Flower Girl Ch. 06

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Miles apart, they feel the heat.
7.2k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 01/30/2015
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"I'm surprised you like pizza," Tracy said as they sat across from each other in a booth at William's favorite Harlem pizzeria. She intertwined her feet with his beneath the table and added, "And beer."

"Why would that surprise you?"

"I don't know. You just seem so...formal sometimes. I am taken aback when you do 'ordinary guy' stuff."

William laughed, "So I am not an 'ordinary guy' then?"

"Uh, no." Tracy raised her eyebrows and looked over her glasses at him, "Not even close."

"Then it might surprise you to know I attended college on a baseball scholarship."

"Wha-a-at?" Tracy drew out the word.

"It's true. Does that surprise you?"

"It does. I mean, I know I'm still getting to know you, but you don't strike me as the sporty type."

"If you knew me growing up, baseball was of paramount importance. I still play, on a men's league, but it is not very serious."

"What positon do you play?"

"Third base."

Tracy shook her head. "I would have never guessed. I mean, I hope don't insult you, but you seem so...well, almost graceful."

William laughed, "Yes, I am told I am graceful at baseball too. Actually 'smooth' is the term my teammates use."

"Wow, I'd love to see that. So you must be pretty good?"

"Pretty good, not great. What about you? Tell me something that would surprise me."

"Well," Tracy bit her lip and looked around and thought for a minute, "Hmmm. I'm in a music video. Dancing."

William laughed, "That actually does not surprise me at all. But tell me, how did that come about?"

"This guy in a band just saw me dancing at a club and asked me. It was a band that has like a sixties garage sound and they wanted a couple of girls to go-go dance on pedestals. I'm wearing these cool boots and...well, I don't know," Tracy suddenly looked a little shy. "It was fun."

"May I see it?"

Tracy smiled and answered, "Well, it is on YouTube. I guess you can see it if you want."

"Show me."

Tracy took out her phone and typed a few words into the tiny keyboard and then handed it to William. The video showed the band playing and he could barely see Tracy, but then the camera zoomed in and William's eyes suddenly bugged. "When was this?"

"Um, I don't know, not that long ago. About a year ago?" Tracy was wearing a mini skirt and go-go boots and a bare midriff top, all in bright colors with her hair flopping back and forth. She had on big retro glasses. There was another girl dancing with a long blond fall and a flower painted around one eye, but it was Tracy that held William's interest. He grinned and watched until it was over and Tracy started to feel self-conscious, but as soon as it ended William said, "That was the opposite of smooth."

"I know, right? My movements were really jerky."

"Yes, but what I meant was that it was hot. Look, there are over twelve hundred thumbs up and I can assure you, it is not because the band is worth listening to."

Tracy smiled and said, "Oh come on, they were good."

William gave her a look and she laughed and admitted, "They're not very good."

"I'm going to watch and re-watch that video when you leave me this weekend."

"Aw, come on William, it's only two days." She rubbed her shin along his calf. "And we have tonight."

"Yes we do. And I intend to make the most of it," William smiled, causing her breath to catch.

"Check please!" Tracy joked since the check had just arrived. "Hey, what happened with Melissa? Did you confront her about that text?"

"Of course, and she denied it. I talked to my boss about it, but he said since there was no way to prove it he couldn't really do anything about it. He couldn't even cut her hours since she is a volunteer anyway, but I don't think she will be a problem anymore. I don't know why she would do something so ridiculous and assume I would not know who did it, but I made it very clear that I am not even on friendly terms with her. I think I might have frightened her a little bit."


"Just by the cold and serious tone of my voice, she knew I was angry. It has only been a few days, but I have not seen her since and before that she was constantly hovering about." William changed the subject, "You have not been writing lately. Writer's block?"

Tracy shook her head.

"Distracting new love interest?"

Tracy laughed, "Yes, well there is that. But the truth is I hit a major hurdle with my story line and I am so mad at myself."

William waited for her to go on.

"Well, I guess you figured something is going on with Andy and his stealing, right? Well I wanted to write that he gets arrested for forgery and goes to prison. I wanted Vera to visit and have conjugal visits, but as I was doing my research, I learned only a few states allow conjugal visits, and that was fine, except then I read that they don't have conjugal visits in Federal prisons, only state prisons!"

"So, have Andy go to a state prison?"

"I can't! You see I wrote the whole story based on the premise that Andy is kind of this...nice guy. Passive guy, you know? He might be pushed to do a white collar crime because he would justify it, but he can't rob someone! That just wouldn't work, he wouldn't do that."

William rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

Tracy went on. "Plus I really wanted him in a federal prison. They're different, you know."

"How so?"

"Well, they are full of other white collar criminals, not violent offenders. I'm not saying it is easy in there, but not as harsh as a regular prison. William, the bottom line is I don't want Andy getting butt raped."

William laughed, "You are concerned about the ass of a fictional character?"

"I am," Tracy admitted. "I didn't write him to get butt-raped, I just can't allow it."

"Well Tracy, do you think most readers will know that federal prison don't allow conjugal visits?"

"It doesn't matter. I know now and I just can't pretend that I don't. If I had made a mistake and did it unknowingly, that would be different, but now I know. He can't do time in a state prison with all those tough prison dudes. It would destroy him. I don't know what I am going to do, William. I really need to rethink this, but I know something will come to me. It always does."

"Well, I sincerely admire your integrity and fortitude. And I am touched by your ferocious protectiveness of your character's anus," He laughed.

"William, it isn't just Andy's ass that I am protecting. It is his psyche. He can't do hard time." She looked at William with such intense sincerity that it overwhelmed him. Her bold and confident appearance housed the sweetest soul he could imagine. She held his gaze and then spoke, "Can we get a box for the rest of this pizza and go back to your place, Mr. More?"

"God, yes!" He exclaimed, and jumped up to get a box so they could go back to his apartment.

* * * * *

Tracy and Beverly were finally settled on the train, sitting side-by-side. The feeling did not come often, but Tracy was feeling very protective over her Nana. Back in her own domain, she didn't seem fragile, but when traveling Tracy noticed how tiny and elderly her Nana was and it brought out a maternal instinct in her. She wished to rest her head on her Nana's shoulder, but she was taller, so she took her hand instead.

"How are you feeling, Nana?"

"Oh, very well now that we are settled on the train. I have always loved to travel by train. It is so relaxing."

"It is."

"And how are you, my dear?"

"Very good, Nana. I am happy. And so excited to see Beth and Charlie! Oh, and everyone else of course."

"And you are going to miss William, aren't you dear?"

Tracy nodded, then said, "I know I have only known him a short time, but...yes, I am going to miss him."

"Well this is wonderful dear; to miss someone and to be missed."

"Yes, it is." Tracy was quiet for a few minutes before going on. "I did bring up his family again, but he avoided talking about his parents. He does talk about his sister a great deal. Oh, and I had a chance to ask about his finances. Indirectly of course."

Beverly patted her hand, encouraging her to go on.

"I found out he owns that place he is in. And it is much bigger than I thought. It is funny, because he is not showy with money, but does not seem to worry about it either. Well last night when I was there, he showed me his 'secret room'. I was nervous when he told me, because ...oh, you wouldn't know about that book 'Fifty Shades' Nana, but jeez, when a guy says 'I think it is time you see my secret room', well my heart just about stopped! But then he goes up to this full length mirror on the wall next to his bed and I notice a jacket hanging there, and it is on a door knob and he opens a door to another room!"

Beverly's waited with her lips still closed, expecting Tracy to go on with a big surprise.

"And it was empty. Can you imagine that Nana? Oh, there was a treadmill and some dumbbells in one corner, but it was a big empty room. He said he got a good deal on it and didn't really need the extra space and didn't want to bother heating and cooling it all the time, so he just built a wall dividing it in half! But then I ask him, 'Is this it?' and I was kind of teasing, but then he said, 'No, the part I really love is through that door,' so I am thinking, okay, here we go...creepy sex dungeon. But no, Nana he has a patio. Outdoor space!"

"My goodness, that is a valuable commodity in the city!"

"I know! And it wasn't huge, I'm guessing twelve by twelve, but he has a small tree in a planter and some other plants, and two chaise lounges, and we lay down out there and looked at the stars!"

"How romantic!"

"It was. But of course I had to ask how he could afford this on a librarian's salary and he said he made some good investments in the past ten years."

"Real estate?" Beverly asked. That was how her husband made his money.

"Partially. He said he was lucky, but when he explained I started to understand how incredibly smart he is, and not just about literature."

"Go on."

"He bought a small place in Chicago when he got out of school. And you know he hardly watches TV, right? Well, he said he was at his sister's house and there was one of those shows on about flipping houses, and he watched an ignorant unskilled couple flip a house outside of Las Vegas and make a quarter of a million dollars in a month, so instead of seeing the potential, he saw the flaw! He said something is askew if people can make such a quick fortune, so he sold his place before the crash!"

"How very fortunate! Did he hold on to his cash until things turned around?"

"He bought gold. At 615 an ounce."

"Brilliant!" Beverly clapped her hands and held them together.

"He is. I asked why he doesn't do something with finance for a job, but he said he finds it boring. So obviously he rode the gold wave until it also seemed out of skew and bought that place in Harlem. He also told me he didn't need much and already had more than he needs."

Beverly nodded her approval, very pleased to learn her granddaughter had not attracted someone who would try to take advantage of her financially. Of course Tracy was not wealthy, but she would be the recipient of a reasonable inheritance. And her last boyfriend couldn't even hold down a job.

"And I know you think I should be pleased, Nana, but this whole thing kind of bothers me." Tracy's expression turned to concern. "The truth is, I've never dated anyone...well, you know...more together than me."

Beverly laughed and squeezed Tracy's hand. "Oh Tracy, you have so much to give, and it seems that William recognizes that fact. I have seen the way he looks at you, Tracy. Don't let your head fuck up a free lunch!"

Tracy laughed and said, "Why do you always say that, Nana? I mean, I know I over-think things, but it seems so out of character for you to cuss like that."

Beverly laughed and said, "Your grandfather said that very thing to me. It was one of our first dates, he had taken me to lunch and he was so obviously smitten by me, but I was explaining in great detail how it would not work between us. We were from different backgrounds and my main concern was that he was eighteen years my senior! So I kept explaining to him how it would not work, and he told me not to let my head fuck up a free lunch!"

"Were you insulted?"

"I laughed. He was right and I knew it. He had a very calming effect on me, you know. So practical when I would become overly cerebral. I would be busy explaining how it wouldn't work, how it didn't make sense, and he would say, 'Beverly, it does work.' And it did, for over forty years."

Tracy smiled, thinking of her grandfather. He had been gone twenty years. Then she frowned and said, "But Nana, this thing with William is scary. I have only known him a short time, but I feel like I have given him the power to ...to really hurt me."

"Yes Tracy, to experience true love one must be vulnerable. But fortunately, you have always been an optimist, and that is a blessing. To be romantic requires the real desire for intimacy, and the willingness to take risks and I know a pessimist cannot be romantic. It takes a certain leap of faith to place your vulnerable heart in the trust of someone else. Only an optimist can do it."

Tracy sighed and smiled, and Beverly did not say what else she knew about her granddaughter, better to save that for another day. For Beverly knew that in addition to being an optimist, that Tracy was resilient. And she could recover from disappointment with grace and dignity.

* * * * *

After cleaning up her brother and getting him situated with his meds and television, Vera went to check her phone and saw three missed calls and one message from a number she didn't recognize. She hit play and was surprised to hear Andy's voice, and immediately it registered that she was pissed at him for not keeping his appointment, which he knew he should have cancelled ahead of time. Just not showing up was unacceptable. She half listened to his lame excuse, then heard him say something about not coming back and she hit the replay button. "Uh, hey Vera. This is Andy. I just wanted to tell you something came up and, well...sorry I missed my appointment. I won't be able to make it on Tuesday either. Uh, in fact Vera, I can't ask you to keep that spot for me because...well, I don't know for how long, but it looks like I am going to be here for a while. I'm in jail, Vera." The whole message was slow and awkward until he abruptly said, "I'm really going to miss you," and hung up.

Vera stared at the phone, stunned, and then hit the replay button. After listening for a third time, she sat the phone down and groaned, "Oh Andy, what did you do?" And then Vera went to the computer to look up the number for the local jail. A few phone calls later, she determined that Andy was at Rikers Island, charged with embezzlement. He had not attempted to post bail. She would have to call back after he was arraigned to find out about a hearing.

* * * * *

William had been texting back and forth with Tracy all day long. The previous evening was spent at his place, and it left him with enough pleasant memories to last for days, except he already missed her. Perhaps it was just the thought that she was out of town, or it could have something to do with the increasingly flirty text messages she was sending.

He thought about the previous night. Of course it was an evening of extremely sensual indulgence, but it was the ease of conversation between them that struck him the most - it was refreshing and comfortable. He even showed Tracy the other half of his living space, information that he usually didn't reveal, yet he had no problem showing it to Tracy. Plus, they were able to make love on the patio under the stars. He smiled at the memory. Now she was going to visit her family, and eventually he would tell her about his, but that could wait. William declined an invitation to go out with John. There was an abundance of reading he wanted to do and he looked forward to some much needed time alone.

He found it hard to keep from obsessing on his phone, but he wasn't as worried about that any longer. In fact, they seemed to throw out any unwritten rules about how many messages one should send in a day and were just enjoying flirting with each via text. The sexy banter had increased throughout the day and William teased her about calling him whenever she was alone, so he could hear her voice. "Where do you sleep?" he texted.

"On the couch. Nana gets the guest bedroom."

"Will you call me when everyone goes to sleep?"

"What if it is late?"

"I don't care. I need to hear your voice."

Tracy answered with a close up selfie of her mouth, licking her lips.


"How am I a tease?"

"I want to lick those lips."

"I've got another pair for your tongue," She texted.

William put the phone down. He wasn't going to last two days.

"Tell your family to go to bed!" He texted, hoping she wouldn't take it wrong and think him rude.

Minutes later she texted, "Two down, four to go."

Err...William turned back to the book he was reading and after a few pages came another text, "two more down."

He smiled and once again returned to his book, which he finished right before the phone rang.

"Hey Kitten,"

"Oh my god," she whispered, "I thought they would never go to sleep! I've been missing you like crazy."

"Me too. Can anyone hear you?"

"No, they're all upstairs and in bed. Except Nana, who is in the downstairs guest room, but she doesn't hear that well and went to sleep a while ago."

"So you are in the living room? On the couch?"

"I am. Under a blanket." Tracy was using a whisper tone. "Where are you, William?"

"In my bed, Kitten."

"Oh my god, I wish I was there with you. What are you wearing?" Tracy asked, and then laughed when she realized how that sounded.

William laughed in response and said, "Nothing."

"Really? That is so hot. I can't wait to get back to your bed."

"I wish you were here too. What are you wearing?"

Tracy giggled and said, "A t-shirt and boy shorts."


"Not really," Tracy laughed again.

"And so your long legs are bare?"

"They are."

"Are they silky smooth?"

"Let me see...hmm, yes I would say so."

"Damn. Would you gently tickle your inner thigh for me?"

"Oh my god, William! Are you going to try and seduce me and have phone sex with me?" she whispered huskily as her hands mindlessly followed his command.

"Yes I am," then he paused and cautiously added, "But you can stop me anytime."

"Well," Tracy whispered into the phone, "Your voice is definitely having an effect on me, but I've never done this before." Her knees parted and she was running the tips of her fingers back and forth along her inner thigh.

William laughed a low sexy laugh and said, "Well I haven't either. But I think it will just come naturally."

Tracy relaxed slightly after hearing this wasn't a regular practice for William. Besides, it did feel natural. In fact, her hands were responding to William without her being conscious of it, and were naturally starting to wander all on their own. "Are you hard right now, William?"


"Hmmmm. And are you touching yourself?"

"Not yet."

"Do it, please. Take yourself in your hand for me."

"Okay, but I want you to put a hand up that t-shirt and feel those tits for me."

"Really?" she asked, but her hand was already under her shirt.

"Yes, but lick your fingers first. Get them wet."

"Mmmm, okay." Tracy did as she was told.

"Now gently flick your nipple with a wet finger and imagine that is my tongue."

Her wet finger flicked back and forth over a hard nipple and she whispered, "Oh my god...William," as her knees clenched together.