For Love of a Brother Ch. 02


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She really didn't know what to expect that first day at practice. It would be held in a large gym whereby only a few players didn't have scholarships and would be trying to make the team as a "walk-on". After stretching and warming up, the team ran for ten minutes. When the running was completed, they broke off into groups and began throwing. Everyone wore identical I.U. sweat pants, softball tee shirts and hats, issued to them by the school. Serena was paired with another outfielder, a senior named Katy Trent whom she liked immediately. In fact, Serena liked everyone on the team whom she had met. Even though Katy knew Serena would be her main competition for a starting job, she still treated her great and made her feel welcome and part of the team. All of the upperclassmen had heard of the "hotshot from Ohio" as Coach Griffin had called her affectionately, and were anxious to see if she was for real.

After practice was over, a tired Serena slumped on the bench in front of her locker and waited for some strength to return so she could take a shower. Some of the girls went straight to their dorms to clean up, but Serena felt like getting it over with. She had never been through such a rigorous practice before. It was well organized and she never had a moment to rest. She figured she might be a little bit out of shape since she had to take it easy for most of the summer and fall, but she hadn't counted on such a tough practice. Coach Griffin kept an eye out for her, wary of how she would do. She had conferred with university doctors about Serena's condition and they assured her she would have no lasting effects of being a donor. Still, she worried.

The practices got easier for her as the weeks went by and she rejoiced when they went outside for the first time, even though she would have preferred it to be warmer than forty-two degrees! Still, it felt good to be playing outside and she played with abandon. She felt like she never had an operation and she was back to her old self. Eventually, after showering, one of her teammates saw her scar and soon, the whole team knew her story and marveled that she gave a kidney to her brother. She gained an enormous amount of respect from that, and soon, she fast became one of the more popular players on the team.

January came to a close and the Indiana team embarked on their first road trip of the season, a trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to play Louisiana State, Kentucky, Texas Christian, and Auburn. Throughout the practices and intra squad games, Serena have proved to Coach Griffin and her teammates that she was as good as advertised.

By the time Serena was preparing for her first collegiate game, Andy and Jenny were just beginning their first practices. To say that Andy was ready for them to start was a severe understatement. Diane and Joe had to practically tie him down to keep him from bouncing off the walls in the days before.

During the first practice, Andy was like a kid in a candy store. As much as he tried to stay under control, he was all over the place. He couldn't get enough and wanted to play more, even after the practice ended. Although he had missed a year, the coach assured him he would get a fair chance at either second base or shortstop. One look at his exuberance, plus his skills that he seemingly had not lost, told Coach Anderson all he needed to know. He actually thought Andy was quicker, more agile, and an all around better player than before his illness.

After practice was over, Andy got a case of deja vu when he saw Jenny in the lounge waiting for him. He would be taking her home after practices whenever possible so that her mom wouldn't have to make a special trip every day. He couldn't believe a whole year had gone by since they met up again. And he couldn't believe all the things that happened to him in that year, either.

"Seems like old times," he grinned as he threw his arm around her shoulder. He hugged her close and sniffed at her neck. She smelled as wonderful as always and he would never get tired of her scent. He could be in a room, blindfolded, with a dozen females and he would be able to pick her out simply by her scent. "It felt so good to be playing again." There was a bounce to his step and Jenny noticed he could hardly contain himself.

"You certainly look like you had a good day," she remarked as they stepped into the brisk February air.

"I had a great day!" he exclaimed. "I woke up, and that's always a good thing."

Jenny laughed, "I would hope so."

"I played baseball for the first time in almost a year, and now, I'm walking with my absolute best friend and driving her home. What could be better?"

"Nothing that I can think of," she replied.

"So, how was your practice?" he asked.

"It was fine, but it felt weird not having Serena there. I kept waiting for her so we could stretch and throw together until I realized she was in Indiana. But, I made it through okay."

"I know what you mean. Sometimes, I still think she's home, especially when I need to talk to her about something." Andy thought back to her Christmas break when she came home. They had a great time and he was really sorry to see her go back.

They reached his car and he let her in the passenger side. As soon as he closed the door to his side, he leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Do I have to have a reason?"

Jenny smiled shyly. "No, I guess not."

Andy sat back and pondered. There were so many things going through his mind, so many thoughts about what happened to him over the course of a year. He had come full circle and it was time to celebrate the gift given to him by his sister. He had gone from life to near death, and then back to life once more. Andy knew some people never got the second chance he did and in his private moments, he secretly prayed for those persons and all persons who were waiting for a transplant. The love he felt for his sister was never stronger and mere thanks would never be enough. Because of her, he was normal again.

Andy looked at Jenny and smiled. Because he didn't need a reason, he gave her another kiss to tell her how much he loved her and needed her in his life.

* * * * *

Epilogue: June 23, 1984

It was a warm and breezy day as the trees which surrounded the small chapel swayed easily. Andy waited in a small room to the right of the altar deep in thought. Friends and family had stopped by occasionally to wish him well and he appreciated how much they cared and it helped calm his nerves. He couldn't believe it was actually happening, that the time had come. He looked down at his ruffled shirt and black tuxedo pants in disbelief. No, she still couldn't get him to wear a white tux, never mind that it was the most important day of his life.

"No," he gently reminded her, "the most important day was when I got Serena's kidney. If that didn't happen, this wouldn't be happening." Jenny could have argued good-natured thatshe was the most important thing to happen to him in his life, but she understood. Without him receiving Serena's kidney, who knows what would have happened? No, Jenny couldn't disagree with him on that and once again, he got to wear the tux he wanted.

A lot had happened in those four-plus years. Not able to stand the thought of being separated while at college, they enrolled in one of the only schools who would give both of them athletic scholarships, the University of Dayton. Neither had distinguished careers there, but each graduated with a degree, he in accounting, and she in biology, and that was the most important thing. They would settle in Dayton as she pursued her Master's Degree and he would begin his career at the accounting firm of Scott, Epstein, and Scott. During their last year in school, they lived in an apartment off campus together and were basically husband and wife without the license. Today would remedy that, much to the satisfaction of their parents.

Serena carefully climbed the steps from the basement to the main floor, not wanting to trip on her gown. Jenny was ready when she left and she could hear the chime of the bells overhead announcing it was fifteen minutes before the hour. Serena found him in the same room where she had left him an hour or more before. They hadn't had much time to talk over the past few days and it saddened her. She hoped to make up for it before she and Sergei left to return to their home in Columbus, Indiana on Monday.

His face was in his hands and his back was facing her when she entered the small chamber. He seemed oblivious to everything going on around him as he had the door partially closed. Serena came behind him and touched his shoulder. Andy jumped and quickly turned his tear-stained face towards her.

Seeing her, he wiped away the tears and smiled. "Hey sis," he said quietly.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her hand still on his shoulder.

"I couldn't be better," he replied, still smiling. "How's Jenny doing?"

"She's radiant. I've never seen her happier."

Andy smiled even wider at the thought. He couldn't wait to see her. He looked back at his sister. "Have you ever been so happy that you think it's all a dream, that it couldn't possibly be true?"

"Yeah," she replied softly, "last year." It was less than a year since she married Sergei.

"Then, I guess you know what I'm feeling." He knew they only had a few more minutes before the ceremony was to begin, but he wanted more time alone with his sister. He owed her so much when she thought he owed her nothing. That was just her way.

"We don't have much time," he said as he stood up.

"I know," she said, her eyes starting to blur from tears. She moved forward and hugged him tight, not wanting to let him go.

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," he said, almost choking on the words from the emotions he was feeling.

Serena pulled away and looked at him. "Yes, you would," she said. "Whether it was me, or mom, or dad, you would have gotten here. I don't deserve that much credit. All of us were there for you, not just me."

"Well, that's true," he agreed, smiling as tears began to form again, "but, I'll always have a part ofyou in me and that will never change."

"And I never want it back."

They stood facing each other for a few moments. They had spent so many days and nights throughout their lives talking endlessly to each other and now, they fought to control their emotions in their silence. Andy pulled her close and hugged her again.

"Jenny's the best, isn't she?" he said, as if asking approval.

"She is," Serena agreed, "but I told her she better take care of you or I'll kick her ass!"

Andy laughed and he hugged her even tighter. "She's done a great job so far."

They heard a throat being cleared and they looked to the doorway where Sergei was standing. "If you weren't her brother, I think I would be very jealous right now." He smiled at his joke. "It's time," he announced. "Serena, Jenny says to get your butt downstairs now, and to stop trying to talk Andy out of this!"

"Okay," Serena giggled. She turned back to her brother and smiled. "I guess this is it, Andy." She took his hands in hers and squeezed them.

"Yeah, it is."

"Promise me something?" She gazed into his eyes.


"Be happy."

"I wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

Serena bit her bottom lip to keep from crying. She moved forward and kissed him lightly on his cheek. "I love you, Andy," she said, touching his face.

"I love you, too, sis." She turned to leave. "Hey, sis?" he said.


"Wish me luck."

"With Jenny, you're going to need it!" she laughed. "See you at the altar."

"See you."

Serena left the room quickly and headed back to the dressing room where Jenny and the other bridesmaid, Melissa, were getting ready. Jenny's mom and dad were there, too, each trying to keep Jenny under wraps, but she appeared to be the calmest of all of them. Andy and Sergei walked out of the room and surveyed the crowd. The chapel was full and Andy looked around to see many relatives and friends staring back at him. He saw his parents in the front row and his mom was already crying. Who could blame her? No one ever expected him to live past five years old and here he was at twenty-two getting married.

The music started and Andy steeled himself for when he would first see her come down the aisle. Melissa walked down first and Andy was amazed how much like a woman she had become. He still remembered when he first saw her, a twelve year old brat who tried her best to torment them. Now, at seventeen, she could have passed for someone much older. She smiled broadly at Andy. They touched hands briefly before she took her place on the opposite side. They had always liked each other, even in her "brat" days. Serena came down the aisle next. She, too, took Andy's hand for a second before standing next to Melissa.

No matter how hard he prepared himself, nothing could have helped him foresee the beauty who walked down the aisle between her parents. Jenny was at her absolute finest and Andy found it difficult to breathe. Despite walking slowly, they arrived in front of Andy much quicker than he anticipated. Through her veil, Andy could see her smiling brighter than ever before. He could do nothing but stare at her.

"Take care of her, son," Brad said in his thunderous, booming voice. Andy didn't know if it was a request or a threat, so he took it as both.

"Yes, sir," he replied.

Angie moved forward and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a slight imprint. She looked as young and pretty as her two daughters. After kissing their daughter, they took their seats and the ceremony began.

Andy simply could not keep his eyes off of Jenny and had a difficult time concentrating on his own wedding. Although it was a long service, it seemed to fly by and soon, it was time for the actual nuptials. Andy's voice was steady and calm as he recited his vows to love, honor and cherish Jenny for all eternity. Jenny's voice and hands trembled as she was asked to do the same. I will not cry, I will not cry, she kept saying to herself. She looked to Andy for reassurance and he smiled and nodded to her. She recited the vow as she stared into his eyes. Jenny locked onto them as she often did when they made love. It calmed her and soothed her and helped her get through it. They exchanged rings and Andy couldn't believe the joy that coursed through his body. He wished he could freeze the moment and save it so he could enjoy it anytime he wished.

They started hugging and kissing before the priest could even finish pronouncing them husband and wife. After several seconds of lip-lock, he said, "Okay, okay, that's enough." They stopped kissing to the delight and applause of their family and friends.

In Andy's mind, however, it would never be enough for him for he had not forgotten what his life was like before he received Serena's kidney. He glanced at his sister and she smiled at him as if knowing exactly what he was thinking. He would never take his new wife for granted as he had never taken Serena's kidney for granted, either. Andy knew how precious life and happiness were and he learned it the hard way. Because of her love for her brother, he would always live his life to its fullest and not look back.

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Lakelife2023Lakelife2023about 2 months ago

This was truly an awesome story. Kept me wanting to read more and more. There has never been a story like this I have read on here. I just wished we could of read more about the story before it just jumped and everyone was married or about to get married. My heart was hurting as I read and then bam it's over. The love between brother and sister who shared what they did, should of had more story behind it. I have so many thoughts about this story I'm lost to explain it. I just never wanted it to end and not end with so much left open around the story.

Wow, this has me in a whirlwind!!!

oldgraycatoldgraycat3 months ago

What a heart warming story I just did not want it to end.

Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

Love it, loved it, loved it. Truly a wonderful story of siblings love for one another.

Chinna666Chinna66610 months ago

Heart warming story. It has given me a thought of be thankful for the happy things happening in our life even if they are smaller.

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICover 1 year ago

I’m so glad I got the chance to read such a beautiful series. It was very well written, stirring ones emotions. Thank you Tony155 for the time and effort you put in to writing it.

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