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We each had a water bottle but weren't planning on going far enough to need much of anything else. We left the car and strolled over to the path leading down to the bridge out to the island. Here, one branch of the Prequese Isle river rushes through the steep sided gorge some thirty feet below the bridge on its way out to the big lake, a couple of hundred yards distant. The island itself is largely pine covered with easy walking most everywhere. Once on the island we turned to our right and headed up to where the river divided to flow on either side.

The rivers here are generally tinted slightly yellowish brown, both from the iron content and from the tannin of the numerous surrounding trees. Tinted, but the waters are still quite clear and make a pretty sight as they splash over the many rocks and ledges on their way down to the inland sea. The river branch on the far side of the island is the smaller of the two but still has a quite swift flow although it has not cut a deep gorge as the one on the near side has done. Depending on the time of year and the amount of recent rain, it can be possible to get across this lesser stream to hiking trails on the far side and proceed along the shore of the big lake.

We spent the next three hours exploring some of these trails before turning back to the parking lot and picnic area. This area had a number of tables and grills, but just then was less than half full. We found a table a little apart and set about fixing supper. While the guys made a fire in the grill and cooked the steaks in an aluminum foil pan, Diane and I used a small camp stove to make the rice dish.

When the food was ready we once again sat down to eat. If anything, Don and I sat a little closer this time. We were finding that we were getting along quite well and had, in fact, been holding hands during a lot of our hike. Holding hands or, even a couple of times, walking with his arm around my waist. I was definitely attracted to this guy.

After we finished eating and cleaning everything up, we packed stuff back into the car and started the drive back around to the campground. It was still some time to sunset but on the way back I noticed Diane and Kevin whispering to each other in the back seat. I smiled to myself as I thought I could guess what the topic of conversation probably was. I decided to make it a little easier and finally turned to them and said, "Ah, Diane, if you two would like the tent again for awhile, I expect Don and I can find some place to go."

Diane turned slightly red and Kevin's face took on an embarrassed look. In a few seconds she tried to lessen the embarrassment by saying, "You don't have to do that."

I teased her even a little more by replying, "I know we don't have to, but I also know you'd be happier if we did." Then I relented and added, "Look, you guys, we all know what's going on. Don't worry about it."

Don added, "That's right. Kristen and I can find something to do."

Kevin managed to return some of our teasing by saying, "Well, based on your greeting this morning, I'm sure you can." I felt myself go slightly warm at this remark but not a lot. After all, I had been thinking something along those same lines.

As it was, when we got back to the campground we dropped Diane and Kevin off at our tent with the information that we would be back sometime around midnight. Then Don drove us on back to his and Kevin's site.

We decided to build a fire in the fire ring and sit and talk for a time. Mostly we were learning a bit more about each other. And liking what we were learning. We found we had a lot of interests in common. We knew neither of us was involved with anyone at the moment and I could tell that Don seemed happy about that. I know I was. We also discovered we both were very fond of hiking, camping and other outdoor activities and that we both loved this part of the country.

At that time of year darkness doesn't fall until quite late. It had been a mostly clear day and as night did begin to fall the sky remained open with stars starting to emerge. We were both looking up at the sky when Don said, "I love looking at the stars, but even at school there's so much light that they can fade a little. Once a couple of years ago I went camping at a park in western Pennsylvania. Cherry Hill, I think it's called. Supposed to be the darkest place in the eastern US. It attracts amateur astronomers like flies to honey."

"Umm. Someday I'd like to go there. I love looking up at the heavens, too." I looked around and added, "Up here in the UP isn't bad. At least when you get away from the developed areas."

We both looked around at the lights in the campground. "Well, things are a little washed out here," Don commented. "Want to take another walk down by the lake shore? It'll be darker there."

I smiled at him. "I'd love to." Then I had to tease a little. "But I'll bet you just want to get me in the dark for other purposes, don't you?"

Don laughed but then said, "That might be part of it. But do you really mind?"

I gave a little laugh and then suddenly moved closer and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "No, I don't mind. I might even have the same purpose in mind myself."

Holding hands we started walking down towards the lake. As soon as we moved away from the campground, covering the same places we had been the previous night, most all outside light was blocked. It takes the human eye nearly thirty minutes to completely adapt to the dark and we spent most of that just moving farther away along the shore. Starshine was providing enough light for us to make our way and we soon passed the rock where we had met the night before.

Somewhat farther along we came to an area where the woods came all the way down to the lake and the shoreline moved beneath a ten foot cliff. Especially at night, even with the light from the now rising moon, we didn't want to try and make our way through such undergrowth and, besides, we didn't know that the shoreline flattened back to beach beyond it. Instead we moved over to a fallen log and sat, side by side, still holding hands. We turned towards each other and for long seconds silence reigned. Then Don raised his hand and gently turned my face towards his as his lips approached mine. I moved my own and soon we were locked in a tight embrace, mouths open and tongues exploring.

That kiss went on for a long, long time. When we finally pulled slightly back we were both breathing a little faster than usual. "Kristen, I know this may sound phony, but I've never felt like this about any girl before. I mean we just met last night but I feel like I've known you for a lot longer than that. And I think you might be feeling a little of the same."

I raised my hand and let it slide slowly along his face. "Don, I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way."

He shifted slightly and gently pulled me onto his lap. I went quite willingly and soon was sitting with my arm around his neck and the other hand holding his. We once again kissed and again it was a long, long one - and very hot. I'm not sure I had ever reacted to any guy's kiss like I was to Don's and certainly not to anyone I had known for only a day. There was just something about him. Actually, I made the first move and began to move my hand inside his shirt, stroking his chest.

Don didn't object and his arm tightened around me, pulling me closer. His hand began to slide from my back around my side but then seemed to hesitate. I decided to let him know it was all right and reached to move his hand over my breast. That was all the invitation he needed and soon we were passionately engaged in some serious petting.

Over the next two hours we only occasionally came up for air. I could easily feel Don's rigid arousal through his clothes and before we finally left for the walk back my shirt was open and he was treating my bare breasts in a most pleasing fashion. We might have actually gone further but we had told Diane and Kevin we'd come back about midnight.

We finally separated and rearranged our clothing. "Don, don't get the idea that I'm the kind of girl who jumps into bed with someone I just met."

"I don't think you're that kind of girl at all. I can't see you going in for one night stands."

I managed a small laugh. "No. Not even one night lying downs."

He returned the laugh. "No, I don't think so. But, Kristen, I don't want this to end now."

I interrupted. "I don't either."

"How long are you planning on being here? At the park, I mean."

"We didn't set a particular time. We've been here several days and were thinking about a week or so. Now that Kevin is here, I don't know what Diane wants to do. She's my ride home - or at least my ride to a bus station - so I guess a lot of it is up to her."

For a couple of seconds Don didn't say anything. "We'd planned on a couple of weeks. Kevin hasn't said exactly what he wants to do but having seen them today, I expect he might want to change our plans a little." Then he stopped and looked at me. "Kristen, let me suggest a possibility. If you don't like it, just say so. I won't be offended, especially as it's so soon."

Again I spoke up. "Just what do you have in mind? I promise I won't be offended."

He gave a short laugh. "How can you promise that when you don't know what I'm going to suggest?"

I slowly answered, "Because I have the feeling I may be thinking of suggesting the same thing."

Almost to himself I heard him say, "Oh, I hope so." Then he shook his head and said, "I was just thinking how much I want to get to know you better. Also I expect the two of them would be happier doing their own thing."

"Yeah and we both have a pretty good idea just what their own thing is," I laughed.

He joined me. "I expect we do. Look, Kristen, what I was thinking of offering as a possibility is that we let the two of them have your tent and that you share mine."

I expected something like this but to hear it put into so many words made me suck in my breath. "Share your tent? Or your sleeping bag?"

He looked directly into my eyes. "That will be completely up to you. I know what I'd prefer but I also know it's really too soon. Look, you can stay with me as long as you want and I'll see that you get home. If you want to continue as we have tonight, that's fine. If you want to do more, it's your choice. I think you already know what I want. And if you want to change it to a purely friendly relationship, I can live with that, also." He stopped for a second and then with a smile, added, "I can live with it, but I won't promise to like it."

I laughed and some of the tension seemed to evaporate. "I don't think I'd want that, Don. Of the other two choices I think I know which I'd prefer but I'm not going to decide tonight after you've been turning me on for the last two hours. For that matter you might change your mind in the light of day."

He laughed. "No, I'm sure I won't. Kristen, I've never fallen for anyone so quickly or, to be honest, so hard. I don't know just what it is, but, girl, you excite me like no one ever has."

Slowly I said, "I feel the same way, Don." Then after a few seconds delay, "I can take you up on the general idea. Suppose tomorrow we offer them Diane's tent and I'll move to yours. But it may be a bit before I decide about exactly how much to share. Is that OK?"

"More than OK, Kristen. You have my word I won't try to push you further than you want."

"OK, I believe you. Tomorrow we'll put the proposition to them. We've talked about a day hike tomorrow. Suppose we pack a lunch and bring the subject up when we're far enough out that no one will hear them screaming if they don't like the idea."

Don joined my laughter and replied, "Yeah, I can just see them not wanting a tent to themselves. Seriously, though, that sounds like a good idea." Then after another few seconds, "Kristen, are you sure I'm not pushing you into this? I don't want you to do this unless you really want to."

"You're not. And, Don. If they weren't expecting us back by about midnight, I might have been ready to jump into your sleeping bag tonight. I've never felt this way about anyone I haven't known for some time. I can't explain it either, but I've fallen for you just as rapidly."

The lights of the campground were starting to show ahead. Before we got all the way there we stopped for several minutes for some more serious kissing until, at last a little short of breath, we pulled apart and headed back towards the site Diane and I were using.

We had agreed not to say anything to either Diane or Kevin until our hike, so when Kevin and Don left for their own site, Diane and I quickly made a trip to the restroom and got ready for sleep. Before we drifted off, however, Diane managed to say, "I think from looking at you that you and Don managed to find something to keep you occupied. You seem to really like him, don't you, Kristen?"

I actually felt myself grow slightly warm. "I'll admit we have hit it off quite well."

I couldn't see her smile but I was sure I could sense it. "You looked like you must have. I'll bet it's not a platonic relationship even now. Maybe you should just trade tents with Kevin."

I knew she was just teasing but I was still happy that the tent was dark and she couldn't see my face. Instead I pretended I had fallen asleep and didn't answer.

The next morning we slept a little later than usual. We were supposed to meet the men about nine and still easily managed to finish breakfast, clean up and get our hiking gear ready some time before that. The guys showed up right on time and we all headed over to hike along the Little Carp River. This would be about a six or seven mile hike down to the lake and, of course, the same back, along with about six hundred feet of elevation difference. A pretty good hike.

We drove around the South Boundary Road again, stopping at the trail head short of the western end. The trail was easy to follow although there were some areas of boardwalk in the first mile to avoid wading through swampy ground. A little farther along we passed the Greenstone Cabin, one of the dozen or so back country rentals available in the park. Then it was another long stretch of up and down with a couple of crossings of the Little Carp River before we emerged onto the rocky beach of Lake Superior.

We found a couple of small driftwood logs and used them as benches to sit on for lunch so we could watch the small waves coming in and breaking on the shoreline. Diane and Kevin sat close together on one and Don and I did likewise on the other. I think the other couple had probably noticed that Don and I held hands when we could on the way in and didn't seem surprised as we settled next to each other.

When we had finished eating and were still sitting by the lake, Don began, "Last night Kristen and I were talking."

Before he could say anything else Diane interjected, "You found time to talk?"

I felt myself turn slightly red but Don managed to ignore her and went on. "We were talking about you two. We think you two might be a little happier sharing a tent on a regular basis instead of just during our walks. So, we're suggesting you do that. Kevin can move into yours, Diane, and Kristen will manage in mine."

Diane and Kevin were both staring open mouthed at us. Diane found her voice first. "I'll admit we'd like to, but that isn't fair to you two."

I broke in, "Diane, I think it's fair. You two deserve it." She had turned and was staring at me. I felt I had to add, "We're just talking about sharing the tent. You two are sharing a lot more." I still hadn't decided if we'd be sharing more also, but I didn't need to bring that up just then.

The discussion went on for another fifteen minutes with everyone finally agreeing on this arrangement. We even went a little further and agreed that we'd all stay in the campground another two nights and then each couple could go their separate ways. Don assured Diane that he would see that I got home and she and Kevin would be free to go wherever that wanted. When we started back I could tell that Diane and Kevin were actually quite excited about the idea of "camping" together.

When we returned to the campground, Kevin and I each carried our things to the other tent. Then the four of us all returned to Diane's site for supper. We made a pot of chili on the camp stove and while it was simmering we sat at the table talking. We decided to spend the next day with all of us hiking together again and looked over the map for a likely trail. We finally picked out a loop starting at Government Peak.

After we ate, we built a small fire in the fire ring and remained sitting at the table. Over the next couple of hours we all talked. Not about anything in particular, but about a variety of different things. Classes at school, apartments, hometowns, growing up. Just general conversation.

By nine thirty I could see that Diane and Kevin seemed to be getting a little anxious. I was sure that they would much rather end the talking and head into the tent for some more intimate communications. I looked at Don and rolled my eyes towards the other couple and said, "If we're going to be hiking all day tomorrow, maybe we should get some sleep."

I saw him glance at the other two and suppress a smile. "Probably. I think maybe we should head on back to our site and everyone can get some sleep."

Diane, at least, turned a bit red but managed to say, "Probably not a bad idea. Want to meet here for breakfast? Say, about seven thirty."

We all agreed and Don and I started the short walk back to his site. Halfway there he said, "Want to bet that they are both naked already?"

I laughed. "I doubt it's taken this long. Didn't you see the way they were touching ever since supper. I'm almost surprised they didn't just start going at it on the table."

Don joined my laugh. "They do seem to like each other."

We made a side trip to the restroom before going to Don's - now also my - site and entering the tent. It wasn't a large tent. Supposedly it could sleep three, but they would have to be VERY good friends. Still, there was plenty of room for both of us side by side. I had unrolled my pad and sleeping bag earlier and now it rested a couple of inches from Don's.

We were both kneeling - there isn't room in a small tent to stand - when Don turned from zipping the tent flap. He smiled at me. "You're not sorry we let them have the tent, are you?"

I smiled right back. "Not at all. Are you?"

"I'd have to be crazy for that. You are much nicer to look at than Kevin."

"Well, I expect Kevin thinks the same thing about Diane and I'm sure they are doing much more than looking."

For several seconds he looked at me and then quietly said, "Maybe we can do a little more than look, too." Then he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a nice kiss. I'll admit I pulled him back just as hard.

We spent the next hour in a very hot make out session. I was lying on my side, Don's hand on my breast inside my open shirt, my hand down the back of his jeans on his nice, tight ass. We pulled slightly back from a long, deep kiss, both of us breathing a little fast. Don slowly took a deep breath and said, "Kristen, you must know I want more."

I started to say something but he placed a finger across my lips. "I want more, but only if you do too. But I don't want us deciding in the heat of passion and possibly regretting it the next day. Why don't we give it a day or so and then decide?"

I drew my own deep breath and slowly nodded my head. "OK. I know how I think I feel right now, but let's make sure."

He smiled at me again and gave me another deep kiss, squeezing my breast and rolling the nipple. Then we drew back and with a little shiver separated a bit. A little shaky I said, "I suppose we really should get some sleep." He nodded and I turned to rummage in my clothes bag for a night shirt. I pulled it out and Don said, "I'll look away while you get into your sleeping bag."
