For Those with Wider Boundaries Pt. 03

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Satisfying curiosities.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/15/2020
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It's late afternoon and I'm sitting outside my house having a coffee when my phone rings. Nicky.

'Hi Nicky. How's you?'

'Hello David, I'm good thank you. You?'

We exchange pleasantries for a minute or two, then. 'I hope this means I'm going to see you again soon.'

I hear the smile in her voice. 'I hope so too.' A slight hesitation. 'In fact, are you free now?'

A bit short notice but then I certainly can't think of anything else I'd rather do than Nicky. 'Sure am. And when you say now, do you'

'I can be there in twenty minutes if that's ok?'

'Perfect, see you then.'

'Err, David.' Now there's a real hesitancy in her voice.

'Yes Nicky?' I feel a surprise coming.

There's a pause while she considers how to say what she wants to say. Then she just takes the plunge and says it. 'Can I bring a friend over?.....Please.'

Now that is a surprise. And I'm really going to say no aren't I.

'Of course you can Nicky. And are you going to tell me a little bit about her, or him, or are you going to leave me guessing?'

Her relief is evident and I suspect that this 'friend' is right beside her. 'She's,' well that's one part of the mystery person solved. 'going to be a bit later than me, once she finishes work. Is that ok?'

'No problem. Ok, you can tell me a little bit more once you get here.'

'I will. I'll see you in twenty minutes then.'

'I'm on tenterhooks Nicky. See you then, bye.'

She was five minutes earlier than she'd said, but I'd still had time for a quick shower and a shave and I was back sitting outside when she pulled up.

I walked over to her car door and held it open for her.

'Hello Nicky, looking good.' And she is. Her hair is lustrous black with hints of copper and gold. Minimal make-up that highlights her grey eyes and that coral pink lipstick again. Her clothes; white tee-shirt, loose fitting blue jeans and white pumps, are a complete contrast to our last get togethers.

She grinned. 'Thank you David.'

She got out of the car and I stepped up against her, slid my hand round the back of her neck and, catching her slightly by surprise, kissed her. She moaned into my mouth and pressed her body to mine.

'Mmm, that's nice,' She whispered as our lips parted.

I, on the other hand, groaned, as I felt her cock thicken to press against my groin.

'And how's a man supposed to resist that?'

Nicky, her voice already husky, replied, 'I would have thought that a man of your advanced years and experience would have the self control to resist anything.'

I groaned again as she rubbed against me. 'Cheeky whipper snapper.' She put her hands on the back of my head and returned the kiss, forces her tongue into my mouth.

I pull away from her, a string of saliva between our lips. 'Oh god! Some things just aren't worth resisting.' My voice rasped. 'How long before my mystery guest gets here?'

'Hmmhh. About half an hour. Did you have something in mind?' She whispered.

Already pulling her towards my little seating area, I answered, 'A little resistance training. Now sit down.'

She giggled and dropped onto one of the chairs. Getting down on my knees, which I seem to do rather a lot of with this girl, I grab hold of her wide belt buckle, unfasten it and pop each of the five buttons open before wrestling her jeans down her hips. 'Fancy wearing jeans.' I grumbled.

She growled back at me. 'You're doing it again David.'

'What?' I ask, as her thick shaft comes into view and I realize that she isn't wearing any knickers.


This last just as her jeans clear her now fully rampant cock and it springs vertically into view.

I wrap my fist around it and in one, long, slow swipe I lick from her balls to the tip. Fucking glorious! No wonder so many men and women worship these things.

Pressing it back against her stomach I push my face into her jeans and suck her tiny balls into my mouth, roll them across my tongue. Then, releasing them, I again slurp my way from the base of her cock to its crown, then plunge down her shaft to bury it all the way to the back of my throat.

She groans, 'Fuuuuuck!' and pushes up against my face.

I pull back before she chokes me and take her saliva sodden shaft in my hand, wrapping my other around her swollen glans I begin to massage her.

She puts her head back and closes her eyes.

She really does have the most rampant looking cock, the bell shaped glans is swollen an angry red, the veins running the shafts length are thick with blood and the way it flares towards the base makes it look like a battering ram. It pulsates with vitality.

All the time that I've been admiring her thick shaft I've been switching between stroking, pumping and squeezing it, to fingers fluttering over her engorged glans.

I'm also continually lapping up the copious amounts of pre-cum that endlessly seep from it: horrible job, but somebody has to do it.

I'm completely engrossed but I slowly become aware that time is slipping away and that I really don't have the time to indulge myself like this; it wouldn't be a good start with the guest if she drove around the corner to find me between Nicky's thighs giving her a hand and blowjob. I lean forward and take her glans back into my mouth.

Moving up and down, my saliva lubricates her and trickles down over my hand. Then, in a much more controlled manner than before, I slide down her length until my mouth is stretched wide around its base.

I start to bob my head in her lap; just moving an inch or two, my mouth still stretched wide around her thick girth as her glans rubs against the insides of my mouth and throat and my saliva dribbles down across her balls and between her thighs.

I push a hand up under her tee-shirt: mmmm, no bra either, squeeze her breast then find the nipple and massage it between my fingers.

Her breathing gets faster, harsh at the back of her throat, as she grips the armrests and her hips begin to roll, pushing her cock deeper into my mouth. Her need starts to overtake any restraint she might have had and, what had been a gentle nudge into me quickly degenerates into short, sharp jabbing thrusts. Then a hand pressing on the back of my head signals her intent and her thrusting hips get faster and faster.

Suddenly she grunts and one particularly hard thrust sends a lump squeezing over my lip and she snarls, 'Ooohhh, David.' as a big, thick glob of spunk hits the back of my throat.

I let go of her nipple and brace myself against the back of her chair as a second glob follows the first. The urge to gag is powerful as she drives into me again and again, but I manage to swallow, then I'm fine and each spurt slides down as she milks herself into my mouth.

Finally she's done and, with a last shiver, she slumps back in her chair and I sit back allowing her cock to fall against her tee-shirt. It slowly, almost reluctantly, begins to shrink.

I cough, clear my throat. 'So much for resistance training.' I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth. 'Think you've been saving that up girl.'

She smiles weakly. 'I have. And I'm not sure who was supposed to be resisting who. Anyway, far more fun giving in.'

'Absolutely.' Standing, I ask her, 'Would you like a coffee or something?'

She holds up a bottle of water, which I hadn't seen before, and, still a little shakily, says, 'No, I'm good, thanks.'

'Ok, just give me a moment and then you can tell me about my mystery guest.' I dash into the house and swill my mouth out, wouldn't want this girl to smell Nicky on my breath. Then I rejoined her.

She's straightened her jeans and, apart from a slightly flushed face, looks as though nothing has happened.

'I really hope you don't mind this David, I'm quite nervous about it.' She glanced at her watch. 'She should be here in about ten minutes.' She took a breath. 'Ok, her name is Rose and she's just started uni, doing the same engineering degree that I did. I've actually only known her for about four months and she'd already started the course but was struggling with it, getting really stressed, missing classes, not doing the coursework. My old tutor called me and asked if I'd be her mentor. I got her into running, got her a part-time job at the café I used to work at and we meet up every now and again for chats and stuff.'

'And how's she doing?' I asked.

'Yeah, really well, the running has been good for the stress, the job is a break from the course work and gives her a bit of money, and our chats seem to help. So yeah, she's doing good.'

'So if she's just started uni then she's what, 18?' She nodded. 'And, I know I'm a sexual god,' Nicky laughed out loud and I chuckled. 'but what's this about?'

She took another deep breath. 'Ok. She sacked her boyfriend a month ago, he was a real dickhead and a totally jealous control freak. It was at my doing that she dumped him but she didn't need much persuading to be honest. She says that she doesn't miss him at all, says she's glad that he's gone, but she's really pining for the sex.' Her voice and eyebrows lift in an unspoken question.

I ignore the question. 'She's said that? That she's pining for the sex?'

'Not in so many words, but I know her. And it's the things she says; the constant innuendo, the way she looks at boys. Believe me, she is definitely pining for sex.'

Now I went back to the question. 'But 18 Nicky. She's a fraction of my age.'

She laughed. 'I'm a fraction of your age.'

I chuckled. 'But she's a bigger fraction.' I frowned. 'Or is it smaller? Oh I don't know. Anyway. You ambushed me, remember.'

She's still laughing. 'All very true, but she won't care that you're old.'

'Oh charming, thank you very much!'

'But you don't mind, do you?'

'That I'm old?'

'Nooo! About the sex.'

'Of course I 'don't mind', as long as she doesn't think I'm being a dirty old man.'

'She doesn't think that, I've told her about you and me obviously, and she knows why we're here and that this is my doing, so no, she doesn't think that. Although,' and now she looked a bit sheepish. 'I haven't actually told her your age, just that you're a lot older than me.' Now she looked a lot sheepish. 'Sorry.'

'Oh great!' I looked at her in exasperation. 'She'll definitely think I'm a dirty old man.'

At least she had the decency to look guilty, but it was too late to back out now.

And then I hear a car coming down the track. 'One last question Nicky, if she's pining for sex then why haven't you......?

She looked shocked. 'What? Nooo, I don't do girls.'

'Why ever not Nicky? You're missing half the fun.'

She looked down, thoughtful. Then looked up, suddenly not sure of herself. 'I don't know really, always thought that girls wouldn't be interested. You know, if a woman wants......that, then they'd go for a man. Anyway, I haven't......'

I interrupt her. 'But you took a risk on me and look at us.'

'I know but I tricked you didn't I.'

I thought about her answer. 'Yes you did. But it was still a risk and I didn't reject you.'

She smiled. 'No you didn't.' Her smile turned to a grimace. 'But there's plenty who have.'

'Hmmm. Fair enough.' And Rose pulled up and climbed out of her car.

I stand up and take a couple of steps towards her, smile. She's tall, as tall as Nicky, with the same slender arms and long legs: but, in Rose's case, she somehow looked gangly, sort of getting used to her height, still unsure of herself. She's wearing a black, company logoed t-shirt and a tiny black pleated miniskirt. Despite her height she looked younger than her 18 years.

'Hi Rose, lovely to meet you. I'm David.'

Nicky, still seated, gives a little wave. 'Hi Rose.'

I gesture at the chair beside Nicky. 'Come over, why don't you sit down.' God! That sounded like an interview. I felt like I should be shaking her hand.

Understandably nervous, she smiled. 'Thank you.' Her red hair is cropped into quite a ragged, almost unkempt style. She has startling green eyes, a bright white smile that illuminates her pale skin and she appears to be wearing little or no make-up. A real looker.

'Nicky was just ribbing me about my age and younger women.'

Rose's eyes flick between Nicky and me.

'She seems to think that I should seduce you.' If she knows what this is about then there's no point in beating about the bush, but let's make this about me. 'She thinks that because she and I had sex, that I have a thing for younger women.'

Nicky laughed. 'Not quite true, but near enough.'

Rose squirmed in her seat. 'Nicky told me about you but I didn't......' She paused and we looked at her a little quizzically. 'I wasn't sure if......because she......' Rose blurted, then stopped and blushed.

I look at Nicky, she is suddenly hurt and embarrassed. And I realise that I've got this wrong. I'd assumed, rightly, that Rose knew about Nicky's......attribute. I'd also assumed, wrongly, that Nicky had told her. But, unbeknownst to Nicky, Rose had found out some other way. The trouble was that Nicky hadn't known that Rose knew.

So Nicky might have told her about our relationship, but she hadn't talked about how that relationship worked. Blimey, making my head hurt.

But what it also meant was that, either Nicky really hadn't thought this through, most likely, or that she didn't plan on getting involved today.

But there was no way that Nicky wasn't going to be involved.

So I put my hand on Nicky's knee and stroked up her thigh. Rose looked down, her eyes following my hand, the edge of which unexpectedly comes up against Nicky's cock: which, despite the trauma of the last couple of minutes, is beginning to thicken. I almost laughed; once the bloody thing starts, not a lot can stop it: it must be on flippin' steroids! I slide my hand onto its length and squeeze her swelling glans through her jeans. Rose's eyes flick up to mine then back down to my hand, I can see the tip of her tongue peeping out between her lips. I slowly rub Nicky's now fully hard phallus, it's size, even through the thickness of her jeans, is evident for all to see, Nicky moans and Rose's cheeks flush red.

'Yes she is, isn't she. But that doesn't change anything, she's still a damned attractive woman.' I felt like I was lecturing a child. I tried to lighten the mood. 'Your friend,' I again glanced at Nicky, and smiled. 'seduced me, and I had some of the best sex I've ever had.' Nicky eyes are half closed, her laugh, more of a groan really, is loaded with sexual tension. I smile at Rose, try to show her that it's ok. 'But she can tell you the story of her little seduction another time, I think you'll enjoy it.'

Reluctantly taking my hand off Nicky, I was sorely tempted to unzip her jeans there and then, just to see Rose's reaction, I stand and hold out my hand to Rose. 'So let's go and see if we can satisfy all of our curiosities.'

She looks at Nicky then up at me, then takes my hand.

I turn into the house pulling Rose out of her seat as I go. I glance down at Nicky, who hasn't moved. 'Come on Nicky.' She grins, seemingly recovered from her embarrassment, and jumps up.

I lead Rose into the kitchen diner and spin her against the table. Slide my hand round the back of her neck and lean into her, ease her back until the backs of her thighs are against the table, kiss her. Her lips are soft, full, rounded, almost heart shaped and a delight to kiss. And it's a long kiss. I don't press hard or force my tongue in, I just kiss her as softly as I can, lips barely touching. I hear a noise, virtually inaudible; a moan or a whimper, but it's gone almost before it's begun.

I touch the outside of her thigh, a touch as light as my kiss. Strum my fingertips across her skin.

I break the kiss, rest my forehead on hers, my hand still on the back of her neck. Catch sight of Nicky out of the corner of my eye, she's sitting to the side, watching.

Rose's eyes are closed, her eyeballs moving around behind closed lids. I edge my fingers across to the inside of her thigh, her skin impossibly soft, stroke up, my wrist touches the hem of her skirt, keep going until, a fraction later, my thumb touches her knickers.

I hear the noise again; definitely Rose, a soft, imperceptible whimper as my fingers brush across the front of her knickers. Lifting her skirt I touch her tummy, feel a fluttering in her muscles as I ease my fingers down into her knickers.

Her mons is smooth, hairless; it's so smooth it's as though she's never had hair. Keep pushing my fingers down; the hump of her mons blends into her outer lips; a soft, rounded curve that disappears between her thighs. Touch a finger to the twin ridges of her inner lips; they're dry, a different texture, drag my finger up their length, find the pointed cowl covering her clit, gently rub my finger over it.

Her eyelashes flicker as she holds her breath.

My finger skims back down her inner lips, a dampness building until my finger begins to glide along her length. I increase the pressure and her lips part, my fingertip sinks in, feel the hard bone under the skin. I rub back up, tease under her peak, catch against her tiny clit, she twitches. I follow the valley down between her lips, reach the curve of bone, keep going and my finger plunges into her depths.

She gasps at the sudden intrusion and her hands grip the table edge.

I pause for a moment, then slowly begin to pump my finger in and out; follow the shape of her pubic bone, up across the roof of her pussy, back out. My palm is already wet, her insides sticky and clingy as her body responds to the stimulation. Push deeper and press my palm against her lips, the heel against her clit.

Massage her pussy; my finger thrusting into her, my hand kneading her lips and clit. She's getting wetter and wetter; I can feel it running down her thighs. Her breathing gets faster and I hear that noise again, like a cat mewling.

She pushes up onto her toes and presses against my forehead, then. 'Hoompffff!' A puff of air from her nose and a vibration at the back of her throat.

I slow my hand and stop, ease it from the stickiness of her body.

Step up against her and touch my lips to hers, play along her dry lips with my tongue. I love the fullness of them, the curves, the taste, they demand to be kissed. I feel them part and the tip of her tongue tentatively touches mine, I flick across it, tempt it further out, kiss and suck it.

I push against her with my chest, light pressure tips her back until she's lying on the table. Feel her lift her legs and wrap them around my back, she squeezes, presses her groin against mine.

My cock is granite hard but I'm not ready for that, not yet.

Breaking our kiss I stand upright, reach behind my back and unlock her feet, lift them onto my shoulders.

Resisting the urge to look down between her legs I watch her face as I undo the laces of her black pumps, pull them and her little socks off.

Slide my hands down her legs, pause briefly on the backs of her knees to swirl my fingertips over the deliciously soft skin, continue down the insides of her still damp thighs, they shiver at my touch as I slowly approach their junction and her knickers.

Now I look.

Her knickers are a mouth-watering piece of confection; just two small triangles of diaphanous black fabric joined at her hips and groin by thin strings: they cover everything but hide nothing. And through the front panel is the absolute picture of her beautifully smooth pussy; the bump of her mons, the twin mounds of her outer lips framing her inner lips that blend into the inverted V of her clitoral hood. Everything glistens with her secretions.

Taking hold of her knickers at her hips I pull them out from under her bum, watch as they slowly unpeel from the wet, sticky skin of her sex, slide them down and off her legs.

Taking one of her feet I press my face to its instep, lick and nuzzle it. Drag my tongue across the underside then up to her toes, one by one I suck them into my mouth, curl my tongue around each one, suck it as hard as I can, chew on it, move onto the next. Suck her big toe in and out, like a small cock fucking my mouth. Back across her instep, bite her heel, then up to her ankle and on to her calf; marvel at the constantly changing texture of her body, the subtle changes to her scent. I linger on the velvet at the back of her knee and inner thigh; the skin so delicate that there are times I almost doubt I'm even touching her. It's impossible to resist moving on but I promise myself that, given the chance, I'll return to this girl and explore her completely.