Folie a Deux, Episode 03


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"I had looked at my son's face when I was sucking him," Emily tells us as we see her again, "and now I was looking at his face as he did the same to me. He was watching me as I'd watched him, but more forcefully. He told me with just his eyes that he controlled me, he dominated me, that he owned me. Seeing that look on his face made me scream."

"In a good way or a bad way?" asks the interviewer.

Emily grins wickedly. "In a magnificent way! It was like a bolt of pure sex began at the tip of each finger and each toe and every hair on my head and all of them came crashing together in my clit. I howled like a bitch in heat and came so hard I thought it would take the polish off my fingernails!"

"Oh man!" Mike informs us as he reappears. "That orgasm! Man! She put both feet on my shoulders and slammed her pussy right up into my face like she was tryin' to get my whole head inside. And her body hummed, thrummed, like a plucked guitar string that just kept on vibrating. I was like, 'Let's see how long this goes' and kept sucking. It was, like, minutes, like ten minutes of one orgasm, her whole body coiled and singing and juice pouring out of her faster than I could suck it up. Screamin' into her panties the whole time, the whole time. And then all at once her feet fly off my shoulders and she just dropped back onto the desk and her pussy fell away from my mouth. Even then, though, she was still vibrating."

"Ohhhh my Goooooddd!" Emily gasps, looking breathless and wild-eyed, her untameable hair standing out in stray locks and making her look a little unhinged. "I didn't stop coming! Even after his mouth was off of me, I just kept coming! It was like throwing a rock into a still pool and seeing the ripples go out one after another and reflect from the edge and come back upon themselves, mixing and mingling. There were waves of pleasure trembling through my body, all the way out to the ends of my limbs and then coming back to meet fresh waves. It was utterly overwhelming."

Mike again. "She was laying there spread on the desk, splayed out, and I was hard as a rock. I needed to get off, and she wasn't up to taking orders at the moment, so I grabbed her and flipped her over onto her stomach, grabbed her by the hair, and went in."

Emily reappears, looking even less hinged than before as her arousal rises. "There is nothing that excites me more than being flipped and tossed about by a strong, dominating man, a man who can control me physically. Mike didn't ask, he didn't consult me about the position I wanted to be in, and he didn't even wait for me to calm down so I could do as he told me. He simply turned me over and began to fuck me from behind! And with a handful of my hair as a bridle! I was in heaven!"

Mike again, smiling hugely. "I don't think she stopped coming from before. She just slid right into another orgasm. Her whole body was shaking, like I watched the skin on her arms where she was bracing herself and it looked like it was jumping. I think every muscle she had was twitching -- and man, her insides were twitching on my cock, that was for sure! It felt like a dozen fingers were massaging me on every stroke. I was like, yeah, not gonna last long in this piece of paradise!"

"Mike very quickly started fucking me hard and fast, which was exactly what I needed at that moment," Emily tells us. "I love long, slow screws when the mood is right, but there, then, at that moment, I needed to be fucked like a horny little slut. Mike sensed that and treated me like a whore, and I was helpless. I had panties in my mouth and I still screamed myself hoarse."

Mike reappears. "You gotta visualize the whole scene. Outside there were like 200 people who knew us. I could hear them talking and laughing, they were that close. And I was fucking my mom's brains out right there, where we shouldn't have been at all. Mom was coming and coming and coming, just freaking the fuck out on my dick, and I was fighting to keep from coming because I didn't want it to end so soon -- well, I didn't want it to end ever. I mean, my dad was out there and I was fucking his wife and giving her something I knew he couldn't and he had no idea. It was a gigantic rush."

The interviewer says, "You were getting off on cuckolding your father?"

Mike shrugs with a mixture of shame and arousal on his face. "Yeah. Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad. I love him to this day. He's a great guy, and I know he loved my mom. But if he was giving her what she needed, she wouldn't be dangling off my cock then. He wasn't doing it because he couldn't do it. I could and he couldn't. I mean, yeah there were things I could do better than him, I knew that, but when one of those things involves turning your own mom into your cum slut, it's a special kind of buzz."

Emily appears again, bright red and wide-eyed. "I didn't know anything outside the room existed. I was lost to the world. I am glad I was gagged, however, because I was howling to wake the dead! Mike's pace was increasing, his breath was ragged, I knew he was close to coming and I wanted it so much! I wanted to feel his cum inside me, to feel it leaking from me as the day went on, to know that it was Mike's cum, my son's cum, my lover's cum that was keeping the crotch of my panties damp. There was nothing else but that need."

"I was gonna bust," Mike reports. "I couldn't hold out and I wanted to feel her body against me when I came, so I pulled her body up by her hair so she was about as upright as she could be with my dick in her and swung my free hand around so my fingers were on her clit -- on the hood, I mean, sort of pressing and giving it some pressure as I fucked her. She squealed and her eyes got huge and then just slammed shut, and her pussy clamped hard on my cock and didn't let it go. I came so hard that I'd have dropped if she wasn't there to hold onto."

We see Emily once more, looking like she might faint from the degree of flushing her face shows. "I almost passed out again when his fingers found my clit and when he started to twitch and jerk inside me so I knew he was coming. If he hadn't been holding me up I would have fallen like a marionette with sliced strings. I could do nothing but feel my strong, wonderful son inside me and holding me and orgasm, oh my Lord, orgasm!"

Mike sports a rather smug smile. "Oh yeah. Hell yeah. I felt good. I mean, after it was done and we stood there for a bit, I pulled her down onto the desk with me and just laid there with her in my arms. She did something funny, though -- as soon as I pulled out of her and told her she could take the panties out of her mouth, she grabbed them and put them back on. She told me she wanted to keep my cum inside her, which was fucking hot. I mean, she didn't want to make any more of a mess than we already had, but still, sexy, right?"

Emily returns, looking a bit shiny with a dappling of perspiration, still red in the face, hair much askew. "Curled there in Mike's arms, when the blood stopped pounding in my ears, I began to hear the sounds of activity and joy outside and I knew that Bob was one of those voices. Bob, who loved me and whom I loved, but who could never satisfy me. And there I was, in the arms of Mike. It all felt so very right."

"You sound like this was more than just sex," the interviewer points out. "What were you feeling?"

"I had been perfectly dominated and perfectly fucked," Emily replies, obviously weighing her words very carefully but still aroused enough to use the vulgarity. "I already loved Mike more than any other man in the world, but now that he had repeatedly shown me that he could give me exactly what I'd always needed and fulfill me in ways I didn't know I could be fulfilled, it was inevitable that I would...become infatuated."

"You were falling for your son?"

Emily nods. "I suppose I was. We seemed so right together. I keep using the word 'right,' but it seemed to apply in so many different ways."


Emily shifts a bit and smiles. "It felt proper that we were together. It felt as though I were being completed for the first time in my life. But more than that, I felt as though what we were doing was...just, I suppose, as though we had both earned this joy and rapturous release by the simple fact of loving each other and surviving what we had survived together. It felt as though we were entitled to this, entitled to the sex and the love and the support and the sheer intimacy of it all. And, I must add, it felt as though we were hurting no one -- no one knew except the two of us, so who could be harmed? It felt very right in that regard as well."

"You really felt this wasn't hurting your family?"

"Neither Bob nor Olivia had any way of knowing. Mike and I were closer together than ever before, and speaking for myself, I was happier than I had been in a very, very long time."

"Happy wife, happy life?"

Emily looks a bit guilty. "I've never liked that phrase, but I suppose it applied at that moment."

"And this is what you really believed?"

Emily looks guiltier. "Yes. At that moment."

We see Mike again, looking a bit pensive. "Like it did, the realization came in when we were done. The, you know, the recognition that I'd just fucked my mom and that it had been amazing. This time with the recognition that I did it like, what, 60 feet away from my dad. The recognition of it being fucked up."

The interviewer asks, "Did you feel as guilty as you had before?"

Mike shakes his head. "Nope. I mean there was some guilt, right? But...maybe I was, like, getting used to it or something. Like, you can't keep feeling that guilty if you keep doin' it, right? Somethin's gotta give. You make room in your head for all of it. People can figure out how to live with just about anything as long as it's what they want to do."

"Did you feel like you were falling in love?"

Mike purses his lips in thought, then says, "I knew there were something there that hadn't been before, like even that morning. You can't keep having mind-blowing sex with someone you love and not start to be in love, you know? At least I can't. And everything just felt so...smooth, so natural between us now. Even with the guilt I felt then, it wasn't like guilt about what we'd done, it was more guilt about how dad would see it, or Olivia, or other people. And some guilt that we'd kinda trashed the office of some very nice people."

"But you said you recognized that it was fucked up."

"Oh yeah," Mike nods. "I recognized it. I just didn't feel guilty about it. I mean, it was what it was, right? Neither of us had exactly tried to seduce the other the first time, we just recognized how good it was an adapted to it. I knew that it would kill my dad if he found out, I knew it would be a terrible thing for the family, I knew that, like, basically everybody in the whole world would be shocked and appalled by it. I recognized that. But the act itself? Nah, I wasn't really all that guilty about that anymore. I liked it too much."

"And did you want to do it again? Eventually, I mean, not right then?"

"Yeah. Of course I did. We'd fought against it twice and lost twice, and all three times we'd had sex it had been the kind of sex that changes your life forever. I was done fighting it. I didn't know how long it was gonna last, but I was done fighting it for however long it lasted."

"Eventually, of course, we had to get cleaned up and go," Emily tells us as she reappears. "When I looked about at the state of the office, I felt awful! I told Mike to go ahead and leave, and I would stay behind and tidy up, and then find a bathroom and make sure I didn't reek of sex when I came back to the party. If he came back several minutes before I did, I thought no one would notice that we'd sneaked off together."

"So, yeah, I got dressed," Mike tells us. "I gave her a long, deep kiss that I didn't rush. I lingered for a few minutes with our tongues just moving together. Then I went out and down the stairs. The kids were gone from the second floor, so I ducked into a bathroom and washed up quick. A couple minutes later I was back at the party -- I even grabbed my swim trunks out of the basket and got changed in one of the portable toilets they had set up and went for a swim. That cleaned me up good."

Emily again. "I put the office back into shape as much as possible. I genuinely did feel badly about using it as we had. I cleaned up the mess on the desk and put everything back as close to the way it was as I could, though I knew it would be obvious that someone had been in there. To be honest, I knew that sneaking into the house for illicit trysts was something of a tradition at these parties, so I knew my boss wouldn't be shocked that the office was used for this purpose. Still, it was only good manners not to leave a mess. Once I'd gotten dressed I sneaked down and used the bathroom to clean up as much as I could, though I knew Mike's seed would be running out of me all afternoon."

"Was that still exciting?" the interviewer asks.

"Oh yes!" Emily laughs. "Very much so! But now I could see the danger of it. The smell of sex is quite distinctive, after all, and it occurred to me that in the cramped confines of the car on the way home it would be difficult to keep it a secret, I had to get as much of the stuff out as possible. Still..."


Emily grins wickedly. "I knew my panties would catch a great deal of it. I knew I would keep smelling it, and every time I did I knew I would be reminded of what we'd done, over and over and over. That was exquisite!"

We see Olivia again, still shocking with her face bandaged. "I'd noticed Mike was gone because half the girls there were horny for him and they kept asking me where he was. And then he comes back and jumps into the lake right away and was in a really good mood, like obviously so. So I started looking around to see if one of the girls was coming back doing the walk of shame...and then maybe five minutes later came mom, a gigantic smile on her face and just glowing, strolling back like she hadn't even been gone. That's when I put it together."

"You figured out that they'd had sex?" the interviewer asks.

Olivia nods. "I did and I didn't. Once I thought of it, all the weirdness they'd been putting out since the trip suddenly wasn't weird at all. Everything made sense, just like that." She snaps her fingers to illustrate that. " Mike and mom were totally doing it."

"And you just accepted that right then and there?"

"No!" Olivia laughs. "Oh Jeez no. It was like, 'Maybe...naaahhhh...but maybe...naaahhh.' I mean, that was a lot to bite off and chew. But the instant the thought entered my mind it just clicked. Part of me knew I was right even though another huge part of me kept trying to tell me I was wrong."

"How did you feel about it?"

Olivia gives a rather helpless shrug. "Shocked. Overwhelmed. Confused. Kind of thinking it was really, utterly, totally fucked, but kind of getting it too."

"Getting it? What do you mean?"

"Look, it's really, really easy to get porn on the internet, and incest porn is really popular. We'd all been exposed to it. One of the questions you asked your friends at sleepovers was 'If you had to have sex with a family member, who would it be?' And then you'd all shriek and laugh at everyone's answers. But the idea was there, the...the concept of it was there. I didn't have any desires myself along those lines, but once I thought of it, once I started kicking it around in my head, I could sort of understand why mom and Mike would."

"You did?" The interviewer sounds surprised.

"Yeah," Olivia shrugs. "I mean, both of them were at their sexual peaks. Teenage boys will fuck anything that doesn't move fast enough to get away, and Mike had earned himself a reputation as a playa. It was totally obvious that mom was getting nothing from dad. Living together is a pressure cooker. You put ingredients in it and turn up the heat and something's gonna happen, maybe good, usually bad. Most families, it's fights and acting out and not getting along. Some families, it's getting along too well."

"So you were fine with it?"

"Fuck no!" Olivia laughs. "I thought it was totally fucked up. I just understood that it might be happening and why. But I wasn't sure. I had to be sure before I...well, I didn't have a plan or anything. But that's something that, once you think it, you really can't just let it sit. You need to find out one way or the other, for absolute sure."

We see Bob once more. "I'd noticed Emily had vanished for a while, but not Mike. I assumed she'd gotten a little sick to her stomach and spent some time in a port-o-john. When she came back and looked happy, I just figured that everything was OK. And no, of course I didn't make the connection then. Olivia told me later that she made the deduction that day, but I certainly didn't. I was just glad to see my wife having a good time."

Now we see a professional-looking film clip of the entire group of about 175 people -- faculty and their families, coming together and smiling for what's obviously a posed shot in the late afternoon or early evening. It looks like a wonderful time was had by all. People are grouped by family, and we freeze-frame on Mike and Emily standing together, both beaming. The freeze-frame zooms in further, on Emily's waist -- which has Mike's arm around it possessively, his hand resting on her upper hip.

The screen goes dark. Credits roll.

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firefox2020firefox2020over 1 year ago

outstanding so far. as always , i m sure it's going to break barriers .. loved the writing format 'interview thing' .. new and unique concept.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Loved it. The story-board approach makes it doubly interesting.

RelentlessOnanismRelentlessOnanismover 6 years ago
I just love this story... is easily my favourite on the whole Literotica site. I keep coming back to it and reading bits of it again and again. It's so fucking hot. It's an unbelievable shame that, for whatever reason, the writer has stopped contributing new chapters. I desperately hope he might one day return, but if not I salute him nonetheless.

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 7 years ago
Wow! Ultra hot!

You build suspense VERY WELL--all that way up to that hot fuck! The seduction, slow burn, tension and final give-in all sizzled. No-holds barred 5!

FreeFaller93FreeFaller93over 8 years ago

This is just intense! I get the young man vibes off of Mike's dialogues. He's wise, smart and dominant. But he's still a young guy. A kid to his mum. The language used by each character is so distinct... If I didn't know any better, I'd say that this was all based on a true story.

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