Flower Wine


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After opening them the smallest possible crack, he came back to her side. "I already don't want you to go." He stooped to kiss her before lifting her easily onto the bed.

"Mmm. Are you always this sweet?" She pulled at the fasteners on his doublet as he began to laugh.

"I'm told I'm as harsh as my wine." There was an unmistakable hunger in his gaze as he looked down at her.

"Either they've lied or I like your wine better than I thought." Isonei grinned impishly up at him and he pulled her dress off of her shoulders and kissed her neck roughly as he ran his hands down her sides. "It comes off from the bottom!" She laughed as he kept trying to pull it down, "Over the head!"

Growling he pulled it up over her hips and she helpfully raised her arms and wiggled so he could take it off of her without tearing it. At the sight of her short, sheer chemise and nothing under it he seemed to stop breathing.

"Help me undress you, I want to see you." She murmured feeling her own cheeks beginning to flush from the excitement.

He leaned back and stood, pulling off his black doublet and shirt, his broad shoulders and chest were scarred and lightly covered in dark hair. Through it, she could see he bore a tattoo of a pierced boar being constricted by flowering vines over his heart. She rose to her knees on the bed to touch it and get a closer look as he stripped himself of his tall black boots and slash paneled pants hurriedly.

"I've never seen anything like that." Isonei touched it feeling the way the black ink seemed to be raised from his skin. He groaned as she ran her hands over his chest and shoulders, reveling in the firm feel of his grey-green skin, the surprisingly soft hair, and the muscles beneath them. She sat back on the bed and put some distance between them to look at him. When she raised her eyes back up to his he looked as though he wasn't sure if he should be angry or hurt. "You are magnificent." She came closer again with a smile, reaching for him and he lurched onto the bed knocking her down.

"Magnificent is what's under this chemise." He growled and tore it making her gasp. "Woman." He kissed the base of her throat and down her breasts, cupping and squeezing as he kissed and sucked greedily.

Isonei moaned and writhed under him, knotting her hands in his hair. "Gods, please." She breathlessly wrapped her legs around him.

He took his hands from her breasts and gripped her thighs forcefully making her whimper as he kissed his way down her belly. The Torgan moved his hands lifting her hips and tasting the wetness between her thighs nestled in soft silver hair. He groaned, "Desire."

She felt his tongue exploring and teasing and she tried to shift her hips in his grip. "Yes. Nnnm, yes. Desire."

"Desire for me." He pulled her thighs together as he sucked and made slow steady strokes with his tongue around and across her most sensitive spot.

"Yes, oh Gods yes! Mmnnn, for you. Don't stop!" Her back arched and his delicious movements and strong grip didn't falter. "Please!" Her thighs trembled as she let him push her over the edge from heat and almost painful pleasure into the rush of relief and her body relaxed in his grip.

The Torgan lifted his head with a self satisfied look licking his lips and Isonei pulled him eagerly up for a kiss. He immediately tried to position her hips to enter.

"Not yet, it's my turn." Isonei purred, kissing his chest.

"No, woman, I won't be able to last if you put that perfect mouth on my-" He groaned as she slipped her hand down and wrapped it around his impressively long, thick shaft, stroking it. "Let me in, woman, or tell me your name, that I can-" She cut him off with a kiss, guiding him and letting him enter.

"In the morning, I'll nnnmm, gently, mmnn oh Gods you're-" she tried to catch her breath as he tried to fit himself inside. He panted and his iron grip on her hips didn't loosen.

"You're too small." He growled. "I need to fit."

"Let me." She kissed him and pushed him gently. "Let me on top?" He reluctantly rolled and she grinned as she climbed on top, "Sit up and cross your legs." He obliged with a groan trying to pull her back into place. "Let me, my flower wine." Isonei kissed him and then started to ease herself down. The Torgan tried to grip her hips again and she chided him, "So impatient!" She rolled her hips working him deeper, slow and easy, as she pulled his hands to her breasts "We have hours."

"Your flower wine." He looked at her as if he wanted to push her back down onto the bed. "Hours is not enough."

Isonei caressed his face enjoying the look of desire on it, "You are so beautiful."

Leaning back supporting himself on his hands he lifted his hips, "Woman."

She moaned and braced herself on his chest. "Mmnn, my flower wine." He brought up one arm, pulling her for a kiss. The Torgan captured her lips and kissed her deeply, not stopping as her hips moved slow and steady, until her ass was moving against his raised thighs. She could feel him throbbing like a heartbeat he was so snug and tight inside her. Isonei watched his face as his eyes closed and his head tilted back, "No, look at me." She whispered and ran her hand through his hair.

His dark eyes opened and she felt him releasing inside, he groaned, "Tell me-tell me your name. Now. I need." He pulled his arm back up and pulled her to his chest. "I need to hear it."

It wasn't how things should be done. But it made no sense to wait when he said he needed to hear it. She kissed his tattoo. "Isonei." She lifted her head and smiled at him, "Of house Ernelis."

"Isonei. My Isonei." He breathed as he relaxed back on the bed pulling her down. "I know your house, I was offered your father's wine."

She laughed, "We have the best in Ara, he's very proud."

"He can keep his wine, I will take his daughter." The Torgan rolled on top of her and kept her pinned as he kissed her.

Breaking the kiss she poked him in the side making his eyes widen. "Will you, my flower wine?"

His answering grin was almost vicious. "Draeseth. I would hear you speak my name."

She kissed his wickedly curved lips and wrapped her legs around him. "Draeseth. I've heard that name." Isonei frowned trying to remember and he bent his head to whisper in her ear.

"Draeseth the bastard? The bitter? The black?" He nipped her earlobe.

Kissing his neck and nipping him back she teased, "I've never understood why your people are so preoccupied with that word, 'bastard', and you are not bitter that I've yet tasted."

Draeseth raised his head and looked at her with his glittering eyes. "And black?"

"Suits you, Draeseth." She kissed him and added sweetly, "As well as flower wine."

"I will make you mine Isonei. My name on your perfect lips is a pleasure unlike any other." He smoothed her hair back from her face and looked as if he intended to study her face until he fell asleep.

Sleeping was not something she intended to do. "You haven't let me have my turn." She lightly touched his face.

He flushed slightly, "You... want to?"

Isonei kissed him gleefully, "Yes!" Grinning up at him, "I want to touch you and taste you as much as you wanted to touch and taste me. Is that so hard to believe, Draeseth, my flower wine?"

"We've already..." He murmured his face steadily growing darker as he blushed.

Her eyes widened as she realized what he was saying, "Only once? As strong as you are you can only do it once?"

His surprise turned into a defiant scowl, "I can fill you as many times as it takes."

"There's so much more than filling, my flower wine." She laughed and kissed him wantonly until he groaned and began trying to find his way back inside her. "No, it's my turn." He looked at her as if she were asking him to dance barefoot on broken glass. "I want you on your feet at the edge of the bed, Draeseth. Please?"

Rising from her unenthusiastically, he stood where she asked and looked at her as if she were being cruel. Isonei bit her lip and couldn't help grinning at him as she crawled to the edge of the bed and then lay on her back pulling him closer. She stroked his hardening shaft and began to kiss and provocatively lick and suck it from beneath, working her way back to his balls, giggling as he growled and leaned over widening his stance. The gasps and groans he made as she teased sucking and gently applying her teeth to his sensitive skin from beneath as she stroked and caressed his hard shaft made her moan softly against his skin.

"Isonei!" She could feel that he was already close.

She changed her postion to tease and suckle the thick dark head, letting her tongue swirl around the eye of it as she continued long firm strokes up and down his shaft. His mouth dropped open and Draeseth almost bellowed his pleasure as he took hold of the back of her head and pushed forward releasing. He tasted slightly sharp but pleasant.

"Isonei. Woman. I-" He pulled her up as she was gingerly licking the last drops from the tip and kissed her roughly, putting her on her back and into position so he could push his still hard length into her as far as she could take him.

"Draeseth!" His movements were desperate and he thrusted powerfully making her moan and whimper as she tried to calm him with her touch, stroking his face and neck, "Gently, please, my flower wine!" He slowed and trembled, coming to a stop.

"Isonei, Isonei. You." He groaned and kissed her. "I can't stop."

"I don't want you to, my beautiful Draeseth, I want to show you a better position." She unwrapped her legs slowly and smiled at him, "On your back?"

"I think you just don't like being on your back," he growled.

Laughing she shook her head, "You are too big for this to be comfortable, yet. There are other ways if you don't want to be on your back."

"Show me."

"Kneel?" He rose above her and she took some of his pillows to put beneath her, keeping herself below the level of his hips and spreading her thighs wide. "Now," she helped guide him in at a downward angle and moaned as he thrust, "that's mmnnn that's right, yes."

He looked down at her as he moved, like a king surveying his kingdom, openly admiring, and reaching out to touch her. The heat of his gaze made her feel warm all over and she slipped her hand to her sensitive nub and began to take her finger around it lightly and slowly increasing the pressure.

"What are you doing?" Draeseth groaned, "You're getting tighter and nnmm woman that feels..."

"Touch me, like this." She moved his hand to the right spot and let him try. Her hips bucked as he ran his thumb over the spot too roughly. "Gently. That's.." She tilted her head back as he began to circle exactly as she'd showed him.

"Look at me. Look at me, Isonei." His words were a plea and a command at once, he moved more forcefully inside her.

"Draeseth, don't stop, please, I-" She half moaned half whimpered as he picked up his pace urgently and she had to help him steady his circles. "Yes, Ooh yes, my flower wine, please!"

Her thighs began to tremble as she let him push her over the edge again, her heart pounding and the entirely of her body feeling as if it were heating and cooling, pulsing and tingling. "Draeseth! Ooh yes!"

She could feel him throbbing and releasing as he groaned out her name and took hold of her hips with his powerful grip. "Isonei, my Isonei."

Isonei took a moment to catch her breath as he did the same. Contentedly, she touched his face and smiled up at him. "I think I need to rest after that."

"Do you?" His grin was almost wolfish but she could see he was tiring as well.

"Unless you have something to eat and refresh ourselves with." She gave him her most impish grin and he pulled out and dragged her from the pillows to pin her beneath him again.

"I have my wine. And I have you, there is nothing more I need."

"Mmm. I would like some wine."

"To wash the taste of me from your mouth?" Draeseth asked with amusement.

"I like the way you taste." She shook her head and kissed him, "There's a sharpness to you but it's pleasant."

He looked smug. "Pleasant enough to taste again?"

"If you're offering, the way you gasp and moan is glorious, Draeseth." She teased him with a mischievous smile.

He made an amused sound in his throat and rose to fetch his horn from the floor. Bringing it back he offered it to her first. She took it gratefully and sipped it, the taste was still sharp and harsh but by the fourth small sip she could taste something else behind it, something almost pleasant. Draeseth was watching her intently. Isonei smiled and offered it back, "I can see why you chose to acquire the taste, behind the harshness there's a pleasantness."

He tilted the horn up and the way he drank she thought he must be draining it. He capped it again and tossed it to the floor, moving to loom over her and push her back down. "After your sweetness it's almost bitter."

Caressing his face she leaned up to kiss him and he settled his weight back on top of her making her laugh and try to wiggle out from under him as he grinned and kept her in place. She watched his face grow pensive and he lowered his head. "You prefer larger men?" He kissed her neck as he held her pinned again. "You know just what to do with me."

She had to laugh, "No, I didn't even know men could be your size, my flower wine." He looked at her dubiously. "I've been suggesting things that were less than satisfying with smaller men." She felt her cheeks flushing. "You are the perfect size to make them," she ran a finger over his lips, "divine."

"And you believe I will let you leave me at dawn when you say such things to me?" His gaze was adoring and fierce.

"Do you know what happens if I don't?" She asked carefully. It had been clear earlier that whoever had explained the festival to him hadn't done it very well.

"You become mine." He kissed her roughly as if he intended to devour her.

When he let her up for air she whispered, "We would be exclusive until the next festival, yes." She studied his face. "If you changed your mind the next day I would still be bound. I can't risk that. It's only something done by those who are considering becoming permanently exclusive to one another, that takes years to decide."

"You think I am weak willed, that I will waver in my affections." His voice was a low growl that she could feel through his chest.

"I don't know, Draeseth. You are beautiful and, Gods, the way you move and taste I could be happy with you for a year, but we don't know each other that well."

He frowned slightly and looked as though he were carefully considering her words. "Isonei, I ask you to give me the chance. Let me show you. I will not force you to stay, and I will not abandon you if you choose to be with me."

Isonei raised her hand to his face tracing the scar and moving to his lips. It was asking a great deal. He could promise all he wanted but he was Torgan, there was no way to make him keep his word, but... it would only be a year if the worst happened. The feeling that she wanted to stay was somehow more worrying. "You'd stay with me for a year?"

"Isonei, you'll stay with me. And if I cannot persuade you to be mine until I die I will release you after a year."

She blinked. "In Torga?!"

He began to laugh and kissed her throat, "Yes, my silver Aran jewel. Did you not ask about flowers in Torga? I will show you a year's worth."

"Would you bring me back if-if?" The thought of being abandoned in Torga was even more terrifying.

"If you wish to leave me, I will bring you back." His voice was quiet.

Isonei shivered and he rolled to the side pulling her against him. She gratefully embraced him and buried her face in his chest. After a moment's thought she asked, "Silver Aran jewel? You've been calling me 'woman' all night."

"You were making certain no blood was flowing anywhere but to my cock, my jewel." He laughed. "All I could think was that here is the woman I want."

She grinned against his chest. "And with blood flowing other places now, you're getting poetic?" He jabbed his finger into her side as she had done to him earlier, Isonei laughed and squirmed. "I like it, but I like teasing you more." She smiled up at him.

He ran his hand over her face and buried his fingers in her hair. "Your teasing is sweet and playful, I'm not used to it." Draeseth took his hand from her hair and pulled her up until her face was directly in front of his. "When my brothers tease, they are cruel."

"I will never be cruel to you, Draeseth. That's not in my nature." Isonei traced his lips as he looked at her with an expression she couldn't place.

"The man who chased you? Who was he?"

"Feyrith, of house Syviis." She winced.

"Were you cruel to him?" His eyes were sharp.

"Not deliberately." Isonei sighed. "He wanted to be exclusive with me and I told him no. He pressed me on the matter and I did all I could to politely refuse him. Feyrith is as spoiled and arrogant as my brothers and I just..." She looked at Draeseth with a frown.

"You regret going to bed with him." She could hear the hope in his inquiry.

"I do." She chewed on the inside corner of her lip. "It's not a pleasant feeling."

"You will not regret me." Draeseth kissed her earnestly and pulled her back to his chest. "I will not allow it."

She smiled and buried her face in his chest. "You would be difficult to regret."

"Show me another way to have you." He growled into her hair.

Isonei laughed and turned in his arms, "Just like this." She ran her foot up his leg before hooking his leg between hers. He was hardening again as he rubbed himself against her and she drew his hand to her sex. "Don't forget to..."

Draeseth groaned and began to kiss and nibble the back of her neck. "I won't forget, I will dream of that feeling for the rest of my life if you leave at dawn."

His words sent a shiver of delight down her spine. "Give me pressure and mmm" She moaned as he flattened his hand to her and pressed hard. Rocking her hips eagerly she held his arm, "More." He responded to her breathless murmur by pushing himself inside as he kept pressure and she arched her back trying to get more of him. "Yes. Oh yes, like that Draeseth. Mmnn, my flower wine!"

The sensations of his hot breath on the back of her neck and his thrusts as he started to turn her, trying desperately to push deeper, coupled with the pressure of his hand made her speechless. It was all she could do to keep up with him wanting to make this last. He growled, pulling her hair away from her neck with his free hand before kissing it and biting less than gently. The pain and pleasure mixed pushed her over the edge, making her body tremble as she gasped for breath. Waves of pleasure crashing, making her feel as though every muscle was tensing and releasing itself. She panted as the feeling slowly faded leaving her weak and limp under the now spent Torgan.

"Gods. You are magnificent." Isonei murmured, as he kissed her neck and held her tightly.

"My Isonei, my silver Aran jewel." He breathed against her neck.

She fell asleep in his possessive embrace.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Impressive first taste of your writing skills, amd certainly won't take adjusting to, like the Torgan's wine.

Other than the incomplete sentence, seeking a verb, (I suspect you meant that as a section title, and ran afoul of Lit's formetting), your work is technically excellent, with a few missplellings. Nothing like the cmmon Lit fare.

Your need of an editor must be to reduce your work load rather than the proofing skills one would bring to a partnership.

Good editors bring more than just proofing, and grammatical skills; skilled and experienced editors will improve the best of naturally skilled writers, as long as the fit is right.

You have wonderful character and dialogue talent, you brough each of the characters to life, as they were introduced. There were no throwaway, quickly passed by participants in the scenes.

Even the timid maid was brought to life in the interaction with both Isomei and the jester king, (it was a bit confusing when mention of the jester king noticing the Totgan was uncomfortable with 'the jesters' blocking the entrance; I thought you only mentioned the jester king?)

I'm off to work my way through this tale; it'll take a few days to catch up with you; by then, I'll know if I may off to beta for you. I just don't have the time in my life to edit for someone.

I read voraciously, as I have for well over 60 years, but now my reading is when my body's in too much pain, or I'm resting for my next round of work. I'm in the midst of rebuilding our property, and recovering from the havoc a disabling brain injury 18 years ago, followed up by a nearly 9 year legal battle with a criminal enterprise masquerading as a mortgage company, wreaked on our lives.

Never thought I'd be rebuilding the entire roof structure of our home, replumbing it, and finishing otther, nearly 20 year old, incomplete projects and approaching 68. But, there's no one else to do it, so I push on.

Otherwise, I loved to be editing, and using the skills I developed from nearly 30 years of writing and editing non-fiction, and helping new writers develop into authors. It'd be a helluva a lot easier on my old broken body, that is certain.

Thanks for sharing your fertile imagination, and especially, thanks for all the work it take to put together a Lit submission. It is greatly appreciated.


nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 6 years ago

In the best sense of the word. Who are these people? Isonei (& Isemay) are enticing, and they are inviting us to enter into a brand new world of sensuality. Like Draeseth, I want more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Quality writing

You write very well

I hope the plot line thickens as I read on4F4B

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
interesting but confusing

It felt like we were supposed to know more than we did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Nicely poetic, not overexplained... They fall for each other rather quickly and I was not so sure about the pet name calling. Well done overall, reminded me of Ilona Andrews and that is not all bad obviously.

This was an easy 5.

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