Follow The Rules

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The rules are there for a reason.
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I started working in Finley Hall when I was sixteen. I wasn't much good at schoolwork but I did know how to keep things neat and tidy, so when the position for a maid came up at the Hall I applied and got the job. It was a live-in position which helped supplement my wage and I had a decent room. Gone are the days where the staff were put in tiny little cubbyholes in the attic. We were still in the attic but the old rooms had been ripped apart and put together again and where there used to be a dozen small rooms there was now five comfortable ones. There were additional staff of course but they weren't live in.

I got on alright with the rest of the staff. Mrs Higgins, the housekeeper, was an alright sort, quite friendly and willing to make sure that we were properly taught the way to do things. Mr Williams, the Butler (notice the capital B), was a real stickler for doing things the way his father and his father's father had done them. Modern times had come roaring along and crashed into the immovable form of Mr Williams. I tended to avoid him which was easy enough as I was below his notice.

Lord Finley, the owner of Finley Hall, was a nice man and a true gentleman, in the best meaning of the word. He was gracious, acknowledged our efforts and didn't mind saying please and thank you. (Mr Williams could learn a thing or two from Lord Finley.) Lord Finley was around forty, give or take a year or two. I'd never actually inquired as to his age as it was none of my business.

There was no Lady Finley due to an unfortunate incident while taking a horse over some jumps. The horse fell going over one jump, taking Lady Finley down with him. The horse got back up. Lady Finley didn't, possibly because the horse walked all over her while scrambling back onto its feet.

Young Master Finley and Young Miss Finley were just as nice as their father. They were both around the twenty mark and rarely home, both living near the university they currently attended. Well, I suppose they were often home, but their homes weren't Finley Hall at this stage in their lives.

By the time I was eighteen I was effectively in charge of any outside staff we hired, knowing the ways of the Hall and being able to insist that these ways were followed. These ways didn't always make sense, but while Mr Williams was there that was the way things would be done.

Anyway, one evening Lord Finley had a guest for dinner. On occasions like this Mr Williams made it a point to always serve dinner himself, not trusting the footman to do it. (Rightfully so. Edwin was a klutz.) Yours truly had the privilege of wandering through every so often to discretely remove any unwanted plates and things.

Now the meal was substantially finished and the two men were about to settle back with a drink. I was taking out the last few plates and for some reason something dropped from one of the plates onto the floor just outside the dining room. Strictly speaking I should have stopped and scooped up whatever it was right away but, and it was a fairly big but, I had my arms full of dishes.

I will admit that I could have started dumping all the plates onto a nearby sideboard until I was free enough to recover whatever was dropped but that would have taken time. Far easier, I thought, to just nip down to the kitchen, dump the dishes, and come back and recover whatever had dropped. So that's what I did.

I was hurrying back to the dining room when I found that Mr Williams was right in front of me going in the same direction. Remember those drinks I mentioned? He was carrying them in on a tray, the tray balanced on the fingertips of his hand, marching along in a grand manner.

I should say marching along in a grand manner until his heel came down squarely on whatever I'd dropped, and whatever I'd dropped was slippery as fuck, and Mr Williams foot shot forward and he landed flat on his back and the drinks spilled all over him.

Mrs Higgins turned up as soon as she heard the crash, helping Mr Williams up and telling me to make sure that any mess was cleaned up and to take the men their drinks.

I hurried to clean up the mess which basically consisted of picking up the tray and goblets (unbroken) and wiping up a few drops of wine and a skid mark. There was no sign of whatever Mr Williams had trodden on and I couldn't help wondering where it had got to.

The clean-up done I rushed to the butler's still-room, found there was a bottle of claret sitting on the bench, poured two drinks, and fetched them to the dining room.

"Sorry, sir," I said quickly. "I forgot to check what drinks you wanted but the claret was out and I assumed that was what Mr Williams was bringing."

"Absolutely correct, Sally," Lord Finley assured me. "Thank you very much. Can you come back in half an hour and collect the glasses? We'll be in my office."

"Certainly, sir," I assured him and hastily departed. It didn't strike me at the time but it was an odd request to make. Normally they'd just leave the glasses on the table and we'd naturally clear them away when we tidied up. There again, if he was taking them through to his office I suppose they may have been overlooked, especially as Mr Williams was in bed with a pulled muscle.

When the half hour was up I trotted along to the office, knocked, and went in when called.

"Ah, Sandra," said Lord Finley. "Close the door for a moment if you would."

I did so and when I turned back to face him he nodded towards a side table and I saw the two glasses there. I was reaching for the glasses when I saw there was something in one of them and it wasn't wine. I knew what it was even if I didn't know what it was, if you get my drift. I turned to look at Lord Finley.

"Just as a matter of curiosity, George," said Lord Finley, "what do you suppose would be Williams's reaction if he finds out why he slipped and who caused it?"

"That's a good question, Alfred," George replied. "From the way he limped off the scene I'd say he pulled a muscle and as for his dignity, shattered beyond repair. I suspect that his first reaction would be to strangle the culprit, fire them, and have the body dragged away by a team of wild horses, always assuming he could find some wild horses."

"My thoughts exactly" agreed Lord Finley.

He turned to face me more fully.

"There are reasons for some of Williams's silly little rules, Sally," he said gently. "While there was no real harm done this time, there could have been. Of course, Williams won't necessarily agree with the no harm done bit. If you'd followed the rules then the accident wouldn't have happened."

All I could do was blush and look guilty and say nothing. I mean, he was right.

"You've now left me with a bit of a problem. You've cause Williams a certain amount of pain and an awful lot of embarrassment. He's going to be like a bear with a sore tooth for weeks. In discipline matters dealing with the staff I'd normally reply on Mrs Higgins or Williams to handle the matter. Seeing you come under Mrs Higgins I should throw it to her but, as Williams is involved, she'll just pass it straight on to him. Her life wouldn't be worth living if she didn't. Then we're back to the firing and strangling and wild horses. Not the scenario I want around here."

I didn't think for one moment that Williams would strangle me as it would be beneath his dignity, but the firing was almost a given.

"You do excellent work here and I have noticed this and I don't really want to see you discharged for what was really a minor incident. That tends to rule out informing Mrs Higgins or Williams, but neither do I want to see you just walk away without some sort of penalty. Williams could have been badly hurt. Have you any suggestions as to what sort of penalty might suffice?"

I just looked at him helplessly. I'd never had to penalise anyone for anything. How would I know?

"Make the punishment fit the crime, Alfred," drawled George. "Williams suffered some minor pain and a loss of dignity. Doesn't that suggest anything to you?"

Lord Finley blinked and shook his head. I felt the same way.

"You're slow today, Alfred. Spank the girl. A smarting bottom and some indignity served up."

"I can't do that," exclaimed Lord Finley at the same time I said, "He can't do that."

"Actually, you can do that," said George, smiling happily. "She looks as though she's of age. If she is all you need is her consent."

Lord Finley was looking at me, obviously wanting my opinion.

"I'm eighteen," I admitted, "but I don't want to be spanked."

He shrugged and looked back at George who was still smiling.

"You'll find she wants to be fired a lot less and that seems to be her other choice."

I glared at him then switch my glare back to Lord Finley. He was now looking amused.

"Like George said, you have to agree. Still, I can't wait forever to you to decide. If you don't like the idea of being spanked just say so and I'll summon Mrs Higgins. You may be able to talk her into a penalty that doesn't include telling Williams."

And pigs might fly. If they did it would be for the express purpose of crapping on me. I gave a silent groan. No way I wanted to lose my job. Move back in with my mother? I shuddered at the very thought.

"All right," I said, feeling very put upon. "I'll take the spanking." I threw George an extra heavy dose of evil eye, hoping it would cause him to wither and die. I then decided that he must be some sort of demonic emotional vampire because he accepted my look and just smiled more broadly.

"Well," said Lord Finley, "we might as well do this right now. Come and bend over." He patted his knee as he said so.

"Wait a minute," I said quickly. "With him watching?" I pointed to George.

"Certainly with me watching," George said. "It's for the benefit of both you and Alfred. With me as a witness Alfred won't do anything inappropriate to you and I'll be a witness that he hasn't."

My face was burning as I moved closer to Lord Finley. It had never occurred to me that he might do something untoward. He just wasn't like that. He eased me forward and over his knee and then I was lying across his lap, nervous as a kitten. My most immediate thought was giving thanks that I was facing away from George and I wouldn't have to see his smirk as I got spanked.

Lord Finley flicked my skirt up out of the way but I'd been expecting that. Then he very neatly pushed my panties down and my whole body jolted with shock. I certainly hadn't been expecting that.

"What. . ." I started and Lord Finley finished the sentence.

". . did you expect? Of course the spanking should be on your bare bottom."

"And a very nice bottom it is," said George and it dawned on me that he was sitting behind me and it wasn't just my bottom he was looking at.

"Don't worry too much," Lord Finley said. "You only broke a minor rule and it was just bad luck that Williams fell foul of your slip up."

With that his hand came down firmly upon my bottom, and I squealed with the shock of it. Squealed softly, I might add, as I didn't want anyone outside the office hearing me. For some reason I also felt a surge of heat down in my, ah, loins seems to be the word I'm looking for.

A second spank landed and I gave another little squeal and there was more heat inside me. Then George had to get into the act, didn't he.

"Have to be careful, Alfred. You need to be certain you don't spank her here."

To demonstrate where he meant he stroked his knuckles against my most personal parts and my eyes nearly popped out of my head I opened them so wide.

"What, here?" asked Lord Finley, and his hand actually rubbed against my mound, his hand completely covering it. "Wouldn't think of it."

Oh, how considerate of them to demonstrate where they wouldn't touch me.

"Do you mind?" I gasped indignantly.

"About doing this?" asked Lord Finley, his hand coming down for another spank, "or this?" he added, his hand sliding around and between my legs again. "No, I don't mind, although George shouldn't touch you there."

"What here?" asked George in his turn, his knuckles again dragging against me in that intimate way. "Certainly not. Wouldn't think of it."

I had never been so aware of my groin in my life. I was actually burning with awareness of it. Lord Finley's hand descended again, this time the spank landing in my mound, neatly cupping my pudendum. George promptly jumped in.

"Come on, Alfred," he said. "You know the rules. No spanks here."

This time he poked me and it felt to me as if his finger sank into me, slipping between my lips for a moment before withdrawing.

"Quite right," agreed Lord Finley, apparently feeling it necessary to rub where he'd inadvertently spanked me. "Sorry about that. Anyway, a couple more and that will be that."

And I couldn't wait for them to be delivered and done with. The spanks came but I was still being held in position. By Lord Finley I assumed as I was quite sure that it was George's hands rubbing my bottom and mound.

"You know, Alfred," he said, his fingers slipping inside me again while I squirmed about and made some feeble protests, "I do believe that we have a genuine virgin here."

"Really?" said Lord Finley, sounding surprised. "And how come you're still a virgin, young Sally?"

When would I have a chance to become a non-virgin, I thought rather cynically? If I brought a man home Williams would have had a spasm and fired me on the spot. If I stayed out all night Mrs Higgins would have had a spasm and fired me. As for Edwin, the footman, god spare me. I wasn't that desperate and wouldn't be for a long time yet.

"I just am," was all I said. "Let me up."

"All in good time," said George. "Alfred, it seems to me that we have a bit of a moral dilemma here. As you can see, Sally is all worked up and wanting, but she has no boyfriend available to attend to her needs. You're her employer so it probably wouldn't be right for you to initiate her. I think I should help you out here and attend to this little chore."

"I think you're right, George. Alright, go ahead."

"Hey, wait a minute," I said quickly. "I think I have a say in this."

"Of course you do," said George, "and your body is saying it loud and clear. Now just hold still for a moment."

He had stopped rubbing me and seemed to be stretching my lips apart. I was feeling all hot and peculiar and what he was doing was making me feel even more so. I felt something large and hot brushing against me, rubbing me in that space that he'd made between my lips. I knew right away what it was. I was going to scream a protest but what would be the use? I didn't think that he was likely to stop. He moved his hand away and I felt my lips coming together again, but only as much as they could. His cock was there, preventing them, and all they did was close around him.

He started pushing deeper into me. I was making little protesting sounds, saying no, no, no, and being ignored. I'd have been shocked if I hadn't been ignored; he'd already decided. My protests took on a slightly pained pitch when my hymen was popped, and then I was back to a simple, ah, no, no, no, as I felt him coming into me.

I'd always assumed that a man grew big first and then entered the woman. The way this was going it seemed to me that he got his erection, started on his way, and then kept getting bigger and bigger. All I could do was stand there, bent across Lord Finley's knee, while George just kept on going deeper into me. And just what did Lord Finley think of this. Talk about getting a voyeur's view.

George seemed to give one last push and I could feel his groin pressed firmly against me.

"OK, Sally, I'm about to start things moving. Just move along with me. Alfred, why don't you give her something to hold while we do this?"

About to start? What the hell did he think sticking a whacking great cock into me was if it wasn't starting? Lord Finley took my hand and dragged it down to my waist level and wrapped it around something warm and hard. I looked down to see what I was holding and I almost died. Lord Finley had unzipped and I was holding his erection. I tried to snatch my hand away but he caught it, insisting I hold him. Deciding it was a waste of time arguing I did so. I wasn't feeling it up or anything, just holding it.

George pulled back and then thrust firmly back into me and I almost died. Now I admitted that I'd been feeling somewhat hot, with a bit of a fire inside me. I now found that George's erection was the equivalent of a stick of dynamite and he was using it to stir the fire. For a moment I thought I was going to explode with that very first thrust. (I don't count his initial sticking it in as a thrust - more of a battle, which I lost.)

Now he was banging firmly into me, bonking away in a steady rhythm, and my feeble cries of no were starting to sound like peculiar cries of wo-oh as I found myself being soundly fucked. He went on and on and I was gasping for breath, finding myself pushing back to meet him every time his cock came thundering into me, and it was coming in an awful lot. Didn't this swine know that you're supposed to make allowances for virgins, not that I was one now?

Apparently not because, if anything, he started going faster. I was now going ah, ah, ah, as I didn't have the breath for that two syllable wo oh, and the heat was building up inside me at a tremendous rate. Then the dynamite exploded and I gave a muffled scream, muffled because I tried to keep my mouth closed. (I still didn't want to have anyone hearing what was happening, thank you very much.)

George pulled away from me and Lord Finley lifted me so I was standing, rising to his own feet at the same time. I was standing there, breathing hard, not really sure what had happened. Well, I knew, but I just wasn't sure I believed it.

"See," said Lord Finley, "there was nothing to worry about. Now if you'll excuse me for a moment. . ."

To my surprise he reached over and unfastened my skirt and dropped it with a quick tug.

"Just lean back here for a moment," he said, pushing me back against one arm of the chair he'd been sitting on, "and you can let go now."

(So what if I forgot that I was still holding his cock. Sue me if it upsets you.)

"Now watch," he said, and the next thing I know I'm watching his erection pressing against me. Then it was pressing into me and I was given the privilege of seeing his big fat cock just sliding into me before I could even say what the hell.

"I thought you weren't going to. . ." I spluttered and Lord Finley looked surprised.

"All I wasn't going to do was initiate you," he said. "Now that's been taken care of it doesn't matter. Now push to meet me."

He was sliding in quite smoothly and I found that when I pushed he almost zipped into place, his groin meshing with mine. I expected him to start moving in and out at that point but he just held himself firmly inside me. What he did do was start undoing my blouse. I naturally grabbed at it and he looked exasperated.

"Sally," he said, as though speaking to a child, "in case you haven't noticed you're naked from the waist down. On top of that my cock is so far up you, you can probably taste it. And you're worried about me seeing your breasts?"

He pushed my hands away and continued undoing my blouse. That done he opened it wide and pushed my bra up and off my breasts, leaving them on display. They felt heavier than normal to me and my nipples were standing out.

"Very nice," said Lord Finley, with George immediately agreeing.

Now that my breasts were exposed Lord Finley started moving. I watched as his cock slid back and forth, feeling it moving deep inside me. A pair of hands closed over my breasts and I gave a startled gasp.

"If Alfred grabs them you can't see what his cock is doing to you," George said softly, "but it would be a crying shame if neither of us touched these."
