingers between her legs. He was a little surprised to find how wet she was but then again, knowing how thorough David was when training a new sub, he realised that he shouldn't be that surprised. He looked over his shoulder at David, who nodded his permission to continue.

Blair slid his fingers up and down Stephanie's slit, watching as her pussy lips and clit engorged. His fingers moved slowly backwards towards the puckered hole of her ass and felt her tense just as he heard David speak.

"Her ass is mine alone, Blair," David said, his voice firm.

"Understood David," Blair replied. "However, do I have your permission to conduct a deeper inspection of your sub's pussy?" he asked.

David looked at Stephanie. She was breathing slightly harder but was in control of herself. He trusted Blair and this was something that Stephanie needed to be exposed to in order to further her training. After all, only this morning she had expressed the desire to be in a situation where she was taken by three different Masters so she needed to be started down that path now that she was ready for this next step.

"You may," he said finally to Blair, "but remember, do nothing to impede my sub's training!"

"Of course," Blair said, and something in his voice reassured Stephanie.

She stood quietly as she felt Blair's fingers once again slide up and down her slit then couldn't suppress a shiver as she felt his first finger invade her pussy. He worked it gently in and out, allowing Stephanie to grow accustomed to the feel of him before adding a second finger. Stephanie folded her lips together as the action of his fingers stimulated her body and awoke the desire that now simmered just below the surface of her day to day existence.

He crooked his fingers and they found her G spot. Now she was having great difficulty maintaining her silence. He added a third finger and then a fourth, stretching her pussy as wide as she had ever experienced, all the while stimulating her G spot. His fingers were now liberally coated with her juices and tremors were running through her body as his ministrations continued. Her legs began to tremble and it was with great relief that she heard her Master's voice.

"I think that is enough, Blair," he said firmly.

Somewhat reluctantly, Blair withdrew his fingers. The sub's responses were highly gratifying and he could envisage the potential that his friend David had obviously seen.

"Sub, on your knees and clean Master B," David commanded.

Stephanie immediately sank to her knees and one by one cleaned Blair's fingers. His groin tightened as he felt her mouth and tongue working on each finger, his mind imagining how they would feel wrapped around his cock, which even now was hardening and bulging against the fabric of his pants.

For her part, Stephanie was torn. On the one hand she had been grateful when her Master had called a halt as she was not sure she could have maintained control of her voice. She had been very close to moaning in desire. On the other hand, her pussy was now throbbing and her body was demanding relief, craving the orgasm that she had been so close to.

David had been very carefully watching Stephanie, ensuring that what Blair was doing left her wanting more. He wanted Stephanie to welcome the attentions of other Masters and even Mistresses, should the occasion arise and whilst he had not intended to take her there tonight, she had responded very well to Blair and he was now considering changing his plans.

He gestured that Stephanie was to return to his side, which she did with unconscious grace, settling down at his feet as if it was the most natural action in the world.

Blair resumed his seat and for a while they discussed Stephanie and her various merits as if she was not present. Throughout this discussion David idly caressed her breasts and nipples, keeping her in a constant state of arousal. She could feel her juices sliding down the insides of her legs. She could have screamed in frustration as David's touch was driving her wild but was too light to give her any relief, exactly what David had intended.

After a while Blair cleared his throat. "You mentioned a demonstration, David?" he asked.

"Ah yes," David replied, feeling Stephanie tense slightly. "Shall we move to the other room?"

They all rose from their seats and David led the way to the dungeon where a spotlight illuminated the centre of the room. Comfortable seating had been brought in and placed just outside the circle of light.

Stephanie's eyes were drawn to the illuminated area. There was a padded bench set in the centre, short in length but high. It had been bolted to the floor. There was also a metal bar suspended above part of the bench. Stephanie's mind whirled as she tried to anticipate what was about to occur.

David and Blair took their seats and David indicated that Stephanie should take her place beside him on a cushion placed beside his chair. She sank gracefully to the ground, somewhat thankful that she was not to be the demonstration.

Then Kristy moved into the spotlight and Stephanie stared in amazement. Gone was the corset, replaced instead by a harness made of thick straps. One set encircled her breasts tightly, another ran around her waist. A central strap ran from her breasts down over her stomach before splitting in two as it hung between Kristy's legs.

Sue now moved into the spotlight. She was clad in a form fitting, black leather catsuit, the leather so think it appeared to be a second skin. The neckline plunged so low that you could clearly see the swell of her breasts on either side and there was an open crotch. She wore thigh high boots with a high stiletto heel to complete the outfit.

All Stephanie could do was stare. This was the first time she had seen her Master's fiancée in full dominatrix mode.

"Bend over and spread your legs," Sue commanded and Kristy quickly obeyed.

Sue rubbed her hand over Kristy's mound, tweaked her nipples until they stood firm and erect, then slid her hand between Kristy's pussy lips, which Stephanie could see were already wet. Sue brought her moist fingers back to Kristy's ass, circling it, massaging it until Stephanie could see the sphincter relax. This was obviously what Sue had been waiting for and she slowly slid a huge butt plug into Kristy's hole. Kristy groaned as the plug was slowly inched inside her passage but Stephanie could see her breathing slowly and deeply to relax herself and allow the plug to slide inside without too much resistance.

Once again Sue slid her fingers up and down Kristy's slit, stimulating and massaging her clit until her sub's juices were liberally coating her fingers. She then took an equally large vibrator and spreading Kristy's pussy lips, slowly slid it inside. She ordered her sub to assume Postion 1, which Kristy did gingerly, careful not to dislodge the vibrator stuffed into her pussy.

Sue turned back the strap hanging down in front of Kristy's legs and Stephanie could see a small lump on the inside. Sue then drew the strap back between Kristy's legs and firmly secured it to the waist strap at in the hollow of her sub's back. The strap now pressed firmly into Kristy's flesh, pushing the vibrator deeply inside her. Stephanie also realised with a start that the lump she had seen on the strap was now in a position that would ensure it was pressed against Kristy's clit.

Sue now gestured and Kristy obediently lay down, face up on the bench. Her wrists and ankles were secured to the floor before Sue walked out of the light. She returned with two nipple clamps. Again she rubbed, pinched and teased Kristy's nipples until they stood hard and erect. She quickly attached the clamps and Stephanie winced as she saw they were the harsh clover clamps. Next Sue drew down the metal bar until it hovered just above Kristy's breasts. She attached lengths of fine, almost invisible wire to each clamp then ran each line up and over the metal bar before finally attaching heavy ball weights to the end of each. She raised the bar until Kristy's nipples were pulled up and stretched tight by the weight of the clamps. Kristy again groaned and Stephanie swallowed in sympathy at the pain Kristy must be experiencing. Nevertheless, she also felt a thrill go through her and could feel her pussy once again growing moist. She licked lips gone dry as her body stirred at the sight before her.

Sue turned to address her audience.

"Tonight Kristy will demonstrate how well she has learned to resist the stimulation of pain and pleasure in order to cum only at my command" Sue explained. "She has been implanted with special toys. If she does well and maintains silence, she will only receive the stimulation of the vibrations but if she does not, if she breaks silence she will receive electric shocks from each. If she performs as well as I expect, her reward will be that she will be allowed to pleasure me and in return I will let her cum on my command.

Stephanie was awestruck! How on earth was Kristy going to endure all of this? She could already see how much pain her nipples were in but as she looked closer, she noticed that there were juices starting to seep around the strap between the sub's legs.

Slowly Stephanie became aware of a low buzzing coming from the circle of light and she could see Kristy's body begin to tense. The sound of the buzzing increased and Kristy's chest began to rise and fall as her breathing quickened. This set the suspended weights swinging and Kristy couldn't prevent a gasp from escaping her lips. Immediately afterwards she cried out in pain and her body tensed as she received electric shocks in her ass, pussy, clit and nipples. She shuddered but pressed her lips together as the buzzing resumed and the weights continued to swing. Again and again the sound of the buzzing increased in intensity but Kristy stayed firm despite the tremors that Stephanie could see running continuously through her body.

Suddenly the sound of buzzing cut off and Stephanie watched as Kristy's body relaxed. However, Sue made no move release her, she just watched and waited until all signs of arousal had died down.

Once again the sound of buzzing filled the room and once again Kristy tensed. This time the buzzing increased in intensity more quickly than before but Kristy remained silent, lips tightly pressed together. This time the buzzing lasted longer than before and Stephanie could see the sheen of perspiration coating Kristy's body. Watching carefully, Sue prolonged the stimulation until she could tell her sub was close to orgasm, then again the buzzing stopped. By now Kristy was panting from a combination of pain and the strain of resisting the demands of her body.

Kristy was once again allowed to recover her equilibrium and only when all sign of stimulation had left her body did the vibrators start again. This time as Sue increased the intensity to its fullest, she deliberately set the weights swinging. Stephanie could see them cruelly stretching Kristy's nipples, which were now almost purple.

Kristy wailed as she arched her back. "Please Mistress, I need to cum!" she begged.

She was swiftly answered as again a bolt of electricity shot through her ass, pussy, clit & nipples, causing her to cry out.

Stephanie winced in sympathy as the vibrators returned to their former intensity. Now she could see Kristy's body start to tremble violently as she tried her utmost to resist her body's fierce demands. Sue kept her on the edge for a few moments more before switching off the vibrators.