Fool's Reward Ch. 02


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When it reached the bottom, he slid his hand into her panties from the top, his fingers quickly reaching her clit and rubbing it in small circles. He kissed his way down her stomach to her panties, then grabbed her jeans and underwear and pulled them down her legs, covering her now naked flesh with his mouth.

He finally removed them from her feet, stepping between her legs and again returning his mouth to her pussy, this time avoiding her clit. He ran his tongue up and down her lips, pausing to slide it inside her, then moving it back up. Each time her body lurched, trying to force contact to achieve her climax. He carefully avoided giving her what she wanted, instead teasing while learning what her body responded to.

Michael slid a finger inside her, causing her body to arch on the table, almost tipping it over. "All right," he said out of breath. "We need to move this upstairs before we break the furniture."

Terry wrapped her arms around him and pulled him tightly against her, kissing him hungrily. He grabbed under her legs and picked her up, maneuvering her toward the stairs, then up in the direction of her bedroom. Stumbling through the door, he half-tossed her onto the bed, unbuttoning his shirt as he took in her beauty.

"Touch yourself, baby," he encouraged her. "I want to watch you cum."

Her hands moved down her body, her fingers spreading her lips, then using the other hand to rub her exposed clit in short strokes. Michael watched her body writhe on the bed as her moans grew louder, shedding his clothes as quickly as possible. She planted her feet flat on the mattress, the lifted her pelvis up as she came.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" she screamed.

Quickly, Michael moved between her legs and slid himself inside her, letting his body move with hers as the orgasm rippled through her. She slowed her gyrations, and he hooked his arm under one knee, lifting it high as he began a steady thrusting motion, refusing to let her body come down from its high.

He pushed into her over and over, moving faster as she pleaded, "Harder! Fuck me harder!"

Faster and faster he moved, the sweat pouring down his face as her body responded to him in a way he'd never witnessed before. He grabbed her and slid back to the edge of the bed, holding her by the shoulders for leverage.

"I'm almost there, baby," she moaned as his own orgasm approached. "Don't stop. Please don't stop!"

Knowing he couldn't hold out any longer, he leaned in and took her nipple into his mouth, biting and twisting. Her arms wrapped around his head, pulling him tight against her and encouraging him to be even more aggressive.

"That's it!" she yelled, her body moving out of control as she came again. He drove against her and held still, feeling his orgasm intersect with hers; the spasms of her muscles accentuating his own climax until they both stopped moving, basking in the afterglow. He refused to move and risk losing the sensations. Finally his erection grew soft and he slipped out, unable to hold on any longer. He rolled onto his back next to her, taking her hand in his and kissing it in an oddly old-fashioned gesture.

"Wow, I'm glad we got around to doing that," Terry exclaimed, wiping the sweat off her brow while trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah, that was pretty amazing, if I do say so myself," he said with a chuckle.

He paused to admire her beauty. She was bathed in a fine sheen from the exertion. Her hair was damp and clung to her face. Her chest heaved, pushing her breasts high with every breath. One leg extended straight while the other was bent and too the side, opening her sex in a way that was lewd and without any concern for modesty. She was in every definition of the word, a purely sexual being.

Staring at her in that condition was beginning to have an effect on his state of arousal. As he felt himself respond, Michael decided that it was time to finish telling her what was on his mind. After what had just transpired, he believed the time for cautiousness was now past.

"Terry, I need to talk to you."

She frowned. "Well that sounds like it's going to kill the mood."

"It probably is, but I've been giving it a lot of thought, and think it needs to be said. You and I are getting serious pretty fast, and I don't want there to be any secrets between us."

"Okay," she replied nervously. "What do you want to talk about?"

"About your ex-husband." She reacted by sitting up straight and covering herself with a pillow. Her face reflected heartfelt anxiety at the mere mention of Steve's name.

"When we were talking last weekend, you said some things that really bothered me. I didn't want to disagree with you then because of how difficult things were for you, but it's important that we clear the air." She didn't speak, but nodded apprehensively for him to continue.

"You talked about how you ruined your wonderful marriage, but I don't believe you. What I mean is, I don't think the marriage was ever what you thought it was."

"How can you say that," she responded defensively. "You didn't know me then and have never even met him."

"I don't need to. Terry, you are an amazing woman. You're beautiful, passionate, and love to explore new things. There's an important part of you that loves to be impulsive and has as strong a sexual appetite as anyone I've ever met. But Steve couldn't handle that reality. He tried to ignore it and eventually held it against you. That is utterly ridiculous. It's part of who you are."

"If you ask me," he added with a grin, "it's one of your best assets."

"How can you say that?" she asked, bewildered. "The things I've done because I couldn't control myself...they've been terrible."

"What you did with your neighbors was wrong. You should have never tried to manipulate him, or hide what you were doing or what you wanted. I understand why he was so hurt, but he was wrong to test you like that. You just don't do that to someone you love." He forced himself to stop, trying to steer the subject away from Steve's mistakes.

"But you didn't just wake up one day and decide you wanted to do something like that. You'd been thinking about it for a long time, and he never noticed. He never thought to work on your relationship in a way that would allow him to find out what you felt was missing." He took her hand.

"James was able to control you because you obviously enjoy is letting someone else take charge. It allows you to do things that you would be too afraid to try without their influence. There is nothing wrong with that. Submission can be a wonderful experience, but you have to do it with someone who cares about you; someone who you can trust to protect you. That way you can completely let yourself go and still be safe." He saw her skeptical expression and continued.

"You'll also find that you won't have those conflicting emotions afterward. It's an amazing way to feel connected with someone you care about."

"So you're saying you're not afraid of that part of me?" she said hopefully.

"Afraid of it? I told you, I think it's one of your best assets. I've had nights this week where I couldn't get to sleep thinking of all the nasty things we'd be doing one day. I'm thinking of converting my garage to my own personal Marque de Sade rec room. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be blindfolded, tied spread-eagle on a bed, waiting to see how I had decided to punish you for being bad?"

"Oh my," she said, a visible shiver running through her body. Michael reached down and cupped her sex, feeling her juices overflowing. She responded with a throaty moan as he pushed two fingers inside her, sliding his palm across her clit on each thrust.

"Trust me Terry," he said, pinching her nipple as rose above her. "You're going to find out that all of those fantasies you've had are nothing compared to what we're going to do together. The best part is," he whispered, watching her body twitching at her impending orgasm, "that you're going to do every nasty, dirty, slutty thing you want to try and you are going to know you can trust me to never judge you about what you want. If anything," he added, leaning close to her ear, "you're going to find that I'm going to enjoy them every bit as much as you. And I'm going to love finding out what your limits are, then pushing you past them."

Her body arched impossibly high as she was hit with an orgasm, followed closely by a second. They fed on the energy of the last, continuing seemingly without an end. Michael had heard about women who were multi-orgasmic, but this was the first time he'd ever seen it in person. Her body thrashed from side to side, Terry's mind too overwhelmed to do anything but surrender to her animalistic instincts. Finally he stopped his manipulations and offered his fingers to her to taste her own juices.

"Oh my," she groaned, licking her lips. "As soon as I catch my breath, you are getting the most amazing blow job in the history of mankind."

"There's one condition," he cautioned her, making sure she was paying attention. "It's just you and me. No other man ever puts his hands on you again."

"That's not going to be a problem," she assured him, sitting up and closing her fingers around his cock."

"Of course if you feel the urge to bring a woman home...well, I might have to give that some thought. It's important to keep an open mind," he teased.

Terry punched him in the arm, then resumed her caressing. "Sorry honey, you're not going to see me with Janie. We're just friends." She bent down to take him in her mouth, then paused, giving him a devilish smile.

"Of course Missy is really cute. Have you noticed how good her ass looks in a pair of tight jeans?"

"Oh great," he groaned. Now I'm never going to be able to look at my secretary again without that mental image. Thanks a lot."

"You asked for it, you perv." She turned back to her work, running her tongue languorously up the shaft. "So why don't you tell me what you'd like to see me do to her if she was here?"

Michael shivered, quickly becoming fully erect as she lowered her mouth, sliding him deeply into her throat.


The car pulled up in front of the restaurant, parking in a more secluded area of the lot away from the main lights. Michael stepped out, then quickly moved to the other side to open the door.

"Why thank you," Terry said, sliding sideways and stepping out. Her knee-length skirt showed off her toned legs, tanned from days spent with him in his pool during the summer. Her knees parted slightly, offering a glimpse of the black panties hiding their treasure. Michael grinned, feeling the familiar stirring in his groin. She never failed to elicit a response from him, no matter how many times he saw her body. He also was fully aware what she just did was intentional, and it was meant to tease him before dinner, leaving him in a distracted frame of mind all night.

Offering her his hand, she stood and stepped aside as he closed the door. She tried to walk toward the bar, but he pulled her back. He leaned in and brushed her cheek with his lips, moving to her ear where he nibbled the sensitive spot long enough to make her aware of her own arousal.

"Honey, our friends are going to wonder what happened to us," she said coyly, relishing the sensations he was causing in her.

"Let them wonder," he answered, pinning her against the side of the car, his hands running up her thighs and sliding under her skirt.

"Hey!" she cried. "None of that now. We are already running late."

He regarded her for a moment, then simply said, "Panties."

"But honey," she began.

"Panties, now!" he commanded with his hand out, no hint of playfulness in his expression. Her head lowered in submission as she tugged the dress upward. Her hands disappeared briefly, coming back into view as she slid the tiny lace material down her legs, past her knees, then allowed them to fall to her ankles, where she caught them with one hand. She stepped out, first one foot, then the other, then handed them to her fiancée.

He took her by the shoulders and turned her toward the car, the pressure of his hands forcing her to put her hands on the hood for support.

"Baby, can't we do this later," she pleaded; her eyes scanning the parking lot for any sign of someone who could be witnessing her plight.

"Quiet," he scolded, pushing against her shoulders. He forced her down until her chest rested on the hood, then tapped her feet apart. "Here, this should help," he said, putting the balled up panties into her mouth as he casually flipped her dress up onto her back.

"Mmfff," she complained, but he ignored her, using his fingertips to brush across her sex.

"That's what I thought," he mumbled, finding that her juices were already overflowing, causing them to run down her leg. He released his cock, wiping it across her opening to coat the tip, then slid himself into her, not stopping until he was buried fully in her warmth.

Michael grabbed her by the back of the hair and pulled her head back to whisper in her ear. "Who owns this pussy?" he asked, thrusting harder against her.

She didn't answer, finding it impossible to concentrate on speaking as the first of several orgasms ripped through her body.

"I said who owns this pussy?" he demanded in a harsh tone of voice.

"You do," she mumbled through the silky material.

"What do you think the chances are that someone will walk past and see us? See you laying there like some nasty little slut who needs to be punished?"

"Oh..." she moaned, biting down on the panties to keep from screaming.

Michael heard the moan, and could tell from her tone that she was going to be climaxing continuously as long as he kept pushing her. He watched her body go through uncontrollable contortions, all orchestrated by him. It was an emotional high that was unmatched by anything else he had experienced in his life. Strangely, the only thing that came close were those times they sat quietly at home, just delighting in the each other's company. He would see how at ease with herself and their life she was, and feel a pride he had never imagined at helping her to reach that peace. The pain of her past was a distant memory, and she no longer tortured herself with questions about her ability to avoid self-destructive behavior.

Terry was so caught up in the ecstasy of the moment that she didn't notice the single teardrop fall against her skin. Michael wiped at his eyes, trying to hide his emotions from her so she could enjoy the moment free of anything but raw sexuality. It was difficult, considering how deeply he cared for her, but he felt it important to give her what she needed. Feeding that need seemed to quench his own desires in a way he had never dreamed. His resolve was buffeted by one thought that almost jolted him out of his role.

How could I possibly be this lucky? As his own orgasm overtook him, he allowed himself to lean forward, wrapping his arms around her and relishing in the feel of her quivering body against his as her orgasms finally subsided.

I promise I'm going to love you with all my heart until the day I die.

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scut001scut0012 months ago

I wasn't happy with putting Steve down. It sounded like it was his fault. I for one could never raise my hand to my wife. I've done a little soft spankings but even that bothers me. I don't think Steve could have done the things that Michael will do.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Not where I thought this story would go. Yes I figured out Terry and Michael getting together that was a given from the start. Had a bit of a suspicion around her sub nature too. There were hints in Fools Envy. I can even see why Michael said Steve was partly to blame for the marriage break up. He was (listening to the grinding of teeth from other readers and frothing at the mouth) after all he did let her fuck the other bloke. She did say she wanted him to stop her. Subs will brat and push at boundaries with their partners it's in their nature especially if they're not being fulfilled. Terry just pushed very very hard. Steve wasn't a dom so wasn't able to give Terry what she needed. Not a criticism just a fact. Ergo he was partly responsible for his marriage failing. It was not his fault but it would have happened one day. Going back to what I said at the start, I didn't think it would go this direction I thought this was going to be decent but damaged man meets damaged woman they meet fall in love yadda yadda. So it was a nice surprise how this story unfolded. Both series were excellent and well worth the read. Fills the LW slot plus romance plus BDSM and it's rare that a story does that. Highly recommended. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I dont think this portrays a positive light on Terry. Here it says that she is deep down a submissive into exhibition, bdsm, and whatnot. Fool's envy portrayed Steve and Terry as a couple who loved and talked a lot with each other. It just doesnt make sense how things turn out here. She is suddenly all in for michael?! Nope...michael also doesnt seem that positive of a character

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thank you for the story. I liked the rescue and healing part of the story much more than the not-so-romantic ending.

I've noticed disgruntled comments from readers below. I have not read "Fool's Envy" and don't plan to as it's not my cup of tea, so I don't have a bias towards it, but it's like people forget characters talk from their perspective and not from perspective of the author. Michael's character spoke about Steve from his own biased perspective and limited knowledge. It's not like he read Fool's Envy like the readers. I also believe even messed up people deserve happiness.

pjpbpjpb7 months ago

2/5 (vs 5/5 for 'Fool's envy')

'There's an important part of you that loves to be impulsive and has as strong a sexual appetite as anyone I've ever met. But Steve couldn't handle that reality'

This twisted logic summarizes best why they have no future (even open relationship would not help)

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