Font of Fertility Ch. 14


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Angela smirked and nodded. "Mhmm."

"Did you win?" I asked.

"Stacey did, actually," Angela said. "Which means when we all get together before her and Linds go back to college, Stacey gets to be the Top to us with you." She grinned, watching my expression, and put her other hand down on my crotch and felt my erection through my pants. "You like that idea, huh?"

"Can't say I'd ever considered it before, but yes," I said.

"Good," she grinned. "Now, I need to leave for work in about an hour and a half, which means we have an hour before I need to start getting ready. I'm thinking we make excellent use of this couch?"

I kissed her ravenously as she laughed into my lips and started undoing my jeans.

* * * * *

"Sooo? How'd it go?" Stacey asked me with a smirk as I trudged up the stairs. My parents were out, so we were free to talk.

"Other than almost having a heart attack?" I asked. "Pretty good."

Stacey laughed. "Angie texted us. Apparently I won, huh?"

"What exactly was the bet?" I asked.

"Well, Lauren said you would apologize and tell her the truth. Angie thought you would have to try and make some sort of an excuse, at least at first. I knew you loved me too much to apologize, but youwould tell the truth."

"And now apparently you'll be 'topping' with me when we get together?"

"Mhmm," Stacey nodded. "I'm trying to decide whether I should just borrow Lindsey's strap-on, or if I should go get my own for the occasion."

I laughed hoarsely and shook my head. "Yet another thing I never thought I'd hear you say."

She grinned and slipped close to me, wrapping her arms around my waist as she hugged me tightly. "How about this one? Now that you've had sex with two other women today, are you ready to take me on our date?"

"Gah," I sighed. "Got me again." I squeezed her tightly in a hug back. "Give me a minute to change. I checked the weather and it's nice, warm and sunny down in Miami today."

"OK," she grinned. "I'm ready when you are."

I went and changed, digging out a pair of swim trunks that I realized were now too large for my new fit body. Our departure was delayed when I showed Stacey, who decided I needed to do a remodel on the swimsuit. She, of course, wanted me to go down to a speedo for the laughs. We ended up agreeing on a pair of shorts that were tighter and way shorter than what I was used to, ending at maybe my mid-thigh. They were also striped in white and a soft blue, and Stacey insisted I change my shirt to match.

One quick spell later and I had a new beach outfit, and Stacey had to take a picture and send it over to Lindsey and Lauren who loved it.

"OK," I said finally. "Ready to go?"

"I am," she smiled. Stacey was wearing a long sleeveless shirt tucked into a little pair of white shorts that weren't quite booty shorts but were close enough. She also had a beach bag slung over one shoulder. "Do you know where we're going already?"

"I planned it out last night," I said, and pulled up the tab I'd had on my computer and re-checked the picture and the location on the map.

We stepped out of my room and stepped onto the sidewalk next to the Palms on Miami Beach. The heat washed over us, and then the salt air from the ocean filled our lungs, and I watched as Stacey's smile turned into a big, happy grin. She pulled out a pair of sunglasses from her bag and settled them on her face, then pulled me down into a kiss as she pressed her body against mine.

"I love you, Jerry," she said softly. "Thank you for this."

"I love you too, Stace," I said, then reached down and took her hand in mine. "So what do you think, who are we today? Husband and wife again? Fiances?"

"Boyfriend and girlfriend," she said. "If we want to play married, or engaged, we're going to need to get some rings to finish the outfits and I don't think Lauren is ready for that even just for fun yet."

"OK," I said. "Girlfriend and boyfriend it is."

We walked hand in hand down the street and right out onto the Beach. The place was busy - the December holidays were prime tourist season since it was still warm down in Florida. The beach wasn't exactly crowded with people shoulder to shoulder, but it took us a little bit of walking to find a nice open patch. Stacey had brought a couple of beach towels in her bag, and I helped her lay them out before I sat down on one and stripped off the shirt she'd had me match to my swimsuit.

Then I watched, mouth a little agape, as Stacey stripped down to her own swimsuit.

Now, I'd seen Stacey in a swimsuit plenty of times growing up. More than I'd seen Lauren in one considering family vacations and all. I hadnever seen this swimsuit before. First Stacey pulled her baggy sleeveless shirt over her head to reveal a peach-coloured string bikini top. She'd put it on so that the shoulder strings crossed over her chest, the small (very small) cups pulling her tits towards each other slightly and deepening her already enhanced cleavage. Her stomach was looking fit, with just a hint of abs going on, and she grinned down at me as she saw me staring.

I knew I couldn't be the only guy on the beach watching her at that moment, but I didn't even care. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"You like them, huh?" she asked me. All I could do was nod. "Well, how about these?" she asked, then undid the button on her white shorts and slipped them off over her ass and hips, letting them drop down from her knees to step out of them. Stacey's bottoms were also a string bikini thong. Her ass was practically bare as she did a little twirl for me, her front covered by just a little triangle of fabric.

Stacey sat down next to me, grinning widely.

"Holy fuck, Stace," I said. "I don't know whether to be in awe or feel jealous that other people get to see you."

"Oh, baby," she cooed, and leaned over and kissed me. "The point of dressing like this is foryou. I'm showing off that all of this is all yours."

"OK," I said, kissing her softly again.

"Honestly, the first rush was hot, but I'm already feeling a little self-conscious," she murmured to me. "I'll probably only ever wear this again if it's you, me and the girls around."

That made my heart swell a bit more. "Do you want me to distract you?"

She raised an eyebrow. "How would you do that?"

"Did you bring any sunscreen?"

She grinned and reached into her bag to pull out the bottle. "I did."

"Good," I said. "Lay on your front. I'm going to make sure you're good and protected."

We had fun, lathering each other up and rubbing each other down with sunscreen. And we didn't hold back. I spent my time rubbing it into her ass, and later her thighs and chest when it was time to lay on our backs. Stacey practically dry-humped my butt while she massaged my shoulders, delighted in rubbing her hands along my chest and abs, and let her fingers slip up the leg holes of my swimsuit to even give me a quick tug or two.

For the most part we lay in the sun, enjoying the warmth and relaxation. Holding hands. Talking quietly. She asked for a more detailed update about visiting with Annalise and Angela, and cuddled up to me on one towel to hear me whisper it into her ear as she slowly shifted her thighs together.

Eventually we were a little peckish for a snack and wanted some water so I tossed my shirt back on and went in search of a vendor, leaving Stacey with our stuff. I found an ice cream cart and bought each of us an ice cream drumstick, a coke and water, and I found myself strutting a bit as I walked away with some Big Dick Energy. All I'd had to pay with were hundreds from the cash we'd gotten from the bank, so I paid the guy a hundred-dollar bill and told him to keep the change.

I maintained that big dick energy as I crossed the beach back towards our towels. Then I spotted the two guys standing almost next to our spot - and then I realized they were standingat our spot. And it wasn't two, it was three. Their friend was lounging on my towel, all three of them talking with Stacey.

Now, in the last few weeks, I'd had alot of sex. And it had been with multiple very hot women.

But what I hadn't had to do was see anyone trying to challenge my relationships. No one at school had tried making any moves on Lauren, at least not that I knew of. Well, other than Benji. And the moment I realized there were three college-ish aged guys who looked fairly fit hitting on Stacey, my first instinct was almost the same as with Benji on my front lawn. I wanted to lash out. I wanted to shout, and yell. Hell, a little part of me wanted to tear up at the idea of the confrontation. I wasn't good at confrontation like this because I just... didn't have any experience with it.

The thing was, however fit and muscley, however tattooed or whatever, these guys were... I was me. And Stacey was Stacey. And we loved each other.

I didn't have anything to worry about.

My heart calmed, my gut stopped churning, and my head emptied of all the evil things I could do.

"Hey, thanks for holding down my towel," I said as I approached the group. The guy lounging on my towel was on his side to talk to Stacey, and as he and his friends turned at my voice I stepped right the fuck over the towel guy and dropped the four bottles and the two ice creams on his chest. "Hold these for me too, would you?"

Then I stooped and picked Stacey up in my arms in a cradle carry and right in front of the three guys I kissed her. She threw her arms around my neck to pull herself closer, and we made out for a good fifteen seconds before breaking apart. Stacey was grinning at me, her eyes alight at me making it clear that she was mine.

"Hey baby," I said, lowering her feet so she could stand but keeping my arm around her shoulders. "Making some new friends?" I turned to the three guys, the one who had been on my towel getting to his feet. All three of them looked annoyed and a little put off. I was as big as them and had just made it clear that they were barking upmy tree.

"Sort of," Stacey said. "They didn't exactly introduce themselves though. They were really interested in my bikini though."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked, playing up a naive innocence. "You guys crossdressers or something? I mean, wearing women's underwear isn't my thing but no judgment, everyone should have a right to their own hobbies. What was the brand, baby?"

"I can't even remember," she sighed and shrugged, playing along. "You bought this one for me last year and I cut off the tag."

"Ah, that's too bad," I said. "Sorry fellas, can't help you."

Two of them glanced between each other and started to back off - the smart ones, if I were to put a label on them - but one didn't feel like backing down. "We're not fucking crossdressers, asshole," he said. Of course, it was the one who'd had the gall to lay on my towel.

"Whoa there, buddy," I said, holding up a hand. "No need to get hostile."

"Fuck you, dickhead. You just called us queers," he said.

"Technically, I'm pretty sure crossdressing is considered more of a gender thing and being queer is a sexuality thing," I said. "But I mean that stuff seems to change every other week so maybe I'm wrong."

"Fuck you," he spat on the ground at our feet.

"No thanks," I said, and looked at his friends. "You guys might want to get your buddy in hand. Making random sexual advances to people on the beach would probably be considered sexual harassment. Someone might report it to the police."

The guy was still pissed, but let his friends pull him away.

"My hero," Stacey sighed, weaving her fingers with mine as she held my hand and we watched them walk away up the beach.

"How bad was it?" I asked.

"They were trying to get me to let them take some pictures and said they wanted to 'interview' me. Maybe they really did have a YouTube channel or something, but they weren't taking No for an answer," Stacey said. "I was trying to decide if I should stand up to look for help, or just keep telling them no until you came back. It was only about a minute of them talking to me."

"Well, I'm glad I didn't take my time," I said. We sat, and I had Stacey sit on my lap as I unwrapped one of the drumsticks and held it for her to eat. "I don't know what I would have done if they actually pulled any shit with you."

Stacey smiled and stroked her fingers along my jaw and pulled me lightly into a kiss. "You would have done whatever you needed to, Jerry."

We ate our ice cream and drank our soda and water, and no one bothered us as the sun started to set behind us over the city. We watched the colours of the sky change over the ocean as the beach emptied out and the lights of the city got brighter and brighter. We made out a little, but mostly just held each other and talked some more. Once it was fully dark and the only lights on us were from the moon and the hotels lining the beach, Stacey dug into her bag and pulled out some fabric that I realized was a dress. She slipped into it, using her thong bikini bottoms as underwear, and slipping the bikini top off from under her dress before she stood. "What do you think?"

"You're absolutely gorgeous," I said, standing and holding both of her hands in mine. The dress was black but had translucent windows wrapping around her body that showed off some cleavage, her fit stomach and her perfectly shaped thighs. The back scooped low and left her bare almost to her ass except for an asymmetrical decorative strap. The lower hem was asymmetrical as well, and hung with soft fringes that I knew were meant to enhance her movements when dancing.

"Good answer," she grinned, and then reached into her bag again and pulled out a pair of black slacks for me, along with a pair of black dress shoes that I'd never seen before, and lastly a pair of black, strappy heels.

I was a little less graceful, changing from my swim trunks to the slacks right there on the beach, but a quick spell cleaned the sand from the both of us. The pants were silky and fit perfectly, as did the shoes. "I bought them yesterday," she said, handing me her bag to carry over my shoulder once our towels were packed back up. "Along with this dress."

"You made some excellent choices," I said and lifted her hand to my lips to kiss the back of it. We reached the sidewalk and she slipped on her heels, popping up to the same height as me.

"So, where to?" Stacey asked. I'd promised her a night out dancing at a little salsa bar just like she imagined.

"Well, I did find a place," I said. "But it's a short drive away."

"Are we Ubering then?" she asked, reaching for her phone.

"I was thinking we could try something else," I said and pulled the car key out of my wallet. "How would you like to try summoning a demon muscle car with me?"

"That sounds like something that would only happen in a movie," Stacey said, squeezing my hand. "I'm in."


Thanks for reading! Votes are great, but Comments are even better.

Font of Fertility is an ongoing series that will continue to see updates moving forward. If you have enjoyed the series so far, you might want to check out my Pushing series, or Technically We're Estranged series, for similar romantic harem elements.




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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The retcon ruined it for me. I could care less if it's actually his sister or his father's brother's former roommates's step daughter, or anything else. Regardless, if you're going to tell a story, own it and be consistent. Five stars until this one. You're capable of better.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Really been enjoying the piece! Though the random “not really my sister” bit is just…so weird. To the point where I thought it was a lie to cover his ass. After reading the comments I realized this wasn’t a lie from the character but rather an attempted retcon. However…without anything properly covering this earlier none of these changes land.

Seeing how PayPal makes Patreon go after content like this I can understand why you’d want to try and out a shield up here though. But I have to wonder….if this is the kink you want to write for folks maybe you’d be better off going to subscriberstar or some other place that lets you write as you want to?

As it stands I’m still enjoying it. But… bending the knee does distract from the fantasy you’re trying to spin. Well.

Fenris420Fenris4204 months ago

Holy crap... I forgot all about Victorious. lol 5/5*

NirosuNirosu5 months ago

I'm gonna kind of echo others in that pacing is kind of all over the place, mostly within the chapters themselves. Like the coherency has gone done and bits seem rushed leading to characters not feeling like themselves in a lot of ways.

How they all decided it'd be a bad idea to pose more questions to Adama feels nonsensical. I'm not sure if Jerry is meant to be goofy dumb nerd or goofy smart nerd, like he seems to learn extremely fast but is also really dumb a lot of the times. The sibling to not sibling thing is a weird retcon, that I understand on like a paid version, but pretty sure literotica does not care. A simple search and replace all instances would fix it and just have 2 textually slightly different versions.

Dark_RavenDark_Raven7 months ago

Echoing most everyone else's comments in saying that you should not have changed from sister to godsister. I would actually prefer more of moving the plot/story forward rather than the many, many sex scenes (except when he brings a new girl in). All in all though, still a 5-star story, IMO.

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