For Love, and Money Ch. 02


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The attendants did not leave them on the floor long. They delivered Beth and her servant, to a small film stage. The film stage was isolated away from the main house. Rick and the director were talking when Beth arrived. Rick looked up and smiled when he saw Beth walk in.

Rick walked up to Beth. He took her into his embrace. He smiled broadly.

"The star is here."

Rick fondled Beth lightly as he kissed her deeply.

"I've seen the proofs from yesterdays shooting. We have a winner. You're defiantly the star of the show."

As Rick spoke to her, a beautician released Beth from her bondage. She began to brush Beth's hair.

Beth started crying. All of the night's indignities settled onto Beth at once. She embraced Rick and sobbed. Rick held her as he let her cry. Rick led her to a couch. He sat down with her.

"What's the problem? Everything is going great."

Beth spoke, with tears running down her face.

"Everything is going great for you. It's not going great for me."

Rick handed her a drink.

"Calm down. What ever the problem is, we'll fix it. Tonight the show must go on."

"That is the problem. For the last two years, all I've done is come to work, and fuck. The show, always must go on. I don't even know who I am anymore."

Beth looked at Rick, pleadingly.

"Rick, putting me in a room with someone, with a stiff whip, and a limp cock, is abuse. I like the bondage and the pain, but I can't keep this pace any longer."

Rick took her into his arms. He rocked her softly.

"We will talk about it in the morning. Right now, I'll just say you have graduated. Up until now, you have been a nameless whore. Now you're a star. If you keep turning in performances like last night, you'll never have to turn a trick ever again."

"I never have to turn a trick again, no matter how I do on stage. I don't know how much money I have, but it's a lot. I have probably made as much money this weekend, as my father makes in a year. I'll perform tonight. I really do love my job. I'll do what I do naturally. Tomorrow we'll talk. Hear me clearly right now. No matter what, I'm stepping off the fast track."

"That's okay by me. Maybe you're right. Maybe I need to get off the fast track as well."

"Slow it down. Right now. Give me some time to get ready. The show must go on. But tonight, there's no audience. The curtain can rise a little late."

"Your right. Let me know when you are ready."

Ann walked up to Beth, as Rick left. Ann was also in costume. Her costume was simple. She wore a full black skirt. The skirt reached almost to her knees. She was wearing a white blouse that was cut conservatively. Her shiny black belt, matched her shiny black shoes.

Ann wore a black leather collar. She also had a small collar on her wrist. A fine gold chain connected the collar at her throat, to the collar on her wrist.

Ann slowly turned around. She spoke with a giggle.

"They have a great costume department here."

The radical hair-do set off the costume well. Beth decided, that Ann looked like a puppy. Beth opened her arms, as Ann slipped into a close embrace. Beth went for a walk, with her puppy.

Beth held Ann, tightly as she walked around.

"I don't know what's wrong. Everything is working, better than I could hope for."

They walked for a while.

"You want a baby."

Beth stopped. She looked at Ann, intently.

"You are out of your mind."

Ann giggled.

"Yes. I am. It's simple. You and I will get married. I'll have Ricks baby for you. You can't have a baby, and be a porno star. I'll never be a porno star. I know, I want a baby. I don't want a man. I just want a man's baby."

Ann giggled, again.

"Rick wants a baby also, every man does. It will be so wonderful. I'll say; How did it go, on the set today? You'll say; It was hell. Then we'll have dinner and play with the baby. Your life does not have to be a porno movie."

Beth started laughing out loud. She spoke between peals of laughter.

"I can hardly wait to tell my mother. We'll tell her at my birthday party. We'll get thrown out, before we have to eat any of her lousy cake."

Beth spoke with great humor.

"Pee. I took you for a walk. I do not want you to be a bad puppy."

Ann smiled as she lifted her skirt and squatted down. Ann was smiling as she peed.

Beth was relaxed and ready.

"The show must go on."

Beth, returned to the studio. She surrendered herself to the beauticians. When they finished with her, she went onto the stage. The director spoke.

"Same as last night. No retakes. No script. Play it, like you did last night. Places. Quiet on the set. Go."

Beth was offstage with her maid. The living room was a period piece replica, of an old English manor house. A quite pretty woman was on the stage. She was also in a period costume. She was sitting at a table having tea, when Beth entered the set. The woman looked up. She spoke, with a sneer.

"You've been in this house only one day and you've already fucked my husband. Have you not?"

Beth lowered her head and eyes.

"Yes ma'am. Your husband is quite forceful."

The woman stood up. She walked around Beth and her maid.

"Forceful or not, I shall beat your ass. You'll learn your place in my house."

"Strip. Take off that dress. We will see what charms my husband found so tempting."

"Yes Ma'am. However, it would not be proper to be unclothed, while my maid is still dressed."

Beth pulled her maid, up to the woman. The woman had returned to her chair. Beth pushed the maid onto her knees.

"This one also fucked your husband. She was a virgin. It is most important that she be shown her place as well. She'll be the one he calls to his bed, when he returns tonight. She's wet, just thinking about it. If she's not put in her place, she will have airs about her. She must learn that she is your servant as well as mine. Shall I have her disrobe?"

The woman looked down at the kneeling maid. She inspected her for a moment then slapped her.

"You little whore. You will be my husband's bed slut, for a while. When he has lost his passion for you, I'll still be his wife. Do not forget it."

The woman looked up at Beth.

"Kneel by your maid. You must also learn your place here."

Beth knelt beside her maid with her head bowed.

"Yes ma'am."

The woman looked pleased, as she inspected the kneeling women.

"I have to accept you as an equal, socially. However, in this house I am the mistress."

The lady of the house slapped Beth.

"I am your mistress."

"The woman had an expression of satisfaction on her face when she slapped first Beth, then the maid."

She commanded the maid.

"Strip to the skin. You're a servant. We are ladies."

"Yes mistress."

The maid was crying as she stood up with her head bowed as she disrobed. When she was naked, she returned to her place on her knees before the mistress of the house. Beth spoke.

"She already has airs. I have been unable to beat the insolence out of her. I'm sure you'll succeed where I've failed."

Beth slipped her hand between the maid's legs. Beth withdrew her hand.

"She is wet with her lust for your husband. Either that, or she is in lust with your whip. Either way beat her ass. It will take the arrogant look out of her eyes."

The maid had been blushing and weeping over her nudity. Now she was sobbing.

"No ma'am. Please. I've been a good servant for my mistress. I'll be a good servant for you."

Beth jumped up. She slapped the maid. She was furious.

"How dare you correct me. I said you were a slutty arrogant maid. Did I lie to my mistress?"

The maid replied with an almost hysterical voice.

"No mistress, you did not lie. I've tried so hard to be a good servant."

Beth was glowing.

"You're a slut. You're arrogant. Are you not?"

The maid snapped.

"Yes, I am both a slut and arrogant."

The maid raised her head. She looked at Beth, coldly.

"I seem a slut to you because you're such a cold woman. That is why the master will take me to his bed tonight."

The maid looked over at the seated woman.

"I am arrogant. I have every right, to be arrogant. You are not the master's wife. You are a womb to have his babies in. That is why he will not call you to his bed tonight, even if I were not here."

Both women, looked shocked. Beth slapped her first. The mistress of the house, slapped her next. Beth grabbed the maid by the hair. She pulled her down onto the floor on her stomach. Beth screamed in fury.

"Bitch. Whore. Fucking, slut."

The woman retrieved a rope from one of the drawers. She sat on the maid's ass. She captured the maid's hands and tied them together behind her back.

She smoothed her dress as she rose to her feet. She pulled a small kneeling stool out into the center of the room.

"You will now learn. When I've finished, you'll kiss my ass. You'll lick my asshole. You'll call me mistress. You'll smile, as you do."

Beth and the mistress, knelt the maid onto the padded kneeling rail. The maid's legs were separated. They were fastened, to the bench, with leather straps. The maid was pushed forward.

The padded bench supported her torso, leaving her tits hanging free. When the maid's head was pulled up, it was the same height as the mistress's cunt.

The lady of the house retrieved a whip from the same drawer, the rope had been in. Without a word, she began to slash the maid. Her whip made precisely spaced slashes, from her shoulders to her knees. The maid was screaming and crying.

The lady of the house pulled her dress up. She was wearing no panties. She pulled the maid's face into her bare vagina, muffling her screams.

"As much as I love to hear you scream, I do not want to alarm the other servants."

The mistress glared at Beth.

"You brought this insolent slut into my room."

She slapped Beth, soundly.

"Strip to your corset. I don't want this bitch to think she is as good as you are."

Beth quickly disrobed.

"Yes ma'am."

When she had complied with the mistress' order, she knelt before her.

"Please, forgive me. She's my cousin. I've had to use her as my maid. She has caused me so much trouble. I've never been allowed to beat her. I know you must whip her and me. Please, let me beat her first. I have wanted to for so long."

Beth stood up. She approached the mistress and took her into an embrace. She kissed her deeply. Beth spoke, with a sexy smile.

"When I am done, you'll be excited. I'll kneel before you. I'll show you my loyalty to you, as the mistress of this house."

The mistress smiled, an evil smile.

"It is appropriate that you punish your maid first."

The mistress kissed Beth, with passion.

"You're right lady, it will excite me so."

The mistress, handed the whip to Beth. She retired to her chair. She sat down, grinning broadly.

Beth smiled as she approached her maid with the whip in her hand. The whip was springy and light. It was designed to bring pain, not bruises. Beth stood before her maid. She pulled her maid's head up to look down at her. Beth was standing in her corset, with her legs apart.

The silk stockings and the modern high heels were the only part of the set, that was out of place.

Beth was beautiful. She became the classic dominatrix. Beth's eyes were flashing with passion as she used her hand between her legs. Beth beat her maid with her whip, as she raised her lust with her hand. She held the maid's face up against her cunt.

"Smell your mistress. Kiss your mistress."

The maid kissed Beth's wet open vagina, as far as she could reach in her awkward position.

Beth used the whip on the maids back and ass. She walked to the mistress of the house. She knelt before her. Beth spoke with a wicked smile.

"Let me use her as your husband did last night. I'll show you what a slut she is."

Beth knelt up, and kissed her mistress.

"Then you can have the virginity, her master left intact."

Beth pushed up her mistress's skirt and began to service her with her active tongue. Beth used her mouth with passion. The mistress rose to a small satisfying orgasm into Beth's mouth. When she had relaxed for a bit, the mistress retrieved a dildo from the drawer. She handed it to Beth with a kiss.

"Yes, it does excite me. And, so do you."

Beth walked back to the maid, who was weeping quietly in her shame.

"I'm sure it'll slip right in. Her cunt knows its place better than she does."

Beth used the dildo on herself first. She held the maids head up. She smiled down at her as she masturbated with the dildo. Beth obtained a small satisfying orgasm. Beth held herself up, by leaning on the maid as she moaned and shivered.

Beth was smiling as she used the wet dildo in her maid's mouth. She walked behind her bound maid without letting go of her hair. Beth pulled her head up so that her mistress could watch her maid's face.

Beth slid the dildo easily into her maid's vagina. The maid was as excited as her mistresses were. She accepted the dildo into her open vagina. She fucked herself with the dildo. She cried out her orgasm as her new mistress masturbated in the chair.

Beth returned to kneel before her mistress. She began to use her mouth on her mistress' lush mouth. The mistress had removed her dress. She was dressed in her corset. She was also wearing modern heels, and silk stockings.

Beth used both her mouth and the dildo on the mistress of the house. Beth drew out a loud and animated orgasm. The mistress was in spasms of delight. Beth let the mistress enjoy her afterglow for only a few moments.

"Her ass is as virginal as her cunt was last night."

Beth drew her mistress into a passionate embrace. She kissed her with the same passion. Beth handed her the dildo and the whip with a smile.

"Attend to my maid. I'll wait for my beating. My cunt will be as wet as hers."

The mistress picked up a small jar of lubricant. Without a word, she greased both the dildo and the maid. The mistress pulled up the maid's head as she spoke down to her.

"I'm your mistress. Do not ever forget."

The dildo went into the maids virgin asshole, with difficulty. The maid's screams were loud. Beth picked up her discarded panties. She stuffed them into the maid's screaming mouth, holding them in place with her hand.

"We mustn't alarm the other servants."

The mistress masturbated herself as she fucked the maid's ass.

"If you ever defy me again, I'll put you to a pony for the entertainment of my staff. Have I made myself clear, bitch?"

The maid was sobbing as she screamed behind the gag. She nodded her head, vigorously. The Mistress threw the dildo aside. She then retrieved a clean dildo from the drawer, as she approached Beth. Beth was sitting back against the couch, masturbating.

Her mistress's eyes were shining with excitement as she pulled Beth onto her hands and knees.

"I'll have you now."

The mistress stood in front of Beth as she used the dildo on herself.

"I am your mistress."

The mistress used the whip on Beth as severely as she had used it on the maid. Beth began to croon aloud.

"Yes mistress. I am your servant. Take your pleasure from me. I'll serve you in your bed. Please mistress fuck me. Do not leave me like this."

The mistress fucked Beth with the dildo.

"I'll save your virginity for my bed."

"Yes mistress."

Beth rose to a blazing orgasm. Beth was not acting. The pain always brought up her lust.

Beth roused herself. She led her mistress to the chair. She took the dildo from her hand. Beth used the dildo and her mouth in her mistress' service. The mistress on occasion lifted Beth's face and slapped her. When she did, she would shudder with pleasure.

Beth brought her to orgasm. She did not let her rest. Beth was forceful with the dildo. She again brought her mistress a shuddering climax. Beth went to the maid. Beth released her. She shoved her onto her knees before her mistress.

"Clean up the mistress of this house then attend to me."

Beth pushed the maid's face into her mistress's cunt. She masturbated as she watched.

"Cut. It's a wrap. That was beautiful."

Ann ran up to Beth with sparkling eyes.

"You were wonderful. You're so beautiful."

Beth shrugged off all of the well wishing people. She went directly to Rick. Beth kissed him lightly.

"I'm staying over. I'll see you in your office in the morning."

"Great work, we'll have coffee in the office. Any time will be fine."

Beth went for a shower and some food. Afterwords she walked with Ann. Neither of them said a word. Ann would occasionally lick Beth's hand. Beth would ruffle her head as she continued to walk. Beth did not drink any alcohol as she usually did after a set. She spent the rest of the night cuddled in Ann's arms as she slept.

Beth entered Rick's office. Rick was behind a young woman who was laying face down on Rick's desk. Rick smiled over at Beth. He continued to fuck the submissive woman. Rick was just finishing his orgasm. He filled the woman's cunt with his lust, then dismounted from her as he sat back onto his office chair.

Beth could see the woman was not satisfied, although she was smiling. Rick slapped her on the ass.

"Get dressed. Go find someone to fuck. Preferably a paying customer. There are some early birds out and about, I'm sure."

The young woman smiled as she scooped up her clothes. She spoke as she left the room with her clothes in hand.

"Yes Boss."

Rick poured Beth a drink. He served it to her. Beth knew this was important. Rick usually ordered her to serve him.

"I watched the first cuts of last nights shootings. As you could see, it turned me on."

Rick threw out two magazines onto the table.

"These are the two mags we're selling in Europe. The first one is named 'The Job Interview.' You do remember your job interview, don't you? I do."

Beth blushed a little.

"Yes Rick. I remember."

"The other one is scenes of you, from the specialty houses. I have a third mag, that will be printed next month. We're still partners. You have made a lot of money on these. Your book keeper tells me, you have over a million dollars off shore. He tells me, it would cost fifty cents on the dollar to launder it. You could have half of a million dollars cash in your right now, tax free."

Rick paused. He let the knowledge, sink into Beth's mind.

"Next Thursday is your birthday. Stay home. Celebrate it with your family. They have not seen, much of you lately. We are having your twenty first birthday party here, Friday and Saturday. We are filming your first full length film. You will probably earn sixty or seventy thousand dollars over the weekend. If you turn tricks. Your services are worth a lot right now. You will make much more than that on the film. Maybe a mil the first year."

Beth was smiling broadly.

"You have become very beautiful. You photograph well. But, like your first party houses, your youth and your fame will fade fast. Besides that, very soon all you'll be able to think about will be babies. We'll make a lot of money. And, we'll make it fast. The deal is still on. We're still partners. When this wild ride is over, you will be wealthy. Your money will have been wisely, and prudently, invested. Until then, we'll have to continue working."

Beth's head was swimming. She had a hard time thinking about having a million dollars. Beth trusted Rick. He had a reputation, for being fair with his working girls. Beth decided, she wouldn't think about it. She would continue doing her job, and loving her job. First, it had been about money. Now, it was about love.

Beth smiled a sly little smile as she hugged Ann close to her. She looked at Rick with a big grin on her face.

"Let's talk about babies now."

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