For Art's Sake Ch. 04


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"I get that." He was winning Elly's sympathy. He also looked like Harry Belafonte.

"On the radio, we heard there was a fatal crash two miles down the road from here. We were already stuck in the traffic. It's forty-mile backtrack to get on the highway. We decided to stick it out and go with the flow. We were stuck for about ten minutes at the end of your driveway. We could see you having dinner. One older geyser and three beautiful topless women. Eating as if it was natural. We argued how unfair that was. Then you all got up and left the room. As you stood, we could see you -- the women -- only wore panties and hose. We both agreed that the odds for you ladies was out of balance with only one guy, and an old one at that. We wondered if we could redress the situation. We stopped the car on the grass at the side of the road and walked back here."

Elly saw the possibilities. "What do you really want? Honest answer."

"You said you understood when we planned to have fun this evening. We thought we might have fun with you." She admired their chutzpa.

Elly weighed the situation. Two young, virile handsome hunks who will be away for months. A situation full of possibilities. "You want to fuck us? Have I got that right?"

"You nailed it, ma'am. I guess that should be we wish to nail you all ma'am."

Elly was not unaffected by her kisses with Vicky, the way Vicky's story unfolded with Tony and Mary and the anticipation of what is to follow. She too was horny. As well as Vicky, she also needed cock, and Arthur was in her sights for that. A strap-on would also help but it was not quite the same as the real thing. These young fellas were right, how much could Arthur perform? How much better would these young studs be than her old standbys?

She made a quick decision. But she was not alone in this. "Stay there a moment. I need to consult."

Elly dashed into the living room. "I have two sailors, officers, outside who go to sea tomorrow. They saw us topless eating. They want to come in and join the party. We'd then have three men and three women. Arthur, you'll be taken care of thoroughly, I promise. Vicky, I'll take care of you and introduce you to a new experience. Think of Mary and Lu and his brother." Vicky, still aroused, shuddered.

"Shall I let them in? There is a small risk, but I am sure as I can be, they are Ok."

Some quick discussion followed. The woman all agreed. Arthur looked at Vicky and, slightly against his better judgement, gave the thumbs up. Elly went to the kitchen.

Back on the intercom she asked, "Ok, sailors, any STD's?"

"No ma'am. As sailors we have regular medical checks, including one just before we graduated. No infections."

Elly knew she had a good supply of condoms.

"By the way, my name is Elly and my sister's Goo."

She moved downstairs and opened the front door. Elly was blunt, "Follow me." She took them to the living room. Their eyes almost popped out of their heads when confronted with Arthur kissing Vicky on the sofa with Goo stroking Vicky's breasts. They disengaged. Arthur stood bare chested and shook their hands, "Arthur." ,

They replied, "Rory." "Dan." They were not looking at Arthur. Their eyes were firmly fixed on Goo's and Vicky's tits.

Elly was practical. "You boys eaten?" They nodded, no. "OK. I can rustle up something in the kitchen, and some beer. Vicky please join us. Goo please entertain Arthur." Goo gave a wide grin. So did Arthur. Vicky followed the rest into the kitchen and sat. On the way to the kitchen Elly indicated a closet, "Coats and caps. Ties, if you like."

Rory and Dan inhaled, in record time, the extra portions of salmon Elly had prepared, along with the uneaten salad, two beers and a large slice of the chocolate cake. They wanted the main course. They kept looking up at Elly who had come up behind Vicky who sat on a chair. Elly's kiss on the nape of Vicky's neck was accompanied by stroking and massaging her puffed up nipples.

Vicky turned her head towards Elly, and they kissed on the lips, with passion. Vicky was primed, and Elly knew it. What Elly did not know was how close to orgasm Vicky felt not from just the Elly's kisses and caresses, but also from scrutiny of the two stranger's and the lust in their eyes. The audience of two young hunks both heightened her arousal but in an undefinable way that broadened the feeling through her whole body and being.

All it took for Vicky was the two softest lips she had even encountered pressed to hers after her head had been turned forward by Dan. She orgasmed. As her seated body spasmed, the kiss was supplemented by a chocolate flavored tongue entering her mouth. The orgasm rose to another level and Vicky went rigid under the additional assault to her senses.

As she came down, Vicky thought, "From just a kiss? Oh, my."

Elly's voice intruded, looking back and forth between Dan and Rory, "Take Vicky down the corridor. She knows the way. Get naked and have a wonderful fuck. I'm going to give the good time to Arthur, with Goo, as I promised. See you fellas later. Don't forget the condoms. More condoms plus lube in the bedside drawer if you need them. One final thing. There's a green switch just inside the door. Please put it on. it freshens the air."

Vicky was swept up in Dan's arms, "Which way?" Vicky directed.

In the mirrors above her as she lay flat on her back on the bed, Vicky observed Dan and Rory stripping off. The strange viewpoint did not tell her the whole story about their bodies. She looked up and craned her neck to see Dan's buff deep mocha six pack and Rory's heavily muscled white freckled form. She slumped back and felt hands rolling her to get at her suspender belt clasp.

She watched the mirror as they pulled both stockings off her legs without undoing the clasps, along with the belt. Next she looked up to see Dan mounting the bed before her view was obscured by his eyes looking deep inside her.

He restarted the interrupted kiss from the kitchen. Vicky's almost Pavlovian response to the chocolate tongue immediately brought back her high level of arousal. She also was aware of different set of kisses marching up the inside of, first, her left thigh and then her right, alternating between the two. She opened her legs further. As the kisses reached her vulva, she felt a nudge in that area. She lifted her butt to feel her panties with the soaked panty liner being discarded.

Two tongues battled for her face and labia lip's attention. The soft lips surrounded one of the two tongues. The roughness of stubble defined the frame of the other between her thighs. She did not last long. She could no longer hold out enjoying the sensation and gave in to another orgasm. She raised her legs. As soon as her breadth returned, she pushed Dan away a little and said, "One of you fuck me properly."

The two sailors did not need any more encouragement. Dan moved to one side of Vicky's head, and advanced his cock towards her face. She found she was looking at an angry purple cock head. The reddened hole, seeping pre-cum seemed to look at her. Dan capped the monster with a condom.

A simultaneous large intrusion into her cunt split her attention. Her mouth was one thing, but the split in her vagina was physical as the girth of the advancing cock opened her wider than she had ever known before. It took her moments to relax and adjust. Two cocks pumped and pistoned her until Dan quickly spilled his load. Rory took a little longer and brought another satisfying orgasm to add to her count.

They did not relax for long. The sailors quickly had Vicky up on all fours. Dan had moved down behind her, with Rory bringing his bald pubic area forward to her head. Dan reached over and found the lube. He slathered his cock and two fingers. He pushed one slippery finger gently into Vicky's anal sphincter, followed quickly by a second.

Vicky had a knack of relaxing that made the entry easier. To Vicky, Dan felt little different than Arthur as he penetrated her rectum. Rory was another matter for Vicky. His cock was not too long, but as she had already discovered he carried a huge girth. The peppermint flavor of the condom was soon forgotten. She found she was stretching her mouth to engulf his organ. It took a few moments to get used to the intrusion.

Dan pumped, reaching forward to grab and play with Vicky's hanging breasts and nipples. Vicky figured a way to combine her licks and sucking of Rory's salami to prevent her jaw from cramping up. Before being totally caught up in the slow build to another orgasm she thought, selfishly, "So this is what a spit roast feels like. One more thing to do before these guys leave me. I must tell Mary some time."

Vicky arrived at a continuous orgasm that did not leave her for a long time as her two sailors rode their own waves of pleasure before dumping their seed into the protective latex socks.

They all lay on their backs for a while, looking at themselves silently in the mirror above them. Vicky now had an objective. She rose and started to once more give Rory a blow job to his limp penis. He quickly rose to the occasion. Dan watched them and started to get hard too. Vicky rolled another condom and mounted Rory and after some careful maneuvering. She looked over her shoulder at Dan and said, "Play it again Dan." He looked at her wide-eyed. "With Rory there?" "Back passage baby. Go for it."

Vicky was DP'ed. Vicky found the sensation strange. She felt detached as she analyzed what was going on. The sailors on the other hand found themselves as close to having a gay experience as they ever thought possible, as their two dicks rubbed together with just a thin membrane of skin and two condoms separating them. It was their turn to get off quickly in spite of two ejaculations not too much earlier. Vicky was disappointed and thought she would never do that again.

A wave of exhaustion and anticlimax caused Vicky to flop back on the bed. She needed Arthur there at that moment to simply cuddle her. As she thought of him, she knew she would have to get his full story later. They had simultaneous threesomes. How common was that?

Vicky was the first to stir. She took herself into the shower and cleaned off alone. Pulling on her cold panties, without the panty liner, she leant over and pecked both her bed companions on the lips. "Thank you, sailors. You deep dive well." She had her stockings and suspender belt scrunched up in her hand.

She suddenly noticed Elly was standing at the door wearing a robe. "Done?"

"You could say that. Well done, in fact."

"Arthur's called the Limo. Twenty minutes. He's done as well."

Elly addressed the two men on the bed, "You stay there. Goo and I will bring up some beer and sandwiches. We can get better acquainted when Vicky and Arthur have left. Snooze if you need to."

Arthur was already dressed when Vicky and Elly arrived in the living room. Goo was naked stretched out on the sofa. Vicky pulled her dress on and did up her shoes.

Arthur and Vicky's eyes finally met. They both gave a broad grin. No words were necessary.

Elly pulled Vicky around to face her and gave her a full lipped kiss. In spite of all fatigue from the orgasms and fucking Vicky still felt a shudder of pleasure run through her. Elly whispered, "Thank you for coming. I'll call you and come over to see you soon. OK?"

Vicky smiled, "OK. Alone. Make it soon." She was having trouble talking, "Can I get a glass of water?"

After they had hydrated, the Limo arrived. Arthur and Vicky silently held hands in the back of the car.

At home they stripped. Vicky went directly to bed. Arthur showered and joined her.

They cuddled. It felt so right to both of them.


"Yes. You?"

"Yes. Sleep well. We'll talk in the morning."

"Lots to tell. You?"



Vicky stretched. Rolling on her side she shook Arthur, who grunted. "Wake up sleepy head. It's nine-thirty. I need a cuddle."

Arthur rolled on his back. Vicky snuggled under his arm, with her head on his bare chest.

Speaking first, Arthur asked, "Sore?"

"Not too bad considering."

"Considering what?"

"Considering being spit roasted and DP'd. In addition to giving a blow job, receiving a regular fuck and another anal. Scatter in a few mind-blowing kisses from you and Elly. Yes. Feeling not too bad. You?"

"Well worn. Managed one blow job. Bit disconcerting with Goo scraping my cock with her teeth though. One straight fuck with my nipples being chewed, with Goo doing the chewing. And one nervous anal on Elly with Goo once more in oral mode under and working on my balls. Must say, it was memorable though. My first threesome. Was good, even if it felt like the revenge of the actuaries at times."

"I should know what actuaries do. I was going to ask last night, but it didn't seem right."

"A profession designed for math nerds. Think they have it over us accountants. Do a lot of insurance stuff. Well paid though, I must say. Back to your threesome."

"Technically that wasn't my first, I think. There was Tony and Mary. But my first with two men."

"How was being double teamed?"

"Giving a blow job whist being fucked is fun. I got off big time on that. No more DP for me. Maybe I was already worn out, but all I could do was notice the physical mechanics of the position, no added value in the pleasure department." Vicky paused and sighed as she thought about her behaviour. "I just cannot believe what we have become over such a short period of time."

Arthur suddenly felt some concern for Vicky after her reflective remark. "You Ok with it? You sound a touch ashamed." His anxious tone was apparent.

"Oh no. Don't get me wrong. Not a bit ashamed. More like liberated for myself but concerned you will start thinking me as a slut on the slippery slope to whoredom."

Arthur was relieved. That sounded positive. He was touched that her concern centered on his reaction to her behaviour. He joked, "To be whoring you have to take money, and we don't need that. If we find we need the money though, you've given me an idea."


"Seriously, if you cross any lines that I think are too far, I'll tell you straight away. I'm really cool with the way things have gone so far. I am delighted -- get that, delighted -- you feel liberated and are having a blast of pure pleasure. I'm not sure where we go from here but I'm sure possibilities will arise, and there is always Elly."

"Any ideas on what you like to do next?"

"Nothing I can think off. I've done Elly and her sister. There's Mary, but that's way down the road after I've retired. You? Any ideas?'

"How about I tackle the Air Force and the Army. Officers only." Vicky could joke too. She continued, "Being watched by those two strangers was blast for me. Maybe a bit more exhibitionism. Not sure how yet, though."

"Don't forget the Coastguards." They both laughed.

Vicky had a faraway look, "Half time show at the Superbowl? Pornhub?"

"Now you're thinking big. But, no internet. I think I draw the line there."

"Gotcha. Face to face only. Belly to belly, more like."

After a minute or so of silence as they both searched for new fantasies, Arthur asked, "Time for breakfast? I fancy pancakes."

Vicky swung her long naked legs off the bed. "You sure know how to sweet talk a girl. Give me twenty. Minutes."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Beholders_EyeBeholders_Eyeabout 1 year ago

I am with the previous commenters that it was a great story up until the Sailors. That did not ring true at all. But I loved the first three chapters.

barcomberbarcomberover 3 years ago

Sorry, hadn't finished

Leaving out the sailors I loved it. Enjoyed the lack of gutter language,nice to have well written and well edited prose, even if the odd 'your' instead of 'you're' did creep in

barcomberbarcomberover 3 years ago

A bit over the top with the two sailors. Victoria's progress from prim housewife to unpaid whore was too quick for my taste. n

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