Flyover Country Ch. 02


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"Matt ... honey...," Mercedes whimpered, "baby ... I want you in me," she cooed.

I didn't want to look at Stephie for fear I'd see annoyance, or something worse, in her face. On the other hand, I figured Mercedes knew her friend better than I did and if Mercedes thought it was okay for me to fuck her with Stephie watching, then I would do just that. I actually thought Mercedes was rushing things a tad; Stephie and I could have done the foreplay somewhat longer to heighten Mercedes' sexually arousal and make her orgasm just that much more intense. I got up on my knees and shifted to between Mercedes' thighs and fisted my dick, leaning on my left hand.

"Stephie...," Mercedes moaned, still directing this stage play, "put him in me, baby girl, put Matt inside me, honey..."

I thought that was pushing the envelope just a little too far. I didn't think lesbian girls would want...

I was apparently badly off in my understanding of lesbian attitudes or something, because Stephie didn't hesitate. She got up on her knees and plastered herself against me as I knelt between Mercedes' wide-spread legs. Stephie didn't shy away from naked contact with a male animal one little bit.

Stephie's left hand stroked my shaft a time or two, very gently and quite expertly. I was watching her, just a little amazed, but Stephie was looking at Mercedes. In another moment, Stephie was tugging my cock lower and then she fitted the head of my cock between Mercedes' labia and moved the tip all around Mercedes' steaming pussy. Then she slipped me into that sweet entrance into Mercedes' vagina, wrapped her arm around me and clamped her hand on my ass, squeezing and trying to push my dick into her friend even deeper. I was happy to oblige.

In a minute or two, the three of use were in a rhythm, with me thrusting in and out of Mercedes' volcanic cunt while she and Stephie shared kisses and Stephie alternately sucked and fondled Mercedes' breasts and nipples.

Mercedes was in a rush to get to an orgasm. I didn't know why, but what the lady wanted is what the lady would get! I pounded into her, jackhammer style and she was slamming her body up at me just as hard. In a few moments, she was arching her back off the bed and shuddering hard and gasping soundlessly.

As she came back down, Mercedes patted my forearm until I crumpled beside her to rub shoulders with her while her tremors weakened, then died. Mercedes came up on her right elbow and kissed me lovingly, her eyes open and dancing all the while. Then she settled on her back, wormed her way under Stephie and rolled Stephie onto her back between us.

"Matt, honey ... make love to Stephie, okay?"

I understood the coded message she was sending. In her opinion, Stephie needed to experience what I'd given Mercedes the first night we'd spent together, and several times since. So I did, with Mercedes' assistance. We divided the kisses up and down the length of Stephie's young body, just as Stephie and I had done with Mercedes only a short time ago. I crawled between Stephie's spread thighs and began to orally please her.

Mercedes chuckled soft and low. "Stephie, honey...," she whispered in a hushed tone, "Matt is gonna eat your cute little pussy ... and you're gonna cum soooooo many times...!" Mercedes' amused chuckle turned into a wanton giggle. "...An' you're just gonna love it!" she promised gleefully.

Part of what Mercedes said was directed at me. "Make love to Stephie" was what Mercedes instructed me to do, so I proceeded to do my best to tongue the lovely Stephie to as many climaxes as I possibly could. My best turned out to be pretty fair, judging by Stephie's reaction. After my third time sucking gently on her clit to coax an orgasm out of her, she moaned pitifully and slapped my forearm to get my attention.

"Don't ... please ... Maaaaat ... I need to breathe ... please...!" Stephie moaned. "Please, baby..."

So I backed off and rose to my knees between her legs. Leaning over and bracing myself on my hands, I began scattering butterfly kisses onto her lips, the hollow of her neck, and her shoulders for a while, gradually slowing down. When she got control of her breathing again, I sat back on my haunches. Mercedes knew what I was going to do; she grabbed one of the throw pillows on the bed and worked it under the small of Stephie's back, setting the blonde girl's pussy at just the right angle.

I widened my knees and dipped down, fisting my prick in my right hand, but at the last moment, Mercedes wrapped her fingers around my staff and guided the head of my cock into Stephie's pussy.

Mercedes was grinning maniacally at me, so I leaned over and kissed her soft lips. Straightening up, I began to fuck Stephie, stroking deep, long, and slow while Mercedes tended to Stephie's diamond-hard nipples and her lips.

I brought Stephanie to one climax by riding her hard and fast, then I let her rest for a moment by slow-stroking her again. I gradually increased the tempo, forcing her to come along with me on the ride. Her hands were caressing, then clamping down on my shoulders. She reached around my waist to pull me down tighter against her ... her hips were whipping all around, grinding up into me.

And then we were moving together, working hard and fast against each other and gasping for breath. Abruptly, Stephie ground to a halt. Her body trembled and her mouth opened wide. Her fingers tightened around my elbows and held me firmly in place above her. As her cunt muscles spasmed, I pumped a thick spray of cum inside her ... again ... and then again.

"Ahhhhhhgggggnnnnhhhhh!" she keened shrilly. She collapsed bonelessly, her legs splayed wide, and her eyes closed. Another little shudder rocked her, then subsided.

My overstrained muscles gave way finally. I pulled out of Stephie's sopping pussy. I would have rolled to Stephie's left, supporting myself on what little strength I had left in my arms, but Mercedes pulled me in the other direction and I had to go with it. I landed between the two sexy women and tiredly turned over on my back.

Stephie slapped my chest playfully ... just enough to get my attention.

"What?!" I protested.

"I was gonna be so happy being a lesbian!" she complained. "And then you had to go an' spoil it!"

I had no idea what to say, so I improvised by stroking her smooth flesh from her shoulder to her lower belly, intending to add some kind of verbal response later on.

"Noooooooooooo," she whimpered. "You just have to be still, okay?"

Mercedes laughed. "I had to make him stop touching me when we spent our first night together too!" She cuddled into my right side, resting her head on my shoulder. She giggled again. "And then, I moved my pussy lips accidentally just a little, and I started coming all over again!" She told Stephie. They broke up giggling at each other.

I thought I'd been sworn to secrecy about that little incident. Guess it didn't apply to best friends.

We were quiet for a while, just resting and enjoying our closeness ... until Stephie poked me in the left pectoral with her forefinger.

"Stephanie!" I said, objecting strenuously. "We have got to compromise here ... I won't hit or poke you ... and you don't do it to me ... agreed?"

"Wuss!" Stephie replied, totally unrepentant. "Listen ... you're divorced, right?"

"I am! Want to see the decree? It's signed by a real, live judge and everything!"

"No, huh-uh ... I believe you ... but Mercedes said it was 'cause your wife and another woman and a guy were having sex, right?"

"Yep!" I told her.

"But you an' me and Merci just did that ... and you sure didn't act like you think it was wrong. What gives?"

"Nope ... this is all right," I replied. "None of the three of us is married, right? Makes a difference." I paused. "And, Stephie, you don't understand...," I continued. " was never about the kind of sex they were having, it was that they shouldn't have been having sex at all."

"I told her the day I caught her fucking around. They were not supposed to be fucking in the first place, regardless of what flavor of sex they were doing. My wife made a vow she would 'forsake all others' and so did I ... it's right there in the wedding vows!"

"What we just did is different. It's the same sex, I agree with you there ... but none of us is married ... none of us is in another relationship so far as I know..." The girls both shook their heads. "...So none of us has committed to anyone else ... none of us is exclusive with anyone else, right?" I concluded.

"See where I'm comin' from, Stephie?" I asked a little anxiously.

"Yeah," she admitted.

"Cool!" I told her. I grinned. "The lecture by Professor Matt is hereby CONCLUDED!" I stroked her and Mercedes' thighs.

"SO ... who wants to take a quick shower and go downstairs and get something to eat? I'm starved!"

* * *

We took our shower together after agreeing to no sexual touches, since that would have delayed us indefinitely ... and we were all three famished. We'd used up a ton of calories already, and we'd be using up even more once we changed the sheets and maybe turned the mattress over. I didn't want to be in the wet spot any more than they did!

* * *

For the next fifteen days, the three of us enjoyed each other's company in and out of bed. The girls helped with the necessary chores in the morning and we went riding—I finally got to see Ginger at a full gallop with Mercedes atop her and her long black hair streaming out behind her. We swam in our pool, and made side trips to the lake to ride jet skis. We did just anything and everything we could think of.

When we weren't away from the house doing something, we had sex in every way we could think of. I took each of the girls individually from time to time, and they had sex together. A couple of times, they went at it and didn't want me involved, but usually I was invited in at some point. We had sex in every room of the house, out beyond the barn in the tall grass, and on blankets spread on the ground on picnic trips out on the range.

We did other things. I took the girls dancing in the city twice, and we ate dinner in fancy restaurants several times. We took the Range Rover into town, and emptied their apartment of all their belongings.

I spent a little more than three weeks with Mercedes. One week with her alone and two more with Mercedes and Stephanie together. They were the most fantastic weeks of my life.

* * *

We'd planned to have sex the last night as a kind of sendoff, but Mercedes and I decided to just be there and hold each other. She and Stephanie were leaving in the morning, and we were all having trouble dealing with it.

"You know why I asked if Stephie could come out here, right?" Mercedes asked quietly.

I nodded in the darkness of the bedroom. The gloom was broken only by the light of the moon shining ghostly through the window.

"If you and I had spent another couple of weeks just one-on-one out here by ourselves," I said, "...then tomorrow just might not ever happen," I replied sadly. "And, there was Stephie's lesbianism that she needed to understand ... wasn't what she thought it was!" I added. "That seems to have worked out ... but I'm not so sure about her ... ahhh ... driving a wedge between us."

I was quiet for a moment. "Did it work for you?" I asked softly.

She sighed. "I don't know," she said sadly. "Maybe...," she mused softly. "If we get through tomorrow ... maybe it has ... just enough!"

"But I sure didn't plan on Stephie falling for you as hard as I did," Mercedes continued in a whimsical tone. "...Or you her..."

There was nothing I could say. Everything was so damned complicated.

We were quiet for a while.

"And you know about Stephie and me and dancing...?"

"I do ... y'all grew up together, started dancing when you were four and she was just a little younger ... and since then you've just about spent your whole life getting ready for the tour with that troupe in Philadelphia. I know...," I said.

"Maybe, I could stay down here ... and find—"

"—No ... wouldn't work, honey," I interrupted. "There's nothing like the opportunity you have up in Philadelphia ... not down here. I couldn't take the dream you've had all your life away from you ... wouldn't be fair ... and after a while you'd start to wonder what would have been ... and it would cause problems between us, no matter how we tried to fight it..."

I took a deep breath and let it out. "And if I was to follow you up to Philadelphia, you'd be so busy working on your dancing, we wouldn't have much of any time to spend with each other ... and all the touring an' travel, an' stuff..."

I sighed again.

"We couldn't make that work either, baby."

We might have discussed it more, going around in the same circles again and again, but there was a knock on the doorframe.

Stephie sobbed once, trying to control her crying but not very successfully. "Can I sleep with you guys?" she asked plaintively. Stephie had planned to give Mercedes and me the night alone, but being lonely and facing the separation tomorrow by herself was apparently hurting too much.

"Sure, honey," I said softly, glancing at Mercedes. She nodded.

"Come and let me hold you, okay?" I told Stephie. She crept gratefully under the covers and snuggled against me. I rolled over on my back and the girls pillowed their heads on my shoulders. We didn't have sex, but we became closer than ever

* * *

After Mercedes and Stephanie left, I was lost. Totally. Completely. They didn't call or text me, and I never tried to contact them either. We'd all agreed that would only extend the pain and wouldn't solve a thing. Things simply were what they were. God, it hurt, though.

I threw myself into getting the rest of the ranch property sold or given away. I sold the whole herd of cattle to a ranch down by Kingsville. They were going to add them to an existing herd and use them to infuse some new genes into the mix.

I sold Ginger and another three-year-old mare to a family named Ingram—for a dollar apiece. Fred and Sarah Ingram had two daughters, thirteen-year-old Amber and eleven-year-old Pamela, who fell in love with the two horses. They and their father had stopped at the gate after seeing me putting hobbles on them near the gate to my property one day. My shirt was soaked by the time Fred pried the girls away from me, because all the two young girls could do was hug me and bawl their eyes out. Made me feel good to see them so happy.

The rest of the horses went swiftly too, and the buffalo were sold to a rancher in Colorado who was already raising another group of bison up there. All the remaining farm vehicles and such went on consignment to an auction held in the next county over; they sold quickly—and that was just about that.

I gave Uncle Jake's old Cessna 172 to Gene McReady for use in his pilot training program. When I took it down to him, he and one of his guys flew me back home. The two of them talked cheerfully the whole way, and all of the discussion was about the day I flew out of their airfield with two "nekkid women" in my plane. I didn't invite them into the house when we got to the ranch because I was heartily sick of the conversation by then. I didn't want any more reminders of Mercedes and Stephanie.

I drained the pool and had a bunch of rocks and soil dumped in it; I didn't want any critters to fall in the thing and not be able to get out. Then I searched the house for anything that anyone might want, and I did it several times, just to make sure Mom hadn't left any more boxes with goodies laying around.

I got all the proper permits for a controlled burn and put the torch to the old ranch house and the little house that I'd lived in as a teenager. At my expense, the local Volunteer Fire Department stood by while the houses burned and we made a party of it, with babyback ribs, brisket, and all the fixings from Jesse's for the fire crews along with lots of cans of soda and bottled water. All the guys and gals stayed around long after the fire was out, eating and socializing until spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends started calling, wondering where they were.

I stayed that night at a motel, totally as loose ends, cut off from everything that had kept me here. The next morning, I started out for California. Mom and Dad were on their way to Yosemite and I was going to meet them there for a short visit. It must have looked kind of funny, a thirty-year-old man visiting his parents at a campsite in the forest.

End, Part 2 (of 4)

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Why is this in loving wives?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Woo much virtue signaling it gets a bit annoying. Also, a Stetson with cargo shorts huh? I guess that's like the frat version of a cowboy?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I always start reading at Chapter 02 these days. But they are all five star specials.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I enjoyed the hell out of that chapter. The first chapter I kind of expected that the marriage would blow up, but him and Faye meeting up at the BBQ joint and agreeing they were done was good, Him hooking up with Merci and later her friend Stephanie was good for the soul. Full marks for this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Paradise in Texas. Two beautiful girlfriends who are close dancer girlfriends and a fully stocked ranch for a while. Nice closure with wonderful liberated stepparents. LUCKY.

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